
Otherworldly Conqueror

There was a time when the world was filled with magic and spiritual energy but due to the chaos that erupted because of the war between the gods, there were ripples throughout the entire universe, these ripples were filled with dark matter and anti-magic that had affected many galaxies that were unfortunate to be in the middle of the ongoing war, the spark of spiritual energy and mana was nearly snuffed out to the point of non-existence, that was when the gods finally decided to make a truce to protect the life that inhabited the universe. This truce lasted for Millennia and the balance was slowly starting to restore, but what the gods didn't know was that some of their essence still lingered in the mortal realm and found its way toward a certain planet that was brimming with life.

nether550dev · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Monster Outbreak (part 2)

Early in the morning, William woke up and saw the quest that he had received.


<System >

Special Quest Accepted: Help clear the monster tide.

<Reward >

1. 40 000 EXP

2. 1000 BP

3. D-Rank Passive Skill

4. First-Tier Ability

5. D-Rank Chest

<Failure >




"This is insane, it looks too good to be true, am I being scammed? All the novels I read usually threaten you with death if you fail such a quest..."


<System >

Quest updated:

Special Quest: Help clear the monster tide.

Kill 3000 monsters: 0/3000

Time limit: 60 Days

<Reward >

1. 40 000 EXP

2. 1000 BP

3. D-Rank Passive Skill

4. First-Tier Ability

5. D-Rank Chest

<Failure >







"Why did I even say anything, I really just screwed myself over didn't I? I take back what I said, please..."


<System >

Quests can't be changed once they have been issued.


"What! You just changed it, don't even go and spew such nonsense!"



Absolute silence... No response... Ignore... Did someone say something? ... It must be my imagination... Don't mind me... La Di Da Di Da...




"Damn it... I guess I'll take part in it."

William stood up from his bed with a dejected spirit, he went towards his parent's bedroom but heard weird noises coming from inside which caused him to turn around and head to the kitchen.

*Haaaa* *Yes*

"Ahem... Let me go eat first, if worst comes to worst I'll just leave a letter saying I'll be out for a while." William mumbled awkwardly.

He decided to eat a sandwich. He checked if his parents were done exercising but unfortunately, they weren't, which prompted him to write a letter. 

'Mom, Dad, I'll be out for a while, no need to worry, I'll be back before sunset.'

"That should do it, I reassured them that nothing would go wrong, it's time I went to kill some monsters."

William took his veltite dagger and latched it on his left hip. He also packed a small pouch with a loaf of bread and a waterskin. Once he was prepared, he left and found himself in front of the city gate, he snuck out when the guards weren't looking, all William had to do was ask a beggar for help and offer a piece of bread in return.

"Alright, I'm out, there should be no problem in returning before it gets dark, I could use warp or in the worst case, the guards should let me in as I'll just say that I was caught up in the monster tide and hid inside a cellar."

William was confident, he headed toward a group of monsters that were still terrorizing the houses in the outer city.

"It's important that I take on one at a time, I wouldn't want to bite off more than I can chew."

As William got closer to the monsters, he waited for them to spread out and threw a rock at the smallest one, it was a goblin, though it looked weak, it was a very horrible thing to encounter, no matter if you are male or female, once you are caught by a goblin, your life will be a living hell, men had it easier as they would usually be tortured then killed, but women were kept alive as a means to breed and reproduce more goblins, it was a torture that took place while women were pregnant, in labor or even infertile. Goblins also tend to call over more of their kind if things take a turn for the worst.



The goblin screamed in rage, green blood was oozing from the back of its head, it also seemed to be dizzy as it turned around and started waddling toward William's location to investigate.

'Guargh?' It was searching the area but found nothing.

As it turned around to leave, it saw a quick flash, and a figure stood in front of it, only a few inches away, it grabbed toward the figure as it tried to call for reinforcements, but its throat was slit, its head slowly started tilting backward, it didn't know what happened but it soon saw a green body standing in front of it, realization kicked in but it was too late, it had been beheaded.

"That was easier than I expected."



<20 Exp earned>

<1BP earned>




<Kill 1 3000 Count:>


William was elated that the amount of Exp that he gained was more than killing a slime, this meant that he could gain more Exp by killing different monsters, if slimes gave 10 Exp and Goblins gave 20 Exp, surely an ogre would give more.

William only thought this as the closest monster to him was identified by the system as an ogre and it seemed much stronger than the goblin.


<Ogre Stats>

Vitality: 22

Endurance: 28

Strength: 32

Agility: 16

Intelligence: 7

Ogres are known for their strength, they are hardy monsters and are hard to kill, they may be lacking in smarts but their instincts guide them, they are very primal creatures that stand 9 - 10 Feet tall.


"Its stats are way more than mine, I have to play this smart, judging by its size, it would best if I get it on its knees, attacking from the front is too risky, so I should target from behind, if I cut behind its neck, it should be paralyzed."

William was currently hiding behind a broken-down building as he stared at the monster.

With this idea in William's head, he threw a stone a few meters away from the monster, but surprisingly it ignored it. William was perplexed but he was prompted to try again, this time though, he decided to throw the beast directly, this caught its attention as it angrily rushed in William's direction.

When it got closer, it was dumbfounded that there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Meanwhile, William ran around the building and sliced the monster's Achilles tendon, causing it to drop to its knees, It was raging once it saw the small silhouette that dared to attack it.

It grabbed at a log which was once a pillar that held the house that was destroyed. It swung the log as it struggled to stand and turn around, but William was gone, the ogre wanted to walk but it quickly fell to the ground, this was not a problem though, it already started to heal at a rapid pace.

