
op MC in multiverse

After a mundane life, he meets an unexpected end. In the void between life and death, a ROB emerges, offering him a new opportunity. Three wishes to shape his destiny and explore new horizons, where challenges and possibilities are limitless. With unwavering determination, he accepts the challenge, ready to sacrifice everything in pursuit of supreme strength.

CWN1223 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

chapter 5 The Legacy of Takeshi and Kiyomi: A Sacrifice of Love and Hope

As night fell, Takeshi felt a growing unease. Years as a shinobi had honed his instincts, and something felt amiss. Silently activating his Sharingan, he scanned the area surrounding their hideout. That's when he detected, in the distance, a familiar chakra signature—one he recognized from his days in Konoha.

Takeshi's heart raced, his mind flooded with thoughts. "How is this possible?" he wondered, disbelief giving way to a growing sense of betrayal. "We've done nothing wrong. The Third Hokage... he assured us safety."

The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. The approaching chakra signatures were unmistakable—ANBU. The bitter truth crystallized in his mind: they had been betrayed.

"Hiruzen..." Takeshi muttered, the pain of betrayal evident in his voice. "How could I have been so foolish? I trusted him, believed in his promises of protection."

Anger and disappointment threatened to consume him, but Takeshi knew he had no time to indulge these emotions. His family's life was in danger.

With a heavy heart, he rushed to the room where Kiyomi was with Shin. "Kiyomi," he called urgently, struggling to keep his voice calm. "We've been discovered. ANBU are on their way."

Kiyomi's eyes widened, a mixture of fear and disbelief reflected in them. "But... how? I thought we were safe here."

Takeshi grasped her hands, his voice trembling slightly. "We've been betrayed, Kiyomi. The Hokage... he sold us out."

The couple exchanged a look laden with emotion—sadness for the peace stolen from them, fear for the uncertain future that awaited them, and a fierce determination to protect their son at all costs.

"We don't have much time," Takeshi said, his voice now firm. "We need to go. Now."

Kiyomi nodded, unshed tears glistening in her eyes. She quickly began gathering essential supplies, while Takeshi picked up Shin, cradling him protectively.

The distant sound of breaking branches alerted them—the ANBU were close. Takeshi and Kiyomi exchanged one last look, full of love and resolution. No matter what happened, they would protect Shin with their lives.

The first ANBU burst through the window, and Takeshi reacted instantly. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" (Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique). A massive sphere of searing flames erupted from his mouth, engulfing the intruder.

More ANBU invaded the house. One shouted "Doton: Doryūheki!" (Earth Style: Mud Wall), raising a protective barrier against Takeshi's flames. Another ANBU seized the opening to launch "Suiton: Teppōdama" (Water Style: Liquid Bullet), firing high-speed water projectiles.

Kiyomi activated her Adamantine Sealing Chains. "Kongō Fūsa!" The golden chains extended, deflecting the water projectiles and creating a protective barrier around them.

Takeshi sprang into action, his Sharingan predicting enemy movements. He dodged an attack, countering with "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu" (Fire Style: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique). Multiple smaller fireballs flew towards the ANBU, each concealing shuriken within. An ANBU was struck in the shoulder, crying out in pain.

An ANBU with a cat mask managed to breach the defense, engaging Takeshi in taijutsu. The Uchiha blocked a sequence of blows, but a powerful kick connected with his ribs, causing him to cough blood. Determined, Takeshi ignored the pain and countered with a spinning kick, launching the opponent against the wall.

Kiyomi faced her own group of attackers. "Suiton: Suijinheki!" (Water Style: Water Wall) A massive wall of water arose to block a barrage of fire projectiles. However, an ANBU flanked the defense, shouting "Raiton: Jibashi!" (Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder). An electric current surged through Kiyomi's body, making her scream in agony. Even so, she remained standing, protecting Shin.

Takeshi, seeing his wife injured, executed "Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu!" (Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire Technique) A dragon of flames roared through the room, incinerating several ANBU. However, the effort left him vulnerable, and a kunai found its way into his thigh, causing him to stagger.

The battle intensified. An ANBU shouted "Fūton: Kazekiri no Jutsu!" (Wind Style: Wind Blade Technique), launching blades of cutting air. Takeshi and Kiyomi were hit multiple times, their bodies covered in deep cuts.

Despite their injuries, the couple fought with fierce determination. Kiyomi, bleeding and exhausted, invoked "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu!" (Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique) An enormous water dragon formed, sweeping away a wave of enemies. Takeshi, barely standing, launched a "Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku" (Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame), a massive wall of intense flames.

The remaining ANBU, seeing the couple's resistance, united forces for a combined attack. "Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu!" (Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique) clashed against "Doton: Doryūdan!" (Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet), creating a mudslide that threatened to engulf everything.

