
Otherworldly Gunsmith

Anthony, he is a gunsmith who has dived the firearms world for more than 20 Years. He has expertized so many kind of firearms from different types and era, and even modern heavy artillery. Unfortunately, when he starting work at his company "Gun&Smith.co", he must face his fate to be killed in action by rebels who want to occupied the factory. After that, he got called by a god for his last deed. He reincarnated to another world! Unfortunately, instead get pleasure life like he wish from previous life, he must facing another chaos that will come in the future. This is story about a gunsmith who've deal with so many chaos from his previous life, must facing again the chaos in his next life. - Note : This is my first book, probably there are still so many mistakes on my writing skill. Any suggestion always I appreciate and really helped me a lot. Hope you can enjoy this novel. Thanks Illustrator Cover : night.brush https://www.instagram.com/night.brush/

Lightwood_Light · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Another Run Test

"Alright, this should be enough," I said, looking at all the bullets on the table. Rechecking everything before I put it in my pouches.

There is ammo that I've prepared, with 20 bullets .577/450, 40 bullets 12 gauge buckshot, 40 bullets 12 gauge slug, and 40 bullets .375. Also, I'll bring my Mauser M30 today, even though I put the other two inside my magic storage.

I wore all the equipment after checking and putting all types of ammo inside the different pouches. Like 2 pouches filled with 12 gauge wrapped around my chest and on my belt, there are two ammo pouches on the right side, a short sword on the left side, 2 small potions on the back side, and one rifle on my right shoulder.

"Mom, I'll go out for hunting, probably before sunset I'll come to village," I shouted to my mom, who cleaning the tools in the kitchen.

Heard about what I said, then my mother hurried up to run and watch me has ready with full equipment.

She only smiled softly, then came closer to me, kneeling and grabbing my shoulder gently.

Looked at me for a little while and said, "My precious daughter has grown up," while touching my cheek.

"Alright, be careful out there, I know you could take care monster but don't force yourself to much alright?" My mom asked me, still keeping her smile and touching my cheek.

"Alright, don't worry I don't go far from village," I answered.

Then I leave my house and wave back my hand to the house.

Why was my mother's reaction like this? Because this is my first time going hunting because it'll be my first time for a solo hunt. Usually, kids around my age should be accompanied by an adult, and even it is rarer for a kid that wants to hunt with an adult. Still, because my case is rare like I could take care of 4 orcs or 10 goblins at once, I got permission to do solo hunting.

I passed some villagers, they greeted me, and even some asked about the rifle I had bought. Because rifle is still uncommon in this world, I just called them an "Iron rod weapon" and told them I'd go out hunting around the village.

I arrived at the gate. I saw my father standing on his task guarding the village, so I greeted him.

"Father!" I yelled while waving my hand.

My father turned around to me, Surprised by me, who had full equipment and an 'iron rod' on my shoulder.

"Are you will go outside?" My father asked me with a face full of questions.

"Yes, I'll go outside for hunting today probably before sunset I'll come," I answered.

"With that rod?" With a confused face, my father asked again.

"Yep," I answered shortly.

"Sigh… alright, I don't know what you've planned, but if that thing who make guardians quite shocked yesterday, hope it can powerful enough to kill and be careful out there," My father answered while pointing at my rifle.

"Alright, don't worry," I answered with a smile. Then I leave the post guard while also waving back to Father. Then I walk to the east forest from the village. The forest is filled with low-tier monsters, like goblins or wolves, even though there are some possibilities you'll face another middle-tier monster like an orc or giant boar.

After I walked away for a few minutes, I couldn't see the village view anymore, only plain ground before coming to the east forest.

Looking around while keeping on track to the east forest, I saw a shallow river from the mountains, passing our village and heading downstream.

When I arrived at the forest, I unstrapped the rifle and chanted [Detection] magic, scanning the area for 2 kilometers around me, looking for prey to hunt. I walk deeper into the forest while activating my [Detection] magic and finally find some monster.

"I think it is a goblin?" I murmured, looking at the [Detection] that showed on my hand. There are 10 small dots; some goblins probably move in groups if I measure the size.

It's decided then; I come to that place. Fortunately, this forest isn't quite dense enough, so I could shoot from 10 - 40 meters using a .375 caliber.

I arrived at the last place where the goblin was spotted on my radar, and I could see the goblin still in the same place as before. Then I chant [Hawkeye] and carefully scout them from 30 meters.

I could get a clearer vision using [Hawkeye]; I could see them butcher their prey, two deers laid down on the ground without any sign of still alive.

Alright, I reload the rifle with slug shells and .375 caliber. Slide the selector forward to set it to the forward trigger (change the barrel for .375 caliber).

Then, I take sit stance and aim at the goblin; I'll start with the nearest goblin. Aiming at the head, then pulling the trigger.


The bullet flew away quickly to the goblin, hitting right in the goblin's head without giving time to react, and his head cracked immediately after receiving a hit.

