
OPMC in the Multiverse

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Your usual reincarnation story but the MC ends up as glasses in One Punch Man and quickly realizes the situation he's born into. No cheats, no systems, no OP rewards, just your knowledge of the show and others to get you by in the gag anime One Punch Man. Using his meta knowledge anime logic which isn't much and breaking his limiter to become the next One Punch Man he becomes the next OP character in his world than the Multiverse! What will he do in the Multiverse? "Of course one shot duh."

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: Enjoy Life

~Third POV~


After the Super Fight was over the two didn't hesitate to quickly seal the deal as Fubuki was left alone very conflicted but understood what was about to happen. She will confess to him after they had sex.

Even though Fubuki was very embarrassed she understood as she listen to her sister trying only for Bang to stop them. She knew it was a matter of time and respected that but… she does feel guilty that she will use her <Telepathy> to experience it herself…

For research of course of what she's going to obviously…

As she left the area of C-City she couldn't help but bite her lip as she calmly goes home holding Saito rewards as she couldn't help but think to herself, 'I wonder how Tatsumaki would feel once she gets penetrated… I wonder what the experience would be like and how big…'

Elsewhere in another alphabetical city name inside a love hotel as the two already entered and paid for the night as the two quickly went inside…

Clothing was thrown on the side as the two were now naked as the two already make out in action as they were already forced on the bed. Saito makes sure to ease his strength to make sure it was satisfying for the two.

The more they continued the more Tatsumaki moans in joy as she tears up a bit from the touch and emotions she's feeling for finally being able to enjoy themselves at last. But they also went slow feeling each other.

Tatsumaki thin but fatty ass was felt between Saito's fingers as Tatsumaki felt the muscles from his body as she blushed at how hard they are… but that was when she blushed even harder seeing his lower member as she gulps at this thinking to herself nervously, 'Oh God… that will enter me…'

Saito begins to line up to her entrance down below as she gets nervous Saito was calm but the nervousness in his voice spoke to her, "Ok… I'm going to insert it in… ready?"

Tatsumaki nods as he begins to enter inside her as she felt tears running down on her face till Saito made the final thrust into her making her eyes widen in pain at this, "Ahh!"

Stopping at this Saito looked at Tatsumaki as he was about to stop till Tatsumaki hugged his chest because of her height as she grits her teeth at him determined despite the pain and blood flow coming off from her

"Ahh! Saito!"

"Urgh! Tatsumaki!"



After that, the two continued having sex enjoying each other embrace for the night inside the love hotel as Saito made sure to adjust his strength as to be enough not to destroy her. After all, he doesn't want to fall into being the one thrust man making her numb after one thrust.

It wouldn't be a good life if he ended it all by thrusting a girl with one thrust.

Since then, the two proceeded to go at it as much as possible as they drown in each other pleasure as one thought came to Tatsumaki came to her, 'I can't handle him alone… his too much…'

Later in the next morning to Bang dojo Tatsumaki returned as Fubuki found her as she smiled happily at her sister's return as she spoke to her, "Ah! Tatsumaki-nee! How was your night with Saito-kun?"

At this Tatsumaki merely innocently taps her sister's shoulder as she was confused as she responds to her in a friendly tone, "Fubuki… next time we do it together… He is very hard by himself so when it's your turn good luck."


At this Fubuki was left stunned at the scene as she wasn't sure what happened to Tatsumaki to be this care going and agreeing to share as of yesterday she was very reluctant of the idea. But nowhere she was agreeing for help would lead Fubuki to suggest something happening at their night.

Tatsumaki was dead tired of pleasing her lover throughout the night pleasing him and her in return. She felt and improved herself as a woman despite people telling her is a kid but is an adult.

However, taking on the challenge of bed Tatsumaki was defeated as she felt that she needed help…

[Time Skip 2 Years.]

2 years have passed making this the year that Saito and Tatsumaki are 25 years old and Fubuki at the age of 20 years old of age.

For the last two years, Saito has been busy dating the twins ever since the Super Fight and has been a very active participator since he won there as well as the cash prize, he earns every bi-monthly 6 months he wins without any issue from the others.

People still meet to see who wins but after the next 4 events of it happening the crowd of people just now see it as to see who can beat Saito Yagami at this point for wining in one punch against his enemies.

