
OPMC in the Multiverse

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Your usual reincarnation story but the MC ends up as glasses in One Punch Man and quickly realizes the situation he's born into. No cheats, no systems, no OP rewards, just your knowledge of the show and others to get you by in the gag anime One Punch Man. Using his meta knowledge anime logic which isn't much and breaking his limiter to become the next One Punch Man he becomes the next OP character in his world than the Multiverse! What will he do in the Multiverse? "Of course one shot duh."

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: So this is Disney Evil then…?

~Saito POV~


One simple punch was all it took to beat down another monster class threat again the monster died in one hit as I saw the bloody bits as I sigh out loud and talk to myself, "Sigh, I wish these monsters would be you know more dangerous but… so weak. I wonder if those months waiting was worth it."

After talking to the Child Emperor at Y City.

Y-City is a large city on Earth. Child Emperor's Lab is located in this city. 14 heroes are living in this city. A laboratory owned by Child Emperor is located in Y-City. He builds and experiments with various gadgets here.

Even when I became a hero Tatsumaki and Fubuki made their time to shine working to be heroes as well help people. Although they could do that without causing much damage to the Cities.

But still, Tatsumaki seems to have trouble these days with her height issues and people treating her like a kid. Man, I wish I could something but I couldn't do much about it maybe if I find my way across the multiverse I would find my answer.

The –


That was when I received a text message from the Child Emperor I read the contents of the text as I read with a smile on my face, "I have the Returner created. Now then mister Glasses how about you show me the way?"

Oh, this kid is so going to regret doing me this favor of helping me out.

But first I better tell Tatsumaki and Fubuki about this project I have in mind because if this works then I might have a way to help Tatsumaki out in growing taller. Picking up my phone I began to text both of them the following, "Hey guys can you go to Y City to meet up with Child Emperor. I'll show you something very cool love your loveable husbino Saito. XOXO."

With this, I began to fast travel in the greatest way possible…

By running like the great Forest Gump…



Running to Y City I finally brought myself to Child Emperor base of operations as the shockwaves and winds following me gathered a large wind to come over at such a great distance ahead from my previous location to the present here.



The pressurized wind hitting his base… the kid will surely be pissed about this, wouldn't he?



Yup pretty mad it is then.

Then the next few seconds the kid scolded me about using my strength to further damage his lab as he spits and scolded me about using my power to gather here in a quick flash of an eye or less.

That was when he gave me what he called the Returner as he explained to me in detail what it does. The Returner has the hidden functions of teleporting me to his base once in a few weeks, a voice command from the base, video communication, and space inventory in the process.

Damn this kid is certainly something that's for sure?

Are you sure you ain't the reincarnation of the pokemon game Professor Oak?


Thanking Child Emperor for his help he asked me with a curious but taunting expression on his face as he asked me in an arrogant tone to him, "Well then mister Glasses. You said you have a way to get across another dimension or universe, right? Well then prove it already?"

Twitching my eyes at this I swear this kid has a real big brain or a really big pain in my ass being that arrogant. But soon enough I'll show him my strength as I nodded at him and replied, "Don't worry Child Emperor I'll show you something really… cool about what is going to happen. Oh and also my wives are coming good luck handling them."

"Wait wha –"


That was when I ran…

Now I'm somewhere else on the part of the world I looked at the Returner bracelet as I see the camera and video of the Child Emperor as I began to speak to him, "Now then kid… better be prepared to see something truly insane. Now then…"

Taking in deep breathing using the <Awakening Breath> my body feels strengthened as I look at the open space and sky ahead of me as I finally get serious for a change of pace after having my full abilities shown.


"<Serious Awakening: Exploding Punch>!"

By using all of my power in my punch with my years of understanding martial arts I managed to punch the very space at such an impossible speed…


That the very fabric of space cracked as I flew myself into what seemed like the void area of space surrounding everything….

And then I see freshwater with some weirdly decorated islands that are… sweets?

~Third POV~

The very fabric of reality of space inside the One Punch Man world shook violently as the whole Omniverse within the area began to shake from that one punch of Saito using his full strength to punch a literal hole into the space-time of reality to go towards another going in its wake.

