
Otherworldly Devilish King

What would you do if you had the chance of a lifetime and pickup a treasure that could make gods jealous? Naturally, you build a massive kingdom while conquering world after world on your journey to become a Supreme God King! Did I forget to mention that the worlds are the anime, movie, and tv shows that you've watched throughout your lifetime? Oops…

WorldDominKing · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

How to be a King and build a Kingdom (III)

Early this morning since the sun rose in the sky, nobles and officials were entering the throne-room to attend morning court. But since the King hasn't arrived yet, they mingled amongst themselves as they wait.

An hour later than scheduled, the King entered, followed by a nervous-looking maid. Arthur, wearing his King's robe and crown, stepped into the throne-room. The entire room of people stood up and bowed respectfully to the throne until Arthur sat down.

Sitting on the throne. Arthur's eyes scanned the crowd and stopped on the man with a popcorn kernel sized mole on his forehead for a second. A dark light flashed in his eyes. [So you're Aldo Fischer…] He moved his eyes away and scanned the rest of the crowd until he stopped on another man wearing golden armor. The corner of his mouth rose slightly. [Dunstan Beckett…]

Dunstan Beckett, the Captain of the King's Guard. He has been serving the Kingdom since the last King who died of old age. Loyal only to the crown, not the person.

After thinking about it along the way, Arthur decided that the best course of action is to nip this rebellion in the bud before something major happens. So when he saw a man that was only loyal to the King, he knew what to do.

"Dunstan Beckett, come here." Resting on the throne, Arthur grinned and beckoned with his hand. "I have something for you to do."

The group of court members below looked around in confusion while some of them whispered to each other, trying to guess what the King was having the guards do. While most were confused, some were a little anxious, as they looked at the King on the throne with uncertainties. [What's changed with the King? He normally doesn't take much interest in the Kingdom. Unless something changed…] This thought caused them to shudder slightly while others stood up to leave. "Where are you going?" An ice cold voice resounded in the throne-room, chilling the hearts of those who wanted to escape.

Arthur glanced over at the people wanting to leave with sharp eyes. "Until court is over, nobody may leave without permission." He glanced at the dazed Dunstan Beckett and ordered. "Take half of the guards and do a 'surprise' inspection of the Fischer household while the rest stay here and maintain order." He glanced at the people around the pale Aldo Fischer and continued. "If you find anything interesting related to other households, you have my permission to do more 'surprise' inspections on them as well."

"Your Majesty!" Aldo Fischer quickly stepped forward with an ugly smile. "Please rethink your order, it might cause problems within the Kingdom."

"Quite the opposite." Arthur tapped on the throne arm with a grin on his face. "I feel that if I don't give the order, it might cause problems within the Kingdom."

The dazed Dunstan Beckett immediately knelt on one knee with his hand to his chest as surprise and elation flashed in his eyes. "Don't worry, Your Majesty. Ill do enough 'surprise' inspections to clean the filth from the Kingdom." After he stood up, he hesitated for a second, then added before leaving with half of the guards. "Welcome back, Your Majesty."

"While Dustan Beckett is doing some 'surprise' inspections. Lets try to deal with court as normal." Arthur waved his hand with a calm smile.

Soon, three hours passed in no time.

During the past three hours, the entire throne-room was divided into two camps. The one on the left talked happily with Arthur about the future direction of the Kingdom. The one of the right was oddly hushed as they whispered amongst themselves with Aldo Fischer in the center.

Under the anticipation of the most and the apprehension of some, the time has finally come.

There was a knock on the throne-room door, and one guard stepped forward and opened it. The door revealed a gap showing Dustan Beckett wearing his signature golden armor stained crimson with blood. Shocked gasps rang from the officials as he entered the throne-room with blood dripping from his sword onto the throne-room floor.

Dustan Beckett made his way below the throne and knelt down with his hand on his heart as he reported respectfully. "After doing many 'surprise' inspections, Your Majesty. We have found that 14 of the 32 noble families along with some officials have been colluding with the neighboring Kingdom of Jasqua to usurp the throne." He glanced down at his bloodstained sword with resentment and sadness. "My family included." He shook his head with a sigh and continued. "While trying to detain and imprison the noble families on treason, some opposed and were killed." He pulled a bloodstained paper from under his armor and presented it. "This is a list of all noble families and officials that have been marked as treason so-far."

"Outstanding performance." Arthur praised with a smile on his face and motioned with his hand behind him. Regina Carey understood and quickly retrieved the paper and brought it to Arthur.

Although he only knew half of the families on the list from Regina. Arthur knew the Kingdom would be hit hard after this and would take some time before it could be repaired.

"Those who are called quietly step-forward and surrender." Arthur glanced at the groups of officials below with sharp eyes and spoke names one by one.

Some officials listened to Arthur and surrendered with sad looks on their face. While most went crazy and tried to escape, which led to them being tackled to the ground by guards.

"Those who were not called may leave." Arthur glanced at the remaining people with a smile. "Court will be held like normal tomorrow."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The officials glanced at each other with sighs of relief and walked out of the throne-room. Secretly feeling thankful they didn't listen to their colleagues and betray with them.

"Your Majesty." Dustan Beckett asked, watching the group of ex-officials.

Arthur pondered for a moment, but then waved his hand decisively. "Take them to prison and execute them tomorrow in the town square for treason." Hearing that they would be executed. Some of the ex-officials were going to go crazy and struggle to escape, but gave up after listening to Arthur's next sentence. "Oh, right? If any of them try to escape or fight back, just execute them on sight." Arthur glanced at the ex-officials with a smile.

