
Saying Hello to New Beginnings

"The best way to start a new chapter is by putting an end to another and having optimistic thoughts about the plan to make this chapter better than the last.❤"

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It's sad to think that I have to move, as my aunt Cath and I simply could not live together anymore. We are always either cursing at each other or just not talking to one another. It's now 6 o'clock and I'm packing my things to get ready for the moving trunk that will be here at 8:00 pm, at least that's what my Aunt Cath told me.

"Lesha!" my aunt called for me, "Are you ready?" She asked. I am wondering why is she in such a rush for me to be ready, but I suppose she just cannot wait for me to leave her by herself. Well, at least we have something in common, because I can't wait to see the new adventure that awaits me at my grandmother's house.

"Not yet, Aunty, I just need to pack up the rest of my shoes." I called back.

A few hours has passed and it's now 10:00. Everything is packed and in the truck, already parked and waiting for me to get in, yet here I am, standing in my now empty bedroom, just looking around and remembering all the happy times my family shared together. It was wonderful when my family was together, just me, my mom and my dad. Never, in a billion years, would I have thought that my parents would break up and go their separate ways. I never would have considered, not even in my wildest thoughts, that my mom would have to leave me to go work overseas, to make money to support my needs.

I turn around and look in the mirror. A sad, little sixteen year old, with curly hair and dull grey eyes looks back at me, looking nothing like the girl I once knew: a girl with a bright smile and grey eyes that shined to look silver.

I still can't believe I'm leaving my childhood home for such foolishness, but here I am, and I can't say I'm making a decision I'll regret, I just hope it will be worth it in the long run.

With that thought, I give my room one last sad glance and said goodbye to it. I turn off my lights, went out in the cold night air, say goodbye to my aunt and finally hop inside the truck that will now bring me to my new journey.

I release a sigh as I rest my head against the window of the truck. As I look out at the scenery, I heard the driver ask me, "Hey, you okay over there?" as he looks at me for a split second.

"Ahh, yes, I'm okay, I guess, just anticipating what is to come." I reply as I look over at him.

He is pretty good looking for a guy that looks to be around 45 years old, with a full head of grey hair and a strong build, that you can tell he got from doing the lifting that is needed for his job as a mover.

"Don't be nervous, I'm sure everything will work out." I hear him say. Not wanting to continue this conversation, I just nod at him and go back to watching the different trees pass us by outside as we got closer to my destination. My mind travels to my grandmother, and I think to myself that she is really strong, for after my grandpa died, she decided to stay in her house by herself, not wanting to put pressure on her children.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. "Unpacking can be a hassle but it also shows that you are filling clear shelves.❤"

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The truck stops right in front of my grandmother's peach and white colored house. I can see her sitting on her veranda through the window of the truck. She looks like she had been just waiting patiently for my arrival.

I step out of the truck slowly because it is too high for me and I really don't want the first thing my nana to see is me falling out of the truck due my clumsiness.

I walk towards to house and open the gates to the front yard. I walk up to her veranda and greet her with a big smile on my face, "Hi nana, how are you?" I say as I lean in for a hug. She pats my back before releasing me from the hug.

"Let's go inside, dear, so we can show the mover where to put your things." she said warmly, as she takes hold of my hands and leads me inside.

A few hours has passed and all my things are in the room that my nana cleared out for me. After putting down my last box and receiving a nice little tip from my grandmother, the mover left. My grandmother gives me a quick house tour, sharing anecdotes and what she had been doing recently.

I can see the excitement and the exhaustion in my grandma's eyes, so I turn and hug her, saying, "I'm glad that I'm here with you now, nana," to which she responds with a smile.

I smile back at her. "We should stop unpacking my clothes for the night so that we can sleep, I'll finish tomorrow." I say, and she nods in agreement. We both sigh before we went our separate ways to our bedrooms.

I open the door to my new room just to be overwhelmed by the clutter and mess of my boxes and suitcases. I heave another sigh as I take out my phone and send a quick text to both my parents, letting them know I'm safely at nana's place.

I put my phone to charge before jumping on my un-spread bed head first, thinking about everything that happened today. I can't believe I had to move from my childhood home just to get away from my aunt. Just thinking about it makes me sad and want to cry, but our relationship is a lot better when we don't live together. I stop myself before my thoughts could get any darker and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Your opinion is always welcomed !

Shammiecreators' thoughts