

"Why is it so firey?" Ryan peeked around the black wall into the garden-if you could call it that. "Mabie they call it hell?" Alex, the solger that followed Ryan, giggled. Aaron rolled his eyes and Ryan sighed. 

"Anny sign of Orange?" Aaron said, smaking Alex. Ryan shook his head. Suddenly he shot back around, terified expretion. "Did one of them see yo-" Aaron wisperd before being cut off.

"Well well well, looks like I found my dinner." They all looked up slowly to see a ugly monster smileing sharp teeth down at them. Alex screemed like a girl and the Aurum grabbed him by his shirt, making him screem even louder. "Ay boss, lookie what I found!" The creacher yelled to a older, taller like him. The creacher turned around and Alex just stared.

He had scars all over his face, and one lining his neck. He snarled. "Give them to the queen then. You know what to do, you idiot."  Idiot picked up Ryan and Aaron, Ryan struggling. "Stop, my meal. Its no use, we already ablirated your entire army, what thinks you can defeat me?"

The elder Aurum snarled and smaked the one called idiot. "This is not your  meal. It is the queens. Stop being so selfish, Gemern." Germen bowed and apalogised, saying things like "Master" and "aprentance". Alex was shaking and clinging onto Aaron, who looked like he could be more excited by a bug. 

The three of them got thrown into a cage cart. "This is your fault." Aaron piked at his nail as he spoke to Ryan. "How, exactly is it my fault? Alex was being loud too."  Ryan shot out. "Um, I was trying to set the mood." Alex piped in. "Yes, because setting the mood is making horable jokes about hell." Aaron stoped being intrested in his nails and stared at Alex. Alex scrambled beheind Ryan. "Hey, it was to tence." Ryan said, pushing Alex out from beheind him. "Now your taking his side? How can we joke around when we saw death?" Aaron snaped. "Orange would have!" Ryan shot back. The cart fell silet, and they could hear small laughter in the front. 

"Whatever. We dont even know if she is alive." Aaron turened and looked out the small bar trapped window. The cart came to a halt and the back doors opened, along with the solgers. "I heard you guys fighting back there. Not good friends, are we?" Gemern chukled. "Shove it." Ryan hissed, glaring at him.

"Woa, fistey huh?" Gemern laughed harder. "He said shove it." Aaron snarled. Gemern rolled his eyes. "Save it for the queen, you two." He said as they came up to large golden doors. The Aurum guard nodded and opened. Before they could blink, all three of the humans got shoved to the ground, heads slaming on the tile floor. 

"Well, lookie who we got here." A womans voice was dripping with hunger and laugher. Ryan tenced and Alex started crying. Aaron just stared at the ground. Master laughed, it ecoing throughout the hollow room.

It was Oranges voice on the throne.