
Ornamental memories

About the Author

Hello everyone,this is Sohini Sarkar from Kolkata. Founder of Golden Talent Page and Productions,Owner of Brand Sohini Bastralaya,Founder of Inspired Thoughts and Talkbook communities,PR head of Inkzoid Foundation and Women Secretary of Council of All India Azad Hind Association. Pursuing English honours at New Alipore College. She is an Author published her written book"Your Fortune","Alankar Sriti"- novel in Bengali, Co-Author,Compiler,Entrepreneur of Brand Beautione. She has achieved many certificates in writing and in other fields photography,Acting,Dancing and singing are her passion. She is motivational speaker,scriptwriter,lyricist,Vlogger, Voiceartist,jockey in Anchor and paricipates in Open mics. She has published many writings in YourQuote app.

The love of the old days is in that alley in Kolkata. How many memories of holding hands in the heart of Kolkata have been remembered forever. This Durga puja binds the man of the mind in worship. There are many memories left in the old house with ancient information to the outsiders and the memories of the whole family to the people of the house for ages. Before Puja, the wife and daughters of the house buy sari and call the vendors at home to do some shopping. The woman, "Brother, show me that saree, how much is this saree?" The boy, "Mom, I'm going out to play". Mother said, "Not at all, go and read, in this heat will not go anywhere at noon". The elder boy sat on the wall, "Didn't you hear what mother said? Ya, go". The younger one put down his face and left. It is nostalgia to gossip to my mother in the old house at noon. It was the sixth day when the worship of the Durga maa begins. The drums are beating, the brass is playing, people are coming and going, the children are laughing and playing all over the house. The last word is the word of the owner of the house at Chattopadhyay. Everyone respects the master of the house. Aunt shouted, "What's the matter, when will the man who made the idol come?" Gungun, "See if all the equipments of Durga maa are all right !!" Palak, "Gungun, Take this, Mamuni asked me to put this new saree on the plate and give it to you". Souvik said, "Come here, I have brought things from the market." Gungun, "Yes I'm coming". Palak is a calm girl. She helps everyone in her work. She is the lucky girl. And Deepak has returned from abroad just before Puja this year after completing his PhD in Physics. The Chowdhury family has a long-standing relationship with this house, in a word, a very good friendship. Palak "Ohh, I'm taking these, you go". Kartama, "Palak, come here."

Deepak comes with his family ...

Deepak "Can I come?"

Kartama "Hey come on come on you all come in". A little more if it was late Palak was going to collide with Deepak.

Deepak "Can't you see?"

Palak, "can't see for himself and is pushing me a little and telling me again". Sneha, "Palak, you? How you doing and met after years, brother let's go or will talk for sometime more?" Sneha smiles innocently and goes away. Aunt has some complaints on this house for some reason. Being disgusted with his mother, Anik left for Mumbai because Anik's marriage broke down due to aunt's useless anger. Long time ago, aunt was told by her Kartama that she could not hold her husband.

Durga Puja is celebrated every year with enthusiasm at the ancient and prestigious Chattopadhyay's house in North Kolkata. The house is decorated for puja with the lights everywhere, everyone is very happy. This Durga puja in Kolkata means joy with family, going out with friends and love. And the sweet naughtiness in love is more suitable during this puja. The habit of these old houses in Kolkata is to get up in the morning and sit in a chair and have tea and reading the newspaper.

Deepak and Palak stand together on the verandah for a while.

Deepak "I'm sorry for the morning". Palak "No no, its ok I'm going now". Suddenly Deepak grabs Palak's hand and Palak turns his face. He lets go of his hand again. The love of Calcutta usually begins in this puja. Palak was very embarrassed and asked, "Would you say something?"

Deepak "Wait, listen listen !!"

Sneha and Pradeep were standing in a corner hiding and smiling. Sneha "Yes my brother what's going on". In the afternoon, Palak and Gungun were sitting in the building and giving alpana. A little later, Gungun went to the kitchen for other Puja activities in the afternoon.

Gungun, "Palak, you finish making the design, I will see how far the other works have been done". Deepak was touring the house with his sister Sneha. The two were talking about the house. Sneha, "See! The house is so old then ghosts, hidden treasures are all there, what do you say? "

Deepak "Hmm can say". Palak falling in his eyes was giving a very beautiful artwork with her hand." Deepak, "Do you need any help?" She laughs and said yes. The two of them finished the work together. This is the first time that they have expressed their love for each other in front of Durga maa.

Gungun, "Sneha, Pradeep, all of you come down, the afternoon puja will start". Souvik Da "Listen, give me a little sweets". Gungun, "No, you won't get, go empty-handed." Everyone notices that Deepak and Palak are standing side by side and praying. Many are very happy.

Deepak "You are looking so beautiful today". Palak said, "You see how late it is while talking to you, there is a lot of work left for Puja."

"Yes, Kartama I am coming," said Palak, leaving Deepak behind. Sneha moved a little and said to Pradeep, "I will see exactly what I think. They both like each other and have started falling in love." Pradeep, "Did you just say that? You had all bad talks and ours....

Sneha and Pradeep looked at each other without saying a word. Sneha removed her eyes and said "Why did you stop? Tell me, yes, I'm the one who's talking nonsense, and you're always correct, That's right!!"

