
Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter

I don't want to be the guy in the spotlight. I just want to be the overpowered, unfairly strong guy in the background who can whoop the Main Character's ass if he wanted to at any point in time. But, I'll admit I do have my moments. I am Steve. A transmigrated gaming introvert with an obsession for sandbox games. I am cheater and I'm a bastard in Danmachi who has a Minecraft System which he uses however he wants to get whatever he wants. No rules, no responsibilities. Just the freedom to do as I please with practically no consequences. Did I mention I'm also a cheater? Creative Mode? Hah, that's only the beginning my friend...

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Tranh châm biếm
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89 Chs

Special Gifts

~There's no hurry~

~Don't you worry~

~We can take our time~

~Come a little closer~

~Let's go over~

~What I had in mind~

~Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low...~


(Memphis Manor)

"Come on people! Let's have this place shining before tonight!" Steve's shout sounded throughout the whole manor as he put his {Leader} skill into effect. "I want every pillar so squeaky clean that I can see my face in them!"

One might ask how such a task could be done with only ten people in the whole house. But if a non-adventurer were to step into the main hall, they would not even be able to comprehend how many times one of the Minecrafters passed them by as they rushed between rooms, furiously washing, scrubbing and wiping.

It could be possible that that person would be swept away into the wind generated by the inertia of their travels...but it was a testament to the speed of these people as they passed through the main hall so quickly, the normal human eye would see absolutely nothing. Steve stepped away from his handiwork to admire it.

On the imperial staircase landing, there was a large feature that was visible even to the people who would be on the floor below. Nine large statues carved out of gleaming marble depicting Steve and his friends overlooked the main hall with stony gazes, and would probably be a forever statement upon any new members of the Ptah Familia in the years to come. That if this house remained that of the Ptah Familia property, then every new member to come would be made to look up at these depictions, and be reminded of who it was that began the whole Familia.

Steve nodded to himself in satisfaction as he gloated on the inside about how cool these real statues looked. Of course, Ptah just looked away to the side when he first saw them and grumbled, belly-aching about how his children had no idea about 'fine art'. But Steve took personal pride in it...not everybody got to have a statue of themselves made out of the finest marble one could come across.

He heard the rushing of feet stop as they all skidded to a place right behind him and he turned to see all of his teammates done with dirty wet rags in their hands and the entire house just positively sparkling. Even the blue floorboards were shining.

"Done." Alex said. "I can't help but think you're a little bit too eager for this party Steve. Is there something more to it?"

"Yep." Steve said as he brought to mind what had been weighing on him since the morning. "Today is my birthday guys...as it turns out. In the shadow realm years at least, as of today, I am 19 years old."




"Why didn't you say something?!" Makena exclaimed. "We could've planned this way before, and we haven't even got presents or anything!"

"Yes big brother!" Efe pouted. "You're supposed to tell us beforehand so we can surprise you and make you happy!"

"Not much of a surprise if you tell him it's coming." Sunny muttered.

"Relax guys, relax." Steve said as he tossed his own dirty rag into a bucket. "Just having you all here with me and having fun is about enough of a present as it is. And helping me make sure that this is a banging party is to be the best birthday party I've had yet, especially with all our new friends around. We get to show off the fruits of our expertise as masons and I get to enjoy festivities."

"Then in that case, let's all get started on our own stuff." Alex rolled up her sleeves. "I'm going to go and use the loom to make party outfits for us girls. I don't know what you boys will be wearing but it's up to you to sort out amongst yourselves."

"Well I've got plenty of smart robes for special or formal occasions." Zuri said. "They're also good for receiving guests so I'm sorted. Don't know about Sunny though."

Everybody shared a pointed look towards the farmer who shrugged his shoulders.

"What? I can dress smart too...although I admittedly don't have outfits." Sunny sighed and clicked his neck. "I'll drop by a clothes store I saw while exploring the city. And if you lot remember, it's on me to deliver the party invitations, so I can go there once I'm done with the job."

"Have you written them yet?" Noor raised a brow.

"No." Sunny said bluntly. "Kai was meant to but she forgot. If you didn't notice, we've been running around the whole damn place cleaning everything to make both the ceiling and the floors sparkle." Sunny pointed to the middle of the hall ceiling. "I even had to install the chandelier you wanted so badly Noor!"

In the hall, there hung a massive golden chandelier that had magic stones to produce light, but it was decorated by hanging pieces of Amethyst and the light sources shone through them, creating a beautiful purple pattern on the floor which in Steve's opinion marked out a whole dance area for a ball. In fact, that was probably what he was going to do if people wanted to dance...and speaking of dancing...

