
Ordverse Ascension

Hello, Everyone. This is Author: Lakshay_Thakur_9837. This is my very first novel. And since English is not my first language, I am sure there will be some pronunciation errors. Hence, I am apologizing in advanced because of that. First World: Danmachi Second World: Akame Ga Kill Third World: Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World Fourth World: Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Fifth World: Guilty Crown Sixth World: Black Bullet Seventh World(Currently): Genshin Impact *Note: Only 3-4 chapters will be released per week.

Lakshay_Thakur_9837 · Tranh châm biếm
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505 Chs

Volume 4 - Chapter 37(Information about the Verse)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


Let's start from the very beginning.

This Megaverse is controlled by three Wills.

** Gaia **

She is the protector guardian God revered by the people, and she is the sacrifice that feeds them with the crops born from her body and the beasts of the fields and the forests. Her true nature is the cycle of life and death, the circle of the food chain where she feeds man with her blood and flesh, kills man over time and absorbs him as nutrition, and once again feeds man with her replenished blood and flesh.

She represents the system of life itself, so those born of the earth cannot deny her Authority. Only when they have fulfilled the wish of a certain forgotten Goddess, by leaving the planet for space and ending the infantile stage of intelligent lifeforms, will they no longer be bound to it.

In other words, all this time the Earth where all the events of Fate took place is not just a mere planet but on a Goddess which is using her body so that humanity can live on it. That's why it's a misconception that Fate is a weak verse because beings there can't even destroy a planet.

Gods have the power to create Universes in a whim. And as one of the higher Goddess, if one wants to destroy Gaia then one must have the power to destroy a Multiverse itself. Sounds shocking that this small planet is as strong as the Multiverse itself but it's a truth. That's also even why when the battle of Holy Grail intensified it was only able to destroy a city at most. Let alone country or continent.



** Alaya **

She is the collective unconsciousness of mankind and the drive for its survival as a whole. Alaya constantly steers mankind away from extinction. Alaya interferes indirectly by guiding and empowering an individual to eliminate a threat. When indirect intervention is insufficient, Alaya will deploy the Counter Guardians or Heroic Spirits. The deployment of Counter Guardians is by no means subtle, as the threat will be eliminated with the surroundings, inflicting much collateral damage.

"Human Order", also referred to as the "Common Sense of Man" is the core principle on which Alaya operates for the building of the Human Order Foundation. Essentially, it is the principle that "humanity must exist for as long as possible". Parallel Worlds in which humanity has destroyed itself or advanced too quickly and therefore stopped progressing are, following this principle, culled, allowing for only the most promising Parallel Worlds to survive in order to ensure the future of mankind.

Finally, "The Wall of Human Order". It is a phenomenon in which existences foreign to the Human Order are rejected. That's why whenever a reincarnator or transmigrator from another world came to this world, Alaya checked whether that person would be harmful to the world or not. If not, then she just keeps an eye on all his or her actions. In case they are then she will eliminate them.

Beings who are close to reaching the root are deemed threatening by Alaya. So, many of them go to extreme lengths to avoid or hide from Alaya.



** Counter Force **

Don't get confused in thinking "Alaya" and "Counter Force" are same. They are different. Just like every planet, galaxy, and Universe has their own Will. "Counter Force" is the Will of this entire Megaverse. "Alaya" is just part of the "Counter Force".

The work of "Counter Force" is keeping this entire Megaverse safe. Unlike Alaya whose only work is to keep humanity safe. In a way, you can say, every parallel world will have Gaia and Alaya but there is only one "Counter Force". If you have "Counter Force" under you, then this means you are the ruler of this Megaverse.





*** Age of Gods ***

Just like in "Danmachi" world, Gods also descended to live among Mortals. However, since "Earth Mother Goddess" Gaia was the world itself, Gods don't have to seal their powers. They can live among Mortals with their full power.

Though, it was not as peaceful as in "Danmachi" world. Since Gods didn't seal their power, they were very arrogant. A lot of them looked down on the mortals as an inferior race. Hence, instead of living with them, they created their own dwelling. Mortals were not even allowed to even take a single step there. In case someone did, then they must a hefty price for it. In a way, you can say Gods were the true ruler at that time.



*** Age of Heroes ***

Even though Gods didn't mind or interact much in Mortals business, it still didn't change the fact they in a way became the real ruler of the World. As a result, Gaia decided to make a move. She knew that she must think of a way to balance the power scale. So, she decided to give birth to the beings that could threatened the Gods. That's how "Age of Heroes" came.

The Heroes that Gaia gave birth to have strength that far surpassed that of normal Humans. Still, it was not enough to make Gods wary of them. Thus, Gaia contacted those Gods who have decided to side with Humanity. These Gods then joined forces to create weapons which can threaten the Gods themselves. Those weapons are now known as Noble Phantasms.

Noble Phantasms were then given to the Heroes in order to gain their acknowledgement and master them. And just like predicted, Gods started to fear those weapons when it killed one of them. Because of that, a rift was appeared between the Gods who look down on humans and those who created those weapons for them.

Nevertheless, even though they were arrogant, Gods were not fool. They knew if both sides decided to fight then both sides would face heavy casualties. So, none of them initiate the fight. Still, it was enough for Humans to stand at the equal footing with Gods.



