
Otherworldly Gunsmith

Anthony, he is a gunsmith who has dived the firearms world for more than 20 Years. He has expertized so many kind of firearms from different types and era, and even modern heavy artillery. Unfortunately, when he starting work at his company "Gun&Smith.co", he must face his fate to be killed in action by rebels who want to occupied the factory. After that, he got called by a god for his last deed. He reincarnated to another world! Unfortunately, instead get pleasure life like he wish from previous life, he must facing another chaos that will come in the future. This is story about a gunsmith who've deal with so many chaos from his previous life, must facing again the chaos in his next life. - Note : This is my first book, probably there are still so many mistakes on my writing skill. Any suggestion always I appreciate and really helped me a lot. Hope you can enjoy this novel. Thanks Illustrator Cover : night.brush https://www.instagram.com/night.brush/

Lightwood_Light · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Born of White Reaper

I realized that they think they keep controlled me, I smirked a chance for counter attack.



Suddenly disappear from everyone view, and that made everyone surprised.

"Time for serious" I thought after stay away from them.

I move away around 50 meters from that village square, on the rooftop, where I have a high advantages.

Pull out my martini-henry, and also a belt with a pouch that fill with a bullet .577/450.

Using my martini-henry, I Pull down the lever and the breech opened, fill with a fresh bullet and pull back the lever. I take aim from up here.

I see they still panicked, even I can see Viktor feel their life threatened.

"Fuhh… Sayonara" I let out my breath and whispered while aimed at Vaugh body. With my blessing status improved immensely huge from before. I could aim perfectly as I can figure out my trajectory.


I pulled the trigger and a hot tin quickly toward Vaugh. He couldn't react anything, only feel he blown away suddenly with a huge hole on his belly and then fall unconscious. He even didn't realize that it is even keep continue until all his limbs scattered.

"Whoa… with this huge power from Qaruer and Exthar, could this rifle keep endure this power now?" I thought after feel tremendous power come from the rifle.

I get rid that thought, I need to keep focus on this fight.

They dumbfounded for a while after heard the loud bang and Vaugh body who flied and scattered away, and then Viktor realize it should be from me.

"Attack that b*tch?!" Viktor shouted after seen me at the rooftop.

I keep reloading again and shoot at bandits who try to come closer.


I keep repeated shoot at them one by one, I feel that I could reload and aim quickly than before, I think this is due to high blessing status that received.

They keep approaching and I repeatedly shoot them. Until they feel fear for death, they decide to take cover on something near them.

Some of them take cover on tree, barrel that lying around them, or even a solid object like wall that could cover them from me.


I keep shoot at them even though they covered by solid object, even a wall could penetrated by my power this time.

Thinking if keep take cover they still dead, then some of them try to escape and some of them keep trying with flank me from behind.

Unfortunately, I've [Magic Sonar] I can feel detect where are they precisely.

I only turn back and aim to a empty space, I could feel some bandits will pass through there.

Just as I said, there are one bandits appear from there, he surprised that my rifle has aimed to him.


He fall down after got hit from me.

That's the last bandit, I guess other bandits decide to retreat and escape.

"Just come out, I knew you there?!" I shouted, my voice sound heavy, keep like I'm still possessed by someone.

It's still empty, there aren't any bandit left, but I'm still sure that Viktor and Auron still in here.

I decided to take aim, I aimed on a one of village house.

"One?!" I shouted, but they keep hiding there.

"Two?!" They start thinking if I knew their position, but they don't want to peek on me.

"THREE?!" I shouted loudly and then pull the trigger.


My bullet pierced to the wall, but unfortunately it's got distortion and resulted hit Viktor right thigh.


A male voice shouted in pain, even it's could pierced a village wall that quite thick. The bullet impact still huge and could give a painful wound.

I reloaded again and this time and ready to take a fire, but suddenly Auron pull something and tear it up.

Then suddenly a magic circle appear above them. I realize they try escape using a magic scroll, I quickly take a shot.


Unfortunately, it just go through them, and they vanish from that building.

After a while, the atmosphere become silent, only me who still stand solidly amongst the dead body.

With my body who still feel a tremendous power surge inside my body. My body emit a dark red aura and my hair as if float, and my face still tainted by the liquid.