"We won't really be able to make music while we're partying." Steve said. "Might have to hire a band from somewhere."

"Let me get Ganesha on board." Ptah said, with a hand on his hip as he came out of a room on the left side of the stair case. "He's always hiring different bands for parties. I'll send him a letter through Sunny requesting exactly that."

"If you can, it would be much appreciated." Steve affirmed before he clapped his hands. "Okay, now that the hall is ready, start placing the tables. Makena, get in the kitchen where you belong. Our guests can't get hungry now, can they?"

"No sir." Makena grinned as she pulled out a cleaver and she began spinning it between her fingers like it were a pen or a pencil. "I've in fact spawned in a whole bunch of animals that I'm going to go slaughter now and roast up for a grand feast."

"Roast a bunch of spawned animals?" Steve raised a brow. "Won't they just poof and drop steaks like they usually do?"

"Oddly enough, not in this world though." Makena said.

"Interesting." Steve rubbed his chin before he clicked his fingers at Zuri. "Note that down. Spawned monsters poof but not animals."

"I'd be more concerned about how she knows that." Zuri tilted his head suggestively at Makena. "Where did she find that out?"

"Yeah." Alex narrowed her eyes. "When did you slaughter an animal?"

"I didn't." Makena shrugged. "I spawned a cow in for my warg to eat when we we're out looking for soap yesterday. On a side note, those soaps are outrageously expensive. But yeah, she got hungry and I used one of the spawn eggs Steve gave us. I would have expected it to drop its meat as usual, but no. The body stayed and Bessie got fed more than usual."

"Urgh." Kai rolled her eyes. "Imagine naming your warg Bessie but then feeding it an actual cow. Talk about irony."

"Better than naming her Thunderpaw."

"Hey! That is a perfectly good and respectable name, aimed to incite fear into the hearts of her opponents! And she is the fastest of them all, like me."

"Actually her mother, which is my warg by the way, has always been faster." Steve raised his hand.

"Yours is a Matriarch. It doesn't count."

"...still a warg though."


"Well I'm leaving this pointless conversation." Makena rolled up her sleeves and rested her cleaver over her shoulder. "I've got some cooking to do."

"Don't forget the pies...and the ice cream! And the strawberry shortcake! You can't invite women to a big party and not give them the shortcake, big sister Makena!" Efe called out.

The older girl simply stuck a thumbs up above her head before she descended into the storehouse to gather ingredients.

"She will probably need help." Steve said before he looked at Noor. "Why don't you go help her? She's going to need it, especially when it comes to serving time."

"Yeah sure." Noor nodded and dropped the cat in her arms. It stretched its back before scampering off somewhere.

"Well I'm going to make the invitations. And I'm going to deliver them with a bit of help." Sunny said before he turned to the main entrance. "Suljic!" He called out.

The large front door made from heavy dark oak wood burst open and in trotted a honey coloured wolf with blue eyes like its mother's. It walked up to Sunny and nudged his chest gently as it hummed.

"You and I have been given a job to do by the boss." Sunny said. "And we're going to do it right, aren't we boy?" The warg yapped in his face and Steve snorted a bit. Sunny looked back at him confused, prompted by Steve's slip. "What's the matter?"

"Just an inside joke." Steve waved him off. "Don't worry about it."

"Sometimes you're just really weird." Sunny said before he led Suljic away.

Steve shook his head and turned to Ari and Zuri.

"You two happy with your little base downstairs?" He asked.

"Yeah, we sure are." Zuri said. "I can finally begin on my research and with the equipment we have, we're gonna do it properly."

"And I can begin pumping that sweet black gold out of the desert." Ari smiled. "I just need to dig out a pipeline. And don't worry, I won't need help."

"I wasn't going to offer." Steve said flatly. "It's your crap, not mine. Anyway, do what you want. Just don't develop things in there that could blow us all up from below."

"Oh we can assure you, nothing like that is going to happen." Zuri said as he held up the Genkite that Ari had found. "It'll be dedicated to studying things like this. Native elements and resources to this world, and investigating how we can put them to use...and perhaps the occasional bio-weapon but we don't get sick, so that's okay right?"

"Decontaminate yourselves anyway." Steve said. "Just because we won't contract anything, doesn't mean the natives won't get it off of us. Now go and begin laying out dinner tables and stuff, and place the utensils and the confectionaries I took the time to procure. You can begin your mad scientist experiments later."

