
Orcs Slayer

A gifted and diligent young warrior dedicating his all life to hunt orcs as a revenge for what they did to him in the past but along the way of his difficult journey he will find out that there are better things in life then seeking revenge. First time writing please be gentle with me and I appreciate criticism but only the respectful one.

Khamzat · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

The Hunts Begins

Name: Bob Dylan.

Race: human/white.

Class: warrior.

Weapons equipped: a chain mail shield, and a long sword. short dagger.


Strength: 50/100








calm and collected/brave/ cautious/diligent.


Dash> attacking with the speed of the sound consumes 4 mana points every 5 meters.

Aftershock: stabbing the earth with the sword can generate an earthquake enough to make anyone lose his balance and fall, consumes 6 points every use

As Bright as the Sun:

Can, emits a bright light from all over his body, that can blind anyone on a 30-meter close, for 10 seconds consumes 10 points of mana and its cooldown is 30 minutes.

Very Deep in the forest, where the sounds of wild animals can be heard, and the sound of nearby flowing waters, also the echoes of clashing steel followed by A cry of intense pain.....

Following those weird voices.

It looks, like it came from downward in front of a famous mountain, called the "green blight" which is, known for inhabiting some of the strongest creatures in the kingdom of Stronghold.

And, to show what it is famous for.

There, in front of the base of said small mountain.

-there's a big dark cave.

And, in front of this cave, there's a small clearing standing, tall as a mountain an "orc" about '4' meters in height, with half of his green, and scared, full of old and new battle wounds, clad with a white cloak that made of some animals skin,

-And a spiked shield plat on his shoulder. also two other parts on his wrists one with blades instead of spikes, on his right and two other plates of armor, covering his legs from the knee down, and a waist clothe with a star as 'buccal' keeping his lower half locked and covered.

And, in his left hand holding a big 'machete full of blood.

This "or" grunting and breathing heavily holding his bloodied left chest with his right, from a deep wound or it seemed like, a stab a really deep stab.... glaring, with a glare and bloodshot pupils and those glaring eyes directed in front of him 10 meters away a silhouette, of an armored man.

There, standing tall with an expressionless face with both black dark eyes focusing intensely, holding his long and semi bloodied 'silver sword with both of his hands and wearing his 'silver chain mailed Armor' with a height of almost two meters that half size the orc but not as wide that's for sure.

"Bob Dylan".

narrowing my eyes in focus, looking at the orc in front of me in frustration albeit not showing it.

'I succeeded, in landing a deep wound on his chest in a surprise attack with my sword but this damn "orc" faster than his looks indicated, cause I was aiming for the heart so now that attack, maybe I sh-'.cutting my train of thought.


I was quickly crushed on the ground there, right where my head was.... an arrow went past me and struck the tree behind me destroying it completely.

"There's no time for thinking I need to act fast before the next one hit me "

After saying that, I turned my head fast and "There!!" I spotted a good hiding place, and making a decision I started to run quickly to a big boulder after ten seconds of running and evading other incoming arrows I finally arrived and got behind it, facing the trees behind while I sat there and at the same time I turned around in hope of finding the attacker after a few seconds of searching I found him 'there you are you little bastard' there hiding behind the wounded big "or" the archer.

- with an unusually short height and deep green skin, an "orc" with brown and black dirty clothes, and a basket with numerous arrows on his back holding a bow with an arrow on its strings ready to shoot any moment with an angry glance at me I can see him gnashing his grotesque tusks.

'Damnit, like one orc, wasn't enough now there's another one, and worst of he is an archer ' cursing my luck and at the same time, I sat back behind the boulder, with a sigh of frustration.

'I need another plan, I can't drag this battle for long ' I thought, slumping behind the boulder. And  Sighing from exhaustion.

I said for the first time in a while.

"I wish I had a party...this lone wolf lifestyle will get me killed someday"