Pradeep, "Why are you so angry?" Pradeep, "Look here, you have forgotten us that....? "

Sneha being a little arrogant, "What was it? "

Maybe no one finds out about her aunt's way. And many jokingly say, "Hey, wait, aunt, we'll be all right". At night they meet again on the verandah. Deepak "Why are you ignoring me all time, Why again and again?"

Palak "No, I mean if the people of the house comes to know ..."

Deepak "How many times have I called you and if people of the house will know, what will happen if we are just friends".

Meanwhile, Deepak's mother and Kartama saw them together. Deepak's mother got very angry and said to Kartama, "Have you seen it?" And both of them got very angry and left. Sneha sees that Kartama has to leave quickly but she couldn't understand anything.

Deepak "I wanted to say something, shall I?"

Palak, "Say yes".

Deepak "Are we friends from today?" Palak, "Yes ..."

Sneha asked from outside the house, "Shall we come in, brother?"

Gungun smiled sweetly and asked, "What is going on Palak?" Deepak says to Sneha and Gungun, Deepak slaps his younger sister Sneha on the head and says "You don't have to deal with all these big things". Embarrassed, he said to Gungun, "you are not supposed to do so, what she thought, What a shame..."

Gungun laughing, "Nothing serious happened, so..."

Palak was ashamed and ran away from the room. Palak thinks to himself "I like you Deepak".

He should not have thought of these things at once. She shouldn't think of Deepak Babu as she is a very ordinary girl whom everyone hates.

The people of this house love to live with small pleasures. Kartama called Sneha and Gungun. The master, Kartama got a little angry and said, "Look, Sneha and Gungun, we shouldn't talk too much about Deepak and Palak, and you two also shouldn't talk too much about them.

Aunty says, "Yes I was speaking about same matter where Deepak is rich guy compared to village girl Palak, she has a good image though I can't tolerate her, Not like you all".

Kartama, "Ahha! Sister".

Sneha "But Kartama, aunty, what are you upto?

You mean, like, saltines and their ilk, eh?"

Meanwhile, Pradeep asks Sneha again, "Don't you really remember anything?" Sneha "Hey, yes yes I remember everything, what are you thinking. Don't you understand jokes? "

Pradeep, "No, I don't understand that much, but I love you". Pradeep with a little fun and arrogance, "I'm not as smart as you," he said. Sneha holds Pradeep's hand.

On the morning of the seventh day, Palak was practising a song in her room.

Deepak suddenly woke up early when he heard Palak's song. Deepak "You sing very well, Palak, "you would stay here for how long? Thank you"

Deepak, "Palak I love you".

Palak's face turns red with shame, she is not yet ready to hear this. Palak can't answer at the moment. As she ran away, she wondered if she deserved it. Gungun calls out to Palak from below, "Palak come fast to me with puja's plate and equipments". Sauvik said "Mother, Pradeep has gone for a work and can't return before noon". Kartama, "Well my child".

Kartama, "Have you all finished dressing up, come here soon"

Palak "Take this, Kartama".

Gungun "Listen Palak, I'm telling you what to do ...." Gungun can't tell the whole story to Palak when she sees her mother-in-law.

Kartama, "Gungun, Palak, you have a lot of work to do here, and Gungun look at your husband. What's the matter, he's looking for you."

Kartama is angry with Palak, "Give the flowers and puja things to purohit's hand, see if you missed out anything?" Palak stood in a corner and cried. Her tears do not want to obey the barrier.

We are unable to come up with the names of some beautiful evening relationships. In the afternoon, Palak was singing while passing the veranda. Suddenly she meets Deepak. Deepak, "Your voice is so good and sweet Please will you sing a song just for us, if you don't mind"

Deepak "what's the answer to what I told you, Didn't you finalize it? "

Palak "want to be with you for a thousand times". Palak is a little embarrassed and says, "And I don't know the answer, Deepak Babu".

On the eighth day, the whole family pays homage to the Durga maa in the morning. The brides of the house takes charge of Puja and spiritual food. Sneha and Palak also helps.

Deepak "Are you the girl of this house?"

Palak "This is my relative's house"

It was decided that the younger ones will go to see the pandals. Sauvik and Gungun, Deepak and Palak and Sneha the junior members all go out together to see Durga maa that day.

Palak was embarrassed and said to gungun, "He was staring at me the first day."

Gungun, "lucky you are".

Gungun laughed a little and said, "Why are you ashamed?" They all saw both holding hands, eating ice cream, looking at each other as if to find heaven. For Souvik's mother, he forgot to take out the camera in fear.

This time he took out the camera and captured the smile like a feather cloud on his camera. Gungun, "Brother, Deepak I didn't know you were a professional photographer." Sneha says jokingly, "Yes, you are right, this talent, none of us knew this quality of yours."

Suddenly Palak's feet got sprained while walking. Seeing this condition of hers, Deepak became very worried.

Palak is somehow held. Deepak, "Let's see what happened to your feet?"

Palak, "Is this what you are doing?

Palak is very embarrassed and anxious and says, "Ah, why are you touching my feet?"

Deepak, "Wait, nothing will happen, nobody will say anything, now keep quiet."

Deepak, "Tell me why you are so nervous?"