"Right away." Both Zuri and Ari saluted.

"Steve." Alex called out to him as he began walking away. He turned around and stared at her. "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks." Steve said before he walked up the stairs and ran his hand along the stone railings. Once upon a time he could never have imagined living in a place as fancy as this, let alone building it. But he was just that lucky bastard that got the goods which very few others got. That did remind him though...

The letter he'd got from that ROB had told him that his distant cousin had also been reincarnated. Steve wondered how that was going for him. Perhaps he was living it easy just as he was and not engaging himself in hero crap nor struggling to level up in the dungeon...he had to be even more overpowered than Steve considering the life old Alexander had led.

...Yeah, that had to be the case.


(A Few Hours Later)

The Twilight Manor was abuzz with excitement. Several adventurers ran around the mansion, preparing their outfits and their belongings as well as their gifts for the birthday boy as they anticipated the party that night with much delight. For three days now, many of them had watched from afar with fascination, awe and reverence as the Memphis Manor went up from the ground.

Many could not believe that such a miracle had taken place right before their very eyes, that a magnificent palace like that could be built in so little time. Even with adventurers doing the job, it would have taken a good few months to build something that big. But for nine adventurers to do it in just three days alone was another thing to add to Finn's list of absurdities about Stephen Hewer and his cohorts.

The Pallum, kitted out in an outfit that was both casual and smart, lifted up Fleinnleptr and stroked it for the umpteenth time. Every time he even thought about this thing, he could not help but remember what Hephaestus had told him about it. Steve possessed so much wealth in both resources and his knowledge, just Steve by himself was a top ranked Familia in reality. With eight more monsters like him on that team, Finn was glad to have snapped up close relations with them before they'd gotten too popular and they'd had to close their doors.

Steve had kindly asked them in the invitation that Sunny had brought not to come dressed too stiff and formal because 'it would make him just as pissed and itchy', and so Finn had picked out one of his more pricy outfits, in that it was made from finer materials, but you'd wear it normally. Same for Gareth who had just picked out a smart tunic with a leather waistcoat and a large belt to go around his body with a gold buckle.

Bete just took it as green light to wear whatever he wanted, and so he was going in his usual outfit. Though Finn noticed that he had been going missing quite a bit these last few days...

The women though seemed keen on dressing nice and so were outfitted in nice dresses with jewellery of colour. Finn watched from his office window as his Familia gathered outside and waited for the executives to leave so they could get going. He then leaned out a bit to stare over at the horizon. Using his keen eyes (Pallums could see well in the dark), he could make out the newly built manor of the Ptah Familia alight in the distance as it was elevated on that large ground floor and was lit alight with what seemed like large bonfires on the corners of it walls, which in turn made the gold of the building shine and stand out against the night sky.

"I'm not even surprised anymore." Gareth said from behind him. "He's always doing one crazy thing or another and he just doesn't care who sees it or what it is. He just does it. If he can slap Balor aside like a petulant child, and if he can make you a spear that even a god is afraid of, then he can build a mansion bigger than ours in just a few days. Makes perfect sense doesn't it?" Gareth asked rhetorically.

"It's pointless to try and rationalise with what he does." Finn answered. "We just need to take it all in stride."

"Still, it's a fancy bloody house." Gareth commented. "I thought we were lucky when we got our hands on this place. But that, built from scratch as well...he's got expensive tastes for a guy that's humble."

"His humbleness is selective." Finn leant his spear against its usual place in the wall. "It always depends on exactly who it is he's addressing when it comes to the subject of his powers. But yes, for someone so nice, he certainly is arrogant when showing how rich he is."

"And he gives away a lot so casually as well." Gareth leaned forwards in his seat put a hand on his knee. "Someday I'd like to visit this homeland of his. I'd like to know where he became so familiar with metalwork."

"I'm more interested in where he got those black bricks." Finn said. "But then again, we have seen him create metals and weapons out of thin air. What's to say he doesn't have the ability to create rocks and stone too?"

"What did you get him?" Gareth asked.

"I've got him this bottle of cologne." Finn raised a very small bottle. "Extremely powerful, a drop lasts for days. It cost me 80,000 Valis just for this small amount."

"Mental." Gareth shook his head. "What's it made from?"

"You don't want to know...as a matter of fact, I was surprised myself that such a nice smell could come from something so vulgar. But it is what it is. What about you?"

