
Parents - A Bad First Encounter.

Daniel's POV

Location: Tower Of Fate.

My whole body felt sore as hell when I woke up. I opened my eyes. It seems someone carried me back to the tower of fate. I had a personal bedroom there. I shifted into a sitting position as my muscles protested. Seemed they fixed my clothes too.

"Amy what time is it" I asked looking at Stenyxor on the wall and the twin chakrams under it. My laptop on the table came on.

"It is 1: pm sir, you've been asleep in this room for Eight hours, thirty-nine minutes and forty three seconds". I nodded my head.

"Show me the news please" I asked Amy.

"Yes sir" Amy said. The news displayed the incident of last night. It would be impossible for this to be covered up by any one. There were too many eyewitnesses. The previous two times were covered up brilliantly. I had Amy to check for me, Rachel's was cleaned up by corrupt policemen and one crime organization working together. No matter how safe a place is there is always crime, the Raina time was covered up by the reinforcements who came a few minutes after I had left. I had been to the two locations after and I have to say they cleaned up good. There was almost nothing to show people died gruesomely in both areas.


"Destruction in the City of Salem has been very extensive, the worst of it in a little suburb close the abandoned church where the police were called by the residents of that area a little earlier that night".The pretty reporter standing beside a car crash said "most of who died that night as we have reports of twenty plus casualties and still counting, also the areas closer to the radius of that church were struck by what we deem to be 'bad luck' as the area was struck by numerous accidents which were started by insignificant things, if these accidents were on their own and not within the same time period, they would've been dubbed 'normal' but they were not, Also according to eyewitness accounts they were two masked individuals who went around the area and saved a lot of the people, the people say they used something like 'magic', they lifted cars away and created water and winds from nothing to deal with fires, this brings to the also masked individual who saved a passenger plane mid-flight, it is said the plane began to have engine trouble as it entered Salem airspace and it could no longer hold its flight the closer it got to the church, this person as you can see in the video by the top left (a video of the plane being covered in magic circles by me was playing) covered the plane by what looks like 'magic circles', who is this individual? This also brought the question to who most of our elder generation remember as 'Dr Fate' who was seen at the church, he spoke to the police about what happened-".

News End

The video automatically stopped when my door was opened and Rachel came into the room with Raina coming in right after. Rachel held a tray of food in her hands while Raina ran over to give me a hug.

"DAAANNIIEELL!" Raina shouted jumping onto my chest. I laughed and did my best to hide the pain I was feeling. After what happened when I saved Rachel I told her to never heal me when I could heal myself, her healing should only come in emergencies. Raina started talking too fast but I pet her head and she stopped. She got down and wiped tears from her eyes.

"I'm really glad you're okay" Raina said. Rachel placed the tray on my lap and climbed to my left side. She uncovered the food. She put a spoon into the bowl of hot soup and lifted it up to my mouth.

"You know I don't n-"

"Eat or piss me off" Rachel said giving me a look that dared me to finish my sentence. I quickly nodded my head as she began to spoon feed me.

"The Dr. Fate guy that owns the place came around yesterday" Rachel said.

"Kent Nelson? He's a cool guy" I said.

"It was just weird that someone else would be able to enter our safe zone" Rachel said bringing another spoon to my mouth.

"When he wore this helmet, everywhere went bright and he looked so cool!" Raina said.

"Yeah he does look pretty cool" I said smiling at her.

"Also your parents are downstairs" Raven said matter of factly.

"Really that's-... What!" I shouted. I looked to Raven confused. "Why?".

"Well during the chaos, my mom and I dropped Raina there to protect them in case of anything, even though you stay pretty far away from the church a few unlucky things did happen but Raina was there so" Rachel explained.

I looked to Raina as I lifted my right hand and began to rub her hair.

"Thanks" I said smiling at her. She blushed and began to stammer.

"No problem, when they started to look for you I didn't want them to leave the house so I told them the truth".