***** Deterioration *****

The "Age of Gods" almost came to an end when an Alien God, Sefar attacked. Sefar successfully burned 80% of the planet(Gaia) surface. Not only killing most of the plants, animals or Humans, but even the Gods themselves. It was because of the sacrifice of many Gods that Sefar lost most of her power. In the end, the six Great Fairies forged the Holy Sword that finally beat Sefar.

Although the gods did survive, due to the damage done by Sefar, their influence and power declined whereas those of humanity grew. The gods slowly began to lose their physical forms and eventually could only walk on the Earth by possessing compatible humans.

Realizing that if the weakening of the gods were to continue, the Age of Gods itself would end, the gods of Mesopotamia created Gilgamesh as the keystone to connect the gods and humans. However, Gilgamesh unexpectedly rebelled against the gods and encouraged the complete separation of the gods and the humans. Due to this, the decline of the gods was accelerated, and the gods lost their powers and became Divine Spirits, forced to exist in the Reverse Side of the World, where they could only be able to observe the Earth without directly interfering.

That's how "Age of Gods" came to an end.

Even though Gods have left, Heroes who were giving the power of Noble Phantasm still remained. And since there were no Gods, conflicts between Humans against different different ideals commenced. This led to the death of many Heroes. And since Gaia didn't give birth to any new hero and not there were Gods who can make Noble Phantasm, once a Hero died, there won't be a new one. Just like that with time one-by-one Heroes fell.

That's how "Age of Heroes" also came to an end.



****** Age of Man ******

The current age is called Age of Man. This is where Mysteries such as Magecraft are dwindling in favor of science. The Five Magics were born in this age.







Now, in this Verse there are three things Primis is wary of.

---> The Beasts(I-VII)

The Beasts of the Counter Force are comprised of Evils of Humanity. They are evils born from "the karma produced by humanity's progress." Their sole purpose is to put an end to Humanity.

These Beasts are so strong that the Counter Force must use a lot of its power to make sure that they won't leave their own dimensions. Yes, you heard it right, these Beasts never left their dimensions not even once.

Think about it. Megaverse contains an infinite number of Multiverses. The Multiverse contains an infinite number of Universes. The Universe contains many Clusters of Galaxies. A Cluster of Galaxies contains infinite numbers of Galaxies. A Galaxy contains an infinite number of Solar System. A Solar System contains many Planets. And on a Planet, there exists countless humans.

Now take the evil of every single human from a planet. Then the Solar System. Then the Galaxy. Then the Cluster of Galaxies. Then a Universe. Then the Multiverse. And finally, Megaverse. That was enough to guess just how much stronger these Beasts could be. As a result, Counter Force don't let them leave their dimension.

However, since their sole purpose was to put an end to Humanity, they used a different method to accomplish their goals. And that was they chose a specific human or a person as their vessel to enter the world of humans and carry out the plan of destruction. Even though they can't even use 1% of their real power while in that vessel, the power they had was still more than enough to put an end to humans.

That's why many Heroic Spirits must join forces to defeat it. However, the one they defeat would always be the Vessel of Beasts, not the Beasts themselves. That's why in future Beasts could attack again. It's like a never-ending cycle.

The one Primis fought against was the real body of the Beast. However, it could only send its hands to attack and wanted Primis to follow its retreating hand so that it could bring Primis to its own dimension where it could fight with its real strength.



----> Ultimate Ones

They are the second things that Primis was wary of. His wariness against these beings surpassed even the Beasts themselves. Ultimate Ones are the ultimate beings that differ significantly from both creatures of Earth and each other biologically and in appearance. They do not have the same sense of self as humans, nor do they have the concepts of damage or death.

They require something above the existence of the common sense of the planet in order to be harmed or destroyed, though the resulting "death" is not necessarily permanent. In the world of Notes, they lack names originally, only given the name of "Aristoteles" by humans, and it is unknown why "Aristoteles" is used, perhaps originating from a scientist of the old age. They are Type-Mercury, Type-Venus, Type-Mars and so on.

They are the strongest existences of this Verse. Every single one of them is at "Primordial God" level. Yes, all of them stood on the same footing as Ouranos himself. It is said that Ultimate Ones are called by the Gaia as her final death cry is a wish to destroy all of humanity, who have managed to outlive it. If humanity had perished at the same time as the planet, she would have been content, but she fears the existence that would continue to live on her after her death.

However, the truth is, even though Ultimate Ones hear her wish instead of coming themselves they will send a small part of their body to fulfil her wish. That small part is more than enough to accomplish this.



------> 'That' Being.

'That' being who Primis fought at the end in the "Danmachi" world is someone Primis most wary, no, frightful of, will be more exact. It was already confirmed that the one Primis defeated was merely one of 'That' Being countless avatars.

That was just its 'Mortal' avatar, but it has strength far surpassing even the 9th-Dimensional God. So, you could already guess just how much stronger its 'God' avatar will be. And since this a Megaverse, its guarantee that 'That' being will use its 'God' avatar here since there are many Gods in this Verse.

That's why Primis didn't want to come to Megaverse this soon. After all, why he won't be afraid when a 9th Level Existence is after him.





(*A/N: Hello, readers. I hope this helps you understand why Fate verse is one of the strongest Verse in this Group and why Primis is so wary and fearful of coming here. Thank you.)


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