"I got him this drinking horn." Gareth lifted a hollow horn of polished ivory but it clearly had some age to it. "It's an antique. Made from the horn of a dragon that was torn out of its head when a stray wondered into our little town." Gareth stroked the horn with a fond look. "I've had this thing for years but I never used it. About time it found an owner who might appreciate it more than me."

"Well nice to see you able to give him something that you just pulled out from the bottom of your chest." Finn deadpanned before he looked at his door. "Riveria's taking her sweet time isn't she? Usually she'd be just dressed in one of her fancier mage robes and out in a minute."

"Yeah, unusual for her. And she lectures me about punctuality." Gareth snorted. "Come to think of it, she's spent quite a lot of time at the library these past few days."

"Hm? Oh yeah, she goes and I assume tutors mister Zuri in certain subjects." Finn said. "From what I hear, he's quite a studious person and shows an ever apparent keenness for knowledge. And we know that Riveria likes to spend her time on those types."

"But you know...you're sure there's not something going on here?" Gareth asked. "I mean, doesn't her mood seem a little bit lighter lately. She's always walking around with that same empty look on her face all the time, but now she's got a small smile whenever I see her."

"You can't possibly be suggesting what I think you're suggesting." Finn leaned on his desk. "Come on, Riveria? Her of all people? When has she ever given thought to something like that? She's only ever got three things on her mind; keeping the Familia in line, magic research and grooming Lefiya as her successor for when she retires."

"Wouldn't blame her as well. That girl's got potential even greater than Riveria if her skill is any indication." Gareth laughed. "Let's hope anyway. But still, you doubt all you want Finn. I'm telling ya, there is something afoot."

"Going loopy already?" Finn asked. "Maybe you should start thinking about retiring-...Actually no, don't ever think about it. It would be just more work for me."

"Saved yourself there didn't you?." Gareth gruffed.

"We're not those young kids anymore Gareth." Finn sighed. "I'm even more overworked than you are...and worst of all, I don't have anybody in the Familia really whom I could call a successor. So the chances of me retiring anytime soon are zilch...it's why I need you around."

"What about the kids? You sure none of them are fit for the job?"

"Are you listening to yourself? What kind of question is that? In fact the only person who has reasonable leadership skills is Raul and he's...well you know...too timid." Finn pulled on his hair. "I sometimes feel I was meant to have a prospective successor long ago but I never got my chance. So frustrating."

"I can imagine." Gareth muttered before he heard footfalls. "Huh, looks like she's here. Maybe her handmaidens were fussing over her or something."

"Strange." Finn said as he listened closely to the footsteps. "I swear upon my life...if that isn't the sound of...heels?"


Finn's door opened and a pale arm pushed through as Riveria appeared in a state that made the two men's eyes widen and their mouths drop a little.

"Come on then. I'm ready. The carriages have all been filled out and the others are waiting." Riveria said before she noticed Finn and Gareth just staring at her. "What? What are you looking at?"

"Nothing." Finn said. "It's just that...well, you know...never really seen you bothered to dress like that for once." 

Riveria looked down at her apparel.

She was wearing a dress that looked to be made from...it was as if emeralds were taken and turned into cloth because of the beautiful green her dress sported. The top of a black corset covered her chest area to prevent any cleavage showing and under her throat was what seemed to be a pendant, donning a deep blue gem. And upon a closer look at her arms, they saw that the sleeves were in fact made from a very fine transparent silk that had flower patterns on them.

Her hair instead of it hanging in its usual ponytail, was carefully brushed to her left shoulder, a singular blade coming down into drill locks as they fell over her form fitting getup. Her skin was smooth and fresh, and they could smell a light perfume coming from her which was odd because elves tended not to wear such things, instead preferring natural herbs or grass. This was completed by a pair of black high heels.

Finn and Gareth would never really have thought of their teammate in any sort of...well that kind of way. But for once, they were left stumped at how beautiful she could be when she did put in some effort.

"Oh this!" Riveria said, her voice a little bit more quiet and reserved for some reason. "Well...I thought I may dress up nice in a party for once...especially when celebrating the birthday of a good friend." She then tentatively posed them a question. "Is...is it...nice?"

Finn and Gareth shared a look and they both subtly nodded together in mutual agreement.

"Absolutely!" Gareth flashed a thumbs-up. "This is the nicest I've ever seen you."

"Indeed very elegant and lady-like." Finn said. "It would definitely entice a few people to ask you for a dance. One might say you're even dressed like a princess...which is you know...not really-"

"I get the point." Riveria interrupted but nonetheless, she seemed pleased at their compliments. "Well, the horses will start trotting once you start boarding. Now hurry up!"