Palak looks at everyone with discomfort. Sneha "Nothing happened Palak". Souvik, "Look Palak, Deepak will be talking at home you need not to say, Deepak and Palak looked at each other on the way back home. Deepak understood Palak's thoughts. Deepak took Palak's hand and comforted her. Shortly after arriving home, Deepak went to his house and saw Palak standing in the corridor. The rule of the house was that girls could not eat at the same table as boys. Aunt, "Oh my god, you can't sit and eat with the boys, girl."

Deepak, "Look, Kartama, don't think anything of it, no one obeys these rules these days." Sneha said, "Yes, Grandma, and they are our guests. Why are you forbidding them?" On the afternoon of the tenth day, everyone goes to play vermillion with great joy. Sneha gets a touch of love in the vermilion of the lamp. During the game, Palak can understand what was going on in Deepak's mind. Kartama speaks of Palak and Deepak in front of everyone. Gungun and Sauvik became very happy. Despite the objections of some, Kartama put the four hands together.

Hearing this, the plate fell from Deepak's mother's hand. Deepak's mother said, "You can't ruin my son's life."

Deepak, "Mom, shut up Please". Deepak's mother said, "What do you mean? All right, I'll leave this house." Just then a butterfly came and sat on Palak's hand. She got angry and left. Palak, "Wait, aunty please don't misunderstand him, please listen to me".

Deepak's mother, "No, I don't want to talk to you ". Sneha goes to handle her mother, "Mom, listen to me, mom".

Deepak apologizes, "Kartama, you don't mind my mother's words". The master called the purohit and went through the book for the rituals all day long. "Look, purohit moshai, tell me when is the best time."

Palak and Deepak both bow to their grandparents picture.

Taking the blessing of grandmother, Kartama said to Palak, "Mother of your birth and rebirth, you will be happy."

Everyone returns to their house. The big, open house looked like a storm. And strangely enough, someone entered the house with that storm.

The house at Chattopadhyay in Kolkata is about one hundred and fifty years old. Since the puja of this house is popular in Kolkata, people come from outside Kolkata two or three times a year. Someone or the other to see such an old house and someone to study the secrets of the old house such as ghosts, hidden treasures, murders, clans. They left again after a week. The old rule of this house is to call and feed the poor and miserable people during Durga Puja. There was Separate space for feeding people.

It is cooked by the cook. Kartama refers to Deepak's mother, "Look you shouldn't object so much to." Deepak's mother said, "Tell me will I not worry as I have only son of mine." Kartama, "There is a bridge in every relation, but your son also has a desire, doesn't he?"

A beautiful girl comes. As soon as she entered the house, she took off her spectacles and looked around the house. Suddenly Deepak's eyes fell towards her and turned the other way round, "Hey, Deepak are you here? I didn't really think I'd meet you here". Gungun asks the girl, "Who are you and how did you get to know Deepak?" Deepak is very upset to see the girl. Deepak, "I am telling".

The girl frowned and said, "Stop, let me tell the circumstance or they'll think I'm dumb." Deepak "Speak what is right".

Aishwarya, "I am Aishwarya, Deepak's bestfriend and girlfriend and yes I have come here to visit this, the old house, as I like all these."And that's when you ask me told Gungun," I'm the big wife of this house".

And with eyebrows upwards asks Palak by the way what you doing here, "Who are you?" palak goes way. Kartama, "All right, you go in, child." Palak and Deepak on the verandah that afternoon was talking. Aishwarya looking at Deepak Says, "Listen Deepak, I want to talk to you there is something urgent".

Deepak says, "I will talk to you later." He turns his face.

Aishwarya, "You don't understand that I have something useful to say to Deepak." Palak got a little upset and said, "Yes Deepak Babu, you have a talk with her, I am going now".

Deepak is very annoyed and very ashamed to see Aishwarya speaking so rudely, "Wait, Palak, don't go, listen". Deepak gets angry and says to Aishwarya, "Why did you do that? You should have said it later". Aishwarya, "Deepak, how much you have changed, you said there you love me, you can't live without me ... how many lies you have to say now...".

Deepak gets more angry and doesn't answer Aishwarya's words.

He goes away with frustration.

Aishwarya says to Palak, "Listen, you will not come between me and Deepak at all, do you understand?" Ever since Deepak heard this, whenever he went to talk to Palak, Palak was a little arrogant and said, "Look, I can't talk to you."

Deepak was very sad, he suspected but suddenly did not understand why Palak was behaving unfamiliarly with him. He knows that she is not like this to everyone. She used to suffer a lot after repeatedly abusing her would-be husband Deepak. Palak thought, "He never found out about me? Why or why not? I have treated him badly! But I have no choice! I have to choose this cruel path to move out between Aishwarya and Deepak babu. Please I know You will forgive me Deepak Babu".

The next morning, Palak met Deepak on the north verandah. Deepak "Wait, I'll talk to you today".

Palak, "Why are you insisting?"

Deepak, "You are insisting, Palak, meanwhile Look ".

Deepak noticed Palak's eyes getting wet, "You know our relationship, we are going to tie the knot in a few days". Palak laughed arrogantly, "Just for marriage?" Deepak, "No you are wrong, we are best friends and moreover we love each other ". Deepak," I can't be as good with everyone as you are" Deepak quickly leaves. Deepak knocks on Aishwarya's door. Aishwarya," Ah! What a surprise, you came to see me? Come in." Deepak, "Stop talking nonsense, what makes you so brave? Why did you tell Palak like that? "

This time the limits broke. Deepak "Tell me what happened? Someone told you something .... Aishwarya?" Palak, "Yes .... I mean .... but I don't want you to misbehave with Aishwarya".