No martial artist has been ever to get close to his strength and when he was interviewed by one of the reporters of his strength he spoke out with a shit-eating grin replying to everyone hoping to get on his level these words, "I eat my spinach."

Not making any real attempt to answer the reporters gave up but it was true for Saito. When he began to train using the Saitama method, he also ate the worst food ever for him spinach to help his body thanks to a certain sailor beating the original one-punch man even with the toon force.

Although when he found the mascot of the very same sailor cartoon in one store one day he didn't hesitate to buy it and eat it immediately. He doesn't want to see Popeye coming for him even if he's not real Saito was very over suspicious just in case…

Also, during his spare time, nowadays other than working was the fact that he also dates Fubuki after she confessed to him her feelings to which he accepted. But they agreed to not approach the sex stage yet until Fubuki was ready.

After all, it was their one time for her, and she wants it when she is ready but till then Tatsumaki was left alone dealing with them when they are in the mood. Tatsumaki always returns dead tired on her face but also expressed she was wasted in the pleasure of the experience…

The relationship between the three has been good but some people from the Super Fight or more specifically the female fighters tried to pull a chi-chi from dragon ball to get him to be married to Saito.

Even went as far as to do it in the public area because of his strength as pretty much any girl would want a guy that would take care of monsters daily. Something that does happen to Saito at times even when he trained using the Saitama method.

When one of the female fighters did this to him in one of the fights, he responded to them by shaking his head with an expression uninterested as he was waving his hand, "Sorry but no way."


Returning to his reasoning to the female fighters and martial artists that tried he responds with a slight bow to them as his very comment to his lovers unlike most harem protagonists, "Sorry but I already have two beautiful girls that like me. I don't know your crazy stalker but I prefer them to you so yeah sorry that you got humiliated like this but hey at least you can find another partner in the bigger sea called life. But sadly, I'm taken so sorry you chi-chi knock off but take the hint."

This has happened multiple times during his time with the Super Fight when he entered as it angered the guys but also relieved them at the same time since they have a chance and not some random guy taking all the girls.

I mean it would be very weird for one guy to take that many girls he hasn't been aware of him and took a fancy. At least they have a chance as Saito is a very commented person and won't add more people in his relationship for the chance they can cheat.

Unlikely as that was because of his strength he only prefers Tatsumaki and Fubuki keeping a healthy relationship with them. Even to the point where Fubuki finally had sex with Saito by herself and soon understood what Tatsumaki meant by next time together…

She could barely hold back from the pleasure she felt from him alone and finding her weak points making her fall into pleasure and listen to Saito like a dog. A lot of humiliating positions as well as being dominated made Fubuki awaken a side she never knew she had but only during bed to Saito…


At this time Tatsumaki, Fubuki, and Saito were all at a beach from one of the cities that is near the coast as they took their days off to enjoy the chance to enjoy the fresh waves of the sea breeze pass by their faces.

Laying down on the towel with the umbrella coverage from the sun Fubuki and Tatsumaki lay on their bellies as Fubuki was the first to ask from Saito wearing a speedo, "Saito-kun can you please place some sun lotions on our backs please?"

The two twin Esper sisters were wearing their bikinis to the beach as they both had their bras down as Saito began to place lotion on them as Tatsumaki shivers at this from the coldness of the sun lotion, "Brr…! Damn I hate sun lotion for the damn cold. Couldn't we have better spent our money on some sun protection spray than this it feels cold on my back?"

Saito nods at this solemnly but then replies to the two as he began to massage their backs with the sun lotion further as they squirm a bit as he taunts Tatsumaki, "Well Tatsumaki you were the one who requested to get the lotion. I would've preferred the spray but then again… you two get to feel my hands on your backs? Can't help but think there was an ulterior motive in this Tatsumaki?"



Saito having some messing with them as he places the sun lotion lower as he sees the two twins blush at this makes him laugh as Tatsumaki merely turns her head away from this with her usual tsundere response, "Baka Saito-kun… just because you place sun lotion on our backs doesn't mean you could go lower making us feel the coldness…. Not that I mind you…"

Suddenly Tatsymaki felt his hand going lower the same as Fubuki as he reached their asses as they felt him massaging them as Fubuki didn't bother hiding it as she spoke with her excuse of not refusing, "Oh! I mean… eh yeah! You can go lower if you want Saito-kun I mean we do have to make sure we don't get sunburn right Tatsumaki-nee?"

