
OPM: Normal Neighbor

When Steve arrived in this world, he found himself without any power, a very dangerous situation for a normal person in this world. Fortunately, he became neighbors with Saitama. One day, his system finally arrived. [Copy System] Copied Status: 20% Copied Abilities: NONE [Manual] • Copy anyone's abilities/power/skill with a touch. • Every power you copy will add +1% to the Copied Status.

DivineMelon · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

TWENTY-NINE: Results of the Battle

"That was dangerous. He actually had that much power left which is enough to destroy the whole city?" Steve mumble as he dusted his remaining clothes.

The power Kou released was equivalent to a mid-level nuclear bomb. If it wasn't for Steve [Barrier] skill then there is a high possibility of City-Z destruction.

But even for that, the light that came from Kou body generated enough heat to melt most part of the building and some infrastructures around it.

Steve used the skill [Barrier] at the last moment of Kou self-destruction. It was a skill that he got from one of the A-rank hero that he encountered. The skill basically allowed him to create an transparent barrier with the cost of his stamina.

The amount of energy Steve used just to cover up the self destruction was enough to drain the energy of Boros a hundred times.

"Rhena probably already notice the fight here. But I guess, she really had a confidence innmy strength to defeat these guys." Steve gave a hard sigh as he looked at his naked body. "My clothes were destroyed again. . ."


"It is detected that a high density of energy suddenly appear at the City-Z. It is also detected that we lost the signal for Golden Force HA phone so there is a high chance that he was already there and was fighting something."

One of the high ranking officer in that room observe all the screen that was showing video footage of different locations.

"Send a team of A-class heroes that is close to the location and have them analyze the area."

The officer nodded and quickly get back to work.


Minutes later. Four A-rank heroes arrive at the location. The fieat thing they all saw was bodies all over the place, some were melted and some were still fine but they're clearly already dead.

Even being far from the center of the building where Steve fight with Kou, the heat was still alive, making the air around hot.

"What In the world actually happened here?" One of the heroes wonder aloud.

"We don't know what happened that is why we are sent here to find out."


"Come on guys, let get moving. This kind of heat won't really affect us."

"Yeah, but still, it's a wonder what happened here considering this kind of destruction."

"I heard from the HQ that a fight probably happened here which should have ended by now that's why they sent us." That guy then stretch his body before continuing. "I also heard from them that the Golden Force was involved here."

"Really? Then no wonder there's many dead guys here. Golden Force was famous for killing criminals. . ."

The four started walking while observing the whole area. They couldn't help but put up their guard knowing that a massive fight happen here.

They kept walking until they reached the center of the fight. They know that this area was the center by how much heat was around this place and how destroyed this area.

"Seriously, what in the hell happened here? Did someone dropped a bomb here?"

"We don't know but we should already leave this place, it's too much heat that I could barely breath here."

"Let me get a picture of this first to send to the HQ." That guy took out a camera and started capturing the scene.

"Let's go!"

That squad started running back to where they came from, but as they run, they didn't forget to send the Images to the HQ and tell them what they saw.

"Copy that. Get out of that area for now and wait for further orders."


As all of this was happening, Steve was back on his house. He was putting off an illusion that he still have his clothes as he was confronted by Rhena.

"What happened there? I instantly felt thousands of my pets died." Rhena asked as she hugged Steve but at the last minute, Steve stopped her from going further. "Why?"

"Ahem, I'm actually don't have my clothes right now..." Steve said with flustered face.

Rhena who understood what he said looked at his part where his manhood was located and blushed.

(A/N: For those who forgot, Steve had an ability called "Illusion Master" and Rhena knows about that ability. So she knows that he was basically covering his naked body with illusion.)

"I will get you some clothes!"

Rhena quickly rushed to the closet and grabbed a couple of clothes and immediately gave them to Steve who was smiling the whole time. Steve the wear those clothes and gave a satisfied smile after.

Steve noticed that Rhena was still blushing and couldn't help but smile before wrapping his arms around her neck.

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing." Rhena said while hugging him back.

Seeing her cuteness, Steve decided to stopped his plan on teasing her. He then carry her in princess style, surprising Rhena a bit.

"Let's go, I heard that there is a new movie that come out yesterday."



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