
OPMC in the Multiverse

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Your usual reincarnation story but the MC ends up as glasses in One Punch Man and quickly realizes the situation he's born into. No cheats, no systems, no OP rewards, just your knowledge of the show and others to get you by in the gag anime One Punch Man. Using his meta knowledge anime logic which isn't much and breaking his limiter to become the next One Punch Man he becomes the next OP character in his world than the Multiverse! What will he do in the Multiverse? "Of course one shot duh."

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Feelings

~Third POV~

[Time Skip 5 Years.]

5 years have passed in the world of One Punch Man making Tatsumaki and Saito both 15 years of age and Fubuki 10 years old.

Not much has changed the trio friendship as they still kept each other close without making no issue enjoying their normal lifestyle if what they did in life would be considered normal.

The normal thing the sisters did was try to use their Esper powers to best they could do as Saito sometimes gives them advice or is busy training his martial arts and honing them to the best he could.

Although he was reincarnated to the One Punch Man world, he still curses the day of doing regular homework, test, essays, and projects as he loathed them to his core. And what's worse that he faces his longest enemy that no OP character has defeated that has done before…


But to the Esper sisters, they laugh at Saito's antics involving schoolwork as they can cheat it using their physic powers while Saito suffers from it like any normal person would vent out his frustrations.

That just made the girls laugh at his antics as times Bang sees their show as he thinks to himself wisely like a sage, 'Hohoho… I remember those days suffering my greatest foe… lucky for me I don't have to do that and leave it to my disciples. Poor Saito-kun suffering any warriors dilemma… at least it's not my problem to help their homework.'

In those years Saito Yagami has been getting better used to the <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist> fighting style as he achieved the majority of them the best he could. The progress in his fighting style has been going smoothly for him and Bang.

Then one day at the dojo Bang requested Saito to be alone with him inside his office dojo as he began to discuss an important subject for him and his next level of martial arts.

Currently, at the inside of the Bang office of his dojo, Saito respectfully sits down as he asked curiously about the situation, "Hello Bang-sensei! Why did you call me over to here today when I have Nichirin training today?"

Bang nods his head with his eyes closed before he goes over to the back of his shrine reaching out to get a vault as he begins to open up as he spoke to Saito in a serious voice, "Hmm… Saito-kun as far as I know you have been here for the last 10 years always working hard to hone my <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist>… and so far despite your lack of talent you make up for it in hard work. For that reason alone, I'll be teaching you the true way of using the <Exploding Heart Release Fist>."

Saito's eyes widen up a bit as he spoke honestly a bit surprised to Bang as he spoke somewhat unsure to him, "Uh… Bang-sensei isn't the real <Exploding Heart Release Fist> already inside a scroll that you give to your students though? If the real one is in that safe then…"

No words were needed to be said as Bang continued to speak in a serious tone but also kept the atmosphere quite light-hearted, "Hohoho… yes those are fakes. I never give my <Exploding Heart Release Fist> for real those were fakes for those wanting a quick jump in power go to the Super Fights and claim to be the greatest. Sigh… no student manages to get it through hard work only 7 or 8 years they can get used to my fighting style then leave to become fighters or martial arts masters."

At that, he scoffs at those students of theirs not getting the right method of honing their body as well refining their skills as Bang goes towards Saito handing him the scroll as he spoke, "As for the scroll about <Exploding Heart Release Fist> young Saito-kun. I only give this to true masters of martial arts, and I think you're ready for the last form of the <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist> Saito… the <Awakening Breath>."

Saito gulps at this but steels himself as he thinks calmly at the situation in front of him as he thought in a calm voice, 'Ok there Saito… the <Awakening Breath> is one of the skills that I haven't learned because I need the master help to unlock it. No big deal this will be worth it once all of this is over.'

Nodding his head Bang smiles as he leans closer to Saito as he began to talk to him in a friendly manner, "Hohoho! Good to know Saito but now comes the hard part better prepare yourself for what's to come."

