

A mix of silly pranks, endless teasing and fierce loyalty making them beautiful and powerful. This is a story of four brothers that brings to light the power and beauty of their siblings bonds. The love and support they hold for each other.

serapah_noor · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


After traveling for about three more months towards north as the book had navigated, the party of three had now safely entered 'Aras'. As Edward finally reached the outskirts of the city, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The grandeur of Aras was undeniable, its towering walls and majestic architecture a testament to its storied history.

However, contrary to how lively the city was described in the book, this place was abandoned. Not only that, there was no living creature in sight whatsoever, not even a bird flying over the sky.

The city laid in ruins, its grandeur although evident but somehow also faded by the passage of time. Yet, this alone could not make Edward lose hope. His determination to reach the tomb remained unwavering. After all, the population and livelihood of the city had nothing to do with his quest to find the Monarchs. Or did it?

As Edward surveyed the desolate streets, a sense of unease settled upon him. The silence was deafening, broken only by the faint sound of his own footsteps echoing through the empty alleyways. He couldn't help but wonder what had befallen this once-thriving city.

Our two little travelers, accompanied by their father, had embarked on a journey that led them to the fabled "Tomb of Ancient Dragons." After hours of searching, they finally arrived at their destination. As they reached the entrance of the tomb, a sense of foreboding washed over them. The heavy stone doors stood tall and imposing, guarding the secrets that lay within. he pushed open the doors, revealing a dark and mysterious chamber.

Little did they know that nothing awaited them within those ancient walls. The tomb held none of the answers they sought ,they moved forward only to be met with disappointment. The tomb, much like the rest of Aras, too laid in ruins. There were no majestic dragons to be found, nor any trace of a once-glorious Monarchs, not even a presence of a single Monarch.

Edward, who had held onto a glimmer of hope for his people and homeland, now found that hope wavering. The reality of the situation began to sink in, and any remnants of his previous optimism seemed to fade away.

However, amidst this realization, it was difficult to discern whether Edward felt sadness or something else entirely.

As they stood in the shadow of the crumbling tomb, a mix of emotions stirred within Edward. While there was a tinge of disappointment, there was also a sense of relief. The burden of expectation had lifted from his shoulders.

"Let's just… go forward Father…Its okay we will start over from somewhere else....maybe the Monarchs migrated to a different city? The book is old…. We will definitely start over…surely… will find a way" AMILA anxiously tended to encourage her father whom she thought was losing all hope.

Contrary to Amila's worries, Edward remained surprisingly calm in the face of their current situation. In fact, he felt a sense of gratitude, realizing that he had not lost his precious child in pursuit of something grand. However, deep down, he couldn't shake off the fear of losing Amila if "His Majesty" would have been here.

The book contained a chilling statement about "His Majesty" having a particular fondness for female children. Regardless of how much he tried to deny it, he found that sentence to be undeniably sinister. Why would "His Majesty" be interested in young girls? Did he have malicious intentions? Moreover, Edward couldn't even be certain if this enigmatic figure was truly human. The book had explicitly warned against getting involved with this one monarch, emphasizing the danger that lurked within. It definitely wasn't something good.

Besides Edward lamented his lack of power to protect his children, whether it be from the clutches of the Monarch or from the rebels who opposed him. He felt inadequate, unable to shield his loved ones from the impending threats. Unlike his heroic father, he couldn't muster the strength to sacrifice everything for the greater good. These children were all he had left, and the weight of that responsibility weighed heavily on him.

Although he did everything he could to find the so called Monarchs but somewhere within he kept praying that he won't… In truth it wasn't even just the children. He was a coward; he was scared of something he knew nothing about… Yet he did not want to be held responsible for not trying anything either. So he tried. He tried his best in order to avoid guilt.

Edward had been lying shamelessly to his children and to himself throughout this journey! Help him for fun? they were nice? Ha! Who would even believe that? It was just so cliché BUT it was over now. There were no Monarchs and even if there were… they were not here!

"Father as long as we_"

"I am fine my sweet Amila" Ed patted on Amila's head and smiled as he assured her in a poised tone.

"Cute!"  ??? It was a rather serene voice, soothing to one's ears .

The three simultaneously looked at Ed's right, towards the source of that sound… 'a young man?'

To their surprise, the young man was walking towards them. His presence seemed out of place in that desolate location. They couldn't help but wonder who he was and what he was doing there.

"Are you here for the dragon's as well?" the youth in white continued as he approached Edward.

This young man had an air of mystery about him, exuding a calm and confident demeanor immediately catching their attention, a smile so warm and inviting, as if holding a secret that he was eager to share.

