
Otherworldly INHUMAN

Xander is a hardworking student from Earth with an idyllic life. But after his soul is transported to a magic world filled with paranormal things, he begins to hear a voice in his head. At first, he dismisses it as a figment of his imagination, but soon realizes it's his alter ego, urging him to embrace evil. Xander resists at first, struggling to cling to his good nature, but his alter ego's influence slowly takes hold. As he spirals into darkness, Xander become a villain who sees no point in being good and instead decides to burn the world that stands in his way. The novel follows Xander's journey as he battles with his alter ego's control and confronts the darkness within himself. Will he be able to overcome the evil that has taken hold of him, or will he succumb to his alter ego's desires and become a force of destruction and chaos?

Vincent_Nightshade · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

The Voice in the Shadows

As Xander watched he couldn't help but think, "These boys are dressed in fine clothing, clearly indicating their high social status. Each of them bears the crest of their respective noble family, who holds significant power and influence in the city." Xander recognized the insignias as belonging to the Silverthorn, Rivencrest, and Blackwood families, each a formidable force in its own right. "How could the old Xander have the guts to mess with them..."

"Don't you dare speak to my young master like that! Leave now or I will call the guards!" Emily's stern words shifted the expressions on the boys' faces.

"Oh, look at that! The maid is speaking up!" the leader of the group sneered. "You may be protecting him now, but just you wait. We'll catch him when you're not around."

Xander, unable to contain his anger any longer, interjected, "You have no right to threaten anyone like that. You should be ashamed of yourselves."

The second boy narrowed his eyes and stepped closer to Xander. "Do you even know who we are? We're from the Silverthorn, Rivencrest, and Blackwood families. It would be unwise to cross us."

Xander scoffed. "I am well aware of who you are, but that doesn't give you the right to harass others. My family, the Grandstars, will not stand for such behavior."In his mind, Xander named the boys: Aiden Silverthorn, Callum Rivencrest, and Lysander Blackwood. Their families wielded considerable influence, but so did his own.

The third boy laughed. "Oh, really? You think you can take us on? Your family might be powerful, but the combined strength of our families would make for a formidable opponent. It would be a shame if this escalated into a larger conflict, wouldn't it?"

Xander clenched his fists, knowing that the boy was right. As much as he wanted to defend his honor, he couldn't risk inciting a war between the noble families. "This isn't over," he muttered through gritted teeth.

The leader smirked. "We'll be looking forward to it. Just remember: you're the one who started this."

"They're no ordinary troublemakers," Xander mused inwardly. "If I were to retaliate against them, it would not only bring dishonor upon my own family, but it could also escalate into a conflict involving the three powerful houses combined. Though my family, the Grandstars, are a force to be reckoned with, taking on the combined might of the Silverthorns, Rivencrests, and Blackwoods would be a dangerous game."

Xander's gaze turned sharp and cold as he observed the boys disappearing into the distance. "How dare they insult me like that?" he thought. "As a member of the esteemed Grandstar family, I've always been treated with respect and reverence. No one has ever dared to address me with such blatant disrespect before. This incident has left a bitter taste in my mouth."

As Xander grappled with his thoughts, he wondered, "How can people be so cruel, especially to someone they don't even know? It's a side of humanity that I've never truly encountered before, and it both saddens and infuriates me." A part of him wanted to confront the boys and teach them a lesson, but another part of him realized the potential consequences that could arise from such actions

Time seemed to stop for Xander.

As Xander's anger boiled over, a deep, sinister voice whispered in his ear, "Yes, let the hatred consume you. Let it fuel your every action. Show them who holds the true power in this world."

Xander's eyes widened as he looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. But there was no one around him except for Emily, who was watching him with concern.

The voice continued, "They are beneath you, Xander. Their lives mean nothing. But yours... yours is a precious gift, one that should be wielded with great power and determination. Use it to crush those who stand in your way."

Xander felt a shiver run down his spine as he realized the true nature of the voice. It was dark, ominous, and filled with a hunger for destruction.

"You have the power to bring kingdoms to their knees, Xander. All you need is the courage to seize it. Embrace your true potential and let the world tremble at your feet."

Xander closed his eyes and tried to block out the voice, but it was relentless, whispering to him in a seductive tone that sent chills down his spine.

"Come, Xander. Join me in the darkness. Embrace the power of the shadows and become the ruler you were meant to be. Together, we will reshape this world in our image."

Xander shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the voice's influence. He knew that it was evil, that it wanted to control him and turn him into a monster.

"No... I won't listen to you. I won't let you control me," Xander muttered under his breath, clenching his fists.

The voice laughed, a low, menacing sound that echoed through his mind. "You can't resist me forever, Xander. I will always be here, waiting for you to embrace your true destiny."

"Those lowly people should all die!"

"Die! HA-HA-HA!"

With a final, mocking laugh, the voice faded away, leaving Xander feeling drained and confused.

