
Orcs Slayer

A gifted and diligent young warrior dedicating his all life to hunt orcs as a revenge for what they did to him in the past but along the way of his difficult journey he will find out that there are better things in life then seeking revenge. First time writing please be gentle with me and I appreciate criticism but only the respectful one.

Khamzat · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


Bob, charges directly at the Orc, leaving a cloud of dust behind him.


And shouting a battle cry at the top of his lungs. Bob's movement consists of a very rapid but strong shuffling motion of the feet, that leaves deep footprints on the dusty ground.

  Then, At the last moment, he draws the sword up over his head and snaps it down toward The Orc.

The Orc brings his Machete up, rotating it around sideways so that the handle is up high, above and to the left of his face, and the rusty and big blade slopes down and to the right, providing a roof above him.


Bob, Silversword bounces off the Orc's Machete like rain, generating a loud sound and bright sparks from the mighty force put on that blow by Bob.

and then Orc sidesteps to let Bob go by putting his machete away and with his right hand glowing green light he tried to hold him from his unprotected shoulder.

But Bob, expecting this outcome let out a small laugh and said in a low voice

" heh, Not this time Orc...DASH!!!"

shouting his ability name then suddenly a gust of wind exploded moving too fast, and Bob disappeared.

and the  Orc witnessing this, widened his green eyes alarmed he quickly retracted his hand and instead tried to get his machete.


but it was too late cause the moment the Orc, tried to get to his machete with his left he stopped feeling something wired.

"Hey! Hey!" Bob yells.

The orc upon hearing the yelling turned around as fast lookig at Bob standing a few meters away from him.

"You are slow at understanding despite your fighting powers huh?"

Bob said mockingly standing with his sword in his right hand and standing straight holding the Orc's right arm that was cut from the elbow on his shoulder.

The orc seeing this panicked looks to his right and there, a clean cut and green blood is flowing from the wound with a copious amount.

"Growl" letting out a small voice from the pain of losing his arm, looking at Bob again with an angry expression on his face the orc pointed his machete at Bob as if saying 'you need to do more than that too beat me'

"Well I think it's time to finish this," Bob said with a serious face, and as he said this he throws the appendage he took from the orc to the side. taking his usual fighting stance again.


The Orc roars. And at the same time, he charged at Bob with incredible speed leaving a trail of his green blood behind him, dragging his rusty machete with his left, ready to cleave anything in front of him in half.


Where the Orc struck there was only empty air and Bob stood now behind the Orc with a clear shot at his exposed back.

"Now I got you where I want," Bob said in a low voice.

Bob Motion was well-timed and fast, but when Bob talked. This gave the Orc, the margin to twist his body very fast receiving Bob's blow with his machete.


With a loud sound, both the silver sword and The Machete Clashed again with sparks flying.

"Tsk, he is fast" Bob said withdrawing his sword and jumping back a few meters.

The Orc did the same he withdraw his Machete and took a few steps back glaring at Bob.

" I must confess you are a really tough Orc way stronger than the Orcs I slayed before and trust me I killed many of your species" Bob said proudly with joy but also some seriousness on his face.

"Say, why... don't you... just give up, and tell me everything you know about the one who burned my village, or maybe show me? Since you can't talk " Bob says circling warily opposite the Orc.

"Hmph "the Orc let out with an angry face who in turn was circling warily opposite Bob dragging his Machete with his left on the ground living a line on the dusty ground.

"...Right," Bob said with a disappointed

face that Quickly changed to an angry one.

"I'll sheath my sword in your Skull to make you tell me everything," Bob snarled. And in the middle of the last word he pounced with his sword over his head holding it with both hands.

Instead of avoiding or trying to parry the incoming blow the orc took his rusty machete and stabbed the ground still holding the handle with his remaining arm the Orc closed his Eyes and green energy started to envelop the Orc body until every corner of his body covered with this energy


"Huh" Bob let out confused at what happened, as his silver sword bounced off the Orc's glowing head with the sound of crushing steel.

"AGAIN" Still dumbfounded but not giving up Bob hit the orc again with the same force continuously, but he got the same results every time.

Again Bob attacked, ink-dark eyes glaring, his body a red and silver blur under the afternoon sun attacking from every corner The Orc still sitting and glowing green with no apparent effects from Bob's attacks.

And again Bob Backed away to return faster to attack. And again. And again.

"Huh huh huh huh huh huh"Breathing heavily Bob kneeled with both his hands on his knees, with a head full of sweat his sword on the ground.

"Damn it," said Bob.

'This is hopeless I can't even scratch his armour of energy butIi hav-' getting my thoughts cut shortIi heard movements so QuicklyIi picked up my sword getting on stance.

"...so you are done hiding in your energy armour or whatever the hell that was "  said Bob with venom to the Orc, already got his machete on his left ready for another Fight

"ROAAAAAAAAAR!!!!" the Orc roared at Bob with a newfound energy and his wound closed, and blood stopped leaking from it.

"So that was your game huh? " I said upon the realisation hit me 'so he enveloped himself in an unbreakable armour of green energy to recover ...' I thought.