
Origins (By X-Writer)

Terrorists, aliens, and a gene that causes superpowers to manifest are all what 20 years old, Nikko Madison has to deal with. What crazy event would happen next? Nikko is captured by a terrorist group and tasked to activate the variant gene present in humans which grants it access to special abilities. After a daring escape, he teams up with a group of elite soldiers and an alien to put an end to the growing threat.

X_Writer · Khoa huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter Eleven - The Investors

It was dark

The clouds covered the entire sky

Drops of rain fell, increasing ever so slightly

There was a nearby building...a bungalow, it looked a little run-down...however, a bunch of cars was parked around it while some people stood outside....guards maybe, because of the guns they held and the way they patrolled the perimeter. Then some cars pulled up just outside

Out stepped some armored men with guns. There were eighteen of them in total, one more person stepped out, but he was different...wearing expensive clothing

He wore a dark blue classic fit suit with black brogues...haircut was also clean and his hair seemed to shine under the sun...maybe due to so many hair products, who knows

He then walked towards the building...and entered through the door. Inside was well furnished and clean, it had a bunch of tables with chairs and a bar at the other side...it was also cold probably because of the air conditioning

At the bar was a man, he was dressed in a light green shirt with black trousers, he also had black derbies on with a cigarette in one of his hands which he threw to the ground as soon as he heard the door open

Just next to the bar was an elevator, it was very discreet and easy to miss...he was about to proceed towards the man at the bar before finally noticed a very skinny mid-aged man in front of him all this time

The man wore a uniform and had a smile on his face...he seemed to have had it since he had walked in, finally, he spoke

-Welcome Mister Isaac Bratton...both Mister Gabriel and Angel Taylor are waiting for down below

-Thank you

He then walked past the man and towards the bar, the took a seat next to the man there who had another cigarette in his hand...he began tapping the bar counter as he looked at the man smoking

-Being a long time Adam

He said to the smoker...that made him toss the cigarette over the counter and stood up heading towards the elevator, he pushed the button

-Aren't you coming?

He said without turning back...with that question, Isaac also stood up and proceed to stand beside him as they both waited for the elevator to arrive. The doors opened a few seconds later and they both stepped inside...with a push of another button inside the elevator, the doors closed and began their steady descent

It was quiet between both of them, Adam glanced over at Isaac with the side of his eyes...with his eyes running from his head to toes, analyzing his cloths

-Overdressed as always

-Good to see you are still judging me as always

He laughed

-So...do you know the reason for this emergency meeting?

Isaac took a deep breath

-There are two possibilities, either it's very good news or the more likely option very terrible news

-Well I guess we already know what it is then

With that the elevator door opened up to reveal a room...it was not so big nor was it too small though...at the other side of the room were three knight armors and hanging from the walls were some abstract paintings. The center was a roundtable and on it were two men, Gabriel and the second one was the supposed Angel

They were both quiet on the table and had turned to see who had arrived when the elevator doors opened...Gabriel then stood up and had his arms out wide in a welcome fashion

-Finally, you both have arrived...please take a seat

At his request, Isaac and Adam both took a seat at the roundtable and he followed suit

-Now let's begin...I called this meeting because you are my investors...you all have provided me the countless resources and I am grateful...very grateful

Before he could continue, Angel spoke with a little bit of disgust in his voice

-We have not forgotten anything and especially what you promised us in exchange for our resources

-I know...that is why I am here...there as being an issue that has delayed

Angel laughed sarcastically

-You can not be serious right...I think we have given you enough time, haven't we?

He looked at the others, and they all seemed to be contemplating...trying to figure out what decision to make

-I agree with Angel

Adam said really calmly, with his head facing the ground

-I understand your frustration and I assure you that we would begin production of the serum soon, just be patient

Gabriel looked over at the three of them with the stillness in his eyes...he was very composed, not seeming to be worried at all

-I think I can speak for all of us and say we are fed up with your incompetence Gabriel, time and time again you have promised and failed...the time for patience is over, I am cutting off all of my funding to you

With that, Angel stood up from his seat and slammed his fist on the table...silence crept into the air and so it was for a while until Isaac finally spoke after he had been quiet since the start of the meeting...he joined Angel in standing

-Gabriel, you know I have always been very fond of you...I have supported you since the beginning, I even helped in Washington but now I have to agree with both of them...I would also be pulling out of this

-Same here

Attention was shifted to Adam, who was now the latest and last member to announce that he was withdrawing funding of Gabriel. He nodded at both of them, Isaac continued

-For two years, we have not seen the fruits of our labors...and I still admire your idea of taking over the world with an army of superhumans, it is an idea ripped right of a...

-I never said that though

Gabriel said swiftly interrupting him, his expression finally changing after showing none for so long...he laughed and put a little smile on his face

-I never wanted to take over the world...do not believe everything the prologue tells you

Isaac seemed confused

-Then what...what is this all for?

-Something you would not understand, you all are typical examples of why humanity is like this...this pointless quest for power and domination...it disgusts me

He then slowly began walking around the room as he spoke

-You see it does not matter if you stop sponsoring me or not...you have already being a massive help to me, but like you said I haven't made any progress

He stopped in front of the elevator with his back towards it

-I plan to change that

Angel slammed the table heavily and walked over to Gabriel provoked just stopping inches away from his face

-Fuck you Gabriel, you think you are smart, that this would just end here...you must be out of your mind

-Of course, I did not

Swiftly, his hand had formed a fist and was driven up Angel's abdomen...the immense force behind the punch tore through him. Blood gushed out of his mouth and abdomen as he tried to mutter some words before slipping to the ground with a heavy thud, he then fell quiet

The others had their jaws wide opened and were completely frozen in fear, meanwhile Gabriel looked at his bloody hand before setting his sights on them both

-You...you...can't do this...are you out of your...mind?

-Gabriel we can talk this out, ok...I understand you too...we are the same, power is nothing

He slowly walked towards them, and with every stepped he took, they begged even louder and retreated to a corner in the room

-And now you beg

He laughed and stop in front of Adam, who was trembling in fear, he placed his hands on both sides of his head and began pushing them into each other. Adam cried out loud as he squeezed his head harder and harder until...splat...it was crushed sending chunks of flesh around the area, getting on both Gabriel and Isaac who were the only two left alive. He was paralyzed, his body twitching...Gabriel then looked at him smiling

-I will make it quick

The screams of Isaac echoed the room for some seconds before the silence was all that was

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

X_Writercreators' thoughts