

In the time when the dragons ruled the world of magic and brave knights, there was a great battle to defeat the demon god, who seek the destruction of the world to make it in his image. The order of dragons, powerful magicians, and brave knights banded together to fight against the demon god. Under the sacrifice of both dragons and humans, the demon god was defeated now a thousand years into the future, and the demon god worshippers were known as 'BLOOD CROW' have returned to revive the demon god. Noticing this, the dragon chose a champion who fought and defeated them but on the verge of victory, the demon god worshippers open a time portal to when the hero was young. Now it is time for the young hero to fight against the plot of the demon god worshippers with the help of the dragons and his friends. Prologue

black_ink1 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

Early the next morning, I was woken by the chirping of birds and rays of sunlight entering my room from the window. When I got off my bed, I did my morning routine which involves a bunch of exercises to get my day started.

After that, I went to the bathing room to take my bath and clean myself up since I was already sweating.

I got out of the bathing and put on the clothes I have already selected to wear today from the previous day.

It was a Dark blue tunic long sleeve, black pants and shoes. I looked in the mirror to adjust my clothes and arrange my auburn red hair before heading out.

As I walked to the sitting I greeted the maids and servants. It was quite lonely in the corridor since it was early in the morning. When I got there, I saw Sarah and her mother Queen Elizabeth sitting on the couch talking about something. She was wearing a green dress the same as her mother's but hers made her look like a little princess and only got to her knees and she was wearing silver sanders. The queen's dress was long with a pair of silver heels to pair with her jewellery.

I must say, the queen and princess look so alike you will think Sarah was the younger version of her mother.

"Good Peter, hope you slept well," she said beaming at me with a smile. She looks really pretty with her hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Good morning to you too Sarah and good morning your highness" I greeted her and the queen with a smile as I walked towards them.

"Are you feeling excited; today is the day you know". To be fair, she was far more excited than I was, since I was the one going for my awakening test today.

"If I didn't know better, I would have thought you are the one getting tested and not me, look at how happy you are" I teased her which made the queen laugh.

"Don't tease her too much Peter, you know it's been long overdue and I am even interested in it too" she said while patting Sarah's hair who was blushing. A maid came in from the dining room to inform us that breakfast was ready, and then we got up to follow her.

"Where is the king," I asked the queen since I can't see him around

"He will meet us at the dining room" she replied as walked forward and her smile never leaving her face.

I wonder how she does that, always having a smile on her face and it always gives a feeling of being welcomed.

We got to the dining room and it was filled with various dishes which made my tummy grumble. I am growing boy I need to eat.

I sat close to Sarah as usual and the queen sat opposite us, while the head of the table was still vacant. So we had to wait for the king to come.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting," the king said as he entered the room and we got up to greet him. He waved his hand telling us to sit.

"Sorry about that, someone couldn't let me sleep last night," he said as he looked at the queen.

"It's not my fault that you left me for more than two weeks," she said back with a satisfied smile on her face.

I pretended not to hear and Sarah focused on her food like she was looking for a treasure inside, ignoring everything around. 'She most been used to this a by now' I thought as I looked at her the shook my head.

"So Peter, you are going for your talent selection today, I have assigned Alex to go with you and I will be busy, so I won't accompany you guys," he said.

"Thank you, your majesty," he said. But Sarah shot him a glare and I didn't bother asking her anything about that.

After breakfast, Sarah the queen and I walked to the hall. Then we met Helen there, who was drinking tea.

"Hope we didn't keep you waiting Helen," the queen said as we walked into the hall.

"No your highness, I just got here not quite a long and Peter I hope you are ready for it," she said flashing me a meaningful smile.

"Yes, I am". I always have the feeling that she knows something and it keeps bugging me the way she looks at me like a specimen.

I knew she didn't just get here because her tea has already gone cold.

After a few minutes, Alex walked in clad in his royal knight armour which fitted him quite well.

It was a dark blue armour with blue on the right, with a crest of a lion on his left chest. His left hand was resting on his sword that hanging on the left side of his waist which gave him the knightly look which he already had.

"Good morning your majesties, Peter and Miss Helen" he greeted as he entered. I flashed a small smile and he nodded in response

"The carriage is ready and waiting outside for us," he said gesturing to the door for us.

We got up and I gave him thumbs up and he winked at me knowing what I meant.

Outside the door, there were two navy blues carriages with the crest of a lion waiting for us. One of the carriages could carry all five of us and the other was used to carry other knights and mages.

I asked Helen where the selections were going to take place. She said it was at a pavilion close to the mage tower, which would take us about an hour to get there.

'To the selection then' I said to myself as we started to move.

When we got there I saw an imposing tower that was more than twenty floors and others by the side. 'So this is the mage tower interesting'.