

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · Kỳ huyễn
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I think i waited for a actually long time before the demon spoke again...

> "I want to speak with Eclispe first." he said.

"Very well than ! that's not a probleme just come with me."

It was weird... being follown like that by a wanted man... who was actually the creator of your world form the very start. We entered Eclispe office and i see somephing i never saw in his eyes yet... he seemed so happy to see the man beside me.

Eclispe : "Satanael ! i can't believe it ! you're okey, i'm so happy to see you again !"

the demon didn't react or respond to Eclispe welcome.

> Satanael "The book is here isn't ?"

"It is."

> Satanael "Ah... so Nayl is gone too now...?"

Eclispe : "Yeah... only four world creators alive left..."

> Satanael "Let's go straight to the point, you know what i want, give it to me and i might just consider this deal of yours..."

he smiled... but Eclispe seemed conflicted.... he didn't know what to do.

"What does he want Eclispe ?"

Eclispe : "I can't... we can't keep protecting you, we can't erase everything you've done."

> Satanael "For the last time, i haven't done anyphing wrong !"

Eclispe : "Really ? are you sure about that...?"

The demons look away form Eclispe gaze, mad.

"We can keep protecting him... if we really want to."

Eclispe : "Fine but you have to agreed to your deal."

> Satanael "Well would you look at that, you're playing in my games now uh ? fine than it's a deal."

Eclispe : "Happy to have the Lord of Chaos on our side..."

> Satanael "Please don't call me like that."

Eclispe : "Sure, Nael."

> Nael "Whatever...that's fine by me."

"I need to know... who knows about him exacly ?"

Eclispe : "Me, You, Lucius, Zaykio andd....-"

> Nael : "The last one would be Quaysho."

"Oh yeah that's the world creator of the angels right ?"

Eclispe : "Yeah that's them."

> Nael "So where shall we start ?"

"Well tell me any ideas you might have"

> Nael "You might want to take somephing to write it all down."

Eclispe : "I'll write it juste go on, tell us."

> Nael : "Well for starters, i think you sould call in a meeting with everyone again, but i mean everyone. Could do some good to some of them. I also do believe you're having issues with winters."

Eclispe : "You sould know more than anybody how many death they are."

> Nael "I do."

"What do you propose we do ?"

> Nael "Have Lucifer ran down a charity to gain money to afford everything but building more orphelina's could be one solutions along with maybe using the domaines of the lords and the three castle could work to."

I was listening to everything as Eclispe was writting all of it down...what i didn't understand is that he knew what he was doing... he was clearly supposed to take a part in his world while he never did were starting to go somewhere.

Later on i endeed up being to curious and taking a look a the book in itself, i was trying to get to know more and that creator... but i found nophing, i wanted to try and get to know him, he was a troublemaker that much was true but he seemed just so nice...

I remember my parents telling me that five years ago they saved a weird black demon form the cold water of the ocean, he had huge angels wings that slowly went to black to red the wings were badly injured and so was the demon he appenrently felt down the sky right into the frozen ocean breaking the ice that formed on top of the ice cold water.

Could it be that the demon they saved was him...? i'm maybe over thinking this... i'll go to visite my parents it wouldn't hurt to ask them more about that day... right ? yeah no need for me to worry everything is fine now.

I still don't know why Eclispe knew is it because he's part of the council ? did they meet years ago ? i'm kind of curious to know more about the story of how they even meet.

Thought i have a feeling i won't be that easy to ask them, i don't think they're gonna tell me, maybe the book hold the anwsers ! i'll continue reading it until i find my anwsers on my own... oh... Eclispe is...he's...oh that make sense... he's a world creator that's probably how they knew each other...