

Origin being were the ones born within the origin of chaos with consciousness strong as the innate consciousness. They have special powers strong enough to stand above the world and reach the chaos. Every origin being becomes the chaos god when they become the chaos being. They are strong enough that the moment they are born they cannot be attacked by the chaos beings or innate beings or void beings. The moment they are born, they wipe out the existence of beings and live instead of the identity of other beings. Any beings other than the innate beings or chaos being will be modified to let them remember him as the person with the identity. The difference is that while the innate beings have power that is enough to affect the chaos gods when they are born the origin beings can affect the authority of chaos. They are strong and each one is born as different individuals. Some are born as the world while others are born as the living beings or items. This story is the story of how the origin cell being came into being and how he lived his life. His first life was born as a human in an ordinary world and he was named Immanuel. He understood that he was an origin being and his self was different. His consciousness was different and he could not understand the world and its beings. He understood his existence and the all existences and non-existences and he understood the world of the chaos gods. Unlike innate beings the origin beings were not based on templates and each origin beings were unique. He tried to learn about the world and lived countless lives. He understood the world and made many friends. He learnt a lot of ideas and he lived through the life. He knew the truth of the world that nothing ever mattered as he was a god and he could live far above all beings and all worlds yet he chose as such as the gods never interacted with each other. He decided to live as a god among mortals as he had not reached the chaos stage. He liked his life and he will try to become a chaos god and become a god. VOL 2: RISE OF A MECHANICAL MADMAN| In the land where gods choose the priests and the gifts of innate beings are many the wars are many. The mechanical scientist finds that he was blessed and he is happy. He decides to rise to the top and become a god as he yearned to become one among the chaos gods.

Albert_Tom_George · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs




There are many items that I had seen but seeing a planet sized spaceship was indeed a good method of making an entry in the world. I looked at the spaceship and stayed in my room. They were not consequential unless they have some higher-level technology that involves the quantum field. I have reached the field of quantum and time but has not learned to control it properly. I was resistant against it but I was not strong enough to manipulate it.


I was later approached by the international government leaders that the extraterrestrial beings have come to meet me. I found that it interesting and decided to meet them and activated a grenade that would detonate after some unit time independent of the outside world. The energy it had was enough to destroy the galaxy. I flew directly to the spaceship and stood outside. I had also created many spaceship and war-fortress and started creating them. Each one was stronger than the galaxy and they could detect it. I sat in the open platform created in the vacuum that had its own atmosphere. They came over in the space suit and I looked at them. I sat on the chair and they sat in front of me. I asked them, "What do you want?"


The aliens were three meters long and were of red skin colour. They had legs but instead of hands they had tentacles. They looked like an evolved form of octopus. Maybe I should get their genes to study. If created the celestial computer I had already designed to work on the basis of dyson sphere. It was interesting to let it take over the all their ships and they were really scared. The man started speaking and I could not understand it and they looked at me and spoke using a translator.


The being who was asexual spoke, "We come from this milky way galaxy or so as called in your name. We and the allies are in war with the andromeda galaxy. They are special species who are able to use dark matter and dark energy to drive their bodies. We have not found any being able to have energy equivalent to that of a galaxy. We nearly though that a super massive white hole. It was only then we found that you were the god who used the power. We are here to show off our respect."


I asked them, "I have not found any other being in the surrounding galaxies. The highest energy reaction I found was at the level of star and it can be confused with that of a star."


The alien at the centre said, "There are indeed many other civilizations but the research on genes had not progressed much. It was only when we came into contact with the andromeda galaxy that we found that there were being who could walk on starts and lived by absorbing the dark matter and dark energy. You are strong enough to be equated to the ruler of the civilization. The milky way have different development, each in their own direction. We would like to have you come to become one among the supreme leaders of the galactic alliance and we will let you take over the star fields you want and take over the civilizations you want. You will also be given the army to be under your control. We want your help in the war."


I smiled and said, "How did you solve the problem of memory when the life of the genetically modified people was elongated."


The alien said, "Computer chips. There was no other method for the ones who were already borne. We could only let the future generation develop in the direction to hold more memory and have better IQ so that we can let their bodies be developed with a different genetic sequence to let their bodies be stronger. If you want to help this planet, we are willing to let them transform and given them technology to the level of interplanetary civilian level."


I said, "I have no interest in being the supreme leader for now but I am ready to accompany you. As a gift I will wipe out the galaxy."


The alien said, "We need the matter and energy of the galaxy."


I said, "So what are their ideas. Are they not going to use weapons of mass destruction."


The alien said, "They cannot be believed but we have the weapons ready to destroy them. What we need is a better method to kill their lives and take over the star systems and lands."


I said, "I have no interest in your games. If you want to trade, you can trade in the internet. I have extended the internet to all the galaxies and you can access them any time you want and you can get the items when you want."


The alien contacted their own people and they verified the facts. I have set up a intergalactic internet based on energy all over the galaxy and they could do nothing to stop it. The items they could not see could be bought and I have already learned the law of space to the limit to add it to coding such that I was able to creating a parsing algorithm to get the items from one point of space to another upon demand, hence expanding the possibility of transfer of items. As for earthlings, the very fact that they can access the intergalactic internet is more than enough for them to grow better. The present mode of exchange was bartering and each organization could develop their own currencies. I allowed to connect it to all the intelligent beings. There is no need for any law like letting the civilization develop till they are able to form their basic science. That was foolishness.


The aliens looked at me with some expression that was difficult for me to understand. I would rather have their anatomy develop in the direction of being a human than let it be like this. They really looked ugly. Even their nose had two long tentacles. I did not like it and looked at them. Maybe I should create a contact lens that is able to block the ugly items so that I will not need to see such things.