After the guards left with their prisoners, the throne-room fell into an awkward silence. Dustan Beckett continued to kneel before the throne with countless thoughts running through his mind as he kept opening his mouth to speak but never could find the words.

"I know what you want to ask." Arthur glanced at Dustan Beckett without an expression. "You want to save the Beckett family, right?"

"Please, Your Majesty." Dustan Beckett fully kneeled towards the throne with a look of bitterness and sorrow. "Spare my family. They didn't want to betray the Kingdom, only my uncle."

"Alright." Arthur sighed and glanced at Dustan Beckett with sharp eyes. "Ill spare your family, but…"

Dustan Beckett immediately raised his head with joy and said. "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"You didn't let me finish…" Arthur shook his head with a smile and continued. "But, they will lose their noble status and become commoners. Only able to work their way back to being nobles though hard work for the Kingdom in the future."

"That's fine." Dustan Beckett nodded with a cheerful smile on his face. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Go." Arthur waved his hand with a smile. "Collect all the valuables and land deeds from the ex-noble families and store everything in the treasury."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Dustan Beckett bowed respectfully then left the throne-room to release his family and complete the mission given by Arthur.

[Looks like I got a lot of work to do.] Arthur sighed and flipped through at the papers filled with nobles that betrayed.

Time is like a river, sometimes slow and steady, while others fast and unstable. Like a blossom going down a fast and unstable river, roughly a year has passed since Arthur entered the illusion.

During this year, a lot has changed. The original backward kingdom that Arthur appeared in is gone. Replaced with a more advanced and prosperous nation known as Belfast with ten times the territory.

Within the capital city of Belfast. Inside the newly constructed palaces, throne-room. A young man around sixteen years old sat on the throne. The young man had long silver-white hair, deep cyan-blue eyes. Wearing a dark-gray cotton shirt, black cotton shorts and black leather shoes.

"Your wine, Your Majesty." A beautiful young woman wearing a maid outfit handed a wine glass made of crystal to the young man sitting on the throne.

"Thank you for your hard work, Regina." Arthur accepted the wineglass with a soft smile.

Regina Carey stepped back with a soft smile as deep love flashed in her eyes. "Anything for Your Majesty."

Seeing the love within Regina's eyes. Arthur could only sigh secretly. [If only you were real…] Feeling slightly depressed. Arthur leaned against the arm of the throne and stared at the crimson-red wine in the glass. [It's been a year already, huh?]

"Cha.." Arthur dropped the wineglass in his hand on the ground as his eyes widened.

The entire world around Arthur was like a mirror that broke, everything shattered into pieces. The only thing that remained was a pitch-black space that Arthur recognized from a year ago when he entered the illusion.

[Oh, no! Regina!] Arthur swiftly turned around, but what appeared before him made him shocked. In the distance was a perfectly fine Regina Carey wearing her maid outfit. She looked around the dark space with fear. "Regina!" He yelled to attract her attention as he made his way towards her.

"Your Majesty?" Regina looked towards the source of the sound with surprise and joy, replacing the fear she originally had as she ran towards Arthur.

When they reached each other, the first thing Arthur did was grab Regina's hand. This made Regina blush as she softly tried to shake his hand off. Feeling the warm and soft hand in his, Arthur let go and sighed in relief. [She's real…]

"Where are we, Your Majesty?" Regina squeezed Arthur's hand as she looked confused.

Arthur opened his mouth to speak but someone that hasn't spoken in a long time beat him to it.

"Nice work on becoming a respectable King." The mechanical-female voice echoed in the dark space. "As a reward, the person in the illusion that you were closest to will be given a body in reality"

"Reality?" Regina Carey looked at Arthur with confusion on her face.

"Ill explain later." Arthur gave her a reassuring look and whispered.

"Now for the final chapter, How to build a Kingdom." The mechanical-female voice spoke. "There are two ways to build your own Kingdom." The voice paused for a second. "The first is to create your own worlds!"

[Create your own world?] Arthur's face went dark. [Why did Korva put this as number one? What the hell?]

The mechanical-female voice continued, ignoring ugly look on Arthur's face. "The second is to conquer a world and make it your own!"

"The way you create your own world is…" The voice paused.

After waiting for a minute, Arthur became impatient and asked. "Is?"

The mechanical-female voice ignored Arthur's question and moved on. "There are two ways to conquer a world…"

[What the hell!] Arthur's face darkened even further. [Did Korva just not even put anything and left it blank? That must be what happened!]

"The first is the soft way. Every world has a person who is given world-luck. All you have to do is find that person and get the world-luck. Then use it to connect with the origin of the world and brand it with your mark, thus gaining control of that world. Note: This only works on worlds without a world conscious." The mechanical-female voice paused.

[Interesting...] Arthur's eyes flashed as he looked into the void with a smile. [This makes things easier for me.]

Already knowing the plot in advance. Arthur is at a great advantage compared with others.

"The second is the hard way. By using force, you can invade that world and conquer it, thus becoming the protagonist of the world and gain access to the world origin. Note: If there is a world conscious that is against your invasion, it could cause serious damage to your forces." The mechanical-voice faded and a bright light flashed in the pitch black room.

Arthur and Regina quickly covered their eyes.

Extra long chapter here. I just want to get back to the main story! :P

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