"So now they are downstairs sharing cups of coffee with Mr Nelson, apparently your dad is a huge Dr. Fate fan and he has been pretty cool about the whole thing" Rachel said. The soup was done. She got off the bed and Raina came off too.

"Get ready, we'll be waiting downstairs" Rachel said as Raina waved. They both left the room. I sighed before getting off the bed.

"Time to go see the fam" I said. I did a few stretches. My body had a dull ache that was slowly ebbing away. I could draw vitality from the root of Yggdrasil but that would be a bad idea. My head had this ache too proves I had gone too far with the airplane last night. Better to let myself heal naturally, don't want my healing factor to become dependent on the root. I went into the shower when I was done. Amy began to play some soothing music for me as I washed myself then brushed my mouth immediately after. I dressed up wearing a polo shirt and a pair of shorts. No shoes of course, I love the freedom. I placed my pouch in my pocket and combed my unruly hair before walking to the door. I prepared my mind for what was to come.

"They'll be harder on me to quit now, my unconscious form yesterday would not inspire any confidence" I sighed. I opened the door and walked out. I could sense all of them in the living room of the tower and walked there. I stepped into the living room as all eyes turned to me. The news was on display and the video of me lifting plane was playing.

"Yo" I said. My mother jumped forward and gave me a tight hug. She began to cry and suddenly tears fell from my eyes too. It didn't hit me before until I saw my parents, but I could've died yesterday, another hit from Aeshma would've killed me like ten times over. I only survived thanks to demons' oldest sin: 'Pride'. My father walked forward and joined the hug and began to rub my hair.

"You did good kid" my dad said as tears dropped from my eyes too. We held the hug for a few minutes till I tried to pull out.

'I'm a man goddammit' I thought.

"If you pull out of this hug you're grounded for life" my mom said tightening her hold on me till I couldn't breathe. "In fact you're already grounded, no superhero life for you young man, I'm never letting my baby go".

'What kind of strength is this' I thought. This wasn't anime or comic book logic where mothers could scare anyone.

'She's actually overpowering me!' I started to choke as I needed air.

"Uhm Anya, I believe he's choking" my father said.

'Thanks dad for stating the obvious'. My mom snapped out of her moment and released me quickly. She then began to fuss over me checking for injuries.

"Did I hurt you baby, I sometimes forget my strength" she said as she adjusted my clothes. She gave me a smile as we stood up and moved to the couch. I could see Rachel laughing at me from the corner of my eye. My cool persona is gone now. We sat down to face a smiling Kent Nelson. Arella came in with coffee and set it down.

"We would be in the library" she said leaving and closing the door behind her.

"So, how are you feeling" Kent asked.

"Okay, a bit sore but okay" I said. Kent was about to talk again when I stopped him.

"Sorry we as a family need a moment" I said. He smiled and nodded his head. He wanted to leave but I also told him he could stay. I as turned to my parents, my father who had stars in his eyes and my mother who was giving me a questioning look.

"What's wrong honey? Is your daddy being creepy?" She said as she hit him on his head. He turned to me with a serious look as if he wasn't just staring.

"What's wrong buddy?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Well let's do this step by step" I said, they both nodded. "What's with the super strength mom? She looked scared at that but calmed herself. My father put an arm around her to reassure her.

"Well, you know how I used to say your grandparents stay in Central City" she said and I nodded. "Well a few years before I married your dad I was on a lot of performance enhancers, I had a dream of becoming a professional athlete". She said as her eyes turned a bit red. She looked sad.

"I overdosed and almost died, I was supposed to, but that night there was this this, what's it called again Michael?"

"Particle accelerator explosion" he said. My eyes turned wide at that.

'She became a meta human, the mixture of the drugs and dark matter'.

"They call us meta humans, I woke up the next day super human and could heal myself, they said it was this thing called dark matter that changed us, I kept a low profile about my abilities as there was a lot of discrimination" she said. She hugged me again.