She closed the door behind her and Gareth sighed before giving Finn a pointed look.

"Any doubts now?"

"...No." Finn answered. "None at all."


As per the directives in the invitations, the carriages of different Familia entered through the first gates into the outer sanctum and pulled up beside the golden gates of the inner sanctum. Many gods had come, which included even Freya who saw this as an opportunity to see more of Ptah's children and admire this new house that had gone up in view of her own Familia home.

Apollo had also come, if only to gaze in envy at the rich architecture and wonder at how Ptah had gotten the manpower to build this new great wonder of Orario. Surprisingly, no Ishtar was to be seen...which was by no means a bad thing. In fact, it was the best thing.

Others were Ganesha, Hephaestus, Demeter, Dionysus, Hermes and several gods from the Denatus. Even poor Miach had shown up with his captain Naaza, and they had both been quite surprised at getting an invitation passed under their door.

Miach just assumed it was on Ptah's mention since he knew the little god to some extent. Not by much but they'd be on good terms above all else.

As people piled out of their carriages and smoothed out their clothes, they stood before the high golden gates. In all honesty, It wouldn't take an adventurer much to jump over them, but each adventurer who had that thought pass through their heads had a sudden urge to perish it with a shiver. A side effect of some of the spells that Zuri, Efe and Noor had put in place. The workings of the spell are best not to write down...

Ganesha however was looking through the bars at the great golden statue of Ptah above the massive water fountain in the Inner Sanctum and he repeatedly nodded his head in firm approval.

"Mhm, mhm, mmm." He nodded over and over again. "My chacha has good taste it seems...I am so happy for him. I am Ganesha! Ganesha the ever-so-happy nephew!"

"Please calm down sir." His captain Shakti Varma pleaded. "We know how he feels about you calling him that. And please do be sensible here. It's a new place and this is the first party to be held here, so let's bless its ground with good manners."

"But I'm so excited my dear child!" Ganesha exclaimed. "Oh I do hope they're going to serve that sweet, golden apple wine that mister Hewer gifted me the other day at MY party. It was so...delectable!"

"And made you drunk enough that you fell out of your bedroom window and nearly broke your neck." Shakti said. "You will drink moderately, or else." She threatened.

"Oh why must you tell me off? This is a party. Let's have fun! I AM GANESHA!" The elephant god did a funny twirl, his clothes billowing out like a parachute as he did so before he came to a stop in some sort of pose that had his fingers pointing at himself. "And Ganesha is me!"

Shakti face-palmed and shook her head. 


Then, to the surprise of all the guests present, the golden gates budged inwards by themselves, creating a sudden groan that startled the adventurers and the gods. Slowly they creaked open, allowing them access into the beautiful lawn inside and the steps to the manor. With great awe and admiration, they all ventured in, the Loki Familia being first as they 'ooed' and 'ahhhed' at the flower beds and the meticulously planted trees that already showed signs of ripe fruit.

Tione smirked as she jumped up and grabbed an apple from a low hanging branch. It was bright plush red and almost as big as her head, and her mouth began watering just from the smell alone. She was lightly slapped on the forearm by her younger sister.

"Tione!" Tiona snapped. "You can't just go picking people's fruits without permission!"

"Well your boyfriend is the one running this place right?" The older sister said as she turned the apple around, looking for a spot she'd like to bite into. "You can cover for me if anybody does say something."

Tione sank her teeth with a loud audible crunch into the flesh of the apple. Just the piercing of the apple's skin by her teeth made rivers of juice gush forth and they filled her mouth instantly to the brim, with a trickle running down her chin as stars shone in her eyes. She delightfully ripped away the chunk she'd bitten off and crunched down on it, marvelling at how even more juice exploded out of it as she continued to chew.

"You're enjoying yourself huh?" Tiona watched as her sister ignored her and instead enjoyed the apple she'd pilfered. Tiona rolled her eyes and patted the little paper package she carried under her arm, hoping that Steve would enjoy the present she'd gotten him. To think it was his birthday now...she supposed her question of who was older between her and him was answered now...although Alex had actually answered it before.

The adventurers passed by the large statue of Ptah with his outstretched hand, as if welcoming the guests in, and the flow of water from the outstretched palm symbolising endless generosity and hospitality during their stay here. Hephaestus momentarily paused to admire it as she noted that again, this statue was pure solid gold with no impurities at all.