Saito got confused at what Bang meant before…



An impossibly inhumane speed of a fist connected on Saito's lungs as he was forced to release all the air in his lungs and body as pain soon came over him as Bang says to him in a harsh tone of voice for him to listen, "Now then once you awaken the breathing style of the <Awakening Breath> we will soon unlock the ability for you to use the <Exploding Heart Release Fist> in the process. This part of the training will help your heart you know not to explode so to say. Great right Saito-kun?"

Saito looked at Bang as if the devil was in his place as he smiled looking down on him as he managed to say these words before blacking out, "F… Fuck you… your old man… man… I'll surpass… surpass you…yet… and one day… spite you…"

Bang looks at the knocked down Saito as he wonders aloud to himself as if confused about what was going on as he spoke, "Hmm… that was unexpected, I guess. Well I better tell Nichirin about Saito sword training –"




That was when Bang's eyes were met two emotionally love-struck sisters seeing their crush being crushed by their sensei as their eyes glowed a psychic green as Bang says to himself, "Aw shit now I'm going to get it now…"


Like that the day ended with Bang trying to explain to powerful Esper class girls as he avoids being hit by psychic energy beams at him. Bang dodged the beams but now has to pay for roof damages with a sigh.

It is truly a normal day for the Bang dojo…

[Time Skip 4 Months.]

Sometimes has passed as Bang was teaching Saito his old fighting style came a surprise guest that surprised him.

His brother Bomb.

Bomb, like his brother, Bang, is an aged but muscular individual. Appearance-wise, he is almost the opposite of his younger brother. While Bang still has his hair and sports a short mustache, Bomb has a long beard and white, long hair with the top of his head being bald.

He wears classic-style green on blue martial arts robes, while Bang has a plain black shirt with white pants. He is slightly taller than Bang and he has a very strong posture, unlike Bang who often slouches when he's walking.

The reason for the surprise visit was to just mainly see how his brother has been doing as he entered inside his dojo with a brief smile on his face, "Hello their brother I see you have been busy as of late. With your management and everything at the dojo as well as rumors circulating that you have been raising two girls. Now tell your brother who's the lucky gal to get you at your 50's Hahaha!"

Bang for his part shrugs his head dismissively as they finally reach the outside garden showing a Japanese style as he begins to make some tea as he spoke, "Really Bomb? What lady will like an old muscle old guy like me to have kids? No, I adopted them when one of my hard-working students called in about some human trafficking and pedophiles. Wasn't sure if he was serious but from the tone it was and that's how I got the little buggers."

Bomb looked interested in the story as a smile appeared on his face as he began to ask quite curious about the student as he spoke, "Oh ho? So, a student helped you get some Esper's and you took care of them? Hmm… made sense I guess if people wanted to buy them and knowing you don't stand for that crap was best to guide them."

At that Bang laughed at that as he nodded his head in agreement as he recalls the sister's superiority complex before he began to drill them in the head about being humble and caring to people as well as try not to be arrogant often.

He felt like he dodged a bullet teaching it to them at a young age and wasn't sure if it was going to be a problem for them in the future but was glad as he did.

At this Bomb began to ask his brother about the student that notified him about the Esper in a curious tone, "Sounds to me that brat of yours is a very interesting person to meet? Say where is the little bugger anyway?"

Bang takes a sip from his tea as he explained to Bomb about Saito currently training with Nichirin in swordsmanship at his dojo as his now busy finishing the <Explosive Heart Release Fist> surprising Bomb very much.

Bomb then placed his chin on his hand as he talked to himself quite curious making Bang express a tick mark expression hearing his brother's words, "Hmm… already 15 years old and learning how to use your old fighting style huh? Maybe I can interest him with my fighting style using the <Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist>?"

The <Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist> martial art revolves around manipulating the air to create razor-sharp whirlwind pressures that slice a user's target. The user then pushes the pieces of the target with varying degrees of force depending on the proximity to the eye of the whirlwind.

The cutting pressure can also be implemented into a user's kicks and is sharp enough to cut through stone. The use of this martial art also creates noticeable a pinkish-red aura, similar to the light blue aura of <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist>.

Users of this style adopt different forms for different attacks. For more direct attacks, the martial artist may strike with the first knuckles extended, similar to the leopard fist.