"The drugs they did something to me, we tried for a long time you know, to have a child, almost gave up hope but you came along" She hugged me again with a lot of strength and I could feel my bones groan. "My miracle baby". I returned the hug and began to rub her back. She slowly let me go gathering her composure and arranged herself cleaning her tears.

"What else do you want to know" she asked.

"Why is dad staring at Mr. Nelson like some sort of fanboy?" I asked.

"He's Dr. Fate of course, I grew up hearing stories about him and tales of lords of order and chaos" my dad said excitedly. I raised an eyebrow again. He sighed.

"Well I'm from an old family going back hundreds of years our beginnings in Africa , last one of the royal line actually, we dealt with the occult, vampires and witches that kind of thing" he gave me a smile "I was the last before you came along, my parents died about two years after your mom and I got married".

"So what brought you guys to Salem" I asked.

"Well after we met we decided to move here, your mom wanted to settle down in a pretty no super area, and I loved this place, my mom was from here" my dad said.

"And?" I asked. I know when people are hiding something, their aura shows me.

"She was a homo magi, not a lot of them around but that's where I'm guessing you got your magical prowess from, I dabbled in it a bit myself". He stretched out his hand and a magical circle appeared and began to give off a soft glow. I nodded taking this all in.

'Damn impressed Overvoid, you really chose the right parents to explain the origins of my powers' I thought.

"Now it's our turn" my mom said giving me a smile. I shuddered.

"When did you discover your powers" my mom asked.

"When I was two" I replied quickly. My mom gave me a searching look.

"You're lying" she said. 'Shit Shit Shit'.

"From the moment I could think" I said. She nodded her head.

"What are your powers?" My dad asked.

"Super human too, a healing factor, matter and energy absorption then manipulation, photographic reflexes and magic" I said. My father whistled.

"That's a lot" my dad said.

"Show me the matter one" mom said smiling. I reached for the table turning myself into darkwood. I then began to transfigure my hands into various shapes. They looked amazed at that. I turned it back to my hand. I extended my finger before making a wood figurine of them sitting on the couch and cut it off with my left hand. I handed it to them.

"This looks great son" dad said. I puffed my chest out feeling proud.

"Truly an impressive display" Kent said clapping his hands. I reverted back to my usual form. Mom smiled at me holding the wood figure gingerly as if trying not to break it.

"So back onto the main topic of discussion, are you gonna let me keep doing what I'm doing?" I asked. 'Couldn't call myself a hero, I'd have to kill and in this world death is too good for some, Joker is lucky he mostly stays in Gotham, at the first sign of him in Salem,I'll end him".

"The hero thing?" My dad said. I shuddered a bit. 'Not a hero!' I screamed in my head. I could see Kent analyzing me from the corner of my eye.

"You know we can't let you keep doing that baby" mom said. She was about to put her hand on my head but I pushed it away.

"I don't want to be treated like a child right now, I'm someone who has surpassed university levels, I created a piece of technology that would push the world ahead by another thirty to fourty years, so at this moment I don't want to be treated like a kid". My parents looked shocked at that. I've never blown up in their face before; from the moment I was born I made sure to be the coolest baby ever, never crying or screaming and almost no talking back. This was a first for them.

"You are too young and this world has enough heroes already" dad said.

"There are enough heroes everywhere else but not this city, what if bad guys came again, this-"

"I'm sure Dr. Fate can handle -" dad cut me off so I did the same.

"Look at him! No offense" I stood up pointing at Kent. "You know what eldritch magic is, and he's doing far more than that, he's channeling the full force of a god through his body even with soul and spirit, you know the effects of possession even if it's willing and Nabu heals him, he's only got what? Like ten more times as Dr. Fate forcing him to kick the bucket!". I stood up shouting.

"Then what about you, I can't let my son perform magic recklessly like last night, you used up so much magic and that could've killed you" dad said.