In a final act of desperation and love, Takeshi and Kiyomi positioned themselves in front of Shin. Takeshi, his Sharingan evolving into the Mangekyō, shouted "Amaterasu!", invoking the inextinguishable black flames. Kiyomi, using her last strength, reinforced the attack with "Fūton: Daitoppa" (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough), amplifying the flames to cataclysmic proportions.

The combined attack devastated the remaining ANBU, but the cost was high. Takeshi and Kiyomi fell to their knees, their bodies covered in injuries, bones broken, and rapidly losing blood. Even so, their eyes shone with fierce determination, ready to give their last breath protecting their son.

The room was in ruins, ANBU bodies scattered everywhere. In the center, Takeshi and Kiyomi, badly injured but undefeated, crawled to Shin's crib, prepared to face any remaining threat with the last remnant of their strength.

Takeshi cradled Kiyomi in his trembling arms, both looking at their son with eyes blurred by tears and pain. The blood from their numerous wounds stained the floor around them, their broken bodies barely holding up.

"He has your eyes," Kiyomi whispered, her voice weak and interspersed with spasms of pain. A violent cough shook her body, causing her to spit blood. "And my stubborn chin."

Takeshi choked back a sob, feeling his broken ribs protest with each breath. "He's perfect. Everything we ever dreamed of."

Kiyomi extended her trembling hand, her bruised and bloodied fingers caressing Shin's cheek. "We won't see him grow up, will we?"

Takeshi shook his head, tears mixing with the blood on his face. "No, my love. But he will live. He will carry our hopes, our dreams."

With superhuman effort, Kiyomi concentrated, channeling what remained of her chakra. "Fūinjutsu: Seishin Densō no Jutsu" (Sealing Technique: Spirit Transmission), she murmured. A soft glow enveloped Shin, as fragments of their memories, love, and hopes were sealed within him.

"Shin," Takeshi said, his voice breaking under the weight of emotion and physical pain. "You are loved. More than you will ever know. Be strong. Be kind. Live the life we couldn't give you."

Kiyomi added, her breathing increasingly labored, "We'll always be with you, my little one. In your heart, in your spirit."

With bloodied, trembling hands, Takeshi activated his newly awakened Mangekyō Sharingan, ignoring the agony the gesture caused him. "One last gift, my son." He extracted his eyes, the process drawing a muffled scream of pain, and sealed them inside a summoned crow.

Kiyomi, drawing on her last reserves of strength and her expertise in seals, created a complex arrangement, her fingers leaving traces of blood on the ground. "For you, Shin. Our legacy, our love." She sealed the crow beneath the house and channeled their remaining chakra to Shin, her body trembling with the final effort.

As their life force ebbed away, Takeshi and Kiyomi embraced, their son between them. Their last breaths were whispers of love and hope for the future they would never see, their bodies finally succumbing to the fatal wounds.

Hiruzen Sarutobi arrived at the scene, his aged eyes taking in the destruction. ANBU bodies lay scattered across the floor, testament to the fierce battle that had taken place.

He sighed heavily, a mixture of frustration and sadness etched on his face. Carefully stepping through the debris, he made his way to where Shin was, miraculously unharmed amidst the chaos.

Little Shin, awake and silent, looked with large, frightened eyes at the scene around him. His little eyes moved from his mother's motionless face to his father's, as if trying to understand why they weren't responding to his babbles.

Hiruzen looked at the bodies of Takeshi and Kiyomi, still locked in their final embrace. For a moment, his carefully constructed mask of the unyielding Hokage cracked.

"Was this really the only way?" he murmured, his voice heavy with regret. "You two were so brilliant, so full of potential. In another world, another time..."

He shook his head, trying to compose himself, but the sight of the innocent baby made the task almost impossible. "But the village must come first. Always. Your sacrifice... it won't be in vain. I'll make sure of that."

Gently, Hiruzen lifted Shin. The baby reached out his tiny hands towards his parents, as if begging not to be taken away from them.

"You carry a heavy burden, little one," Hiruzen said softly, his voice choked. "Your parents' hopes, the future of the village. May you grow to be strong enough to bear it."

Hiruzen turned and departed, Shin nestled in his arms, the baby's small fingers tightly gripping his robes. The weight of his decisions, the lives altered and ended by his command, seemed to bow his shoulders.

As he disappeared into the night, the ruins of the house remained as a silent memorial to love, sacrifice, and the harsh realities of the shinobi world. Shin's soft cry echoed in the darkness, a lament for parents he would never know, but whose love would accompany him forever.

I understand that many came to see an overpowered villain MC, but I felt it was necessary to have a strong backstory. The protagonist has a somewhat Machiavellian mindset, as he has never experienced genuine love. But I will explore his thinking and philosophy throughout the novel.

English is not my first language, so I humbly request your feedback on the writing and how I can improve.

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