The guests then came to the wide staircase that led up to the main entrance on the second floor. They began the slightly arduous task of climbing each step until they passed through the large pillars, admiring the black stone bricks with streaks of gold in them and the many carvings on the pillars as they found the doors wide open.

Entering the hall, they were greeted with the finest architecture anybody amongst them had ever seen in the mortal realm. What looked like decades worth of masonry and art was completed in three days, and the guests were able to enjoy the sight of wealth and talent unimaginable. Some of the gods nearly cursed Ptah for being so lucky, but then remembered what Ptah could do when HE wanted to curse someone. So just in case, they bit their tongues in fury because this was obviously to show off.

They stared in awe at the many, many tables in the room laden with every foods they could think of. Whole roasts, sweet meats, vegetable dishes, pastries, fried foods, confectionaries, desserts and cakes as well as many large jugs of fresh juice and crystal blue water. And in the middle of the dining hall was a giant metal bowl filled with cubes of ice. And in the ice were bottles, the only colours they had being the colours of the drinks in them and they were clearly different types of wine. The food was steaming hot and the drinks were ice cold. They clearly had their timing down to a perfect point.

And there to greet them were who they immediately recognised as the nine members of the Ptah Familia, all dressed up nicely in expensive yet not too formal wearing. Foremost of them was Steve who was garbed in his usual Egyptian fashion which he only wore on special occasions. Freya narrowed her eyes as she squinted at the brightly glowing souls of each person. She didn't know if it was her mind playing tricks on her but she swore that in the presence of his friends, Steve's soul was so much brighter that it was now even harder to make out what it looked like. Which did nothing to better her mood about the whole ordeal.

But she couldn't deny that each of them looked good looking in their own right. Especially that orange haired girl, whose beauty was so great that even though the gaze of several men had been on her during the whole time (as she was used to), she felt them all turn away to look at Alex and they sighed at her radiance. A tiny smile formed on the corner of Freya's mouth as she herself took the time to appreciate Alex's beauty.

'A worthy rival.'

Before any word could be passed from any party, movement at the top of the imperial staircase prompted them to look up at the statues of those exact same adventurers and beneath them was Ptah holding a glass of wine as he held his arms out to them all.

"Welcome to Memphis Manor!" Ptah called out to all of them as he wore his golden headrest and his pharaoh type clothing. "We gather here today to celebrate several things. One being the completion of our great and dare I say humble home. We celebrate the christening of the Ptah Familia as we are now officially established in the guild's registry with all our members. We celebrate the friendships and alliances we have made in the short time my children have been active. We celebrate that we are all here healthy and well in this great game of ours. We celebrate finally being accepted into the Great Game, and so now we accept you into our mighty house to dine and lavish your hunger and thirst upon the bounties we have to offer. But above all, we celebrate a very special day for my firstborn, Stephen Hewer." Ptah lifted his glass in the air. "A salute to Stephen Hewer and congratulations on completing yet another cycle in his life. Long may he live and long may he prosper!"

""HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Everybody called out as they held their gifts in front of them (those that bothered to bring gifts).

"Thanks everybody." Steve said. "Thank you all for coming. It truly means a lot." He pointed to an empty table underneath the steps. "Please place all your gifts for me there please. I will open them in front of you at a certain time. But for now, let it be my present to you all. Feast and play, and dance and be merry!"

The band they'd hired for this party began singing and playing their instruments, a light cheerful melody that brought a slight bounce to the step but nothing serious enough for people to immediately begin making dance circles. The guests deposited their gifts on the empty table began to approach the tables as they marvelled at how good the food smelled and without hesitation began to pull portions onto plates. Others like Ganesha immediately made their way to the ice bowl to get themselves quality drink instead of taking from the punch bowls.

Meanwhile the more conscious people took the time to greet Steve personally as they shook his hand and gave them their personal good wills.

Even Ottar had the mind to do it. His and Steve's hand closed over each other's in a handshake and they both held it there for a moment as they eyed one another. Even under the current climate of the city and the upcoming War Game, both sides understood that it would be childish and stupid to start anything in these settings. They nodded at one another and Ottar moved along with his other Familia members as they kept vigilant guard over their goddess, who after greeting Steve began to admire the manor.


Then Steve spotted his two favourite people of this world run towards him and he held his arms out as both barrelled into him, one a little more forcefully than the other as they both hugged him.

"Hey girls." He said. "I should be the one that is this happy, but you seem hyper for some reason. Care to explain why?"

"It's your birthday." Ais said to him, and he eyed the pink dress she was wearing.

