

AN: so here we see the aftermath of the last chapter of events. Do hope you all are enjoying the story. I like this concept. Have another idea for a fic. 'Alien X from Ben 10 in James Cameron's avatar' let me know what you think about it.



I remember being kidnapped by 3 pieces of human garbage. I'd tried to give them money. But it seems I was to be sold into a sex dungeon of some sort. The guy named Tommy kept giving me lecherous looks that made my spine tingle.

Finally, I'd given up on trying to bribe them and decided I wasn't going easy. This lead to me spitting the main guy in the face and kicking him in the balls. Such a thing turned out to be the wrong move as I felt the cold steel of his knife enter and exit my chest 4 times.

The blade felt huge. And looking at it as he pulled it out of my chest for the final time, I see my suspicions prove right. A huge Bowie knife like the one Rambo used is covered in the thick scarlet liquid I know is my blood.

I feel cold as he drops me to the floor and see him turn around only to freeze.

I try to understand what's happening, but it's like I'm underwater. The coldest water you could ever feel.

Then, above me in an instant is a boy a few years older than me, he's beautiful aside from the angry red eyes and veins going up his face.

He speaks so softly to me as he puts his bleeding wrist to my mouth im not sure if I even hear him correctly.

'Do you want to protect yourself? To never allow this to happen to you or anyone else again?' I wonder what he's asking me? How can I protect myself as I slowly die off?

Either way, I nod. For im just a human girl. A girl who dreams. I want to live.

My dreams are shattered as he swiftly turns my head quicker than I knew was possible and everything turns black.


I shoot up from my back breathing heavily at the dream I'd just had. It felt so real. I notice something off with myself. I'm hungry. No scratch that, I'm starving.

I look around and notice the unfamiliar surroundings. A fairly large room with a bathroom, tv, dresser, vanity atop the dresser, and lastly the king size bed I currently reside in that now I pay more attention to feels like a cloud. Perfect.

I quickly make my way off the bed, not noticing the ring that now adorns my left pinky.

As I get closer to the massive staircase, I hear a voice shouting in anger.

"You killed that girl! I won't judge you for killing scum, but the girl didn't deserve that!"

It's a women voice. One who's angry. That much is clear.

As I slowly peek my head around the corner I'm met with the same boy who broke my neck. Grabbing him by the collar is a beautiful blonde haired women with angry looking blue eyes.

The second my head pops around the corner, I'm met with the stare of the boy. And without even speaking to his companion is instantly beside me while the girl who held him up is now sitting on the couch.

'How did he move so fast?' I think before I'm broken from my thoughts by his voice. The same soft voice I remember speaking to me before he snapped my neck.

"Are you okay?" I hear the girl on the couch gasp. Though I don't know why. I can't help but want to answer the boy who saved my life. Even if I don't know how.

I slowly nod my head and try to speak. Only for my dry throat to make itself known.

Before I can even blink the boy has disappeared and returned with a hospital bag full of what I assume to be blood.


Again, there's that need to do what he said. 'What is this?' I think as I take the bag on reflex and open it.

Only for my entire world to change.



After a few minutes of going over the memories of what happened in the warehouse I began to create the ring the young girl will need to stay alive in the sun. Don't ask how I know how to make it. I just do.

With the stash of lapis stones I've procured on my way to forks, it should be fine.

I take a plain golden chain from a shop that was $2. Throw that and the stone into the fire place with a handful of my blood snd some of her own I had on her hoodie, and voilà a ring for the girl.

I make my way back upstairs and place it on her finger. It's nighttime now. But it won't be forever. Better safe than sorry. Besides, that's a huge fire hazard for my new house.

I also sigh thinking about having to teach someone how to be a vampire when I myself am still trying to get the hang of it. But whatever. 'More vamps is a good thing. Now we both need to learn to fight' I think but am broken from my musings when I hear someone coming towards my house.

I quickly meet them on the opposite side of the river. Catching them by the throat and putting them against a tree. It seems they were not ready for my approach.

I look down and freeze again. In my arms is the small blonde I'd run from in Canada. I go to run again but am stopped by a hand, a rather hard one I'd say, and turn to see her eyes a blue I relate to the underworld universe. It seems here vamps have more colors for emotion.

"What the hell? You just killed 11 people and think running will cure it?!"

Huh, kinda odd to see such a small being be so angry. However . I kinda understand. But, I have a reputation to uphold.

I quickly stare into her eyes as mine light up crimson. Doing what Elijah did to Hailey in the opening episodes of the originals. Show her the memories.

After showing her the men and what they were planning to do with the girl I get a more sympathetic tone.

Seeing that I decide to move into the house. Quickly grabbing her shoulder we're inside in the snap of a finger.

The shock from the memory sharing seems to occupy her mind before she snaps out of it and leveled her still angry blue eyes at me.

"You killed that girl! I won't judge you for killing scum, but the girl didn't deserve that!"

'Ah I see. She doesn't know. Ha!' I think as I hear the girl upstairs begin to make her way towards us.

As soon as I feel her enter the room I put Mia down on the couch and hand the girl a blood bag after affirming she was okay.

What happens next is truly fascinating to watch. Her eyes gain the blood red scalera of the vamps in tvd with the veins less pronounced running across the bottom of her eye lids.

I look back at the surprised sound of Mia and give her a smirk before motioning to the henna look alike, "Please, introduce yourself to i and my friend and I'll tell you about the first day of the rest of your life."

"Im Anna."


AN: quick transition chapter. Next we'll see Mia and the cullens reaction to the events that unfolded as well as Anna's first kill. Be ready