
Otherworldly Bureaucrat

Mathew, a young man who worked in his city administration, uncovered a corruption scheme so big that it would rock the political sphere of his city, but, he, unfortunately, meet his end before even being able to show his proof to the world. He was bitter that after all the work he had done, the culprit would escape punishment, but, little did he expect that he would have another chance at a bureaucrat life, this time, however, in a magical cultivation world.

WrightWater · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


-" How big this thing truly is?" Mathew's eyes were bloodshot from overworking, he had spent the entire night just going over one of the documents he had found, and he still had plenty more of them to look after. " The entire administration will come crumbling down when this gets out." Mathew sighed in relief, he was following the leads for years on end, but, he never came across a smoking gun to this day.

He quickly stored all the important files into a flash drive and shut the computer off, it was already morning and soon enough people would return to the government building.

Mathew stashed everything he had in his backpack and prepared to leave when he noticed the sound of the door opening. He wanted to hide, but, a flashlight shone directly into him before he could even move.

-" Mathew? What are you doing here so late at night?" An old man approached Mathew with his eyes full of suspicions.

-" Just finishing some details of my next presentation…" Mathew sighed in relief as he realized who the man was, but, he soon noticed that something was wrong. " Thomas? Isn't it a bit too early for your shift?" Matthew knew that the man generally entered the building around eight in the mourning.

-" I changed my shift for this month, my daughter's wedding will be this month… And I couldn't lose the ceremony." Thomas walked around the building, pointing his flashlight around every computer screen. " Those scoundrels almost didn't want to change my shift, I had to kneel and cry to them."

-" I can imagine." Mathew was convinced by his history. " Billy is quite the hellish boss." Mathew made sure that he got everything he needed and headed to the building exit. " Good work for you then!"

Thomas's face was full of sadness as he gazed at Mathew's back. -" Mathew? Why did you have to continue snooping around? Why are only bringing trouble to everyone around you."

Mathew shivered in fear at Thomas's words, he hastened his pace towards the exit and tried to open the door, only to find that it was looked." Snooping around? What are you talking about, old man? I was just finishing some work." Mathew panicked as he searched his pockets for his keys.

-" Billy isn't happy with your insistence…" Thomas walked slowly in Mathew's direction, his face completely warped in grief. " Why do you even care about some corruption? It's not like the previous administration were any different."

Mathew gulped as he heard the footsteps slowly approaching him. " Some corruptions? Millions went missing! From the hospital and schools! And you know where they went? Directly to the pockets of Billy and all his friends!" Mathew finally found his keys, and hurriedly tried to open the door, only to discover that the lock wouldn't bulge.

-" So what? The previous city administrator did the same thing! And the next one will also do the same." Thomas sighed as he grabbed a fire extinguisher and swung it toward Mathew's head.

Mathew was still trying to open the door when he felt the sudden impact on his head, his vision turned black and his legs gave out, however, he still was able to hear Thomas's last words;

-" I'm sorry Mathew… I didn't want to do this, I just can't pass on the money…" Tears dropped from Thomas's face as he stared at Mathew's unmoving body.

Mathew jolted awake, he felt like someone tried to split his head open. " Fuck! That bastard!" Mathew gripped his head as he tried his best to calm down. " To hell with Billy, Sarah, Jeff, and even Thomas! They are all corrupt!" Mathew was only able to calm down after spitting out the curses that were struck at his throat.

And only then he noticed that he was in some kind of strange wood cabin. " Did they kidnap me? What a bunch of psychos!" Mathew stood up from the chair he was sitting in and looked around the small room.

The entire room was pitch black, save for a candle lighting its entrance. " Where the hell am I?" Mathew was about to explore the room when his head started to hurt once again, yet, this time the pain was different.

Mathew shouted in pain as he gripped his head, flash of memories came and went rapidly, and with each scene that Mathew saw his pain only intensified. -" Sigebert? What are those memories?" The pain of an entire lifetime of memories suddenly flashing into his brain wasn't a pleasant one, Mathew even thought that it hurt more than what Thomas did to him.

The pain only finished as Sigebert's last memories replayed, leaving Mathew shocked as he finally had a good grasp of what had happened to him. " Did I really transmigrate?" Mathew was even more shocked as he realized that Sigebert had the same death as him. " Poor guy, I understand how you must be feeling." Mathew thought that he was brought over this body in some type of divine interference. " I can't believe that I really came to another world, even more in the body of someone that was killed due to discovering a corruption scheme." Mathew sat down on the chair again and stared at the piles of scrolls at the table,

Many of them were stained with blood, so reading them was hard, but, Mathew still could figure out what the situation was. " So the magistrate of this village is doing some shady deals with the only noble of this city." Mathew took a deep breath as he thought that all the surprises had finally ended, only to recall a small portion of Sigebert's memories. " Cultivation? Sigebert cultivated?!" Mathew stared at his hands in disbelief.

Transmigrating was already something unbelievable, but, transmigrating to a cultivation world made Mathew believe that this was all a dream. " So is this world just like the one in the chineses novels that I read?" Mathew closed his eyes and tried to feel any strange energy flowing in his body.

Mathew sighed as he didn't feel anything different in his body, he didn't know if he wasn't using the right method or if Sigebert's body had lost its cultivation after Mathew's soul took over.

-" I should worry about this later." Mathew gave up on trying to use his cultivation powers and focused on the documents on the table. " My current situation is more important now…" Mathew didn't know what to do, he had no idea who was the one who killed him or who he could trust." Should I run away? Where i will even go?" Mathew was completely lost, he was in a strange world, and all he had was Sigebert's memories.

Mathew took a deep breath as he stared at the ceiling of the study, he wanted to run, but, he felt guilty, he sympathized with the original owner of the body as he too had died because he wanted to stay true to his beliefs.

-" But… I already died one time doing this… Is this really worth it?" Dying once again made Mathew shiver in fear. " What i can even do? Even the original owner of this body couldn't do anything." Mathew reasoned with himself, the path ahead still too blurry for him to know what to do.

-" Sigebert? Are you up? The envoy of the governor is already here! What are you even doing?" Mathew was startled out of his stupor as he heard someone knocking on the door of his study.

Mathew looked around the study and panicked, he wasn't sure if this was an enemy or a friend. He quickly looked around the room and discovered that his only escape route was the window behind him.

Mathew quickly jumped the window and hid in the bush that decorated the courtyard, he waited patiently for the man to enter the study, he was curious about this supposed envoy from the governor, as this could likely be his escape route.

-" Fuck! What are you doing? Nicolaus will rip our head off if we arrive too late." The man had finally enough and pushed the door open, only to be surprised by the chaotic state of the study. " Sigebert?!?" The man was astonished, he knew how tidy and clean his friend was so it was clear that something was wrong,

The man observed the study carefully and froze as he saw the blood atop the table. " Good lord! What happened here?!" He looked at the blood with a horrified gaze and ran out of the room. " A murder! A Murder! Someone killed Sigebert!"

Mathew grew confused as he saw the man's reaction, at first he thought that Sigebert was a lonely wolf hunting down the corrupt officials, but, it now seemed that not many people knew about the assassination.

-" Maybe there is still hope." Mathew jumped back into his study and gazed at the pile of scrolls, he had made his choice. " My first job here will be to get revenge on the original owner of this body." Mathew grabbed the scrolls and jumped out of the study once again.