"We're happy for you because it's your special day." Tiona smiled at him. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks." Steve said. "You know, just having you two be here to celebrate with me is the biggest gift you can give me."

"But we still have your presents." Aiz said as she held out a little box for him while Tiona held out her package. "Come on, let's open them!"

"Alright, alright." Steve pointed up the stairs and to the balconies where they could see little tables set out under dimmer lighting for people who wanted more private time. And to Steve, it was the perfect place if he wanted to spend time with his girls. Especially with the obnoxious laughter already beginning as he saw Ganesha drowning himself in wine. "Let's go up there where it's quieter. I'll get one of our hired hands to bring us some food."

"Hired hands?" Tiona asked.

"We asked Ganesha to link us to any party organisers on short notice." Steve said as he looked at the big headed elephant god. "And he pulled through instantly. Quite nice of him right?"

"Yes." Aiz said before she began pulling on his arm. "Come on then. Let's go."

"Yes. Move it lover boy." Tiona began pushing him upstairs. "We haven't got all night."

"Relax, relax." Steve said to them. "You're very eager to spend 'quality time' with me aren't you?"


As he went up the stairs, Steve caught sight of Zuri approaching Riveria. The spectacled boy bowed to the elf and kissed her fingertips the way Steve did. Unnoticed by the people around her, Riveria blushed a little as Zuri did this. Zuri then stood upright and offered his arm, which Riveria wrapped her own around and he led her away into one of the open side-rooms. Steve smirked as he watched this before he was yanked forwards by his girls.

Outside on one of the balconies, Ari released a series of fireworks that lit up the night sky in beautiful colours as the moon gleamed and the stars shone. All night long the party waged, filled with laughter and moans of delight, then with jolly and joyful music that had people rhythmically dancing to it whether drunkenly or soberly as everybody engaged in the festivities of the occasion. Prejudices and preconceived notions put aside, everybody enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent as Makena took pride in how people had enjoyed her food and Ptah puffed up in pride at how he could flex his newest assets on these people before he deflated in squeaky trepidation when Hephaestus asked if he would like to dance again with her in the beautiful dance floor created by the light patterns of the amethyst chandelier.

But Steve would find his night far from over...


Steve watched as the last of the dismissed guests left the Inner Sanctum and the golden gates closed behind them. He then closed the last door to the main hall effectively shutting off the outside world now. In some rooms he could hear people snoring away happily as they slept. For the Loki Familia and Ganesha Familia, as well as some other few individuals, they'd allowed them to stay for the night since it was quite a journey back to their respective homes and it wasn't kind to send them away with their drunken gods when they had plenty of spare rooms.

Steve rubbed the pendant Ais had given him and clutched the book of hero story compilations that Tiona had given him. This was the best birthday he'd had by far and midnight was very soon. He didn't believe it could end on any better note than this.

As he walked up the stairs and turned into a hallway which led to the flights that would take him up to his room, he saw Tiona standing there with her hands clasped behind her back as she stared at him.

"Couldn't go to sleep?" He asked her.

"No." Tiona shook her head. "I mean Ais pretty much knocked herself out with all that booze. She's never been able to handle it well you see. But I just can't nod off...so, do you have the rest of the night free?"

"Well, what could we do?" Steve asked.

"We could read stories from the book I got you." Tiona explained. "And I wanted to see your room as well. Alex said it's the nicest one and that it's big enough to put a house in."

"She's just annoyed she couldn't get it." Steve said as he ushered her along. "Come on, it's this way."


He took her up some more staircases before they reached the top floor and the middle most part of the whole manor. There Tiona was greeted with a large oak door that Steve pushed open to reveal a very large room, with the same funny wooded floors and carpeted areas here and there, mainly in front of the bed and closet and places like that. She looked all around at the luxury there was to be had in his room and also at the steps leading to the roof.

"What's up there?" She asked.

"Rooftop garden." He answered. "Wanna have a look? You can see the stars there like you wouldn't be able to anywhere else, besides Babel of course."

"Sure." She said excitedly as they climbed up to the hatch and Steve pushed it open, allowing her to slip through first before he himself climbed through and shut it behind him. Tiona was greeted with the sight of the glass dome covering a lush and green garden full of flowers in trees and in the grass. She took her time admiring each one before looking out the glass dome at the city and then at the lands outside of the wall.

"You really have built an amazing place here Steve." She said as she sat in the grass. "I would never have imagined seeing a manor like this just pop up in three days. You're all geniuses to be able to do all this by yourselves."