"Reckless? I saved hundreds of lives on that plane and hundreds more when it would've crashed, a lot more people would've died last night" I said frowning.

"Why don't we all calm down" Kent said causing our little family to look at him. My father took a deep breath and looked at me.

"I've spoken to those people working for my family about creating a new R&D company, it'll be confirmed soon." Dad said probably trying to soothe the tension with good news.

"Cool, I'll make sure to invest money the money I've got with me into it" I said.

"And where's this money from young man" my mom asked. Kent raised an eyebrow.

"Been taking money from illegal kingpins around the world and ratting them out". My parents mouth dropped.

"THAT WAS YOU!" Kent said before he started to laugh hysterically. "The one who Batman has been looking for is a boy less than ten". I smiled in pride.

"In the beginning it was me but I didn't have to do that anymore once I got Amy, I did notice he was investing in the schools and orphanages I built-''

"Who's Amy?" Dad asked.

"An AI I built, she handles a lot on the Intern-"

"You did what!" Kent shouted making get a huge tick on my forehead.

"That's the second time, the next person that cuts me off would get dumped in the desert" I said as a magic circle came to life in my hand. "Like really, I can create an AI, I know all the dangers, I can assure you Amy is perfec-" I was interrupted again when a loud roar went through the castle.

"Who or what is that" my dad asked as I spread my senses out. I turned to Kent shocked.

'He has not changed back?' I asked Kent telepathically. He shook his head.

"Mom, Dad" I said in a serious tone. "Let's table this discussion for later, there's someone who needs our help". My father frowned but seeing the look on my face sighed while my mother looked worried.

"It's pretty amazing that you could sense him, The tower is supposed to restrict that" Kent said sadly.

"So you weren't going to tell me" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Listen kid" I narrowed my eyes at that.

"You did good today, amazing work really" He continued "but what has happened to him is horrific and the energy he is giving off is full of malevolence".

"Yes I know, there's something fueling it, the tower is actually working, I can't sense it in as much detail as I can on the outside, so we have to get closer". My parents bristled at that before looking into each other's eyes and nodding their heads.

"We'll come along" My mom said. Mr. Nelson sighed before smiling and nodding his head in acceptance.

"Is there anyone else joining the party" he said giving me a grin before we both looked towards where the other house guests were eavesdropping.

"You guys can come in now" I shouted while smiling a bit when I heard my mom laugh. I gave her a questioning look.

"What? I could hear them breathing" She said. Arella and her daughters enter the room looking embarrassed.

"We are sorry!" They said in unison while my dad laughed and I gave them a smile.

"It's fine, can we go now" I said turning to Kent. He stood up and we all followed.

"Isn't that the wrong way" I asked him when I saw him walking in the opposite direction.

"The tower and I have had a very long relationship David, and like all relationships we have an understanding" he said as he tapped his cane on the wall and a door appeared. I used my senses to pierce through the door and discovered that it led underground where I heard the roar.

"This towers gets cooler every time Mr. Nelson, best superhero base ever" I said. He started grinning like a madman.

"Thanks kid, I didn't have too many fans back in my day, Nabu is not exactly a people person, pretty much cold to everyone" Kent said. He opens the door to a room. The rooms main feature was the huge bed on which lay an eight foot tall demon. His skin was red, his hair a darker shade of the same color. His hair was long and so were his nails which looked terrifyingly sharp. He had two large horns coming out from the side of his head. The sounds of snores were loud in the room. Everyone else apart from Kent and I were shocked. I looked around the room and found runes everywhere and recognized a few. Kent followed my sight and decided to explain.

"Dr. Fate put him here to keep him asleep but even that is proving difficult" He said with a troubled look on his face. " It's also to siphon the malevolent energy he is leaking"

"So what was that roar we heard" Arella asked.

"He's adapting, or his energy is, so he is becoming more resistant" I said looking at some of the runes that displays the amount of energy put into the sleep spell.