"What's wrong, young master?" Emily asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Xander opened his eyes and looked at her, his expression troubled. "Nothing... I'm fine. Let's just finish our business here and go home." But deep down, he knew that he had to be careful. The voice was still out there, waiting for him to falter, to give in to its temptations. And he wasn't sure if he had the strength to resist it forever.

He knew deep down that if they didn't like him, there was no point in him liking them either.

As they entered the store, Xander noticed the vast array of items on the shelves, from books and clothes to basic weapons and daily use items.

"In a place like this, some things can be overlooked, and the precious could be missed. Maybe I'll be lucky today..."

"Welcome to my store! What can I help you with, dear customer?" The shopkeeper greeted them.

"I'd like to buy a cane. Bring the best ones to the counter. I'll come after I've looked through these books first," Xander said, pointing at the corner shelf.

"As you wish."

The shopkeeper left to select the best canes for them, having noticed the Grandstar insignia on Xander's clothes.

Xander scanned the shelf of books, knowing that most of them could be found at the local library for a steep fee. He carefully picked through the books, reading at least five pages of the ones that piqued his interest.

In the end, he selected four books, two of which had no titles on the cover and appeared to be ordinary books. The other two were titled "Resources and Landform" and "Magical Botany."

"These four will do. The rest are useless to me. With the first book, I can learn more about the surrounding area, and the other has something to do with magic but uses plants," Xander thought.

He headed to the counter with Emily, who had been browsing through the clothes. "I'm finished," Xander said, and she picked up the books he had selected.

"Be careful. They're quite heavy. We should have brought some guards with us," Emily cautioned.

"Next time, I will," Xander replied. The family usually didn't bring guards with them as their house was so close to the city, and the Grandstar and Stein families had many businesses in the area.

"I'll take these four books," Xander said to the shopkeeper, who nodded and gestured towards the canes on the counter.

Xander examined the first cane, which was made mostly of gold and had a dragon's head carved on top. It even had small wings on the sides.

The second cane appeared to be an ordinary branch and didn't emit any magic, but the shopkeeper claimed it was once a staff belonging to a mage who had passed away.

"If a mage used it, then it surely is sturdier than the one I have now... I'll take it!" Xander decided.

"Elena, handle the payment. I'll wait outside," he said before stepping out of the store.

As Xander walked out of the store with his new cane, the shopkeeper couldn't help but think to himself, "What a foolish young master. Falling for my words and buying that useless staff for a high price. He really is just a naive kid." However, he kept those thoughts to himself and instead smiled and waved goodbye as Xander and Emily left the store. Little did he know, Xander had a plan of his own for the so-called "useless staff", and the shopkeeper's condescending thoughts would soon prove to be a big mistake.

As Xander and Elena roamed the bustling free market of Seaville, the air was filled with the lively chatter of vendors and customers haggling over prices. The salty scent of the sea mingled with the aroma of exotic spices and freshly cooked seafood, enticing the senses of all who passed through.

Xander's eyes scanned the various stalls, searching for any books about magic. Despite his intense curiosity and eagerness to learn more, the young master had yet to find any useful materials on the subject.

Elena noticed Xander's disappointment and asked, "Young master, what are we even looking for?"

Xander replied, "I'm trying to find books or information about magic, but it seems like they're difficult to come by. I'm hoping to gain a deeper understanding of it."

Elena nodded, sympathizing with her young master's plight. "Magic is indeed a rare and precious knowledge, so it's not surprising that it's hard to find. However, we should not lose hope. Perhaps we'll stumble upon something valuable eventually."

With determination in their eyes, Xander and Elena continued to explore the market, visiting various stalls and inquiring about any books or items related to magic. As the day wore on, their luck finally seemed to change when they encountered a mysterious old man who claimed to possess a book on magical arts.

"I overheard your conversation, young man. If you're truly interested in learning about magic, I have a book that might be of interest to you," the old man said, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Xander's eyes lit up at the prospect of acquiring a genuine book on magic. "Really? May I take a look at it?"

The old man nodded and reached into his tattered bag, carefully pulling out an ancient-looking tome. The cover was worn and faded, but Xander could just make out the title: "Arcane Secrets: A Treatise on the Mystical Arts."

As Xander eagerly flipped through the pages, he found that the book contained detailed information on various magical spells and rituals, as well as theories on the nature of magic itself. However, he also noticed that several pages were missing, leaving him curious about the lost content.

"This is exactly what I've been searching for!" Xander exclaimed, his excitement causing him to overlook the missing pages. "How much do you want for it?"

The old man stroked his beard thoughtfully. "For you, young man, I'll accept a fair price of 50 gold coins."

Xander didn't hesitate, handing over the money and securing the book. As they walked away, Elena couldn't help but feel a mixture of pride and concern for her young master. Xander's quest for knowledge had led him to an invaluable treasure.

As they returned home with their new acquisitions, Xander couldn't shake the feeling that the mysterious voice was still lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He vowed to remain vigilant, determined to resist its allure and focus on his studies.

Unbeknownst to Xander, the book he had acquired contained knowledge of dark magic, hidden within the seemingly innocent pages.