
OPMC in the Multiverse

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Your usual reincarnation story but the MC ends up as glasses in One Punch Man and quickly realizes the situation he's born into. No cheats, no systems, no OP rewards, just your knowledge of the show and others to get you by in the gag anime One Punch Man. Using his meta knowledge anime logic which isn't much and breaking his limiter to become the next One Punch Man he becomes the next OP character in his world than the Multiverse! What will he do in the Multiverse? "Of course one shot duh."

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Bullying is Wrong

~Third POV~

[Time Skip 1 Year.]

A year has passed in the world of One Punch Man making Tatsumaki and Saito both 17 years of age and Fubuki 12 years old. During this time Saito was almost done completing his training under the tutelage of Nichirin, Bang, and Bomb fighting style.

At this time Saito needed to wear glasses as soon as possible once he realized that his eyesight was getting bad.

He first noticed it when he was training with Bang when he started to show signs of his fist going off as Bang told him his punches were missing.

At this Saito went to his parents to get his eyes checked when the Optometrists told him of his eyesight as he told him, "Sorry son but from what I saw here you would need to start wearing glasses again to improve your sights."

Saito and his parents were worried about this as his father spoke being quite frightened of his son being blind in the future, "Excuse me doctor but my son Yagami-kun wouldn't get the chance to be blind in the future… can you tell us that much."

The Optometrists laughs lightly as he began to explain to Saito's parents as well as himself in a heartful manner as he replied to them, "Hohoho… no good sir it's not that bad. It's just your son has the case of nearsightedness or myopia tis a common vision condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly, but objects farther away are blurry. He just needs to wear a special type of glasses to see better again so no worries miss and sir."

At this, they all sighed in relief knowing that this condition wasn't permanent for their son as Saito's mother began to speak calmly and assuredly about their son's state, "Sigh… It's not as bad as we thought. At least our son won't go blind at least. You surely gave us the fright doctor."

Saito pouts at these getting glasses but he didn't argue with as he was then prescribed to get the glasses a few days later and kept training his senses to compensate for his bad eyesight.

Fortunately, Fubuki and Tatsumaki understand Saito's condition and thought he was better wearing his glasses.

With that life began to return to normal again for Saito everyday life wearing glasses with some people wanting to get the chance to mock him calling him nicknames to make him sad…

But they were quickly reminded of how painful and dumb that idea was soon enough…



"Hey, villain stop right there as for I the hero of justice! Justice Man!"

"Hey stop it already Tacchan!"

"Quick guys hold Garou down!"

At this time Garou was once again forced down by a popular boy in the kinder garden named Tacchan a regular popular pretty boy bully playing his game of when his Justice Man once more beaten up on Garou at the age of 7 years old being held down by his friends.

As a child, Garou was unpopular and a social outcast.

At school, while he was reading a book, a popular boy named Tacchan and another student were playing heroes, after Garou tried to make Tacchan realize it was dangerous to kick another student from high ground, Tacchan declared Garou to be the new villain and himself as Justice Man.

He tried to kick Garou, Garou dodged, but after Tacchan missed and hurt himself, to which Garou apologizes.

Tacchan asked him what was he doing, pointed out that Garou was the monster, and then kicked him in the face while making others kids restrain him.

Later Garou tried to stand up for himself by making Tacchan fight him to make him realize that he cannot bully Garou anymore, but the other children gathered around and started defending Tacchan, saying it was just how the game works.

Tacchan then cowardly asked other children to pin Garou to the ground and called the teacher while running away.

Garou noticed how Tacchan was the one always smiling, liked by everyone, and was good at everything, even though he was a jerk; while Garou was alone, gloomy, and had no friends.

However, it wasn't Garou's fault that he gets bullied by Tacchan as he by every definition of what scum is. A typical bully and popular kid, Tacchan always picks on social outcasts in his class, with Garou being his frequent victim.

Despite his reputation of being a bully, he is cowardly since he relies on the number of his friends to take on others who try to stand up to him, as shown when he asked two of his friends to restrain Garou.

He is also shown to be popular and charming enough to make teachers favor him, to the point of making them blind about the severity of Tacchan's actions.

In the end, Tacchan proves himself to be a heartless person who cruelly enjoyed the suffering of others he inflicts on and would use those of a lower social status and his natural charm to avoid the consequences.