"Yes, I'm afraid I cannot let him wake as he is feral and lashes out at anything now" Kent said "Dr. Fate could not even delve into his mind to discover the problem". Now that caught me off guard. I turned to Kent.

"You defeated Aeshma instantly right". Kent nodded slowly.

'Something strong enough to keep out Dr Fate' I brought up a few examples in my mind when I stopped. 'What am I thinking, there are too many things that can do this, this is the DC universe, there's always something OP above no matter how OP you are, just look at Superman One Million, that guy is faster than flash, and flash is faster than instant teleportation. I tsked in annoyance.

"Well at least that narrows it down a bit" my dad said. "He should be absorbing this energy through his mind for Doctor Fate to be repelled".

'Narrows it down to a few thousand' I said in my head.

"Couldn't we make something to just block the energy out" My mother asked turning to me.

"Doesn't work that way, you have to know exactly what you are trying to keep out, the energy could keep on flowing at best or bad things happen at worst" Kent said. The room was solemn after that.

"What about Nth metal?" Raina asked. Rachel shivered at that. As someone that is partly an inter-dimensional demon that her father is a pure magical being she knows the effect Nth metal could have on him.

"Bad idea, Nth metal is not the best for people like him Raina, it will hurt bad" Rachel said.

"Even if he was pure human we don't know what other effects the energy has on him, suddenly removing it would be a bad idea" I said. Raina felt depressed behind me so I rubbed her hair and smiled.

"It's a bad idea, but having ideas are good, it's a mark of intelligence" I told her. She gave a smile as I patted her head.

"I've called a few people, no replies yet for whatever reasons" Kent said.

'Magicians aren't exactly the closest bunch' I thought'they could also be scared that Kent is looking for his successor and once in front of him it'll be difficult to say no. I felt sad at that, Nabu's cold attitude wouldn't have helped too. I sighed.

"I can't sense anything, right now whatever is powering him is fueling his demonic energy masking itself in the process, so since I cannot enter his mind this'll have be done the hard way". My mother sighed.

"Time to hit the bookshelves"she said looking dejected. My father seemed excited at the thought of seeing Dr. Fate's library.

"I don't think that's what your son means, Constantine has rubbed off on you hasn't he" Kent said.

"Sadly he has, I'm sure you understand what I must do and why". Kent frowned at me.

"Sadly yes" Kent said stretching his right hand. The door opened and the helmet of fate flew into his grasp. I stretched mine and Stenyxor appeared in my hand. Everyone looked at us both. Kent handed me the helmet with a smile. My dad was quick to protest.

"NO NO NO" my father shouted. "You are not putting on that helmet!". Kent and I turned to him with a raised eyebrow before we both started to laugh.

"He thought I were going to wear it" I said before once more bursting into laughter. My dad has an annoyed look on his face with clear tick marks on his forehead. Kent patted dad's shoulder reassuringly.

"I understand your fear, but I won't ask a child with this much potential to wear the helmet of fate" he said. "Nabu would never release him".

"Could you clue us in?" Mom asked noting she wasn't the only one without knowledge on the helmet. Raina and the Roth's also had questioning looks on their faces.

"I mean aren't you Doctor Fate" Arella asked.

"As you know from your brief interaction with the Cult of Trigon and Raven Organization, there are inter dimensional forces at play in this dimension" Kent said. Arella flinched at Trigon's name.

"Some of these beings work together to accomplish their goals, Nabu is one of the Lords Of Order, a group who are at eternally odds with the Lords of Chaos" Kent said. Arella and Rachel took a step back at that. While Kent explained I closed my eyes and concentrated on the helmet getting a feel for Fate's energy. If he took it easy on me it'll be far easier than using the eldritch energies from other dimensions due to the fact that his conduit for this plane was in my hands. As I held Stenyxor my body began to change into an Uru-Adamantine Alloy.

