

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Saving Him

Katsu 'So... the creator just decided who he want to talk to or not and they're just able to hear him like that...?'

'No they have to be close to him you see !

all the world creators were able to talk to him some just never did... they didn't need too...

only two of them as seen him, but i mean really See him, not just his shadown, he trusted them and they trusted him.'

Katsu 'What happend between them than ?'

'i'm not sure.'



I was back at where had my fall five years ago... the ocean... i felt weird when ever i would come here... i would be...scared...

i have been running away for quite a while now, i knew that they were looking for me.

the ocean was still frozen but i was slowly starting to return to normal as winter was ending soon enough.

Even though i was sure no one had followed me i heard a voice come out of the forest... that voice it made me freeze in place as soon as i heard it.

? "You're not running away annymore Satanael ?"


"Sunset...what do you want form me ?"

I think that deep down i already knew what he wanted but i had to be sure...

Sunset : "I'm so gald you asked ! it's been so long since i last saw you... i hear the Creator sealed away your wings. I could help you get youre freedom back."

"I'm not going to help you Sunset. Not after what you've done to the others."

Sunset : "Why do you care so much about them ?! they were a bunch of nobody's !"

"You've killed your own brother Nayl, you CHAINED Ikyra to his world. You made AMERY killed HERSELF ! ...You. Were the reason Aqualo and Orkashy had to sacrifice themself to save all of us. And you would dare call them a bunch of NOBODY'S ?!"

Sunset : "Be happy i let you, your husband and that KID, live."

"Go away. Sunset."

Sunset : "I see, i have no other choice than to make you go away for good."

They got closer to me as i panicked, i couldn't fight them not with my powers being sealed away ! what was i supposed to do ?!

Sunset : "Tell me where the book is."

...The book ! sorry everyone... i guess it's my turn to go...

"The book is gone Sunset."

Sunset : "LIAR ! You know where it is been hiding so tell me or lose your life !"

"What's the point of it all Sunset...? you're just going to end up killing everyone anyway... i think i wish my own death more than to tell you."

Sunset : "Ahahaha you wish your own death ?! Ahahahaaa ! oh please ! you sound like the Creator right now !"

"So be it. I shall die while holding the secret you seek, dear old friend."

Sunset : "Fine than, Die !"

They pushed me into the water, and used their power to keep me chained to the botom of the ocean as they used their power to mess with the world, freezing the whole ocean again.

Sunset : "Goodbye."

was the last thing i heard before i pass out...



Suddenly the whole world started to shake, i fell into Katsumi her, holding my little sister close to me so she wouldn't be hurt, Dyox barely being able to stay standing.

As soon as it stoped we all looked at each other, Katsu made sure we were okey, and we went outside and that's when we saw it...

there was a huge crask in the ground, it was comming form the place were the orb of darkness was kept, it was directly tide to Satanael powers so we knew almost imidiatly that somephing bad happened.

Katsu : "What...-"

-Dyox : "Oh no..."

-Aurore : "Dad ?! dad ?!"

Aurore jump of my arms and started running towards somewhere...

"Aurore wait !"

I look back at my sibling.

-Dyox : "Go get her fast ! i'll call papa and Nico juste go bro !"


Katsu : "I'll come with you ! let do this together."

We started to run after Aurore, she endeed up leading us all the way to the now frozen ocean.

"Oh not this place again !"

-Aurore : "Dad ?! dad can you hear me ?! where are you !?"

Katsu : "Do you think...?"

"...Oh not this again please don't tell me..."

I was had to restrain Aurore from actually going into the the frozen ocean as we find where father was being keep... when i saw the magical chains around him i knew who had down it and i stoped Katsu before she decide to go in to save me.

"We can't do anyphing... the chains...they're form Sunset... a World Creator that lost their mind... and nophing but an other world creator magic can break those chains...

-Aurore : "Well you're one remember brother ? why don't you do it ?!"

"I can't... i'm weak... i'm not like the others... i can't break their magic..."

Katsu : "We can't just do nophing and let him die !"


Katsu : "Just look around you !"

The world was slowly falling apart... tree failing without any reason, cracks starting to spread really fast all over the world.


-Aurore : "Were losing him brother ! we have to do somephing ! please !"

? "Don't worry kids, i'll help, everyone back up."

That voice... Quaysho ! they came ! of course Dyox did say they were going to call Papa...

-Aurore : "Papa !"

Quay : "Hi sweetheart, mind moving out the way kiddos ?"

"Oh yes sorry pa'..."

I grab Katsumi hand and we move away so we wouldn't be hurt as Quaysho broke the ice before breaking the chains Sunset made, they didn't wait anymore time and took dad in their arm princess like.

Quay : "Come on..., let's not stay here, let's go back home."

back at home pa' put down dad on his usuel place, near the fireplace on the couch. He loved that spot, he said' it was warm here.

Katsu : "How did you know where to find us ?"

Quay : "I had a feeling he would of been there."


Quay : "Are you okey Eclispe ?"

"Yeah...i'm okey."

-Aurore : "Brother is lying again !"

"Leave me alone Aurore..."

Katsu : "Eclispe, it's okey... you can talk to us."


Quay : "Aurore sweetie why don't you go to Dyox room ? i heard Nicolaï just came back a bit before we did, i'm sure they both need you to shine some light on them'."

-Aurore : "Ohhhh i'm on it papa ! you can count on me ^^ !"

Aurore leaves for my sibling room.

Quay : "So tell us. what's wrong ?"

"I'm sorry, i'm so weak..."

Katsu : "You're nott weak Eclispe..."

Quay : "Eclispe don't say that please, you're not weak."

"I'm not like any of them... i'm not like you...or dad, i'm not like anyone !"

Quay : "You know it's okey to be different form everyone else Son, don't forget that you are the youngest of the world creators, which mean you have yeet to discover your full powers !"

"You do realise were the last ones...?"

Quay : "I do..."

Pa' look at dad sad...

Katsu : "So i take that this Sunset one want to kill all of the other world creator to be the only one left and so the most powerfull ?"

"That's about right."

Katsu : "I see, i walk into a matter way bigger than what i can understand..."

"Yeah sorry about that'..."

Quay : "You seem to have found quite the partener Son."

"Oh- no it's not like that pa'-"

Quay : "I am not mad, if you do love her just say it."

"Pa' ! please...!"

Katsu : "It's fine really, don't make him say it, he's shy."

"More apprently... is he okey...?"

i look at my father.

Quay : "I'm not sure..."

Quay : "This world is cracked now... so it doesn't look to good for him..."