
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Kỳ huyễn
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472 Chs

Chapter 138: Kiserre's castle under attack part 5


[Naoto point of view]

"This is the last one!" [Estel adventure]

"Good, bring them as well" [Naoto]

It's a tiring morning as our raid toward the nobles mansion that are involved in a series of slave trafficking as well as serial kidnapping of Kiserre's citizen meet with as expected, many forms of resistances, from their personal armies giving us trouble to the suicidal slaves that are forced to fight us in order to protect their loved ones. But

"Now we just have to believe those in the castle" [Crow]

"True, but..." [Lisa]

"The church, no, the group of church that are said to be Achalasia Externa, they're here aren't they?" [Naoto]

"Most likely, plus, this country is an avid follower of an old teaching, so there's rat hiding everywhere" [Crow]

"Shall we raid the church as well then?" [Kiserre's noble]

"No, Queen Rinz didn't order that, must have her reasoning" [Crow]

The reason. The only reason I can think of is that she doesn't want her citizen to rage over the news that she's ordering the attack on church members. Logical, plus, a covert operation is more beneficial in regard to this matter

"UWAAAA!" [Opposing Noble]

"What, what is happening!?" [Malsia adventure]

"Are you alright sir?" [Lisa]

The noble, and some of the slaves, they're being surrounded by some mysterious energy! And what more

~Chain break~

"Ughhh!" [Kiserre's adventure]

"Pin him down!" [Noble]

"UWAAA!" [slave]

"Stand back!" [Naoto]

That slave tries to use boulder magic and shoot it randomly. With my arrow imbued with thunder stone, I shoot the arrow right above his clavicle, damaging his brachial plexus, rendering his arm useless but

Hoi! Hoi! Hoi! Hoi! That noble, what is he doing!" [Malsia's adventure]

"He's trying to devour the slave!" [Lisa]

"Just what's happening!" [Crow]

"Look, at the castle top!" [Crow's bodyguard]

"That is!" [Lisa]

A Drakon! A gigantic male serpent which is said to possess thousands of arms. This is my first time seeing it plus

(Where did it come from?) [Naoto]

Not to mention

"No doubt about it! That Drakon is the source of this mysterious energy!" [Naoto]

"Agree. I don't know how but the best we can do right now is to paralyze all those who are affected. Let the five of them in the castle handle it" [Lisa]

"You heard the lady! Quickly restraint all those who are affected!" [Crow]

"Knight! Protect the citizen and don't let them get involved!" [Noble]

"Adventure as well!" [Naoto]

"Yes!" [Others]

Stay safe the five of you and defeat that monster

(With that size, power and the current political situation, and not mentioning the malice it brings, it should be classified as an S rank monster, maybe even an SS rank...) [Naoto]


Looks like our plan to piss the prince backfire. The queen did mention that son of his is easily susceptible and tend to lose control when he is angry, so we thought it would be the best to exploit his weakness and bring him down quickly, but

"This Drakon, it's enormous!" [Saint Louis]


"Oh no you don't!" [Ash]

It tries to grab the twin with its giant hand. Obviously I would not allow that. Quickly grabbing those twin, I fire off an explosive bomb magic that are targeted in between his nails and


~Nail scattered~

"Gross!" [Ash]

"Are you two alright?" [Aries]

""..."" [Twin homunculus]

No response. Not, not exactly, they're staring intensely to my scythe, this somehow reminded me of...

"Shield!" [Aries]

~Dark punch block~

"Counteract!" [Aries]

With the prince trying to attack me while I am distracted, Aries quickly safe my ass and counteract quickly

"Thanks!" [Ash]

"Don't get careless!" [Khamishah]

"I won't!" [Ash]


"I have bring the queen somewhere safe, she's currently with her trusted retainer!" [Alaric]

"Good. Bring this twin to the queen as well, and stay there and protect her!" [Saint Louis]

"Understood! Ash, quickly!" [Alaric]

"Right" [Ash]

If we are gonna fight this monster, we need as less distraction as possible, so Alaric guarding the queen and the twin is a smart choice from Saint Louis, but that makes only the four of us fighting this prince turn Drakon