"So you channel his energy, don't a lot of practitioners of the mystic arts do that" Raina asked innocently as she had been working on her magic too. My father took over.

"They don't channel his power once the helmet is on, they channel him, the force and soul of a god in the body of man" my dad said. "Nabu also has a penchant for not letting whoever dons the helmet go, he seeks to uphold order by any means necessary". The women in the room looked shocked at that and my mother turned to me and stared at the helmet in my hands. She didn't hesitate and rushed towards me to grab it. Let me tell you she is fast. I reflexively created a soft bubble of light around me. She looked at me in anger punching it her right hand sinking into the construct. I then took off the bubble and wrapped her in the air as she tried to punch through the dough like bubble. I was going to ask her to calm down but I felt two magical constructs reaching for the helmet. I created a hard wall construct blocking the dark energy reaching for it. I was not yet fully fit and also not used to Fate's powers so I released my mother who landed and punched the wall with all her might denting it.

"Anya! Calm down!" My father shouted. My mother relaxed and turned to him with anger in her eyes. She stepped up to him while Raven tried to blast the wall down.

"Michael I won't let our son become a puppet for a god!" She said angrily.

"He's not putting on the helmet, Daniel may be rash but I'm trusting Mr. Nelson here" he said calmly trying to deflate the situation. She looked towards Kent who rose his hands up in surrender while his stick stood on its own.

"He is not wearing the helmet, the power of fate is all around us, it permeates the universe, Daniel plans to use it to expand his special senses" Kent said as reassuring as possible.

"Also I need the energy boost honestly" I said pitching in. My mom gave me a look that's not usually on her pretty face and I shivered. I wanted to continue but shut my mouth. I turned and concentrated on Rachel's assaults on my defense.

"Rachel this is unnecessary you know, I need to save my strength to do this" I said. She stopped her attacks and frowned heavily.

"After yesterday you're still getting yourself into trouble, your body is not even in its prime condition yet" She said as a dark light leaked from her eyes. I sighed.

"I know, but we don't know how long until his mind is lost, and our only option is to kill a child like us, we can't keep him asleep forever" I said. I let down the shield that was showing cracks and removed my hand from the helmet letting it float midair behind me.

"I know I've bee getting into trouble and I'm sorry" I told her as I walked towards her. I was gonna hug her when I heard my mother and Raina's whispers.

"-n't they look cute together" Raina said with hearts in her eyes.

"They'll make great babies" my mom said ecstatic. Rachel blushes hard and I grew a tick mark.

"Enhanced hearing here" I shouted at them both. I turned to Rachel and gave a reassuring head pat.

"I'll be right back". I walked towards the large bed and floated into the air. I entered a lotus position with Stenyxor on my lap and the helmet of fate floating behind me. I had managed to create a mild connection with it before but now I was going full power. I began to call more of the energy hoping Nabu would not mind and was surprised to find it so easy.

'He is probably trying to get in my good graces or something, I know myself that I could be a great Dr. Fate' I thought smugly.

'That you can be Daniel'.


They watched as Daniel started to meditate before a bright light came of the helmet. The symbol of fate formed behind David.

"What magical potential, he isn't even ten yet" Kent said under his breath. Kent felt something stir in the air as a presence he had become familiar with enter the room. He looked at Daniel hoping that Nabu doesn't pull anything.

Daniel POV

Daniel was shocked as he felt Nabu's Presence around him. He didn't falter as he kept getting a feel for Fate's power. He couldn't exactly be rude as he was using the guy's powers without permission.

'Hey I know that I took without asking okay'Daniel said.

'There is no need to apologize, I have come here with a proposal' Nabu said.

'And what exactly is that?' I asked him.

'I would help you accomplish your task to the best of my ability, if I get a host' Nabu said.

'And what if I don't' I asked.

'This child is sown from Chaos, and Chaos he could bring' Nabu said in a plain voice. I frowned internally.

'So got anyone in mind, I don't think anyone would jump at the chance to be Dr. Fate'.