Tatsumaki merely nodded her head in embarrassment as she felt him massage lower feeling the pleasure as Saito contently responds to the two with a smile, "Sure. Luckily my mom is a masseuse she taught me this stuff if I were ever in a relationship. But add that with Bang fighting style I guess I unlocked something else with it huh? Like how to make those tense muscles away right?"

Saito looks at the pleasure faces of the two from the massages and knows how to please the two after his experience of taking the two virginities and plenty of sex to know where their weak points are.


"Please… don't… stop… moan~"

Letting a moan escape Saito quickly stopped as the two breathed heavily at this as they glared at their lover at this and doing it in public!

Saito laughs nervously as he stopped fortunately no one nearby listened as the two twins huff their heads away from him but both thought at the same time, 'Fuck… we need to have around soon after that! We're feeling way too horny now damn it…'


That was when Saito began to hear his phone beep as the twin sisters began to put on their bras Saito raised his eyebrow in amusement as he speaks to himself getting the Esper twins' attention, "Oh? Hey Fubu and Tat, it looks like someone started up a new workplace called the Hero Association? It's currently a new place for hire that leaves… Whoa. A lot of money if the heroes do their jobs right way more than the rewards from the Super Fights even."

Now that their horniness ended they're taking the phone away from Saito as well as calling them his nicknames Fubuki began to doubt it at first as she saw it, "Wait? Seriously I highly doubt that… whoa. You weren't kidding and it's in for S-Class heroes to get that amount? Is this even legal?"

Tatsumaki now looking at the phone Saito saw the news of the Hero Association for hire for some heroes as she began to read down then summarize what they need, "The Hero Association requires talent and power to help our society of Monsters. Yadyadyada… Oh! The pay here is ridiculous with that working for a few years we could finally live a happy life with money problems free."

Saito nodded in agreement as he asked the two girls in question with a confident expression as he spoke, "Yup. Last I checked though we do kind of fit in that category. You two are Esper's and ain't exactly weak either but strong. And there's me who's broken physically with physic breaking laws I think we fit in this and wring this rich cow from all of its worth right?"

The two sisters nodded at this at the chance to get some more money so that they can live happily off for their lives and live peacefully to achieve that fact. Tatsumaki also laughs at Saito's physic-breaking body remembering something funny, "Bwahaha! Yeah, physic breaking is certainly in your skillset Saito-kun. No like seriously though how you exactly survive a dip in a volcano but shrug it off. But be honest though did you seriously get stuck at a haunted school and had to punch an actual ghost to get out?"

At this Saito nodded his head in agreement as he has the same things as Saitama does with his physic-breaking body a prime example of this taking a dip of a volcano and still coming off unhurt by it.

Then came the incident where Saito fought against an actual ghost that haunted a place called Heavenly Host Elementary School.

He remembers that place was haunted by some kind of ghost as he was accidentally trapped in that place one time with the whole place acting like a creepypasta as he meets a very weird kid there.

The weird kid was wearing a red dress and asked to play with him as he just nodded in agreement then set off an assortment of traps to kill Saito along with a dead guy in hiding like a game to the two…

Unfortunately for them though Saito was unphased by the traps as the girl in red got extremely annoyed and tried to kill him but only ended up getting a <Normal Punch> that she somehow died as Saito got himself back to the real world again.

Although he did feel like he knew ghost girl and guy from somewhere he also felt it was cringe to remember as he went on his day.

How Saito managed to punch his way out to a ghost was the fact same way Saitama fight against the Phoenix Man powers using his defying strength normal logic.

One example of his strength defying normal logic is when he broke a hole into the Phoenix Space, a spiritual realm that only exists within Phoenix Man's bird costume, by simply knocking on it.

This suggests that Saitama can even interact with things that are intangible/non-physical and if it can so can Saito.

Shaking his head at this he brings back to their attention the twins as he asked with a grin of their opinion of what to do next, "I also read that they're holding tryouts tomorrow? So you guys in to become heroes?"

He didn't need to wait as the eager expressions on their face said all it needed to be said for them to get on board.


A/N: Sorry for the wait I had a hard time writing the R-18 scene as I give up on the subject and return to the story so my bad for your expectations. But anyway the Hero Association is coming up soon as writing 2500-3000 words does take some time.

A/N Extra: Also do you want me to add a chapter story of how the MC got caught up at Corpse Party and managed to get out of there or not?