
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Kỳ huyễn
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472 Chs

Chapter 406: The real wedding day part 3

[At Diana's hall]

Diana and Claude are currently explaining to me the event that will take place during Rean and Muse as well as Samurai Jacks and Alice wedding, which will take place simultaneously at this hall. The younger group keep repeating the fact that even a high ranking noble will have a hard time booking this hall for any event, which makes this wedding even more special. I must said, that actually makes me proud of them, and also spark my imagination of how my wedding with Diana will be one day, but let just not get too ahead of myself

First, the traditional style, and hearing their explanation

"I see, kinda like what father and mother does, but with many many more additional elements to it" [Ash]

"Pardon?" [Diana]

"My father is Saint Vincent while my mother is Saintess Maria, and my little sister, biologically speaking is Charlotte. You might actually recognize our parents more as the first saint and saintess rather than their names" [Ash]

"EEHHH!" [Other]

"Is that really true?" [Kana]

"Yup" [Ash]

"What a shock" [Flinar]

"Wait, I thought we already told all of you regarding that fact?" [Charlotte]

"After the incident at the mermaid kingdom, we were told by that fact, and we relay it already to all of you" [Elise]

"So why the strong sound of disbelieve?" [Kara]

I see, so Charlotte already knew of that fact. Maybe that explains why she's been clinging to me ever since. Not that I care

"Maybe that's why Goddess Achalasia decided to resurrect you, because of who your parents were" [Diana]

"Saint Vincent and Saintess Maria, if you're their child, it's logical indeed" [Rumia]

"But then how do you explain Charlotte?" [Zerolith]

"And how do you actually knew all of this rather suddenly?" [Karon]

"Well, my parent's souls were the one Protecting me all this time I was controlled by that parasite, so their memories kinda ingrained inside my brain. Regarding Zerolith's question, I have no idea as well. Frankly, it's all too hazy, I still need some time for it to reorganize. Heck, I'm sure I still haven't recovered 10% of their memories" [Ash]

And regarding my resurrection... Maybe what Diana and Rumia theorized were right, but I have a feeling that there's actually a little bit more than that, which is...

"Interesting..." [Alaric]

"True, guess Princess Diana blessing started to rub on him" [Qis]

"?" [Ash]

"The way you're in deep thoughts just now, is how Princess Diana usually looks like when she's thinking, or more precisely, when her all powerful instinct started to kick in" [Alice]

"Is that really alright? Won't it affect Princess Diana in..." [Htilorez]

"I don't think you need to worry. The blessing already been with Princess Diana for so long that I can assure you some of the effect will still remain" [Saint Louis]

"Plus, this is Princess Diana you're talking about, she's still a great leader even without one" [Linda]

"Which makes me wanted support her even more" [Ash]

"Oh Ash" [Diana]

~Clearing throat~ "Rean, do you mind if I sit next to you instead. They're making me cringe" [Charlotte]

"Huh? Sure" [Rean]

Charlotte quickly move and sit beside Rean

"How come you didn't react like that when Muse flirted with Rean?" [Mara]

"I did, but I am now sensitized by it. Need more time before that happens for Brother Ash and Sis Diana" [Charlotte]

"Guess the fact that they're biologically siblings make it more unbearable for her?" [Singa]

"Or maybe because she will not have a chance with Zaidi..." [Savel]

"NO!" [Charlotte]

"Ohh... Interesting... Care to tell me more about it?" [Ash]

~Gulp~ ""..."" ((We are doomed)) [Singa, Savel]

((Such murderous intent...)) [Lara, Nara]

"LET JUST GET BACK TO OUR TOPIC" (Divert the topic back! Divert the topic back) [Rumia]

"R...Right" [Ash]


I keep forgetting the fact that such petite Saintess like her can actually produce such loud ear deafening sound. Let just move on to our next agenda before any bursting sound from her vocal cord escape

After helping some of the preparations, before dusk came, I am already at my limit. Guess I am still on my recovery phase after all. God of Life did controlled me for six years after all, so the damaged wouldn't be done in mere night. I did however, feel grateful for her, since her modification (or maybe it was that damn Saintess Angela the one that did it?) makes me stronger. As such, before I knew it, I fall asleep the moment I rest my back into a nice sofa, and

"It's been awhile, Ash" [Goddess Achalasia]

"That was quick, though I did expect this will happen sooner or later" [Ash]

This is the same phenomenon that happens when I met the goddess, and seeing her all happy really bring joy to my heart as well

"Thank you, for all you have done" [Ash]

"Don't worry, I'm just glad you're fine" [Goddess Achalasia]

I couldn't really express my gratitude much, but this is all I can, so for now, I will just express my sincere gratitude to both Goddess Achalasia and...

"Where's God of Death?" [Ash]

And when I mentioned God of Death, her face change. This is a worrying change...

"I did remember a bit, where Farhah touches my soul during her rite of Avery. That power granted from mother earth, and the fact that God of Death isn't here..." [Ash]

"That's correct. This might be the last chance for this world itself... As such..." [Goddess Achalasia]

She is getting herself ready for something big, and as soon as she reveals her intention

"WHAT!" [Ash]

"You scare us!" [Farhah]

"What was that shout for?" [Aries]

"No... Nothing..." [Ash]

"Are you alright, dear?" [Diana]

"Yes... Yes I am" [Ash]

Should I tell them about it... No. Better not tell them. Should Agnes and the others knew about it, I wonder what will they do

((That just now... Goddess Achalasia)) [Rumia, Seo Ah]

Looks like Rumia and Seo Ah knew that I met the Goddess. Curious as they are, they respect my right to remain silent, and as such, did not pry further into it