
Otherworldly INHUMAN

Xander is a hardworking student from Earth with an idyllic life. But after his soul is transported to a magic world filled with paranormal things, he begins to hear a voice in his head. At first, he dismisses it as a figment of his imagination, but soon realizes it's his alter ego, urging him to embrace evil. Xander resists at first, struggling to cling to his good nature, but his alter ego's influence slowly takes hold. As he spirals into darkness, Xander become a villain who sees no point in being good and instead decides to burn the world that stands in his way. The novel follows Xander's journey as he battles with his alter ego's control and confronts the darkness within himself. Will he be able to overcome the evil that has taken hold of him, or will he succumb to his alter ego's desires and become a force of destruction and chaos?

Vincent_Nightshade · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

The Allure of Forbidden Knowledge

Xander's curiosity about the book he had bought for 50 gold pieces grew stronger by the day. Upon examining the mysterious book more closely, he discovered that several pages were glued together, concealing hidden knowledge. Carefully, he separated the pages, revealing the dark secrets they held – the forbidden art of blood magic.

Intrigued by this discovery, Xander read on, learning that blood magic was a powerful and often feared form of magic. It had been outlawed in many regions due to its dangerous and unpredictable nature, but Xander couldn't help but wonder if mastering this ancient art might be the key to earning his family's respect.

Over the next few weeks, Xander devoted himself to researching blood magic. He practiced the spells and rituals he discovered, pushing himself to the limits of his magical abilities. As he grew more adept at wielding this dark power, he began to notice changes within himself. His confidence increased, but so did his desire for power and control.

His alter ego took notice of these changes and began to whisper dark thoughts in Xander's mind. "You are becoming more powerful, Xander. This is the path to greatness. Embrace the darkness and achieve what no other wizard has dared to."

Within the cave, Xander began his detailed experiments with blood magic. He started by practicing the spells on inanimate objects, but soon realized that he needed living creatures to truly harness the power of blood magic. Reluctantly, he captured small animals, such as rodents and birds, and used them as test subjects. He noticed that with each successful experiment, the power of his spells increased, and his control over blood magic grew stronger.

As Xander's proficiency in blood magic grew, his alter ego became more influential, urging him to take greater risks and push the boundaries of his newfound abilities. "You must test the limits of your power, Xander. Only then can you achieve true mastery over blood magic. The world will bow before your might."

Despite the dark path he was following, Xander couldn't ignore the allure of blood magic. He found himself becoming more obsessed, spending every waking moment in the cave, furthering his experiments and refining his skills.

One day, while practicing a particularly difficult spell, Xander accidentally injured himself, drawing blood. The sight and scent of his own blood triggered an overwhelming surge of power within him, unlike anything he had ever experienced. The voice of his alter ego echoed in his mind, triumphant and vindictive. "Yes, Xander. This is the true potential of blood magic. Embrace it, and you will become unstoppable."

As the weeks passed, Xander's experiments became more complex and dangerous. He began to feel increasingly isolated, consumed by his obsession with blood magic and the whispers of his alter ego. As his power grew, so did his ambition, and he started to question whether he would ever be able to turn back from the path he had chosen.

In the darkest corner of his mind, Xander knew that he was playing with fire. The seductive power of blood magic was consuming him, and the line between himself and his alter ego was becoming blurred. He couldn't help but wonder if he had gone too far, and if there was any hope of redemption. With each passing day, the struggle to resist the darkness grew more difficult, and Xander found himself caught in a battle for his very soul.

But deep down, a flicker of hope still remained. Xander knew that if he could find the strength to resist the temptations of blood magic and the insidious voice of his alter ego, he might still have a chance to save himself – and perhaps, in doing so, he would finally earn the respect.