The Gods of the One Punch Man world and higher dimensional beings took notice of this as they began to go towards such a drastic thing to happen in their respective reality of the universe they reside in…

However, that would be their mistake as the shockwaves of Saito's strongest punch the <Serious Awakening: Exploding Punch> caused a ripple across the whole Omniverse to beings that are in higher plans of dimensions to take extreme damage of it.

As to make matters worse though the punch through the entire space-time that Saito poke through caused the space-time shockwave that affected the higher level beings in their higher planes of existence to be felt and destroyed the shockwave of the punch.

Even if they tried to use the concepts of Laws or cultivation techniques to survive all it took was just a shockwave from where Saito punched the space-time of his universe that higher plane level beings died just by going near it… and being in the vicinity of going anywhere near that kind of power that they died from the shockwaves alone while the stronger dimensional beings that were away only sustained extreme level of damages…

Blast with his eyes wide open in shock noticed something wrong as he felt something VERY wrong he glanced at the sky in his unknown Space Version of the Avengers as he spoke, "I felt a disturbance in the Omniverse just now… what… what was that to make those GODS die like that…"

One Piece.

One Piece is the name the world gave to the treasure found by the Pirate King Gol D. Roger. It once belonged to Joy Boy during the Void Century. The treasure is said to be of unimaginable value and is currently located on the final island of the Grand Line: Laugh Tale.

The New World... A place where people who will begin the next generation gather!! He who conquers this sea will become the "Pirate King"!!!

The New World refers to the second half of the Grand Line and is the main setting of the second half of One Piece. It is located between West and North Blue, Fish-Man Island, and the other side of Reverse Mountain. The only known people to have fully explored it is Gol D. Roger and his crew.

The New World is the second half of the Grand Line. It stretches from Mary Geoise to the other side of Reverse Mountain. The second half of the Grand Line is a whole "new world" of adventures beyond anything that one might face in the first half, it is such an abhorrent challenge that the first half of the Grand Line is referred to as "Paradise" when comparing it to the second half.

According to former Warlord, Gecko Moria, one will lose everything one cherishes in the New World, something he experienced. He also claimed that one shall face what he calls "The Ultimate Nightmare" there, indicating it is a very dangerous place for even the most powerful and talented pirates like himself.

The four strongest pirates in the world, the Four Emperors, reside in the New World.

While the first half of the Grand Line possesses highly volatile and unpredictable weather conditions, the New World is even more chaotic. While certain islands are relatively simple in terms of weather and climate, such as the snowy Yukiryu Island and the rainy island the Kid Pirates were on, other portions of the ocean defy the very laws of physics and nature themselves.

Examples include the lightning rain of Raijin Island, the Firetank Pirates being drawn toward a giant black sphere floating in the sky in the middle of the sea, and the On-Air Pirates running on air.

Islands in the New World experience changes in their magnetic waves, which makes a special New World Log Pose necessary so as not to get lost. The instability of an island's magnetic field can often be caused by abnormalities on the island.

As a result of the unstable magnetic waves, the Log Pose needle pointing toward that island will jiggle, the more erratic the movement of the needle, the greater the instability of the magnetism. There are no guarantees, but the rule of thumb is that the erratic movement of a needle means that there is likely something dangerous on the island it's pointing to.

Totto Land is an archipelago in the New World. It constitutes the main territory of one of the Four Emperors, Big Mom, and her crew, the Big Mom Pirates, which extends around Whole Cake Island. It is navigable with a New World Log Pose.

According to Pekoms, it is considered one large, powerful nation, and Big Mom as its queen wants it to become a utopia that unifies all races of the world.

Totto Land is the general setting for the Whole Cake Island Arc.

Totto Land is a massive archipelago with Whole Cake Island, Big Mom's base of operation, in its center, and 34 subsidiary islands, arranged roughly in concentric circles. Each subsidiary island is ruled by a member of the Charlotte Family as its minister. It seems that all islands are themed after food.