Aishwarya, "Look Deepak I love you, you know...." Deepak, "The word love doesn't fit in your mouth, I want to tell you something clearly".

Aishwarya, "I don't want to hear anything....and You Deepak will go back to Calcutta with me and that's all."

Deepak, "How do you think that you will say and I will do as you say. Okay, so you're out of your senses. Please get out of here, Go away off to where you came from. You know that Palak and I am going to marry in a few days, so you better not interfere".

Deepak can break the pride of Palak in the afternoon. On that day, everyone in the family sat in a chair on the lower floor and chatted a lot. The two of them stopped and stood on the upper verandah, seeing the joy of everyone and healed their conversation. Seeing Palak thinking, Deepak says, "We are Rajyotak, if you have heard, Kartama herself has told us so. None of us can ever separate, you see." Palak is really happy to hear this. She loves to play vermilion very much. Palak with Deepak became red in the colour of dreams. She looked as beautiful as idols in the wedding attire. Feathers and lamps are full of each other's light as they became complete.

After marriage, Palak finds herself anew. Deepak and his family left home of Chattopadhyay and moved to Chowdhury. From the very beginning, Deepak and Palak have been arranging their wonderful dreams in their eyes for the rest of their lives. How she will build the world of his bride in a pastoral way. Deepak tells Palak that the two of them will cross all the obstacles together like a little boat crosses the waves of the sea where the boatman is the only companion of the boat. Palak thought that this family would always be happy. Their path begins. Deepak and Palak became complementary. No Sunday tired of spring in the afternoon, in the empty alleys of Kolkata, they look up at each other. Deepak and Palak run hand in hand. Deepak takes Palak by the hand and lifts her into the boat. On a quiet afternoon in Baisakhi, they catch a launch from the jetty at Babughat. While going on the boat, they put their heads on each other's shoulders in the middle of the Prinsep ghat and fix the lamp feathers. On the way to the boat, Palak comes out playing with his soft hands in the river like a child. When Deepak bends down to see them, their sweet naughtiness can be seen in that boat. They almost go to that bookstore. Deepak fell in love with Palak and bought him a book. When the book was bought, the two of them walked towards the main road holding hands. One day as they walked down the alley of College Street in silence and completely closed, they look at each other with a smile on their faces. Palak now occasionally wants to take a photo of her and Deepak smiles and agrees with her. When her hair flies, he removes it again and again. When Deepak enters through the door, she does not notice. When Deepak comes and stands beside him, she suddenly pushes and they seem to share their love with eye language. After they got on the train and talked for a while, Palak is willing to take that photo. Seeing the tram go and getting on the tram is very dear to her.

Rabindra Sangeet sung by Palak is very dear to Deepak. The two of them would reach Sarabar by taking route number eleven while talking. They also go to the park in the afternoon now.

How many stories, laughing and eating their phucka. Deepak listens to his favourite poem. Palak is fascinated to hear and watches the man he loves. In the tram, the Palak rest her head on Deepak's shoulders, and the little sunshine touches them. Deepak used to surprise her by bringing her favourite yellow rose for her. Shiuli flowers are falling all over the road and as they walk, Deepak to Palak recites his own poem, "Oh Nirupama, you are really beautiful, I can find you in a sun-drenched boat. Our name written on red paper, I will wrap it in a flying letter with a torn envelope." Deepak's mother Nirmala Devi Chowdhury invited everyone in the house to the Saraswati Puja of this house. Nayana Devi, the head of the house in Chattopadhyay, asks Nirmala Devi, "What will you say, how is our daughter doing?" she said to Nayana Devi, "Yes you are right, she is a very nice girl".

She said, "My mother-in-law takes good care of me and does not allow any neglect of our family." Palak considers the day of Saraswati puja very sacred. Sauvik feels blissful with her sister Palak, "Deepak will talk to you soon and be a good wife always." One afternoon when the clouds were moving, the sky turned dark instead of blue. The rain came and blew away the feathers of Palak. she loves to throw away the umbrella and spread her hands like a peacock, spread its colours like a peacock and get wet in the rain water.

A few days later, Pisima came from the village house as she had heard about Deepak's marriage. Pisima came and told Deepak about Palak a lot, "Oh my, you didn't find a better girl anymore, tell me why you brought such a girl?"

Deepak, "Stop it grandma, I will understand what my wife will be like".

Pisima, "Did you talk on my face?"

Deepak, "Yes, I was forced to say that, because you know I always say the right thing, you suddenly want to create unrest now, that's not right, isn't it ...".

Pisima is annoyed and uncomfortable, "No, I just said. Where did grand daughter-in-law go?"

Palak, "Yes, grandma coming".

Pisima, "Why is it so late, well listen, I'm very tired, give me a little massage". Palak heats a little oil and the foot is massaged. Pisima wonders how Palak can be seized. After finishing all the work, Pisima would keep Palak busy with something or the other. Nirmala Devi also did not say anything. Deepak would be very angry to see Palak suffering so much. Deepak thought the next day he would hid and listen to what Pisima would say and do it, and so did Deepak.

How can Palak be served in a better way? He always thinks that. Seeing the feathers relax a little, Deepak finds peace. One day Deepak saw her sleeping. As he was about to pick up his book, he took Deepak's hand in the sleep.

