
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Kỳ huyễn
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58 Chs

Ashes and illusions

Chapter 18

Brian: ....you've said every word.

Aiden: A false testimony and a piece of false evidence, huh? You are Craft, heh.

Brian: And if you don't want this to be shown to our soon-to-be classmates and the court, you'll have to do what I say.

Aiden: What's stopping me from beating the crap out of you and taking that mirror.

Brian: That's right, keep talking like that you're only giving me more evidence.

Aiden: Answer me...before I make you lose an arm.

Brian: You're wits may be sharp but clearly not sharp enough. (Hahaha) let's replay what we know again, shall we?


[In the mirror]

"If you tell anyone, nothing's stopping me from beating the crap out of you," Aiden.

In the mirror, Aiden started beating Brian up, then kicked him to a tree.

"Argh!" Brian groaned I'll...make....sure...this doesn't go... unpunished, " Brian.

Aiden stepped on his Chest.

"Stop talking... before I make you lose an arm!" Aiden.


Aiden: You! ...You made me look like a...a really cool monster. (★o★)

Brian: If I do tell the Announcer of what "you" have done, they'll execute you and your family, hell, I can even make them burn your village to the ground, if you don't want any of that to happen you'll have to do as I say, Got it?

Aiden forced a smile.

Aiden: Sure... I'll work for you, but yeesh, learn to take a heartbreak.

Brian: Excellent choice.

Aiden: But I'll put a rule in this just for safety measures: I won't kill nor harm anyone.

Brian: That's for me to decide.

Aiden's POV:

Fine, I'll play along.

The fog began to fill the surroundings, Aiden looked forward but Brian had vanished.





Aiden: It's evening, *Yawn* that dickhead just had to add one more thing form to take care of later, *sigh* I feel like I've been fighting too much, Maybe I should head back to the others and eat Tanya or something.

The wind blew over Aiden's face, his short hair flowing with the wind.

Aiden: Ahhh, this is so relaxing, I wish I could live here forever. Maybe I'll just take a short nap before I head back.


Aser: Where did all these bushes come from? I thought this place was leveled.

Jack: And thanks to that we've lost our footin--Woah...Oof!

Jack: What did I just trip on?!

He tripped on Aiden.

Aser: Isn't that the kid that scored 100% on the test? Aiden brightfil, right? What's he doing sleeping out here?

Jack: I tripped on this shit? Gross.

Breeze: You should know you're not any cleaner than he is, Jack.

Jack: I'm getting real tired of you bitch.

Breeze: I'm not looking for a fight (Yet), I just want to ask him some things but you keep giving me opportunities to insult you, I couldn't pass those up.


Aiden: Can you guys keep it down? I've been having back-to-back fights and I really wanna rest right now.

Breeze: I am royalty, you should bow when I'm talking, I also have some questions for you.

Aiden: Huh? Oh, yeah, sure tom... tomorrow, then. Goodnight. Zzzzzz....

Jack: The nerve of this kid! He might need some cold torture.

Breeze: I normally wouldn't agree with you but he has no respect for his superiors, he needs some lessons.

Aser: A hot girl with a loose temper isn't all that attractive, you know.

Breeze: A boy who wouldn't let his girl let loose isn't very charming, you know.

Aser: So you agree you're mine?

Breeze: Don't let a simple analogy fuel your delusions, Aser.

Aser smiled.

Aser: Always got a comeback for everything.

Jack: He sleeps like he's been knocked out by a punch.

Aiden: I'd appreciate it if you'd stop calling me "This kid" and leave. Zzzzzz.....

Aiden fell back to sleep.

Jack: Cold magic....

[Somewhere in the forest]

Luna: We've been walking in Circle Calico, when are we going to find the exit?

Calico: I'm tired.... I can't think at all.

Luna started shaking him vigorously.

Luna: But you're smart, you don't need energy to think (>_<)

Calico POV

So cute!

Calico: Hm? The threads I put around us are vibrating, and I feel strong amounts of magic gathered at one point. and everywhere is getting slightly chilled, Could it be...?

Luna: Calico, I'm hearing someone say, "Cold magic"!

Calico: Jack! Luna can you hear anything else?

Luna: I hear the heartbeats of five people, but one of the heart beats is slow as if barely conscious.

Calico: Could he be beating someone to death?! We'd better get there fast.

Luna: But why? If we do won't we get killed?

Calico: We still have enough strength to fight than that person who's barely conscious.

Luna: What if we lose?

Calico: .... You can stay here, you're right I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, so to avoid risks you stay here I'll go alone. I'll tie this thread to you're wrist, if it gets cut I want you to run away okay?


Calico headed towards the "strong gathering of magic."

Calico: I hope I make it in time.

Luna: We will.

Calico: Thanks for the....Wait! what are you doing here, I thought you were scared?!

Luna: I'm even more scared to be left alone, so I followed you.

Calico: Humph, thanks.

Luna's POV

I was scared to be left alone, yes, but the real reason I followed him was that his heartbeat was getting louder and louder, it even got so fast that I started to get worried. If I didn't follow him, he would have had a heart attack. Heh

Calico's POV

Thank God she followed me, I was so terrified on going alone, this cute cat lass just saved me from a heart attack

I changed Acer to Aser. So it's not a mistake

Raider_920creators' thoughts