
Oshi no Ko: To Save a Star

Have you ever found yourself believing in the potential to achieve something extraordinary in your life? I was once a firm believer in such possibilities. In truth, my life was ordinary but satisfying. I found contentment in spending time with friends whenever I could, and my academic achievements at university even earned me the reputation of a genius. I never truly saw myself that way, but I accepted such compliments with a smile. One fateful day, a close friend urged me to indulge in an anime series called... Oshi no Ko As an ardent anime enthusiast, I willingly delved into its world. From the very first episode, it captivated me. Ai Hoshino—a character of extraordinary charm, capable of captivating anyone with a single gaze. Her life was a tumultuous blend of being an idol and a mother of twins, dealing with the demands of public adoration and motherhood. Witnessing her trials sparked an unusual and strong desire within me—a fervent wish to shield her from the harsh realities she faced. I wish that knife would've killed me instead. Such a thought may seem absurd, even melodramatic, but the series had stirred something profound within me. As I continued to delve into the world of Oshi no Ko, the stories of Ruby and Aqua further deepened my emotional involvement. Their arduous journeys and their struggles tugged at my heartstrings, and I couldn't help but feel immense sadness for them. Struggling to relate to their pain, I could only appreciate the stark contrast between their hardships and the relative comfort of my own life. I desired to rid the world of that despicable excuse of a father, perhaps even more than Aqua or Ruby did. But I had to suppress these feelings. After all, it was just an anime, just a manga... Tragically, my obsession with the series clouded my awareness, and I failed to notice an oncoming truck. The very cliché "truck-kun" became the instrument of my undoing. I lost my life because I couldn't tear my thoughts away from the anime world to focus on reality. Pathetic. In the gloomy aftermath of this unforeseen tragedy, I found myself standing alone in a desolate street, a murder of crows ominously watching over me. Amidst this eerie silence, a haunting question pierced through my thoughts [Do you wish to change Hoshino Ai's fate?] --- My discord server: ava9cEr3eG

DeeplyLostInShadow · Tranh châm biếm
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34 Chs

The First Exchange: Make Things Clear(2)

--- Masaya Kaburagi's POV ---

Everything fell into place exactly as it should. Despite my initial doubts about gathering all the necessary actors in such a short time, I couldn't help but be impressed by how fast we got them all on a stage to meet each other.

Luck, if such a concept existed in this world, seemed to be on our side.

Firstly, Ren's social media announcement about his role in an 'upcoming production' of mine swiftly convinced Suzuka Honoki to take the lead as Female Lead number 1. Her enthusiastic acceptance made it seem as though she was a natural choice as if it was her destiny.

I brushed this off, assuming it was all part of Ren's plan. But the real surprise came when every talented newcomer I approached asked a common question before even forcing their own agencies to participate and cancel other plans: would the stage be under Ren's direct influence?

It appeared that over the years, a sort of 'rumor' had circulated among the younger actors. According to this whisper, any production involving Ren would inevitably achieve resounding success.

Intrigued, I delved deeper, scrutinizing Ren's background check which was delivered to me the day after we had our conversation. To my astonishment, it was undeniable. Whenever he was part of a production, even the most unexpected mishaps were resolved without harming the overall performance. It was as if he possessed an innate guiding light, leading everyone to triumph. Nothing short of a miracle.

A shiver ran down my spine, a testament to my underestimation of him. This wasn't a simple 'good' reputation; it was more profound than that.

If only he spoke a word, he could probably convince many actors to defect from their own companies and join Lala Lai, for the guaranteed success no company could give you.

There is a reason why not a single higher-up dares to speak badly of him, nor does anyone stand in his way...

Was he groomed from a young age to be a leader, someone worth following? Yet, even if that was the truth, I remained skeptical. Many doubts surfaced, but in the end, I simply sighed.

What did I stand to gain from further investigation? I had no intention of making an enemy out of someone like Ren, especially when this show had the potential to bring immense profit if executed correctly. My initial doubts about this insane production gradually melted away at this realization, surprising me with the swiftness of their disappearance.

As I observed the supposed Female Lead 1 and 2 engage in a heated argument, I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"...Oh, this is even better."

Since these two characters were sworn enemies in the story, it would be all the more authentic if the actresses harbored genuine animosity toward each other.

Had Ren somehow anticipated my casting choices out of hundreds of potential candidates?

I shook my head, dismissing such an idea. Despite his genius, there was no way he could predict something so specific, right?

Any lingering doubts were set aside. At this point, I was eager to witness the first-ever rendition of a project that no one else would dare to adapt. Although most of the actors hadn't even had time to thoroughly study the script, I found myself genuinely excited about today's outcome...

--- Ren's POV ---

Masaya seemed content for the moment, flashing a thumbs-up, blissfully unaware of the ticking time bomb within our midst.

With a plausible excuse to approach Hikaru, I separated myself from Honoka, initiating introductions and small talk with various actors who were well-acquainted with me or had shared the stage before. It was a useful diversion, but my intention wasn't to foster camaraderie right now.

"...You must be Hikaru Kamiki, correct? A pleasure to share the stage with you. I'm Ren Hashibara... you might recall me from a few class sessions I've led. How does it feel to finally step into the protagonist's shoes, to soon be acting out a role yourself?"

I couldn't discern what kind of expression I was making, but I had to start this conversation and divert his attention at any cost.

Why, you ask? Because his gaze had been riveted on Ai for a while now. How dare he? Part of me wished I could snap his fragile neck right then and there, but patience was key.

Rash action now could jeopardize everything I'd planned with him in the first place.

My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, and it wasn't until what felt like minutes had passed that I registered his response.

"...Ren-senpai. It's an honor to share the stage with you. From the rumors I've heard, it seems like this show is already a guaranteed success, isn't it?"

His tone was casual, as though it were only natural for me to bear the brunt of responsibility for everyone if this play resulted in a failure. It took a great deal of restraint not to lash out at him.

"...I'll strive to ensure that this show, your debut, is a memorable one for you. Your role may be minor, but you'll be one of my 'aides', and I have faith in your dedication and hard work you have been showing me so far."

Translation: You're just a minor part, a first-timer, so stay out of my way. I'll command all the attention. You'll be nothing more than a tree standing there looking dumb.

We exchanged some small talk, and though this was the first time we'd had a conversation, I sensed it. He was my target.

He and I couldn't exist in this World at the same time.

Hidden deep within his gaze, I saw it—the frigidity that couldn't be concealed, the unquenchable thirst for bloodshed.

It was revolting, and loathsome. I wished never to lock eyes with him again. However, I had no choice; I had to do it, for I would have to protect the person standing a few meters behind me with all my strength.

"...Anyway, what are your thoughts on Lady Sakura's actress?"

We were discussing an entirely different subject, but he unexpectedly tossed that question into the mix, momentarily catching me off guard. Numerous responses swirled in my mind, but before I could articulate even a single one of them, a sudden round of loud claps interrupted us.

"Now that you've all had a chance to acquaint yourselves, I believe it's time to do some proper script reading. What do you all say?"

Masaya intervened, yet my mouth remained partially open, only one word escaping my lips as our gazes locked.


My lips silently conveyed that singular word as his smile subtly shifted, his attention shifting to Masaya.

'...We'll see.'

No more words were needed for me to understand.

It was war. And I must win it, or a Star, the Star I've been chasing for my entire life, would die.