This draws parallels between <Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist> and real-life Leopard Kung Fu. Moreover, the martial artist may extend only their thumb, index, and middle fingers in a clawed fashion similar to the Southern Dragon Kung Fu Fist to produce whirlwinds at a close range.

At this Bang worried till they saw Tatsumaki come over as she asked Bomb in a polite tone showing respect, "Oh your Bomb right Bang brother? If your interesting Saito-kun with your martial arts he'll be interested."

Bomb smiled at this as Bang looked betrayed as he asked conflicted and hurt somehow as he asked, "Why? Why would my student learn from my brother hmph!"

At this Tatsumi merely replied as innocently as she could making Bomb laugh at this as she spoke these words, "I mean Bang you did beat the living shit out of Saito and is very willing to spite you learning from your brother style. That and his a very pity person you know? I'll send him the message Bomb thanks."

Bomb laughed even harder than ever at that as Bang felt someone shoot his dog and did it again just to spite him.

Truly a normal day at Bang dojo….

[Time Skip 1 Year.]

A year has passed in the world of One Punch Man making Tatsumaki and Saito both 16 years of age and Fubuki 11 years old. At this point in their lives, Tatsumaki and Saito have both begun to officially date each other at Z-City for being quite literally a power couple.

Not much has changed the trio friendship as they still kept each other close without making no issue enjoying their normal lifestyle except for Fubuki being jealous of her older sister starting to date first.

But that isn't without some amusement between the two when Fubuki stalks them at times catching them blush-taking pictures using her <Psychokinesis> on her phone.

After the first date, they kept on having some small dates to get a better understanding of each other as people tend to be away from them because of their powers hence the power couple was quite accurate.

When one would hit on one of them the duo would react harshly.

When one tries to forcibly try to take one to a fun time they won't hesitate to go for the low blow to the head or crotch area.

Thugs even know the brains of not messing with them or else they would get to the hospital for ruining their date. Lessons that have been passed down by the greatest lessons alive… the use of extreme violence.

One time when the two were dating as Fubuki wasn't stalking them Tatsumaki asked Saito with some confusion as she spoke to him suddenly one day out of the blue while they were enjoying their ice cream while eating at a café, "Say Saito-kun if you were to suddenly choose between Fubuki or me to become your wife what's your answer?"

Taking a choke from the sudden question he swallowed the ice cream of vanilla as he finally replied to her with the sudden questioning, "Cough! Cough! Whoa, what's with the sudden question out of the blue there Tatsumaki! You never asked these kinds of questions before so what brought it on?"

She blushed at that before sighing at this placing her hand on her head as she shakes it while using her <Psychokinesis> to bring the ice cream over to her, "Sigh… Saito-kun you know how Fubuki and I share Telepathy as in we can use telepathy to psychically contact each other."

Saito nodded at this then paused before reaching his assumption of the issue now becoming apparent as he nods his head understandingly, "Oh… OH! So, since you two are connected… do you two share the same experience as each other when you do include emotions? Or possibly physical touch as well?"

At that Tatsumaki nods her head as she began to talk about the reason why she brought out the question to him, "Yeah but we also share dreams at times and well… let's just say you left quite the impression on both of us… and well she had a crush at first which turned into love from my emotions for… you know…"

Saito nods at this as Tatsumaki blushed how nonchalant he was about it as there was a shade of red from his but then spoke out to her question, "Cough! Ok, so that was why you asked that question earlier. Hm… if that were the case then I'll choose both but at least let me explain first before you throw that ice cream at my face."

Saito says this as the ice cream from Tatsumaki control was ever close to his face as she had a darkened expression as she nods her head slightly as Saito explains himself as he took a bite from her ice cream, "What I meant by that it would be impossible for me to choose between the both of you and make one sad. Cheesy I know but tell me who would you let your little sister date instead of me already knowing my history?"

Listening to this she stops her expression a bit before she returns the ice cream to her hand as she ponders this before her eyes held a cold glare at the idea as she thinks to herself, 'Tch. Saito-kun is right there is no way I'll let some boy take my Fubuki away from me. How else do I know about them that they are sleazy sacks of shit wanting to just take her innocence from her! I would kill them if they broke her heart but sharing…'

While the idea was perverted and disgusting for Tatsumaki but the idea of sharing was certainly something too out of the norm even for her.