Some of the islands have rivers made of the juice of different colors flowing into the ocean to form sections called "Mizuame", which freeze at night; it takes only the warmth of the day to make them fluid again.

The Charlotte Family is the family of Charlotte Linlin of the Four Emperors, also known as Big Mom. The family consists of Charlotte Linlin and her 85 children 39 daughters and 46 sons.

Big Mom has taken 43 husbands, and some of her children have children of their own. The family is the foundation of the Big Mom Pirates, and Linlin herself continues to marry off her children to powerful allies to bolster her crew's strength.

Starting 50 years ago when she was 18, Big Mom gave birth every single year for 42 years. She had given birth to multiple children at once several times, with her largest birth being decuplets 18 years ago.

Totto Land is most notable for being home to members of almost every race and tribe in the world, as Big Mom claims to desire a utopia where all races and species can live in harmony. The known races that inhabit Totto Land are humans, fish-men, merfolk, minks, snakenecks, longarms, longlegs, dwarves, three-eyes, along with several hybrids of different races.

Strangely, living objects such as furniture, ships, food, etc. as well as talking animals that are not minks or Zoan fruit users also live in Totto Land. These living objects and talking animals are referred to as "homies" and were essentially brought to life and given human-like traits by Big Mom's Soru Soru no Mi. Big Mom also has a liking for collecting rare and unique animals for her amusement.

By law, all the citizens of Totto Land must donate one month of their lifespan every six months as a fee for Big Mom's protection, or else they must leave. However, Brûlée and Praline claimed that Linlin would never allow anyone to leave Totto Land alive, meaning a death penalty may be imposed on anyone who attempts to leave.

Despite the diversity of the races within the archipelago, no giants are living there; this is because every giant in the world despises Big Mom after she wreaked havoc on Elbaf due to her eating disorder, and after a failed attempt to reconcile with them, which only further deepened their animosity for her, she effectively gave up on trying to bring them over to her side, instead deciding to use scientists like Caesar Clown to create her giants.

Aside from giants, lesser-known races such as Sky People, Kinokobito, and the Three-Eye Tribe are never seen living in Totto Land in abundance either, with the only known Kinokobito being a prisoner of Big Mom's and the only known Three-Eye Charlotte Pudding being reviled and discriminated by the population until she was forced to hide her third eye.

Totto Land also lacks two other races, one of the reasons is due to how one race, the Lunarians, dwindled over time, hence her attempt to recruit King from the Beasts Pirates into her crew.

Although the children appear to be a caring family, Linlin shows little to no concern for her children, as she forces them to marry others without considering their personal choices. She even refers to one of her sons as a "lowly child of mine" when she believes he was protecting her from an attack. When her anomalous eating disorder acts up, she has been shown to unknowingly commit filicide.

The children, in return, are frightened of her, and Opera was shown to fear for his life at the consequences of displeasing her. Even the oldest, strongest children fear her, as both Smoothie and Perospero were terrified when Linlin's eating disorder acted up.

~Saito POV~


Suddenly I find myself in the weirdest situation I have ever been in before my life after breaking well probably everything that happened with that punch. Good thing I aimed it at Space above the sky or who knows what else would happen.

Although the abundant amount of water was something weird I looked at the Returner bracelet that Child Emperor left for me as it began to work… sort of… "Bztt… We… Sa… Dar… What… som…"


Looks like I damaged the voice or camera function on this thing it seems. Then again though maybe I should've placed it somewhere else on my body to be safe.

Whoops on my part.

That was when I started to notice where I am as I see… talking trees and plants, and rocks…

The fuck do I land at Wonderland or Disney Land here?

That was when I heard the weird living objects and trees start to talk to me, I think as I see what they are talking about weirdly singing like a Disney song, "Oh woe foul traveler to see you die in the great forest of the Seducing Woods~ We shall come and tell how you die the most savage way we can~ Oh weee do!"

Ok, I think this might be Disney Land after all…

Only they can think of something this childish and evil!


A/N: Sorry for the long wait I was busy with my other fanfics hope you like how the MC is in the One Piece world in New World starting with Big Mom territory. Oh and also the MC forgot about some anime world details so… he might miss some context.