I said, "If you have anything more to speak you can. I am tired of this useless talk. Get directly to the point."


The alien said, "We have understood your power and would like to form friendship with the you. We are from the Ponus species and is a well-known species for keeping their words and supporting their allies. We solemnly invite you to our palace."


I asked, "Are you not scared that I will destroy your star system?"


The alien said, "We will face defeat and extinction in 50 years. We cannot get out any other method of winning the war than destroying detonating the star into a supernova and pure death."


I said, "I will come. Arrange it. I may give you something interesting to make you strong."


The alien nodded. I asked, "is there anything else you want?"


The alien asked, "Is there something you need sir?"


I said, "Upload all your knowledge and ideas into the internet. You may leave now."


The aliens stood up and left. It seems that they do not have the idea of bowing down to the strong. They left and I took back all the space-crafts I created into my private space and left. 



I was happy to see the invitation of the new alien species that decided to not attend it. What use were them. I just had to stay here and stay alive till eternity. I will grow stronger than the world one day or another and become a void god. I just had to accept the void and then slowly control the realm and extract a small chaos energy particle. What use were these creatures? I am a god and they are nothing more than beings who will die sooner or later.


I lay down alone and days passed and months passed. The ideas were interesting and I was still unable to control the time to the limit. I could not understand the time to the limit of understanding and using time as the basis of creation of my body. I needed to use time and the fact remained that the strong time particle should be used.


I decided to take the galaxy as the furnace and take it as a separate universe. I used the galaxy and refined it into a separate space universe and made it into the size of a cube. I refined more similar to that. I started speeding up the time and created many copies and kept mixing them. I had to find what the real time particle was. I finally found the specialized particle of time of one such universe and found the time particle of others. I formed a basic generic time law and fused it with my soul.


I found that many of the beings that were calling my name and I made them shut up by reverse tracking through premonition. I also found that many were thinking bad things about me and I killed them. I created an automatic defence mechanism to kill them. I found that with more power I had I was able to understand the world more. I also found that with more strength I was able to sense more. I found that my strength was increasing in an exponential manner at the rate of 37 trillion as the multiple. It only took more than 5 round of increase to become strong as the universe and each round from then onwards would make me stronger at the rate of (10^14) (1014) units at a time. By this time the multiverse was easily seen and I could sense the void-verse. The problem for the void was that the rules did not allow it. Some worldly being can never come into contact with void. Some voids and contactable as there are methods to come into contact with them in some manner so that some powerful beings can become void level creature. Other voids are different voids and are non-contactable. I could only start to analyse the void as I wanted to rise to the void level. Once a void level, always a void level.


I found that it was necessary to use the energy of the multiverse wall to form the strong body and create a person space inside the body separate from the world, a separate time from the world and a separate reality from the world. Then only can the body be strong enough to stand in the contactable void. I started to create a personal timeline unique to me with the power of time superimposed over space controlled by me cells as the law of time. 


I created a new reality with me as the basis and the environment as the nothing. I defined the reality as the truth where I was the origin cell being and I was the strong being in the world alone. I used the reality to construct the body and the body was strong and independent of space, time and reality and all the ideas and concepts inclusive among the three such as fate, sun, star, gravity, luck etc. I finally could see the void and absorbed a small amount of void energy and my body was stronger than infinity worlds. I used the void energy to make to increase the void energy of the origin cell. I kept absorbing the void energy and started understanding the void rules and authorities. I found that this void was a pure void. I could only deduct the laws I had and use it to increase to the level of void. I started creating rules and found that I was strong.


Time had no meaning to me and for me something similar to time was based on the basic consciousness index thought. The basic though of consciousness was thought for a moment and considered a unit time as it was separate from all the worlds and other gods and hence, I had a self-dependent form of time. I started creating the rules and finally culminated to the end by creating the law of laws and the rule of rules. I created the void authority of authority and became the peak void god. 


I absorbed a small part of the chaos energy and became a chaos being. I increased the laws, rules and authorities to the level of the chaos and became a chaos demigod. I used the power of origin and with the power of chaos and origin I directly became a chaos god. I became the origin chaos god. I am the origin chaos god. 


Well, now I did not have to worry about the world and had not to worry about other gods. I decided to live my life after a long time of observation of all the beings. I had become a god and could live the way I wanted. I could live as I wanted and enjoy as I wanted. I found that I could bless some beings so that they will be have pseudo-origin cell and I should be able to control it. The power will remain similar to me except that they will never be able to become a chaos god and would remain at the level of the chaos demi-god. I should go out and get some free template version of the worlds and bless some beings with the pseudo-origin cell. I will let them be blessed such that there is only the energy amplification and energy strengthening. They will not allow perfect energy control from the outside. They will not be able to extract energy from non-absorbable energy forms and absorb laws. I decided to bless different beings from multiple template type worlds. They will be blessed only after they become mature so that they will have a yearning for the strong and the heart of the strong but will not have the heart of the god. They will then have their own wishes. Some will have the wish to have more children and take care of their family while other will want to protect their country. Some may want to have debauchery, while other just want a normal life. I will observe them for a long time. If some part of my desire is ignited, I will return to my personal realm to fulfil that desire. Let the experiments be carried out outside my personal realm and in the general chaos realm. I decided to go out. I absorbed the personal realm into my cell. Now only me should be able to enter, interact or observe the realm. I found that it was already in the superposition state of being inside me that is unobservable, un-interactable and unthinkable even for the chaos gods. I walked out.