
Otsutsuki that levels up solo

reborn in solo levelling with some fun genes and a system guide. I do not own I level up solo and naruto.

Daoist798773 · Võ hiệp
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4 Chs


My name is Han chun-woo, an orphan. it had been years since I was reborn in this world. a caucasian looking teenager with well built. black hair and shiny blue eyes. I looked more like a black haired version of modern day Sesshomaru.

Yesterday the attack of kamish ended. From this I could atleast decipher I had some years to act, probably 6-7 to get strong enough to battle monarchs and then to defeat the rulers and to know the key to leave this verse. In the end this was a world meant to be ruled by jin woo, not that I care about it. But my end goal remains the same.. to know who those almighty beings were, to stand at the same pedestal. to hold my destiny in my hand.

[Ding... system alert]

seems like what that being provided me was nothing else but the power of gamer.











[ Welcome host, I am the system made from your soul and the energy of the multiverse by an Almight to help you in your journey]

A Gold template box similar to sung jin woos template read in front of me. To think that being would provide me with a system similar to isekai stories.But to what cause would this serve them, and why would I be the carrier of this power, why would I transmigrate..

A lot of questions and no answers,

Not only does this template read that it has been made from my soul, but I can also feel it. The sensation of Attachment , as if looking at a part of my own self. Providing my destiny and fate to the hands of a being I can not even comprehend does not seem to be a very idea, but with the strength I have, in fact even if I become strong enough to be on an universal scale, I doubt I could do any thing.

So for now I should be using this latch of power, afterall man can do anything if he lives.

[System tutorials....

start -yes/skip]

start the tutorials.

[ System has the following basic features:-

•Power Bestowal

•Status Recovery

•Instant Dungeons

•System Quests

•Multiverse Store

•Unlimited Inventory

•System Rewards

• Annual Draw from Multiverse]

Overall the system was similar to sung jin woos, having the abilities to open dungeons, provide with quests, inventory, power, rewards.. but there were two major differences.

Annual Multiversal draw and multiverse store. with even the little anime knowledge I had I knew this would be a game changer.

"System do you have a starter pack? "

[ the host can select starter template after the Annual draw]

"okay, let us start then..

start the draw"

[" Ding..

Activating the multiversal draw "]

I was amazed to see what was happening, the pannel expanded becoming as large as a whole complex, quickly Anime, manga, movie, game characters started filling the template. The pannel started moving. let us see what we shall get then.

[ Ding..

panel naruto selected as the template for extraction

to support the host and due to his luck otsutsuki genes have been extracted. Please select the character genetic template the host wishes to use as a starter.

• Isshiki otsutsuki

• kaguya otsutsuki

• Hagoromo otsutsuki

• Hamura otsutsuki

• Indra otsutsuki

• Asura otsutsuki

• Toneri otsutsuki

• Madara uchiha

• Hashirama senju

• Naruto uzumaki

• Sasuke uchiha]

Okay not something I expected, to get a draw from the show Naruto. It was an amazing show , one of my favourite.

The otsutsuki are a breed of planet eaters or so I remember, but were they strong enough to deal with rulers and monarch, and even if they were, would they be able to fight that almighty being..


they simply can not.

but there definitely is a profit here, this is a mere annual draw, I can buy naruto verse jutsu and weapons through the store and the basic template will provide me with all the memories and skills of that character, none the less it would be beneficial.

Now the question arises which template I should choose..

There is no doubt that overall the strongest amongst them was Kaguya, but she lacked the skill. I have already extracted otsutsuki gene, what I need now is a fierce mindset and fighting prowess, she would be no good for that, I can get her skills later let's look at other options.

Momoshiki, Isshiki were strong, but were definitely not as good as kaguya. Hagoromo I doubt he even knew ho to properly fight with all the philosophy he used to bestow.

For system to give Indra and Asura in different option from their reincarnation really speaks a lot.

Amongst all the rest the highest power achieved was that by Madara, though he lost in the end. I think it has more to do with the world's will and the betrayal by black zetsu.

Naruto and sasuke were no match for madara, he was definitely a six path being.. though even he was no match for kaguya in the amount of chakra she had..

still if it is battle experience and skill I would love to have his template..

"System, provide me with Madara's template"

[ Extracting character Madara uchiha



and so the headache started


I saw his whole life, it was as if I was madara and he was me.. I could feel his strength, I have all his memories and all of his skills..

But for sure I was not Madara, I had his memories but not his strength,I need to grow.

But for sure... I would be more than him

I had the ability to grow, to grow stronger than him. Not only did I get the otsutsuki gene but I also have the system.

"system show me the store"

[ opening...











further investigating the system I understood it has powers from all different worlds but needs soul energy to activate.

In simple words the more I kill the more I earn and the more I buy.

A good trade, at least for this world that does not shy away from supplying the monsters.

[ Ding

Quest alert... daily task.




well... it is time to grind..