Another goblin quickly turned around at their comrade, who fell without a head; they realized that the banging sound before made their comrade die, then they looked around to look at me.

I hurried up, opened my .375 caliber pouch, and pulled up 4 bullets at once; one bullet I held with my thumb and index finger, while others between other fingers.

I reloaded the rifle while preventing the shell gauge went out using my left thumb. Put the .375 caliber and aim again.


The next goblin has fallen. Meanwhile, their comrades looking for the enemy finally found me after I killed the second goblin. They hurriedly run to me at once. Then I just reload again and keep shooting them.


I shot three bullets rapidly, together with 3 goblins dead, leaving 5 more who kept charging at me.

I just pull out one bullet .375 and shoot one of them again.


The other one has died, but they keep charging. This is what I want; they are 15 meters away right now; I slide down the selector and change the hammer to a side-by-side barrel.


Using slugs, I made their body scattered, even though I hit them only at the limbs or abdomen; due to how powerful the gunpowder in this world, even though it is the poorest gunpowder from my previous world, it feels like they receive shot from .50 caliber, even though it's only a slug.

I reloaded again with two standard shells. This time, I looked at two goblins 7 meters away from me.


Their body scattered again, and this time I made quite a mess, even though I couldn't recognize that it was a goblin's dead body.

"Wow, the result is quite impressive… For the lowest tier monster, they couldn't withstand this bullet, huh" I said while looking at the goblin body scattered around or holed by bullets.

Then I chant earth magic and make a hole to bury all the corpses, also not forget to take the magic stone inside their body.

Looking at the sky, I realized it was nearly noon; I still had plenty of time to hunt another monster. I walked deeper while searching using [Detection]; after walking for 30 minutes, I finally found a monster at a distance 1 kilometer from my place; the monster sign was quite big than before,

"I think this isn't a goblin like before, probably middle tier monster," I thought.

"Alright, let's move…" I decided to go; then, I went to the point where I detected the monster.

When I arrived, I spotted two orcs with a height of around 3 meters, big stature, and a terrible face. I see the orc equipped with a great sword and iron armor, and one of them uses a hammer.

Alright, I must come closer cautiously and take fire from 20 meters.

Then I move closer to the orcs until I am at a distance of 20 meters; I change the hammer to the rifle barrel again.


The bullet fired from my rifle and sped up to the orc right at his head. Exploded the head into small pieces, leaving only the whole body without a head.

The other orcs were startled and looked at the sound source from my rifle until he finally found me, who aimed at the killed orc.


The orc shouted and charged at me with his sword, looking at me full of revenge. I only slide down the selector and change to shotgun barrels without lower my stance.

Then I aimed again, waited until he was at a distance of 7 meters, and then took a shot.




The slug ammo fired from my rifle; I hoped it could target orcs and result like before. Unfortunately, like already knew that my weapon could send a projectile, the orc quickly shielding himself with his sword. Luckily, my bullets were powerful enough to give damage; it made the sword scatter and hit the orc's body, resulting in bleeding around the chest and abdomen.


Like he has stacked his anger after seeing his comrades dead, the orc keeps charging me with a bare hand and a bleeding body.

The orc tries to grab my body and wildly attacks me with bare hands. Then I step back and aim again.


The bullet hit the orc's abdomen, giving it quite a big hole this time. Same with comrade before, the orc faces the same fate.

"Phew… that's unexpected honestly," I said, looking at two orcs' body which is lying on the ground.

I collect the magic stone and bury the orc's body as I did at the goblin.

"I think this is enough for today, Let's get back before sunset," I thought. Then, I walk back to the village.



I heard the fighting sound from afar.

"Wait, is that a bandit fight?" I thought. I move the location without wasting time while chanting my [Detection] again.

Around 30 people gathered in one place, leaving only 3 dots who tried to avoid others.

When I arrived at the location, I could see 7 people with knight armor and a long sword facing against 20 people.

"Hmm? From the royal family, I guess?" I thought after looking at the symbol printed on their cope, even though I had never seen the actual royal knight, judging that the royal family would come to our village became possible evidence.

I could see the knights getting oppressed by bandits. While 3 people who I've seen on my [Detection] in a carriage, who tried to escape from the fight and unfortunately the coach died by an arrow.

"Hmm… I think I could help them from here," I murmured, judging at a distance of around 70 meters and my position on high ground from the battle.

Decided to help them. Then, I switched my rifle to Martini-Henry and then took sit position kneeling on my right knee and keeping my left knee at 90 degrees, and placing my elbow on top of my left knee. With that position, I could have steady aim on my rifle.

I reloaded my rifle and aimed.


Alright guys... Lighwood here... I'm sorry I'm later release this chapter right at 9 'o clock... I barely finished proofreading this chapter at 20.38 so... I couldn't set it at 9 'O clock.... Hope you could enjoy this chapter

Thanks for your reading!!!

Lightwood_Lightcreators' thoughts