"Ah! No… we?" Edward could not concentrate as he stared at the delightful young man probably in his early twenties closing the distance between them.

This young man had a mesmerizing presence, standing tall and exuding a sense of power and grace. His height surpassed even that of Ed, whom was already a tall man at 6'1", seemed that the youth should be at least... 6'3" or more?.

As the young man approached Edward, his striking blood-red almond eyes captured Edward's attention, gleaming like rare Rubellite gemstones reflecting the moonlight in the midnight sky.

He felt that those eyes had the ability to peer deep into one's soul, leaving an indelible impression.

The youth possessed a distinct and refined appearance. His face was rectangular, with a long and straight nose, and sharp lips. There was an air of serenity that surrounded him, and he was impeccably dressed in a pristine white silk garment adorned with silver ornaments. A silver belt cinched his waist, reminiscent of ancient Roman togas. The quarter half sleeves of his attire revealed glimpses of his well-toned ectomorph physique, while a crown-like band adorned his head.

Additionally, there were bangles attached to his arms and legs, adding an element of mystique to his overall appearance.

Edward couldn't help but marvel at how the young man seemed to emit a radiant glow, illuminating the surroundings with his presence. His light complexion further emphasized his ethereal beauty by complimenting that glossy silver hair of his, his silky straight lush long hair hung over his broad shoulders in such a natural way... It's length reaching the sole of his feet, occasionally giving a faint shimmer, adding to the intrigue that surrounded him... Edward was hypnotized.

"?" the Young man raised a brow at Edward.

"We came here to search for the Monarchs not the dragons" Amila said looking straight at the man who seemed to be more beautiful than her own mother, whom was known for her beauty throughout the empire.

AMILA had only ever seen Caroline in pictures… Her mother whom had died giving birth to this charming child, it was said that the crown princess was the most beautiful woman in the whole empire, Amila believed that was but an understatement as her father Edward had always told her that her mother Caroline was the most beautiful human in the whole world, inside and out. She had wholeheartedly believed it until... today, 'maybe not the most beautiful human but she was still the most beautiful woman though' Amila justified in her head.

"The Monarch's?" the Young man furrowed his round brows as if he had heard something unpleasant. 'So you really were here for the Dragons' he thought.

"No-one! It's just a stupid story" Ray interrupted before Amila could answer.

"What do you even know you…? You…! You! Whatever you ought to be!!" Amila peeked at father very worried before starting yet another argument with her brother. She had forgotten she was talking to 'him'.

The youth too moved towards Edward. He had stopped right at a face's distance before he continued,

"Which Monarch were you searching for? And how would you summon him?" the young man seemed displeased.

Ed was perplexed, not because of this sudden inquiry but because of how close this young man had stood to him "I do not know-"

"Oh! So you just came here… without any prior knowledge?" he tilted his head a little to the left as his expression relaxed.

"Oh right! I am Yahico you may call me as such" Yahico stepped back and continued "Can I join you guys for some time? You see I came here in search of the ancient dragons but as you can see this place has none…" he thought for a second" and it seems I am lost"

"I might be useful, I am rather good at cooking…?" Yahico announced shamelessly.

He was suddenly insistent to join the party for someone who just met them.

On Yahico's end, his sudden interest in joining them was simply a misunderstanding. He believed that Edward might have a way to reach the Monarchs and intended to eliminate that possibility.

After all, the Fourth Monarch had not visited this realm for thousands of years, and it seemed unlikely for a species with a maximum life expectancy of eighty years to remember them. It should have been natural for the Monarchs to be forgotten by now.

Yahico decided to reserve judgment for the time being, thinking, 'For now, let's just see.'

As for Edward, Yahico's offer was undeniably appealing. You see, Edward had no culinary skills to speak of, and as anyone could guess, the trio had been surviving on a monotonous diet of fruits, boiled vegetables, and plain meats for as long as they could remember. They weren't here for picnic. They were surviving and they had to do what they had to do to live. Edward was very thankful for having children that were mature. Ray would often give a mocking remark but that was all he did, neither of the children would ever throw a tantrum and Amila, that child was a gift from God himself… if it weren't for her, would he even have the will? To continue this?

Anyhow, the prospect of having someone who knew how to cook was certainly enticing to Edward. The monotony of their meals was beginning to take its toll on their spirits, the thought of indulging in a well-cooked meal filled their minds with anticipation, making Yahico's offer all the more tempting.

"I mean it's safer if we have two adults rather than just one right?" Yahico persisted.

"Ok…okay sure… we don't know where we are headed to either though" Edward agreed hesitantly.