~Dark ball continuously shooting at them~

"Shield!" [Aries]

"Great light ball" [Saint Louis]

With Aries protecting us and Saint Louis counteracts the dark magic ball, Khamishah and I in turn start to once again, attack the Drakon. It's enormous that for sure but that just leave us with more playground to attack and turning his size to our own advantage

"HAAA!" [Ash]


"Such hard scales" [Ash]

My Scythe will be rendered useless, so I should opt for blunt forces like Khamishah did with her neutral mana enhance fist. She quickly torn the scales before using it as a projectile that attacks the soft mucosal layer of the Drakon mouth, nose, ear and eyes.

(I will follow the same tactic!) [Ash]

But instead of my fist, explosion magic ought to do the trick as well, and to further augment it

(Fire explosion magic, earth combustible magic, oxygen rich air, time acceleration magic, strengthen it all with neutral mana!) [Ash]



A double edge sword as I myself get blown away by it but

"Time stop! Tailwind! Time acceleration!" [Ash]

All the numerous scales that are blown away were quickly used by me to attack the soft layer of that Drakon. Well, the prince is still smart enough to block it with a dark shield magic though but

"Light armor!" [Saint Louis]

"Defense up!" [Aries]

"Acceleration!" [Ash]

"Thank!" [Khamishah]

With the three of us buffing her up, Mrs Saga over there quickly torn the shield apart using her fist before ripping the Drakon nose into two (and right in the middle for that!)

"Ice missiles shark!" [Ash]

The main shark will bring Khamishah to safety while the other will use this opportunity to strike down the Drakon weak spot. The flesh from the nose is quickly getting frost bite by my ice shark, and so does the eyes!

"Light armor!" [Saint Louis]

"Light soldiers!" [Saint Louis]

Saint Louis quickly use his light magic to start attacking as well, and as for Aries

"Ash, use that explosion magic and direct it to my shield!" [Aries]

"Right! But be careful" [Ash]

"I will" [Aries]

It's obvious what she will do, but given that this enemy is a tough nut to crack, I guess being reckless is a good option as well, plus, she seems adapted to her style of fighting. Definitely not something one would expect from a paladin

"Great explosion!""Shield!" [Ash, Aries]

All the kinetic energy are being absorbed by her shield, but alas, some of it escape and injured her right arm which is quickly cure by Saint Louis

"Mrs Saga!" [Aries]

"Right! Mana rope!" [Khamishah]

"I'll give you both a boost! Power enhance! Acceleration!" [Ash]

With this, Khamishah quickly throw Aries right toward the Drakon face and

"Giant knight, light golem! [Saint Louis]

The Drakon try to pin Aries down with his multiple arms, all of which are blocked by the golem

"We are not done yet! Light steel, and heatwave!" [Ash]

I cover the golem with a steel armor, and with the hand having multiple sharp protrusion, and the high temperature coming from my heatwave magic melt the regenerating scales of the monster, before gripping it through his flesh


"""Go!!!""" [Ash, Khamishah, Saint Louis]

"Counteract, multiplies!" [Aries]

A blown right in the face! Quickly destroying the monster face, leaving the brain intact right in the middle of it, and

"That's!" [Khamishah]

"The magic core" [Saint Louis]

"Not only that! The prince is inside of it!" [Ash]

"Great light spear, light magic, imbued in my lance" [Aries]

With the two magic thrown right into the magic core, it should be a guarantee win for us but

~Strong darkness beam~

"Shield!" [Aries]

Aries quickly cover herself before hitting the floor, damaging her armour, and

"Earth needle!" [Ash]

"Take my hand!" [Khamishah]

"Appreciate it" [Aries]

This prince sure doesn't know when to give up. But first

"White and dark flame!" [Ash]

Have to prevent the head from regenerating, that way we can deliver a true final blow and

"All this monster, are they?" [Aries]

"I'm positive it is!" [Ash]

Just like how Agnes turned a human into a monster back then, all this monster ranging from undead to an orc, defiled and deformed it may be, are once a human and

"KILL THEM ALL!" [Fawan]

"Get ready!" [Khamishah]