William was caught by surprise, he didn't know that the monster would regenerate at a rate visible to the eye. This was his only chance, if the monster healed, all his effort would be for nothing.

William held his dagger tightly and ran to the ogre's back, he stabbed it while he tried to climb up, the ogre struggled as it tried to grab William, but its attempts failed, William got to the ogre's neck and cut through its brain stem, though this would be enough to kill a person, the ogre was something different, it wasn't even paralyzed completely, its movements only became a little sluggish, William didn't care, he quickly slit the ogre's throat and watched as it bled.

Unfortunately, it started to regenerate, this was a minor headache to William as he was a little tired fighting something this big for the first time.

"Oh well, I guess I should test it out now. Space Blade!"

William lifted his hand aiming at the ogre's neck, a black disc formed in front of William's palm, suddenly, the disc flew out and struck the ogre, it didn't cut through its neck completely, but it was halfway there, William was excited and immediately created a space blade again, this time when the disc made contact, the ogre's head flew off, William was not sure if it was dead but the system reassured him.



<50 Exp earned>

<3 BP earned>

<Kill 2 3000 Count:>


"Awesome, I even got more Battle points!"

The day was still long, so William took a quick break and set off to kill more monsters, he decided to hunt goblins for the most part as they could be killed with one shot if he used his 'space blade' spell.

The sun was due to set in an hour, so William made his way to the city, he stood near the wall and in used Warp, he suddenly appeared on the other side and was a few meters away from the city gate, but no one noticed him as he was behind a couple of water barrels.

He went home, but there he found two angry parents, sitting at the dinner table. As soon as they saw him, William felt a sense of dread.

"Good evening... Parents."

"William... Where were you?" Lauren asked in a creepy tone.

William's face became pale at this question, or rather, when he heard his mother speak in such a way, he felt a tremendous amount of fear washing over him.

"I... Went to... to... to play outsid... d... de..." 

"Is that so... Why do I smell blood on you? Hmmm?" Lauren asked.

William felt tremendous pressure being forced upon him, he dropped to the ground, sweating like a pig. 

In the end, William could not bear it anymore and told the truth, he was indeed playing outside, only, what he saw as playing, was to kill monsters in the outer city.

His parents were not particularly shocked, instead, the pressure William felt was immediately lifted.

"Oh, my sweet boy. It must have been so tiresome, go and clean up before you eat, mother will take care of you." Lauren said in the sweetest way possible.

William was dumbstruck, but he would have to be an idiot if he didn't take this opportunity to escape.

A few minutes passed and William told his parents about the events that happened.

Soon, everything was back to normal, he was surprisingly allowed to go hunt monsters again the next day.


<Kill 76 3000 Count:>

1. 67 Goblins killed:

1340 EXP

67 BP

2. 9 Ogres Killed: 

450 EXP

27 BP


The day was eventful, William killed a surprising amount of monsters, but he knew that he would only become stronger as time passed.

"It would probably be better if everything was balanced, strength would be useless if I couldn't even use it against a faster opponent, and of course vice versa for everything else. System, distribute attribute points. 11 In Vitality, 8 in Endurance, 3 in strength, 8 in agility."


<System >

Distributing attribute points.

11 Added to Vitality.

8 Added to Endurance.

3 Added to Strength.

8 Added to Agility.




<System >


User: William Drake

Age: 10

Level 7

EXP 59 500/200 000


Vitality: 23 

Endurance: 22

Strength: 22

Agility: 22

Intelligence: 38


Mana: 1900/1900


Mage Tier: 1


Special ability

1. First-Tier (Curse Resistance),



1. Space



Attribute Points:



Battle Points





F : (Blink),(Foresight)

E : (Regeneration),(Vigor)

D : (Sixth Sense),(Analyze),(Mental Fortitude)

C :

B :

A :


Items: (D-Rank Veltite Dagger)





"Time to go to bed."

William smiled as he thought about how his day went, especially when he thought of his parents. This didn't last long as he quickly nodded off to dreamland.


Author Note

Here's an explanation of what each spacial spell does.

1. Dissonance:  A technique where portals are constantly made to fight opponents from a distance. Portals are made from the caster to the enemy where the caster would then fight using their fists or a short-ranged weapon. 300MP per 20 seconds

2. Warp:  Allows the caster to Teleport to any place they have visited, or physically seen before. Mana usage is calculated by the distance between the caster and the area. 20 MP per 1 Meter

3. Blackhole: Creates a blackhole at the cost of a huge amount of mana which can absorb any attack, depending on the strength of the caster. 100 MP per Attack

4. Void Domain: Distorts space around the caster, making it difficult to physically attack the caster. 500 MP per 30 Seconds

5. Space Blade: Launches a small or thin "portal" at a target, teleporting whatever it touches, making it the sharpest blade. 50 MP per Attack

6. Condense: solidifies the space in a specific area making it hard for enemies to move, like swimming in mud. 200MP per 60 Seconds

7. Spacial Stretch: Able to manipulate the very fabric of space to expand or contract. This spell can be used to bring entities closer or send them farther away from you. The caster will always be the epicenter of the stretch. 30MP per 1 Meter

8. Fracturing: Allows the caster to break certain pieces of space within an entity, effectively shredding them from the inside out. Can only be used on enemies that are weaker than the caster. 600MP per Usage

I hope you are enjoying the novel so far, stay tuned for more, and follow me on TikTok for frequent updates on the novel's status.



otherwise known as