However, Edward also understood the importance of caution. Edward had thought it would be dangerous to turn Yahico down as the lad was suspicious. If Yahico truly harbored hostile intentions towards them… any kind of retaliation on his part might put his children in harm's way. With this in mind, Edward concluded that it would be safer to agree and make Yahico believe that they trusted him, at least for the time being.

Understanding the potential risks involved, He weighed the consequences of his decision. Trusting Yahico temporarily could provide him with valuable insights into the lad's true motives. By appearing cooperative, Edward hoped to gather more information and assess the level of threat Yahico posed to his family. He needed to handle the situation delicately and avoid any unnecessary confrontations, sometimes, strategic decisions had to be made for the safety and well-being of loved ones, even if it meant playing a dangerous game of trust and deceit.

Yahico who observed Ed had an anxious smile, he maintained a professional demeanor despite the unease gnawing at him as he looked at Edward, he could not tell what Edward was thinking and found it distressing but regardless he did not interrupt as Edward continued to brainstorm ways to separate Yahico from the group, his mind racing with potential solutions without hurting his children in the process.

After resting for a day the party of four moved further north, opposite to the direction of the empire. Edward wanted his children and him to be as far away from the empire as possible that would be the only way he would feel safe.

On this new journey they had once again started yo move forward but this time with new company,

As Yahico had claimed to be a skilled cook, he quickly took charge of the cooking responsibilities after joining them. Initially, Edward was wary and hesitant to let Yahico take over, but eventually, he agreed after Yahico's assurance. However, Edward still harbored doubts and was reluctant to eat the meals prepared by the young man. Surprisingly, the children paid no heed to Edward's concerns and eagerly consumed whatever Yahico cooked, as if their lives depended on it. Thankfully, none of the meals turned out to be harmful or poisonous.

Edward pondered this question as he observed Yahico meticulously preparing a meal over the crackling fire. He couldn't help but notice that Yahico seemed well-versed in cooking, It was evident that he had cooked for others before, It made him wonder if Yahico had previously served as a chef in some royal palace, in one of the prosperous kingdoms that existed before the devastating war. Unfortunately, the war had left no stone unturned and had brought destruction upon everything in its path. He was curious as to why someone with such culinary background searching for the ancient dragons?"

During their travels, whenever they stopped for rest Yahico, with a serene expression on his face, was often found sitting on the bare floor in a meditative position for hours on end. This practice, rooted in ancient traditions, allowed them to delve deep into a transcendent state of mind, free from the distractions of the world around them. They would close their eyes, regulating their breath and silencing the clamor of their thoughts. In this stillness, they found a profound sense of peace and clarity, as if tapping into a wellspring of wisdom that transcended the limitations of ordinary perception.

Yahico's meditative practices intrigued Edward. He noticed that whenever Yahico would enter into a deep state of meditation, a serene glow would surround him. It was as if he was tapping into a higher power, connecting with something greater than himself. Edward couldn't help but wonder what secrets Yahico held.

Despite his curiosity, He hesitated to ask Yahico about it. He didn't want to pry or make Yahico feel uncomfortable. Instead, he simply chose to observe, hoping that in time, Yahico would share his secrets willingly.

There was something unique about Yahico. His calm demeanor and ability to connect with the children in such a short amount of time impressed Edward.

As the journey continued, Edward began to notice changes within himself aswell. He found himself becoming more patient, understanding, and compassionate. The negative emotions that once consumed him seemed to fade away in Yahico's presence, replaced by a sense of inner peace. The children, once restless and impulsive, learned to embrace stillness and found solace within themselves..

As the days went by, his influence on the group became more apparent. The once chaotic and argumentative dynamic had transformed into a harmonious and cooperative one. Yahico's presence seemed to bring out the best in everyone, including Edward himself.

Yahico's ability to quickly win over the children was impressive in itself, earning their trust in just a day. However, it took Edward a little longer to warm up to Yahico's presence. As time went on, Edward found himself relying more and more on Yahico. It wasn't entirely Edward's fault; the sense of security that Yahico provided was addicting. Edward assumed that Yahico had joined them because of a genuine fondness for children. But now, his concerns had shifted.

Instead of worrying about the children, Edward found himself increasingly concerned about Yahico's safety. If Yahico continued to travel with them, there was a real possibility that he could be put in danger. Edward realized that the responsibility of ensuring Yahico's well-being now fell on him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility towards this lad. He needed to make sure that the young man remained safe and protected.

At this point now... Edward's mind often raced with thoughts of potential danger, Yahico's safety remaining a top priority.

let me know if there are any mistakes. Thankyou!❤️

Do you have some idea about my story? Do let me know(*-*)

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