

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

A Feather

An Angel feather is said to heald the power to heal wounds, but some have different meaning and powers to them, those black feather we've been finding seem to be able to change color depending on what magic you use on them...

What i don't understand is why we've been finding so many feathers here and there is Satanael hurt ? sould i be or is this normal ?

i sould ask him.

I looked everywhere but i couldn't find him anywhere in the black market, i even asked around but everyone in there seemed to either hate the demon either they had no clue were he went...

I would have looked for him if i knew where he could of went but... i have no clue i don't know him that much, i'll just leave a note for him on the door of that abandonned house he seems to stay in.

It's getting really late, i'll come check on him later, maybe he's just playing tricks on a poor innocent familly. Actually i'm sure that's exactly what he's doing right now.

I sould go home it's getting late.


*2 am, the town streets

A feather falling in the snow, blood on it, a path of blood in the snow it leads to somephing or rather to someone.

Scars bleeding from a fight, a demon with white hair, walking thought the empty city streets.

Satanael is hurt and weak...


I was all alone but i could hear voices...

"Nobody love you.", "You're nophing but bad news.", "You're someone to fear, why don't you just leave ? nobody wants you here."

i have a gone creazy...? i know i'm alone or i am ? uhhhh... i hate this...

I remember people telling me all of that a lot...

Creator...do you hate me...?

I'm getting weaker...

you've seal away my powers...

i know you lied to us, the rings that is keeping us together are actually what's chaining down our powers...

I'm mad at you for tricking us...

for using our love to make us agreed to that Promise no that deal, you used us.

Those rings are no sign of love they are signs of us being chained away form freedom.

Why didn't you chained down my wings back than...? why now ? i don't understand...

what as changed so much that you felt like you need to chained down my wings, taking away my only way for freedom...

Did you also chained down their wings ?

or i am your only target this time ?

i am missing somephing...?

Of course... you're not going to answer me until i can find my way back to your domaine are you...?

I sould try and find shelter for the night...

i don't think i can keep going for much longer.

I can't find anyphing... look like i'll just have to get in a other empty house... shit... i promise them i would try not to do this anymore... they're gonna be so mad... but i have too just this time...

I stoped when i saw a familliar looking house, it looked like nobody was house... as i walk towars it i just collapse in the snow slowly losing consciousness...than everything went to black...

*10 am

The police office called in and delivered the news, they've found the Troublemaker unconscious almost right in front of my parents home.

After years of chasing him down, is this really how were finally going to get our hands on him...?

Eclispe and myself decide to go over there as the police say over the phone that the demon still hasn't woke up. Everyone was ready to have a party happy the Troublemaker was caugth but i was more worried about his health than anyphing.

As soon as we reavided we saw just how people were gathering around police was beraly able to keep everyone away form the man, of course we were autorised to come close Eclispe looks up to a medics and asked

"Did you check on him ?"

"He's in no danger, once he wake up we'll be able to take him in to questionning without any issues." anwered one of the medics.

i could tell Eclispe was mad at them... and i was too.

Eclispe look at me, hes clearly worried and i feel like Eclispe is scared of somephing...

Eclispe : "Is there a chance we can, take him in ourself ?"

"Well if you do, you have to share the informations with us you know that right sir ?" said one police officer.

Eclispe look at me.

"That's fine with us, but is it okey for you to leave him with us ?"

"I mean, i'm sure that Itsuky trust Eclispe enough to let him handle a wanted man." says an other police officer.

Eclispe : "Oh you're telling me Itsuky is on this case ?"

"That's right kiddo." At this moment both of us recognized that voice we look behind us to see Jonathan Raykasail standing behind.

"Jonathan i suppose you and Itsuky are working together and this case than ?"

-Jonathan : "Yup you got that right."

Eclispe : "So they put the best dectective and the best military men i know together and you were still enable to find a single man until he passed out in the snow ?."

-Jonathan : "That is right, i wish it didn't have to be like this, it doesn't feel like a victory. I feel sorry for the man. Also i wanted to ask... do you know who he is ?"

Eclispe and i look at each other, we knew we shouldn't tell anyone but... how much longer could he hide...?

-Jonathan : "You know somephing don't you kiddos ?"

Eclispe : "I made a promise..."

Eclispe took the hand of the still unconsious man, he was really worried.

-Jonathan : "A promise to keep him safe i suppose... right ?"

Eclispe : "I failed him... i broke our promise... i couldn't keep him safe... i'm sorry."


- Jonathan : "It's okey kiddo... i'm sure he's just fine."

Jonathan was way older than us, but he was a bit younger than his collegue Itsuky.

He tried getting closer to the demon to try and see if he was okey but at that very momen, he woke up panicked, he got up so fast, Eclispe got scared and took my arm by reflex.

The first reflex of Jonathan was trying to calm down the demon while the police was getting everyone who was to close away.

Well while he couldn't really him down he did get to restrained him form hurting anybody without wanting too.

Eclispe seeing Jonathan struggle to keep the demon restained decided to take matter in his own hands.

Eclispe : "Please calm down, trying to get away won't get you anywhere... we're friends are we not...?"

A moment of silence took over the strange scene...

Satanael wasn't fighting anymore.

he was taken away by Jonathan and the two police offers who where ln the scene, they told that if we wanted to talk to the man we needed to come down to the police station.

I think i already saw tomorrow headline of the news, "The demon hiarchie friends with the Troublemaker ?!" the questions... "Where they protecting him form the start ?" "Why ?" "Do they know who he is ?" "Are they familly ?"

I knew this was bad but i also knew that Eclispe needed to do this...