The next day, Deepak can't do the job for any reason, so Palak got scolded by Pisima. Pisima says, "she is happy if she keeps the family happy. When the maid was in great pain and left, she found out from Deepak that he used to do all the works of Palak. Palak says, "I will bring it for you, Grandma". Deepak, "Don't do anything for her, she wants to trouble you." Palak goes to her room crying. Deepak spoke to Pisima, "I won't give up and if you do this later, I will cut your train ticket ".

Aishwarya returns to this house also. Seeing Aishwarya, Nirmala Devi took her inside the house very fondly. Nirmala Devi calls Deepak, "Look who is coming baby. Talk to her a little". Deepak, "I have nothing to say to Aishwarya. No, for God's sake".

In the afternoon Aishwarya holds Deepak's hand intentionally and calls Deepak, "Listen Deepak ".

Deepak said, "Please I beg of you leave my hand, I'm married, you are probably forgetting". Deepak left her hand and explained to Aishwarya and left. Deepak is busy with office work. Deepak's body started getting worse. He doesn't want to tell anyone in the house and doesn't even tell to Palak. he was in pain for a few days. When Palak suspects Deepak, repeatedly asks if anything has happened to him, Deepak treats Palak very badly. Palak is surprised that the man who used to treat her so well, he suddenly changed so much that he tend to forget..... However, he does not let anyone know anything. This time he will visit a doctor and find out for himself if he has any serious disease. He received the report the next day. Deepak has thalassemia. Deepak cried seeing the report. She gets to know everything, what will his mother do if he leaves them. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. Intentionally, he has to distance himself from Palak because of his illness. Deepak stops eating Palak's hand cooked food and misbehaved with palak. Palak cried a lot at night. Has started to get cracks in their relationship. Palak began to think a lot. She tore up the pages of the love stories she had written earlier in her diary. Then one day she saw Deepak standing holding hands with Aishwarya. Palak had put a stone on her mind and wrote in her diary about her sadness," I wanted to adapt, I was full of happiness. Why did you suddenly give up, but I was waiting for this day. Many tears have emptied my mind. I thought I will never forget. The burden is yours. I sat staring at the sky in humiliation for a few days. The distance has broken both their minds. The hand has gone too far really. You want to forget the tune which was for a while far. I will wait for our reunion. I have carefully kept the gifts. I'll see you both when you come back. This bitterness no longer feels good. I feel lonely. I feel entangled in false and true love, got tied up in between. Puja days now seem like a dream. The moments seem to flash light. Why will I come back when I have learned to adapt to a new family without the people in my mind. Why do you suddenly come to the door one day to see me? I would have been waiting for you when the calling bell rang for so long. Today I understood that you will never want to know my news again. Why are you suddenly so desperate?

You want to come and provoke those previous habits. Today I am very annoyed to see your old face, why hold those scenes in front of the broken mirror of the mind, you do not know the blood? Even so, I was so proud, I could not understand why those happy moments suddenly became a house of cards. Why did you give a false assurance, if you had said that you would have held that hand. You want to come back and reassure me.

Deepak, "Palak, I've been thinking about you for so long, your love can't stay without you one day."

The melody of Deepak's mouth organ floats in the air of that blue-yellow sky of the afternoon. Palak puts his head on Deepak's shoulder and forgets everything. Their love stories are written on the old streets of old Kolkata.

they go in a car or a rickshaw, a new love evening can be seen in their eyes.

Deepak, "Did the anger subside?"

Palak, "I don't know, I don't like anything." Deepak, "Well, that day you ran away crying, Why?"

One day you said it would break like sand. Today time has passed like a wave of water. Love is pure then and you may have really loved me. My grief is confined to a small box, on which the dust of suffering has formed mounds and will never be satisfied. I have closed your entrance for the rest of my life, why do you want to forcefully open the window of the mind covered with ice, which I repeatedly forbid you to open. Why do you play hide and seek with me? I don't want to make your life new today. You have chosen a new world to be able to say. I get a smile when I hear your voice today. Many days ago, you have destroyed my faith in love. The crack in my mind will never be filled. You haven't been able to call me over and over again. I forgot to sing. The pages of the diary are torn for you. I was sad for so long. I have ruined you from all sides, you blame me. I thought we will find the lost colourful dreams. This relationship is my life, my death.

The one who came to my life like a flying butterfly on the day of Puja, in one fell swooped and changed the wind of your love to this little girl in a world of great thoughts, his imagination filled her with joy. I know that the union of Meghobala and Sankalpa has stopped at that hour, I don't want to catch the date anymore. She wanted to adapt to everything, was filled with happiness. Why did you suddenly give up, but I was waiting these days. Many tears have emptied the mind. I thought I would not forget. How much hope, trust was around you which changed in one day. The bad is mine, the misunderstanding is yours. I sat staring at the sky in humiliation for a few days. The distance has broken both their minds, the hand has gone too far."

Deepak, "Please say, Why did you came running with tears that day?"

Palak, "I thought you liked Aishwarya di, so".

Deepak, "Palak you are wrong, I was also very angry with Aishwarya".

Suddenly Palak felt again that he had fallen in love with Deepak so much. And despite all this, Palak felt that he was not angry with Deepak. He took Deepak's hand and said, "I know that no one understands or knows me better than you. It is as if you are telling me the words of love, strength and faith with your eyes." Then Palak ran and brought her diary and grabbed the dried rose in her chest like on the first day.