"I-ivy…?" A voice called my name.

I turn around and see my father who force himself to stand up and aproaching me.

My body that stiff still on ready to fire stance become relaxed gradually.

Until I can stand upright with lower my rifle. My power that surged before become decrease.

My hair that floated before has drop and change the color become white. Also the aura who emitted from me faded slowly.

Feel lost my power, my body become limp and both my knee knelling on the ground.

I dropped my rifle, and then father rush up to me. Then, he hug me tightly.

"I'm sorry Ivy… I'm sorry…" He said quietly with holding his tear.

I can't hold my consciousness, only could let my eyes closed and then my consciousness fade away.


"Where am I" I though after a while, I realize I'm at a black room where aren't any light come.

I see my surrounding, I'm not see anything that approach me or even I fall down into something. Just floating around with unclear direction.

"Why you let her attack those bad guy?!" I heard a voice angrily to someone, it's look like mother voice.

"I don't know, I fall unconscious and then realize that she is paralyzed by them?!" My father shouted.

"You should-?!" My mother voice suddenly become cut off, and everything become silent again.

"Argh?! Those bitch?! I'll make sure she deserve the most painful torture ?! Arghh?!" Another voice shouted again, this time, it's different voice from before.

"Calm down?! You've lost Vaugh and even you're nearly with death… we're luckily could escape using scroll of teleportation.

"I know?! But how she could become so powerful that before?! She even knew our position even though we concealed our body with mana?!" That voice shouted again.

"Is it what happen when I fall unconscious, I guess it'll take for a while before I could wake up" I thought, then I just wait and let my body floating around again.


Meanwhile after Alivia fall unconscious again.

"…Sorry…" Robert keep repeat apologizing to Alivia and keep hug her body.

He feel guilty couldn't help Alivia. He did as he could to protect the village but unfortunately, one of arrow hit him and it turns out a paralyzing arrow and he knocked out by some bandit.

It has 30 minutes since Robert hugging Alivia, while other villager search for their family or search for their valuables things that left by bandits, or more precisely there aren't any goods that they successfully stole.

"Robert… please hold on yourself… she did whatever she could for protect us… she deserve a title hero" Village Chief tried to relieve Robert.

"Am I deserve to be called a father?" Robert asked, he feel guilty couldn't protect his precious family.

"Calm down Robert, I knew your responsible for your family, but please… let your daughter rest… she fall asleep after release all what she has" Village chief keep tried.

"Robert? Alivia…" Someone said trembled, it's Alivia's mother. She quickly approach Robert, then look at Aliva at her face who still unconscious. She realize that her daughter has changed.

"Robert… What happen to Alivia? Don't say that…" Alivia mother shocked.

"Yes… Viktor tried to pour [Vial of Qaruer's Blood] to me but Ivy decide to offend him, resulting she got caught and the one who poured" Robert said.

"…." Alivia couldn't speak up anything, she only join to hug her. The atmosphere become so sadden.

While Robert's family grieved for one of their family, the princess look from afar. She take a rest in the village square.

She look to surrounding and realize if Alivia not take a fight on bandits, probably She'll become a slave.

Then she seen another kids who also sit down, all of them is the kids who receive a scholar to Academy, most of them Alivia's friends.

"Your name is Zack right?" Alivia asked to Zack, who still sit down after through this horrific moment.

"Y-Yes your highness…" Zack who passed out look at Alivia's family suddenly jump out after heard the princess voice.

"Just called me Lume, Do you know about Alivia?" The princess asked to Zack.

"Yes… She is our precious friend, she always take a step forward when there are a threat come, always make something new with us, our irreplaceable friend" Zack said, with a little smile on his face, he tried to remember some funny times with Alivia.

Look at Zack face, the princess couldn't ask anything unless also make a little smile, knowing that Alivia is precious person by his friend.

That night, probably become a sorrowful night, but in future this night become famed. not fame because this horrible event, but famed for born of "White Reaper".

Lightwood here, I'm sorry for lateness release this chapter guy, I must admit that I've some work to do, not a task from colleger honestly, but I need to read more book again for my research and about narratology to improve my writing skill, I'm sorry for this inconvenience, probably I'll release again about two chapters per week.

Thanks for reading and have a nice days!

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