


Yusuffauzi · Võ hiệp
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68 Chs

One HIT Kill

Fang Shiyu couldn't help saying: "Brother, are you different from us leaving together?"

  Fang Xiaoyu smiled slightly and said: "Except for Erdo, we will never escape its pursuit. In the previous big explosion, Erdo would be injured even if it was not dead. I must be sure to eradicate the scourge of Erdo."

  Fang Shiyu said: "If this is the case, then let me kill Ordo. Brother, you and sister-in-law will take everyone away."

  Thunder Tiger said to the side: "Yes, Fang Shiyu is a strong boy, son-in-law, you still have injuries!"

  Fang Xiaoyu shook his head and said, "Don't worry about me. I have already laid a lot of back-hands in Guangzhou City. Even if I fail to deal with Erdo this time, there will be no danger, but Shiyu will go there without any danger. Guaranteed!"

  From last night to now, everyone has been confused by the sudden situation, but Fang Xiaoyu's performance shocked everyone. A series of back-hand arrangements made people feel as if Fang Xiaoyu knew that there would be such a day. .

  Now that Fang Xiaoyu said that he had arrangements in Guangzhou City, everyone would naturally not doubt it, but Lei Tingting silently hugged Fang Xiaoyu's arm, her body trembling faintly.

  Feeling the thoughts of the beautiful woman next to him, Fang Xiaoyu turned her back and hugged her in her arms, lowered her head and kissed on the smooth forehead, and whispered, "Tingting, don't worry, even if it's just for Tingting, I will keep myself. It's a fate."

  After finishing speaking, Fang Xiaoyu patted Fang Shiyu's shoulder and said, "Take advantage of the chaos of the green camp in the city, everyone, go."

  Fang Demeng stomped his feet, gave Fang Xiaoyu a deep look, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go."

  Watching Fang De and others leave, Fang Xiaoyu clapped his hands, and soon a dozen figures gathered around Fang Xiaoyu quickly.

  These people are all subordinates that Fang Xiaoyu has gathered and cultivated secretly over the years. After all, they have so much wealth, and they have been preparing for several things in the past ten years. They dare not say that everything is perfect, at least they have a back hand.

  After a glance at the crowd, Fang Xiaoyu said, "You will immediately disperse in the city and set me on fire to create chaos. You must make Guangzhou City mess up for me."

  Following Fang Xiaoyu's order, the entire Guangzhou city soon fell into chaos, but in this chaos, Fang Xiaoyu went straight to the Guangzhou General's Mansion.

  Erdo received a certain impact in the explosion, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough, and he used Suhad as a shield in time and was blocked by a flower bed. Finally, he did not die in the explosion.

  Despite this, Erdo still had a sullen complexion, and he drank the maid who gave him the medicine, naked to the waist, Ordo with a bandage around his waist slapped the table on the table, and the table suddenly fell apart.

  Several guards rushed into the room when they heard the sound, but they were scolded by Erdo, and all were driven out of the yard.

  In the darkness, a figure appeared silently in the yard, avoiding the guards patrolling around like a spirit ape.

  In the study room, a figure was shining on the window, only to see that figure, it was not Erdo and who was it.

  Fang Xiaoyu, who was dressed in a green battalion of officers and soldiers, flashed a sharp light in his eyes, gently drew out the sharp long knife, took a deep breath, and pierced Ordo through the window like a sharp sword.

  Erdo was shocked at the moment, almost instinctively holding the long knife that pierced him with his hands together, but how terrifying Fang Xiaoyu's full blow was, and how could Erdo be able to resist it in a hurry.

  With a chuckle, a pain in his heart, Erdo watched as the long knife pierced his chest, a burst of blood shot out, splashing Fang Xiaoyu's face.

  Fang Xiaoyu watched Erdo's unwilling eyes gradually lose his senses, suppressing the tumbling in his heart, drew out a long knife, and flew away into the darkness before the outside guard could react.

  Fang Xiaoyu's heart was not at peace at this time, because at the moment of Erdo's fall, a voice he almost forgot once again rang in his mind.

  "Drip! Nine-door Admiral Erdo died, and the host's first mission was completed!"

  Suddenly hearing the system's prompt, Fang Xiaoyu was overjoyed. There hasn't been any movement in the system in the past ten years. If he hadn't firmly remembered his origin, Fang Xiaoyu felt that he was about to be assimilated by this world.

  Now finally prompted the completion of the first task, which means that he is getting closer and closer to completing the task.

  The second task was to steal the seal of the Kowloon. Over the years, Fang Xiaoyu had been collecting news about Qianlong and the seal of the Kowloon. It can be said that he has already had a certain eye.

  If it hadn't been for the existence of Erdo, Fang Xiaoyu might have tried to attack the Nine Dragon Seal long ago.

  Now that Erdo is killed, this means that one of Qianlong's loyal lackeys is gone. At least for a period of time, Qianlong's defensive power will decrease. This will also provide Fang Xiaoyu's next move against Qianlong. The convenience.

  Looking back at the general's mansion in chaos, Fang Xiaoyu turned his gaze to the direction of northern Gyeonggi, and muttered softly: "The next stop, the Red Flower Society, somehow fool those guys from the Red Flower Society to make some trouble for Qianlong!"

  It didn't take long before the entire General's Mansion rushed out of a team of elite men and horses, and the few people in the lead screamed loudly. They were all anxious and depraved. It was obvious that Erdo had been killed.

Ignoring the guards who were caught in the rampage, Fang Xiaoyu's figure quickly disappeared into the night.

  The Sifang City Gate was already under martial law at the moment, and teams of green camp officers and soldiers guarded the gate without leaking water.

  But right now, Fang Xiaoyu appeared on the remote city wall. A figure hurriedly greeted Fang Xiaoyu and said respectfully: "Master Fang, according to your instructions, the rope is ready."

  Fang Xiaoyu patted the shoulder of the green camp soldier with a big hand, and a twelve-fold gold ingot fell into the opponent's hand. Fang Xiaoyu reached out and grabbed the fixed rope, and it went up and down. Go down the wall along the rope.

  After Fang Xiaoyu landed, the soldier who had collected Fang Xiaoyu's gold and silver quickly put away the rope, then took the rope, patted the gold ingot hidden in his arms, swayed and hummed down the wall.

  The huge city of Guangzhou has become a chaotic mess, searching everywhere for the whereabouts of Fang Xiaoyu and others, but no one knows that Fang Xiaoyu and others are already leaking Guangzhou City.

  It is a secluded village about a dozen miles away from Guangzhou City. The village is not large, and it adds up to more than a hundred households and hundreds of village names.

  In a courtyard in the village, a dark shadow regularly knocked on the door, and suddenly a few strong men with big knives stared at the door with guard.

  With a creak, the door opened, and a figure entered into the courtyard, and then a voice was heard: "Big Brother, it's Big Brother who is back."

The person who yelled was not someone else, but Fang Shiyu.

  Fang Shiyu looked at Fang Xiaoyu walking by with a look of excitement, and looked up and down Fang Xiaoyu with a bit of curiosity: "Brother, if you don't come back, sister-in-law and mother-in-law can't wait any longer."

  After patted Fang Shiyu, Fang Xiaoyu's eyes fell on Lei Tingting who was standing at the door looking at him with surprise.

  Although Fang De looked calm, Fang Xiaoyu clearly saw that Fang De's expression relaxed a lot when he saw himself.

  With a light cough, Fang Xiaoyu said to the people: "I've already returned, so don't worry."

  Thunder Tiger straightened his stomach and said: "Boy, you won't really kill the nine admirals from the capital, right?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Yusuffauzicreators' thoughts