As the children continued ganging up on Garou they all stopped when they heard a loud but angry shout was directed at them as they froze seeing a teenager wearing a regular high school uniform was an average-looking young teen with black hair and a pair of black-frame glasses.

He glared at them as he hid the video recording of Garou getting beaten up as evidence he plans to send to the police or the school principal as he walked over clearly growling at them under his breath.

Tacchan and the other kids soon got the clear intent that running wasn't good as the person they looked coming towards them was Saito as he glared at them as he asked quite demanded at them, "Now then… whose the fucking wise guy thought that ganging up on a kid was a great idea? Huh? Now come on please tell me?"

The kids looked away as Garou was somewhat surprised, scared, and thankful someone came by to help him out as a sigh of relief escaped his breath as Tacchan scoffed at this but Saito saw it.


Using <Instant Movement> he was now in the face direction of Tacchan as he grew scared facing Saito face expressionless as he coldly asked, "Oh so it's you, wise guy! Want to explain to yourself the reason for beating up a kid along with your little possies? COME ON TELL ME!!"

At this Tacchan was getting scared as well as the other kids as Garou looked on with wonder as the kid explained himself foolishly, "I DID IT! OK I DID IT TO BEAT A MONSTER LIKE HIM AS JUSTICE – "


One slap from Saito's hand across the kids face as a hand mark was shown there on his cheek with a noticeable bruise shown as the kid began to tear up as he spoke to him harshly, "So then dumbass you and your friends thought it was a game to beat up someone else huh? What's stopping me from beating the ever-living shit of someone like you that enjoys harming the weak? Huh, monster?"

Seeing the situation is getting out of hand Saito began to smirk devilishly as he began to call on his phone 911 as he spoke to the kids getting them scared except for Garou as he looks in awe of what's happening in front of him, "Well it doesn't matter mate you piece of scum. I'll call 911 to help explain the situation and your so-called bullying to the police. I'm willing to bet they'll see what you did as well as everyone going to jail beating up… uh… actually what's your name my little guy?"

Garou seeing this spoke up quite embarrassed at this as he clears his throat clearly to the stranger, "Cough! Sorry but the name is Garou mister…?"

Smirking at him Saito responded kindly before returning to scaring the shit out of the kids as he continues with the police call making the kids scared and Tacchan nervous in fear, "Saito Yagami. Nice to meet you Garou… now where was I exactly?"


That was when his phoned answered as the kid's eyes widen at this as they all heard the police member answer his phone, "Hello this is the police what is –"


"Yeah, it was Tacchan idea!"

"Of course Tacchan wanted us to beat Garou mister please don't call my parents!"

"I can't have my parents know of this!"

"Please mister be more forgiving we promise to not do this again!"

"I'm too cute to get my butt spanked!"

As kids, they quickly succumbed to the idea of getting in trouble seriously when Saito raised the stakes to them was very scary for them if their parents found out that they beat up Garou in a form of a game…

The kids shivered at the idea as Tacchan tried to get away with this but was soon stopped by the principal of their school with Tatsumaki there as she began to report him, "Here sir this looks like something that your students should be doing to one another? In a form of a game beating up one?"

The principal eyes narrowed at all of them except Garou as he explained to everyone with a clear harsh tone to them as they began to tear up fearing the worst, "Not. One. Word. You all will get calls from your parents today as well as a parent-teacher conference on what to do with you Tacchan as well as the bullying you did to Garou… I will make sure your parents understand the severity of the situation as well as talk to THAT teacher about treating his students right."

Saito and Tatsumaki smirked at this as their reason for being there were viewing this happening when they go home.

It has been happening for a few weeks that some kid bullied Garou as Saito wasn't sure if it was the future hero hunter but once he knew he was on edge helping the kid. But once he saw and heard that Tacchan was bullying him for the sake because his being an outcast he sympathizes with the kid.

So he made sure to video record them doing the act and at the time convinced Tatsumaki to help out once she heard his story. While they have different ways of being outcasted she hated bullying to the core.

That is partially due to the influence that her little sister suffered through because of her connection to Tatsumkai or her psychic powers. One way or another she was an outcast in her age group but made some comfort having friends for the disciplines in Bang dojo, so it wasn't all bad for her.

Later few days have passed since then Garou wasn't bullied anymore but wondered who the person was as he looked up online to see who the guy that helped him was.

He tried but at the end failed as he sighs to himself at a park where he was bullied no longer as he spoke to himself disappointed, "Sigh… damn you would think such an average looking guy would be easy to find but nope. To find him from this S-City is already difficult enough. Still, though I wonder who that Saito Yagami guy was is."