Everyone who came to Deepak's house wants to leave this time as Puja and Deepak's marriage is over and a long time has passed. Deepak's family has been in turmoil for a long time over selling their old house. Deepak's cousins ​​want to sell this house as they live in a flat. The selling would help in getting more money overtime and Deepak and his wife Palak, Pradeep and his parents will be able to have a good time with them in a separate flat.

Deepak's father is very angry, "Why do you have so much courage that you want to leave our land. You are all right here? This will never happen if I survive."

Pradeep has been talking to Sneha on the phone for a long time while walking in the yard at noon, saying, "Listen, can you meet me once this Sunday evening?"

Sneha, "Is there an urgent need? And so far, well I'll go."

Deepak, "Then at four o'clock in the afternoon we will meet in the park in front of our house, not that thing I'll tell you then". Aishwarya calls Deepak. Palak is then blabbering on like a mere child, and Deepak looks at Palak with his hand on his cheek and becomes even more warlike.

The next morning at half past ten. Palak's window is open, though the cold wind is blowing. Its not winter, the roar of the clouds could be heard from the night, looking around it seemed that evening had come down, thick black clouds surrounded the sky. Palak have descended the stairs to the backyard of the house. Standing on the upper verandah, Deepak enjoys the sweet pleasure of Palak and himself and he also plays with the rain water on the window railings. The cold air of the rain touches the lips.

Meanwhile, Pradeep brings hot rasgolla and some more snacks for everyone. Everyone sat in a circle in the front yard of the building and the children of the family chatted about food and tea in the afternoon. Deepak remembers that they and Palak were not talking much on the verandah during Puja last year. The parents decided that Satyanarayana would be worshiped at home the next day.

"You probably shouldn't be seeing in secret anymore," says Sneha. Pradeep, "Then let's tell the two of us to come at home tomorrow". "If you tell me, there will be unrest. If you say don't that, there will be unrest, what's going on don't look at what happened between your brother and Palak, "says Sneha. "And this is Madam, you remember we have to meet in front of the Maidan the next day "Pradeep says.

From the front of the Victoria Memorial, they ride in a roundabout, eat ice cream, take a tram to Shyambazar, then take the metro back to North Kolkata. On that day, he forgot visiting Park Street unknowingly and fell in the middle of the street. Both of them are reluctant to get married and when that word came up between them, Sneha strongly objected. Pradeep says, "If we are together without getting married, I will have no regrets. I never cared what the outsiders said." They are both deciding to take the job now. As soon as Sneha hears about the marriage, she says, "It's better to meet you when I want to, I haven't confirmed yet."

The gentle breeze on the shores of the lake touched their heart. Sneha informs Pradeep that from someone else if their family members find out about their relationship, further complications will arise. Pradeep goes home and tells Deepak, "Sneha is my college girlfriend, we are both taking job exams now. Sneha is teaching in a school as well as preparing for job exams. You know I love to sing, and my parents never supported it. But I have always had Sneha by my side. Sneha's parents died when she was a child. Sneha's uncle and aunt treated Sneha like their own daughter."

Deepak, "Hmm got it".

Aunt never got the respect she deserved after working so hard for this family for so long. She can't even tell anyone about her accumulated sorrows. No one ever paid much attention to her missing shots. Today she and her wishes are never near this dead house because Kartama's daughter went against her and got married. She cries loudly every day but does not let anyone understand. Her youngest daughter committed suicide, she is still in agony. While coming out of the room, one day Palak noticed a prescription kept hidden beside the table. She quickly took it out and was shocked to see that. Seeing that, she ran away from the room crying out aloud in her mind and tears on her cheeks. Deepak, "Don't go, listen to me." She tightly hugged him. Kartama's son's marital life has been ignored by her only because his wife belonged to other religion and caste. But they were innocent, then also neglected for ten years or more. They were restricted not to keep any contact with his family and their happenings. As the family were Unaware of the truth, his wife had been insulted and pushed and sent outside always. He had been staying in foreign and had grown to be a successful businessman, the family had got news sometimes . Their ego had separated the bonding of a joint family. Kartama's grandson always went before the house once to see it but never dared to enter the house. There were again problems, the distance weren't seen between Deepak and Palak.

Deepak's mother, "Haven't I warned you before not to marry in such a hurry, but you were so happy that I had to get off". Deepak's mother, "Just think about the girl once, what is she going through". Deepak, "Nothing happened between us, I want to give her time, she will be alright". Deepak's mother, "Just think about the girl once, what is she going through".

Deepak, "Its alright, she will be normal within a few days. And I want to tell you a thing about Pradip."

Deepak's mother, "Yes tell but....."

Deepak started telling interrupting her, "Pradip and Sneha genuinely love each other".

Deepak's mother, "I can't accept it like this, I need to talk to Pradip once".

Deepak, "Again you started the same?"

Deepak's mother, "I understand your point, but did I ever tell you that I will not accept their relationship?"

Deepak was happy and hoped for good.

Now the month of December finally came and it was the time when Pradip's older sister comes every year to visit this family.