But she also considered her feelings along with her sisters about the matter as it took a couple of seconds before she sighs out loud unsure of the answer, "I… I… I don't know. The idea of sharing you feels disgusting it would feel like you could cheat on anyone you wanted trying to convince…"


One smack of the karate chop at her head Saito shakes his head at this as he began to mock Tatsumaki's idea of getting more as he expressed a disgusted look as he talked to her, "Hell no! Why would I need more in my life? If it's to make you and Fubuki happy then it's fine by me but adding strangers in my love life? Yeah, hard pass on that. I prefer people who get and like me plus I have two mind readers to see if I cheated or not to keep me in line."

When she heard that she laughed at the idea of Saito as she thinks to herself while he looked honestly confused about what is happening, 'Right read your mind if you did. That sounds like something he would say as most men would hide that they cheated he has a point on that. Hmm…'



That was when Tatsumaki threw the ice cream at his face as his eyes open blinking in surprise as Tatsumaki began to levitate as she responds to him with a smile, "That was for bonking your girlfriend Yagami-kun. But the idea… I'll talk about this with Fubuki-chan. Anyway, I hope you pay for the date darling!"

With that Tatsumaki flew away as people were now staring their eyes at him as he sighs out loud noticing the money was missing as Tatsumaki secretly took it to teach him a lesson to not harm a future wife, "Fucking hell Tatsumaki-san did you have to take my wallet as well. How the heck am I going to pay…"

That was when the owner from the café asked kindly as Saito sweated profusely from the deathly pressure from him as he spoke, "So… uh, kid… your girlfriend said you'll pay for this right? I mean you do have the money, right? Right?"

That day Saito will swear revenge to Tatsumaki someday for her taking her wallet that day and as well spite Bang learning the <Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist> out of spite…

Saito will get his revenge!

Returning home to Bang dojo Tatsumaki returned inside the dojo to her room that Bang provided as she saw her little sister Fubuki doing her homework as she spoke happily to her older sister, "Hey Onee-chan! Did you finish your date with Yagami-kun! Huh? What's with the weird look on your face Onee-chan?"

Tatsumaki sat next to her sister as she began to open their thoughts to each other as well share each other memories as Fubuki seems to get a better understanding of the situation of the date when she asked that question.

This time Fubuki was extremely embarrassed at this as she began to yell at Tatsumaki as she floated in the air expressing her emotions, "Onee-chan! Did you see those memories of me with you know and did you also see me in that love cave or that…"

Tatsumaki smirks a knowing smirk as she floated to her little sister with a teasing tone of voice as she whispered in her ear, "Of course, your big sister knows all those things in your dreams especially age up 16 making out. Truly I have a very naughty sister Fubuki."


At this Fubuki, face exploded with steam coming out from her face and ears as she mumbles at this admitting it is getting more embarrassed, "What! Wha… wha… wha… no! I mean I like him. But not like LIKE like him big sis, but he's been so helpful and doesn't judge me…. But our age difference is pretty big by 5 years… but he's been always kind and… and… POOF!!"

Tatsumaki levitated her with a worried expression as she still didn't get an answer out of her as she spoke nervously, "Eh… hehehe… woops. I guess Fubuki isn't used to being teased about this kind of thing."

That was also when Tatsumaki nodded at this moment thinking of her correct choice as she puts her sister down as she justifies herself, "Umu. There is no way I'm letting nobody get close to my sister's heart. She is just too innocent to a degree I'll admit for anyone that is not for my taste…"

Listening to herself she pouts at that as she sighs out loud to herself thinking of the possibility of actually sharing, "But still though… I don't know how to exactly feel about sharing with the person you love exactly… I mean if Fubuki wants to do this it's not a matter if she'll agree it's a matter of if I want it to be like this? Sigh… why does liking someone be this difficult."

With that Tatsumaki was left for her thoughts of the idea of sharing the same person not exactly sitting well with her.


A/N: And here we go the conflict of love interest. Have to make sure they don't agree immediately or else it wouldn't make sense and seem forced either. Hope you enjoy the chapter.