That was when another person sat down with his average appearance with his black square-glasses sat relaxing a bit as he spoke to himself, "Sigh… another wonderful day at S-City and finally graduated from that swordsman training. Damn, he was annoying Nichirin bastard along with Bomb and Bang."

Recognizing that voice Garou looked up to see the person who helped him out as he pointed in shock as he talked to him, "AH!! It's your average glasses guy!! SAITO YAGAMI!!"

Growing a twitch mark on his head Saito looked at Garou in an annoyed expression as he spoke to him defending his good genetics, "Hey! I'll have you know that I'm the handsome one in my family brat! It's just I was unlucky with my eyesight!"

Garou then bowed quickly apologizing to him and asking him when the day he helped him out with his bullying, "Oh! Sorry for calling you that Yagami-san! I wanted to thank you for helping out with my bullying problem… even when the adults couldn't help me out…"

Sighing at this Saito gave Garou some words of advice for him to grow up as he spoke as he glances at the distance, "Listen here Garou when comes a day that no one would help me. And that's when I understood… That only I could help myself in these times. I did this so you won't be bullied for being an outcast the same as me and my girlfriend."

Garou stood there blankly listening to his reasoning as he then asked where Saito learned how to move like that in a kid-like fashion happily, "Wait so how did you suddenly move away like that to that bully anyway! It was so cool like hero stuff and go and bam!"

Saito laughed at this as he scratches the back of his head as he expressed an embarrassed smile as he responds to him, "Actually this from the <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist> fighting style series Garou. Learned from Bang dojo the top martial artist is where I learned to fight. At first, it was a strength for me but then became self-defense which came in handy. I usually go there to practice and meet with my girlfriend there."

Garou hearing this smiled brightly thinking he could become like Saito in front of him, of course, being cooler than him of course. Whoever heard of a plain powerful hero before.

"Hey, Saito-san! Ready for our date today!"

That was when Tatsumaki comes over floating wearing her school uniform as Saito began to walk towards her as he says his final words to Garou as he continues to walk to Tatsumaki direction, "Later then Garou. I hope you don't get bullied and learn to fight for yourself one day got it! Now then I have a date with a beautiful Esper gal right Tatsumaki~"

Winking in her direction she huffs her breath, but the shade of red didn't miss her face as she came to float next to Saito as they went on ahead to enjoy their date.

Garou was quite confused before he saw how the size difference was between the two before he reached his conclusions about the power couple, "What the hell… ew… why would Saito-san want to date with a short kid? Isn't that gross or something?"




Before suddenly green psychic energy enveloped him as he was suddenly thrown into the water fountain at the park as Tatsumaki heard that part as she grew angry at Garou's poor choice of words as she thinks to herself, 'A KID! That fucking brat I'm a teenager, not a kid! It's not my fault that I'm short it was in the genetics!'

That was when she was hugged to Saito's waist as he openly smiles at her as he spoke out already guessing what was on her mind getting her to the waist being bold making her meek on sight, "Now, now Tatsumaki-chan. Maybe the brat hasn't noticed how cute and well off you are. It's not your fault he can't appreciate your beauty."

Making her flush she pouts to the side as she speaks under breath cursing Saito, "God damn it you and your sweet talks."

Saito merely smiles at this as he thinks to himself happily enjoying his reincarnated life thus far as he thinks to himself, 'This has been a really good life but… it's time I begin my journey to the top. But first, spend a few years at the Hero Association to get some cash. Then for the next 3 years train like Saitama as it will be a pain to break through my limiters, but it will be worth it in the end.'

That was when he realized something very important as he forgot one key fact about the Hero Association as he mentally slams his hand to his head as he thought seriously, 'Right… 8 years from now before the current storyline, the Hero Association was founded by multi-millionaire Agoni, whose grandchild was saved from a mysterious being by a passerby which happens to be Saitama well…. I guess I can start becoming OP first at least. Also, make sure to have lots of hair strengthing products.'

Thinking of becoming the strongest character in One Punch Man Saito Yagami begins his path to become strongest as well as earn money in the process. After all, he wants to live a happy and fulfilled life.


A/N: Alright here's a brief chapter introducing Garou as a kid and his path to finally get OP as fuck... and maybe buy lots of hair strengthing shampoo... Hope you enjoy the chapter.