
Otherworldly Enterprise

Juanito, who thought his life ended meaninglessly, found himself in one of the most outrageous novel tropes ever, transmigration. And of course, adding one cliche' to another, he receives a system but to his dismay, it was not as heaven-defying as he thought it would be. A Supermarket System. Yes, an absurd ability that he has to utilize to keep himself afloat in a world strewn with fantastical creatures, ancient mysteries, and secretive factions warring behind the shadows. Follow Juanito as he finds himself uncannily wrapped up in all kinds of bizarre situations, and along the way, gained invaluable encounters which redefined his perspective in life. Note: This story heavily focuses on multiple points of view and might be too slow-paced for some. Nonetheless, I appreciate everyone for dropping by.

TaciturnDaoist · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Pen and Paper

Born in the outskirts of the slums with no permanent dwelling, Pen and Paper were just one of the motley bunch who littered the dark alleyways of Bleakstone Town. Their mother, Jess, was quite the popular prostitute and was coveted by even the notables with rank to their name until the tragic day when she had to bear her offspring.

With additional mouths to feed, the establishment she was working for gave her an ultimatum, either discard her children or they would dump her instead. Yet oddly so, she chose the latter, packed up, and left without qualms.

Business as usual – that's how it's always been.

Two nestlings in tow, she wandered the streets while offering her services. Her body which was her sole trade, deteriorated as nature willed it. Her body then inevitably succumbed to the nasty diseases brought by her occupation.

Disheartened that her kids would soon follow her to her end, all she could do was apologize for their misfortune. After all, being unborn was several folds better than being subjected to the cruelty of life.

"I should have known better. My complacency to provide you with a better life has led to this..Pen, Paper..Mom is sorry.."

"..for every..thing."


This lingering regret was the last thought she had until the unforgiving winter knocked on their humble shack and reaped her life for good.

And left alone in their pitiable abode, were two cubs who couldn't even shiver, numbed to pain and everything until an unexpected turn of events came unannounced.

"..it's only a matter of time before this pathetic bunch breath their last..huh."

Muttered a mysterious man with an extraordinary demeanor, his figure unperturbed by the bitter weather.



"Are you with me, Pen-!"


"What the frick! Paper!" a loud protest leaked from a boy who has barely stepped into adolescence. His sunken face and malnourished body made it difficult to approximate his age.

His ashen hair, however, was distinctly conspicuous as it resembled the same hue as the city's presiding governor, an aristocrat with the rank of an Earl.

On his side was a girl of his age with striking similarities to the boy, albeit hers was more feminine. Although she was emaciated due to extreme poverty, with enough care and nourishment, her beauty when she grew up would undoubtedly shatter the hearts of naive men.

Regrettably, her ferocious character was something to be desired. After all, she just planted her fist squarely on her twin brother's face without inhibitions.

"What are you fantasizing about this time of the day?!" Paper questioned, furious. "You're even drooling! Get a grip of yourself.."

"..ah..ha ha..my bad, Paper. I couldn't help but think about the bread we just ate," answered Pen with a dopey expression. "Don't you love it as well?" he added.

"It certainly is delicious. Compared to the black bread we're used to, it's a crime to even compare the two.."

Paper could still feel the lingering aftertaste of dough in her mouth. The fluffy and refined texture that dissolves with one's saliva was unprecedented for her. 'It's something even a toothless child or elderly could enjoy,' was her thought at that time.

"I know righ-!"

"But that doesn't mean you can slack off! Especially not when benefactor asked a favor of us.."

Pen was rudely cut off by her sister who was still adamant about rebuking him. Realizing this can't go on, Pen apologized once more in hopes of closing the matter.

"That's why I'm sorry.." he said with upturned eyes.

With a pout, she finally relented, "..hmpff..keep in mind that we can't afford to fail benefactor.."

"Do you really like him that much, Paper?" asked Pen innocently. It was a question not borne from prying at someone's tucked feelings but rather, one out of genuine curiosity.

"Hnngh-! W-what are you talking about!?"

Paper stumbled on her words upon hearing her brother's offhand remark which caught her off guard.

'Like him..like..him?' the question echoed in her mind as she struggled to keep her emotions afloat, and at the same time, unearth her true feelings from the depths of the sea that is her heart.

At first, she thought Juanito was among the vile creatures that treated human lives no better than livestock. Their mocking gazes that outright belittle any other existence outside of their circle as disposable rags were particularly demoralizing.

Paper despised them as much as they abhorred her kind. The aristocrat, and their lofty flock that established the strata between the rulers of the land and the enslaved only brought them everlasting misery.

Yet, a strange man, unmistakably of superior pedigree, overturned her views.

The mysterious man, with his aloof and blunt personality, didn't have the look of disgust typical among the nobles. His was oddly plain and devoid of prejudice. It was as if he was only perusing some artifacts in a flea market.

More than that, his awkward attempt at consoling me and my brother only showed that his indifferent attitude was a facade donned to distance himself. Conversely, though, his kind actions conveyed his heart despite his stoic disposition.

She then surreptitiously placed her palm on her head where Juanito once patted her. And as a warmth akin to a spring breeze wrapped her body, she ultimately found her answer.

"Yes. I like him," she mumbled, unaware that she had just voiced her emotions.

"I like him, too.."

Pen's voice rang out as though it was a matter of course, startling Paper in response. "Pardon?"

"I said, I like benefactor.." calmly answered Pen while gazing intently at the overcast sky, and continued in a somber tone, "Do you know how many died last winter?"

"Where did that come from?" Paper knitted her brows, unsure of the meaning behind her brother's query.

"36..give or take." Pen exhaled as a mist of cold air escaped his mouth, "That toll only accounts for the residents in the slums, excluding those who migrated elsewhere.."

"..how'd you even gather such info?" slightly amazed by her brother's skill, Paper praised, "You surely have keen eyes.."

On the other hand, Pen only responded with a deadpan expression, "It's not even about my eyes, Pen. It's just...I'm abnormally good at remembering things and keeping tabs on missing people or dead bodies is a trivial task."

"If not for benefactor, our cadavers would have been forgotten among those miserable heap in the pits and burned in batches."

Now staring directly facing her sister, Pen continued after a moment of respite. "That's why I like him. Whatever his ulterior motive for saving dregs like us, we ought to repay his kindness."

Paper was agreeable to his brother's sentiments, and could only offer a gentle nod. "Yea, he even went all the way to give mother a proper burial"


"Hey, pipsqueks! Didn't expect you to be here..Where's Jess? "

The sibling's mournful spirits were suddenly stirred awake by a husky voice only to be dampened once again by the man's question.