Now, its time to tell to the readers, that Pradip was adopted by Deepak's mother, he is not of their blood, but still he is the second son of the family. Debi lives in Mumbai and she is a famous singer, she previously always used to stay in the hotel whenever she came to Kolkata but this time she wanted to come to this house. Nobody knew how she behaved, how she lives, her styles nothing.....Everyone was worried. But nobody expected Debi to turn out like this. She touched the feet of grandparents, uncle and aunt. Her eyes glittered in excitement to explore the house which She had never seen before. She went through the corridors which were decorated with lights, small plants, one wall each in the north and south were painted with drawing of Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam. She crossed the corridor and came in the drawing room where there was a very beautiful chandelier, portraits of ancestors of this family and wooden furniture.

She crossed the balcony and came into her grandparents room, she was so overwhelmed to see her grandmother knitting a sweater as winter was about to come after Kali puja. Both became engaged with a happy conversation. Debi wanted to know so many stories about North Kolkata lanes and this house. Debi didn't know the hard truth that she never belonged to this house and was never a part. She went to her brothers they were so very joyful to be with their small sister after so many years. The three became nostalgic narrating about childhood and how everything changed. Sneha was hiding behind Pradip, suddenly popped up with a childish smile, "You people, forgot about me, that's not done". They decide to play Cricket, badminton and have so much enjoyment.

Slowly the in-laws started accepting that their daughter-in-law could go out to work. Palak had set alarm for some reason, she had a wish in her mind that she would stand beside her husband by teaching the students at home, accidentally she liked this job. The next morning suddenly her sister-in-law appeared infront of her to inform her that she would find a job for some days and had to find it as the head of the family was very excited about it more than bringing a child for the family, if such tough situations would come, they would manage to adopt a child. Palak could not understand how within two days their mother had become so advanced. Another daughter-in-law had a dream of opening a parlour, till that moment nothing was decided for it. Their whole house had to be painted and renovated. After a week, pradeep's niece who was among one of their long lost relatives his wife was pregnant and a boy child was about to come, they had arrived in Bali when she was first about to become a proud mother, as the condition of the village hospital was worse, neither proper doctor nor proper treatment facilities, within a few days, the woman had become so close to everyone, Sneha as a doctor started taking care of her at home. Palak cracked the interview and now was continuing the job with the responsibility of what to bring, the everyday items that are needed, it is never too late to start anything new and specially what becomes a wish for you. There was a critical moment at the time of operation whether the mother would survive or not. There was an argument between Palak and Deepak about taking a child, Palak wanted to make her career, fulfill all her dreams and Deepak told if both would work who would take care of their child. She repeated again the family members would look after, after she came back she would give time. Deepak couldn't agree. Or else it was her final statement that the child would never come. She had thought he would understand a bit. Deepak's mother made him understand about their decision but he had doubts in his mind whether questions would arise or not when their child would be an adult whether he could accept them or not. Nothing could be done if their child betrayed them. Palak told she was not at all mentally prepared for this, she was good at making jewelleries on her hand, so she had decided to start a business and she knew a relative in her village who was good at weaving Sarees, she had also thought to take her help for this great start. She was ready to make the arrangements, Deepak came home from the office, she was excited to share all this but he didn't want to hear a single word. Their conversation turned into an argument, he added to this by forcing her mentally for the child desperately, it reached to such a point that he was about to do something which they both didn't expect. Palak was so frightened by his actions and of the sight, she immediately walked out of the room and told she would never return here. Pradeep and Sneha tried to convince both of them but ego had come in between. Just a friendship had started to grow between Palak and Suman. Suman would listen to her problems very patiently and would suggest her right decisions. Once Palak had forgot an important file in the office, Suman came all the way to her house to return it to her, she was not present at that time. Her grandaunt took it from him, and when she came to know who had come to give it back, after knowing the innocent truth also she made a plan how to insult her infront of everyone in order to take revenge because she thinks Deepak had insulted her long ago just because of that girl. She went to Deepak's mother's room and told her about it she wasn't ready to believe when she saw it was of no use, she told to Deepak, he couldn't hold his anger back and pulled Palak by her hands on the verandah. He asked what exact relation she has with that colleague, she couldn't think he was so mean minded. The grandaunt was taking fun of the situation. Even she tried to explain that Suman was just her good friend, he didn't want to listen once again, their relationship became so strained that she finally decided as she was independent she was going to leave the house after some days of finding a rented house. Their ways had become separated now. Pradeep and Sneha were tired of all this, they also began engaging so much in their work that they started forgetting to spend some time for themselves, but they promised each other the same thing wouldn't happen in their lives. They had seen separation and distance that led to divorce and ended a relationship. Palak went to depression, always shut down herself in a room after coming from office. She felt all light had gone from her life. She called Deepak for the last time asking him to meet her, she told," Maybe you had Aishwarya in your mind from the very beginning and that thought became true today, Do one thing, marry her, she would be very happy and have her wish fulfilled, I had a doubt whether you really loved me or not. I had seen changes in you right after our marriage, you promised something else before and now see the condition". Deepak,"All these paper works doesn't matter in a true relationship, the heart doesn't want it". Palak,"You behaved rudely, everytime ignored me, and you want me to understand after all this? I too have my self respect and its greater than anything else. The girl you knew before and the one standing now is totally different". Deepak,"You cared for me more than enough but yes it was my fault couldn't understand at the right time". Palak,"It's too late now! I will start a new life in the city itself and that too with my qualifications". Deepak," Where are you staying now?" Palak,"Its none of your business". Deepak, "yes, of course." She became very frustrated.

