

Story of Tammy and Williams They're completely opposite from each other She's dramatic, blubby, kind, beautiful, sassy and a waitress He's rude, Handsome, bossy, Stoic and a workaholic Do you think they'll fall in love? Well.... Let's find out

Tamunotonye_Brown · Thanh xuân
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36 Chs

Chapter 1



My super annoying alarm rang waking me up from my beauty sleep, I was dreaming about chocolate cake.. can today get any worseeeeeeeee

I'm tired already

"I hate Mondays so much" I said while hitting my face on the pillow

"You hate every day Tams" My best friend said and I chuckled

"We seriously need to add three extra days to weekends, because this weekend is to short" I said while folding my hands frowning.

"Get your fat ass up, you're late for work. You don't wanna get Mr Reg angry do you?"

"I don't care" I lied, I'm super scared of him. Dude could shout and the whole world would hear him

"I think you do" Elly my best friend said with a smirk and I frowned my face

"Wipe the fucking smirk off your face right now" I said pissed

I stood up to pounce on her buh Mr annoying rang again (my alarm of course, I mean what can be more annoying than that, absolutely nothing) .

Elly chuckled "always grumpy" she added and I smiled

"At least I don't snore while sleeping" I said with a smirk

"Hey I don't do that" Elly defended

"I didn't call your name, did I? Or you're admitting" I said with a smirk

"You bitchhhh" Elly shouted while running to me, I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door laughing. She kept hitting on the door shouting on how she'd kill me bla bla bla

She got tired and left, I smiled

I finished my morning routine and went downstairs.

"Hey you ready for school?" I asked my kid bro

"Yes" he said with a wild smile and I pat his head smiling

"That's my boy"

"Off to work guys, I'll see y'all later" I said while blowing kisses at them without waiting for there response I ran out of the house and took a cab

************AT WORK**********

I knew I was late already and I knew Mr Reg will be Soo angry, I tried to sneak into the dressing room

"stop there" My Microphone shouted, I turned around and with a fake smile

"Good morning boss" still maintaining my fake smile

"You're late, as usual" he shouted (of course he'll shout, he always do, he got a mic in his throat)

"Jezzzz I didn't know" I said while checking my wrist watch and facepalming myself "so sorry boss, you wouldn't believe what happened while I was coming here...."

"Shut up" he interfered "you always have something to say, trust me you're not gonna believe what will happen to you also. This is your last chance I'd advise you use it wisely" He said and

I saluted saying "yes sir" and rolled he his eyes and left

I chuckled, and did my happy dance. I always escape, I must say I deserve an award

"Well time to start working" I said to myself and went to the changing room

Someone bumped into me

"Watch it girl" I shouted at my colleague Bommy

But instead of apologizing like a normal person she hissed, shaking her ass like a duck and left

I forced myself not to drag her back and tell her my mind buh today's a good day.

I finished dressing up, wearing our Customized T shirt and a apron. Yes I'm a waitress

Story of my Life, lost my parents in a car accident. I had to take care of my baby brother all by myself at Age 18 with no money or shelter. My uncle took all my father's property and threw us out like we're nothing.

My best friend's family took us in and treated us like family, even if they don't have enough they still showered us with love.

I feel like I owe them a lot. I decided to work so that I'll have enough money to get an apartment, I don't want to bother them.

I got a job as a waitress and the pay was nice, after saving for two years, I got a little apartment, moved in and enrolled my brother in school.

Life has been really tough for us but I didn't give up nor show my weakness because I have to be strong for David (my kid bro) , he's my only family..

And I promise to give him the best life even if I have to handle two jobs.