"We're just built different." Steve chuckled at her before sitting beside her in the grass. "I know it might seem a little vain with all the stuff we've put into this house. But we mean to stay and we mean to show business. You get the point right?"

"I'm not mad at you for any of this." Tiona waved him off. "If you can make it, why shouldn't you have it? You're the most powerful adventurers in Orario, probably in history. You need something to show for it"

"...You know I wonder to myself sometimes how I managed to score someone so understanding." Steve said half to himself and half to her. "It's like it's impossible for me to make you upset or something. You accept whatever it is I do and without hesitation."

"It's because I don't see anything wrong." Tiona said before she gestured for the book. "Come on, let's begin together."


Some time passed for the two of them and Tiona anticipated midnight nearly upon them. Her heart began to beat a little faster but she steeled her nerves and interrupted his reading as she pushed the book down.

"What's up?" He asked her. "I thought you said you liked this part."

"I do." Tiona said. "But we can finish it off later. There's something I have to do first."

"What is it?" Steve frowned in worry as he could now hear her heart nervously beating faster. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." Tiona said. "In fact, everything is right. And better than I could have imagined. You know, men are so petty in this world. They overlook me for the most pettiest thing and I was beginning to doubt whether or not I would ever find a mate. But not only did I find someone who liked me for me and everything I had to offer, the good and the bad, he also turned out to be the most powerful male in the world, something Amazons have been hunting for time untold. And he is everything I hoped he'd be and more." Tiona wrung her hands in front of her. "Ever since you appeared Steve, my life has been a whole lot more fun and full. That is something I don't want to let go."

"Tiona...what are you saying?" Steve asked.

"I'm saying I want you to be my mate." Tiona said. "Just like we both agreed upon. And for that, I have another present to give to you tonight." She made a point of sitting up on her knees in front of his seated form to convey a certain message. And just as she'd hoped and expected, Steve got it as his eyes widened.

"Tiona, that's too early." He said. "How long have we been together? Are you confident about this?"

"You said you'd go at our pace and with whatever we're ready for, right?" Tiona asked. "Well I'm ready. I want this Steve...I want you."

"The feeling is mutual Tiona, it always has been." Steve reasoned. "My point is, let's dwell a little more on this before we take serious jumps like that. We wouldn't want to regret it later."

"I know I won't." Tiona leaned forwards and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Besides, in a few moments, you aren't going to be able to stop yourself."

"And how do you propose you accomplish that?" Steve smirked at her as he grabbed her wrists. "A magic spell or something?"

"Sort of." Tiona nodded. "You see, after spending so much time around you, I think I've got the hang of your character...and I know exactly what to say to you in order to bring out the primordial beast in you, one that is existent in every man."

"Oh really?" Steve raised a sceptical eyebrow, seriously disbelieving her. "Well, I'm all ears. Let's hear it."


Tiona leaned up to his ear and whispered something in it. At it Steve's smile dropped completely and the light of reason faded from his eyes and his pupils enlarged, his mind becoming fuzzy as something welled up in him. His grasp on her wrists tightened to the point she knew she got him, and that she wouldn't be able to escape even if she tried...which excited her tremendously.

The creature before her was no longer that benevolent, kind-hearted boy who always looked out for them and made certain of their comfortability. No, what she had made was a man that had been reverted to the most basic instinct; to perform the oldest dance known to man.

He kicked the book aside and pinned her down, unwilling to let her go. Tiona wriggled around but found that her arms would not even budge. Steve stared at her with empty eyes, no sign of any rational thought rattling around in there as all that was left was pure desire. It made her shiver in anticipation as she could already feel what was coming as his mouth neared her nape.

But then for a moment, he paused and some light came back into his eyes and he looked at her hesitantly. For a moment her heart jumped as she thought he'd come back to his senses to back out. But instead, his face reddened a little.

"Could you...do something?" He asked her.


"Could you...um...leave your jewellery on?" Steve asked as he eyed her necklace, her vambraces and her ankle bracelets.

A foxy smirk appeared on her face as she revelled in his clear embarrassment at making that request but she conceded.

"Sure, no problem. If that's what you're into...then I have no judgement and no problems with it."

Again his eyes went dark and she felt his teeth clamp down onto the skin of her throat.


And thus a new 'alliance' was created there a few strokes before midnight, under the cover of the night sky, the glint of the stars and the watchful moon. A night which would be cherished by Steve forever...as that was the day, he had truly graduated into the world of men.


A round of applause for Steve's graduation! 👏

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