Pradeep and Sneha were trying very hard to give time. sometimes it feels what's the use of being in this state. at the beginning of the sunset, there are full colors all over but when the sun decides to hide itself, Pradeep doesn't like the fading sky with its grey light. in some spaces, the vibrant mixture of orange and yellow between the leaves of trees seems beautiful like sketch on the canvas. in it, seems so natural.

Palak,"You have grown aggressive these days, your ego is creating problems." Deepak,"You can't put a hold on my anger. When I wanted you beside me, standing at this moment of life, you are neglecting me". Palak," When a girl loves, she loves with everything, once she leaves, she will be confident enough to walk away, you are misunderstanding me". They hired a car and reached the station together, Deepak," Our train came". Palak," Look at that correctly, it's going to Jalpaiguri". Deepak," Finally departing". They were not willing to go away from each other. From now on, taking the advantage Aishwarya started to interfere in everything. Suman came to know about her and visited Deepak to tell the truth. But Deepak behaved normally. He couldn't forget his grief of Palak's going away from him. Suman," Aishwarya had tried to offer money to Palak to move out of your life, you won't believe the lady didn't stop she also warned her if she didn't do according to her instructions, she would sell their house." He became very angry and hurriedly went to talk to Aishwarya's parents. Suman," Being her parents, you people also joined hands with her, how could you all be also cruel, I have no words to express, didn't expect this at all".

We should have scolded her, she has gone beyond control now, she has become so desperate that wouldn't think for a second before attempting suicide." Deepak," I was sure she had a revengeful mind". One year had passed away. Deepak's family was thinking to call her once in Durga puja. Palak had a baby boy by then by a medical method. She had the wish of being a mother. Her friend also lived with her, she was informed Deepak's mother had sent a letter inviting her to their house, it was also written forgetting all that had happened in the past if she could think to start a new life. She was angry hearing this last statement, and denied for it. Her friend tried to make her understand. She was quite happy in her own world. She was hesitating how should she say infront of all as she had a child now and there was no need to go back what she had felt was not the right decision for her. They had mentioned if she gets late, they would reach to pick her up. She had called them but couldn't say no as she didn't want to hurt their feelings. Sneha was too stubborn to bring his sister back. Whenever someone from Deepak's house visited her, she was not to be found at home. She had to run away from the past. Aishwarya's parents one day went to Deepak's house to give the proposal of long due marriage. His mother clearly told on their mouth that its no more possible. Once they had committed a mistake by separating Palak from him, they couldn't ruin his son's life. Deepak respects Aishwarya just as a friend. But she had decided to stay over there until Deepak accepts her. Her parents tried to make her understand that everything could not happen forcefully. Pradeep, "We could not allow you like this, this could make Deepak leave the house. Give him some time to get over". Cries of a woman and shouting could be heard from the house beside theirs where Palak had shifted, some days later on everything was silent. It was almost three weeks,She was watching her companion, her roommate dull and started to remain sad and silent. She thought it was better to leave her alone maybe she would be better in some days, but she had high fever and her condition began to detoriate day by day,she had no other way but to take help of someone so called Deepak and told everything and took her immediately to the doctor. She was released in a few days. After Coming back home, she was afraid of something. At first she didn't want to tell anything but when Deepak went away in a few days her roommate thought she should tell everything to Palak. One day she called her to sit beside her and started narrating, she had gone through domestic violence in her first two marriages, so she left believing men. And she also told the reason behind the cries of the woman in the next house. She had seen the women's death infront of her, everyone knew about them, that's why she was behaving like that,"She was taken for the marriage. She was chosen by her in-laws. Priyam was happy. She didn't know what love is. They talked to each other and Dipam asked her for money in every week. The girl's family was rich. After marriage they had asked for money. They happily gave. Whenever the neighbours heard,the girl screamed. Whenever she came,there were bruises and cuts on her body. Her parents asked,she ignored by saying it was kitchen accident or she had slipped. Her parents were worried but believed her. Some confusion was there. The demand of in laws increased day by day. Her in-laws parents now had began to torture her. Her husband now everyday bet her when she did a slight mistake also. She was subjected to mental torture as well. She was tortured with kitchen tools and beaten by straps. Her parents understood something was fishy but the girl was totally helpless. Everyone was shocked. It was seen one day blood was dripping from the bed. There was a rope seen hanging from her room. The in laws refused to confess anything. Nothing was left to be judged. There were police cases for some weeks during which she got ill and suddenly it was stopped. She was getting every news from her friend who also stayed in this colony".

Sitting idly for sometime, Sneha was thinking about the good old days about their relationship, she remembers about them, a couple who had met in their school days, about their continuous calls for long hours. Those little words were like flowers on a thread stringed together,in my mind.

Sneha joined as a nurse, became very friendly with the patients in a very small time. She used to come everyday in the morning and ask her patients specially the old people and the children in their way. She had to do overtime but was known all over the hospital for her kindness and simple behaviour. Some children wanted to feeded by her or an old man wanted to take medicine only when she arrives. All the doctors used to respect her. In some critical situation, she would handle it wisely. If there is an accident case, she would immediately send the patient inside for treatment without delaying, making the receptionist understand she would take the responsibilities and when the operation started she would complete the formalities.

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