'That is the flaw of you humans, none can choose to sacrifice themselves to protect the world'.

'Hey, Mr. Nelson did that' I said vexed. 'Even though you manipulated him in the beginning, he still put on the helmet once he was free'.

'I do not consider Kent human, I consider him a friend' Nabu said. I considered that statement. The next statement however made me mad.

'I have taken your father as a main candidate to become Dr. Fate, although his magical knowledge is insufficient, his natural affi-'. In my anger, Stenyxor moved rapidly and stopped in front of his helmet. I considered finding ways to destroy it.


"What is going on!" Rachel shouted as she felt Daniel's energy erupt. They watched as Stenyxor moved to attack the helmet of Fate.

"I thought you said he'll be fine!" Anya screamed at Kent and her husband. Michael clenched his fists in exasperation, hoping his son would be alright. Kent turned to see Rachel's hands glow with dark energy as she was preparing to attack the helmet.

'She views any enemy of Daniel's as hers, in the future she could take Nabu, but now I don't think so' he thought.

"Calm down, they are conversing mentally, Nabu has not made any move to attack" he said trying to reassure them. 'Come on big guy, must you always make a bad impression, this is why we don't have a lot of real friends'.

Daniel's POV

'Nabu do not test me'I said full of rage.

'It is only temporary, after a short amount of time he would be released, by then I would have found a better option'

'What is a short amount of time to an immortal being? A decade? A century?'.

'It is a small sacrifice to make, the world is in need of Dr. Fate'.

'Nabu this conversation is over' I said.

'You know that it is not, In the future you'll need Doctor Fate, but I'll let you review your choice, it seems that I am no longer required here'.

'No you are not' I replied. His presence began to fade as did his magical power. I reached into my infinite pouch and held onto a metal that I'd put off using.

'You can leave, but the energy stays' I said as I made Stenyxor touch the helmet. Immediately I began to suck a huge amount of energy into my body forcefully.

'Desist immediately, or you'll face the wrath of fate!' Fate commanded.

'Maybe if you were here physically' I said as I began to transform my body to a famous metal with no name. A metal that blocks telepathy. A metal I put off using since as a magician I am capable of the mind arts. The metal used by Magneto and the Juggernaut to resist Prof. Xavier. Immediately I could not feel Nabu's presence. I took as much as I could quickly as possible before flinging the helmet disrespectfully away severing my connection to Nablus before he pulls something.

'I'll feel this tomorrow morning'. My body was bursting with energy. Immediately I felt my senses expand and my body was getting what is basically a stomach upset. My senses felt a lot clearer and farther and I felt far more connected to the world than before. Stenyxor flew to my grasp and I began to pump this energy into it. Once I had reached a balance of sorts I opened my eyes and looked towards the bed.

With a thought I unlocked the runes blocking Joseph's demonic energy. It flooded out but I raised my axe in defiance and used Fate's power to pierce through the malevolence. I then threw my senses in. The energy was thick and I was starting to believe I'll never discover what was wrong. In a final attempt I pushed all the energy I had like a drill piercing through once more. The energy reflexively attacks it and in that moment I search once more for the source. This time I gaze upon the source of all my troubles.

"Fuck" was what I said before getting a backlash of energy as I was repelled back blood dropping from my nose. My head was a bit woozy but I noticed Kent redoing the runes locking everything back into place. My mom ran to me and hugged me tight, checking me over before wiping the blood away. Kent walked up with his staff and placed a healing spell on me boosting my healing factor. At the same time I began to draw from the root of the world tree and immediately I felt much better as vitality flooded my body. Physically I'll be good but my magic circuits would need to rest. I let my transformation go as everyone crowded me. Kent then asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

"So what did you discover" he said. I frowned remembering what I saw. One of the most powerful cosmic powers in DC. I turned to him with a grim look on my face.

"What do you know about the Emotional Spectrum".