

OP HERO AGAIN! This is not my first fanfic, but you can consider it my first fanfic. because I didn't improve in any way and decided to start with a clean slate. chapters will be released in a free schedule that is either at the beginning of the week or in the middle or at the end or in the next week. there will be a lot of holes in the plot, but I will try to avoid this. inspired by many other fanfiction, and do not compare this fanfic with others where the quality of the software is better. I tolerate criticism only in a light form, and not by the type of hating. I write only for my own satisfaction, but there may be times when I ask for advice and hope you will help. tags: # winx # harem # travel #magic #friendship #OP #Comedy #family #travel through the worlds #from weak to strong #from poor to rich --- Synopsis it is not known who, it is not known how and it is not known why - dies. and what do you think happened to him? he went to meet the God, who in turn gave mu wishes and re-conquered in another world! what will happen to the person who received all this, will he collect the harem right and left, or will he still decide to settle down? just do not look at the tags, because they are spoilers! and we don't like spoilers! --- I only own my character --- any image I used is also not mine, they belong to their authors

lazy_door · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs


1 year has passed since I received a new mission.

After I turned 7 months old, something happened that really stunned the new parents. Since it became very boring for me to sit in one place, I began to slowly train my body and by the time I was 7 months old, I got up and took my first step in front of my mother.

After this event, a month later, I once again stunned my parents by the fact that I started talking at 9 months old.

With these achievements, I seriously surprised my parents, which made them believe that their son is a genius.

Today I woke up in my room and went to the kitchen, where my parents were having breakfast.

- Good morning, Mom, Dad. - I said, scratching my head a little.

- Good morning, son, sit down, we'll have breakfast now. - Vanessa said, getting up from her chair.

– Good morning, son, - Mike greeted me, then looked at his watch, and hurriedly finished his tea, ran to the exit. - Well, I have to go to work.

- Good luck, Dad! - I said, sitting down on a chair.

After breakfast, we went with my mother to her flower shop.


Today, as usual, I went to work, as much as I would not like, but on this day there was also a fire and my team was called to the store. And without hesitation, we went to the scene of the accident. When I arrived, I immediately gave the order to get ready for watering, and I went to see if there were any more survivors, and as it turned out there was a red-haired girl, but what confused me more was that there was no fire around her, and there was a feeling that the fire was just protecting the girl. Taking the girl, I went to the exit, which turned out to be easier than I thought. When I got out, I gave the girl to the doctor to be examined, and I went to put out the fire myself.

After a while.

Not finding the girl's parents, I decided to talk to Vanessa about her adoption.

POV-Mike (end).

Some time ago.

When I came to the shop, I began to put flower pots on the window. And when there were no empty seats in the window, I sat down and watched TV, and when the flowers were bought, and the place in the window was vacated, I got up and put other flowers.

That's how my day was passing, but suddenly I was distracted from work by a sound that I hadn't heard for a long time.


Mission: To persuade the parents to adopt Bloom.

Reward: 3 tickets

Failure: You will lose a potential younger sister.

When I saw the mission, I stood and stuck it in the corner until my mother called out to me.

- Hey sleepyhead, if you're tired, go rest, I'll finish everything myself. - She said, stroking my head.

- No, everything is fine, I just think something unexpected will happen today.

- Oh, what is it? - taking me by the cheeks, she asked.

- Hmm, I don't know. - with difficulty, I said.

- Well, let's finish and go home, because your father will be coming soon. And at home, dinner is not ready yet! - Vanessa said, putting the flowers she hadn't bought into the warehouse.

- Okay, I'll be done here soon. - I said, starting to clean up.


After putting the pots on the shelves, I went to my mother.

- Mom, I'm done! Can I help you with something? - I asked, looking around.

- No need, I'm almost done, go change the sign for now. - Vanessa said, closing the flower room.

- Okay, I'll be right there. - I rammed, and ran to the door to change the sign to "Closed".

When I got to the door, I saw my father coming into the store.

- Dad, hi! What do you have there? - I asked, looking at the package in my father's hands.

– Oh, mmmm, hi Ryan... - Mike said, trying to think of something to say, but when he was about to say something, he saw me looking at the girl in his arms.

It was a girl with fiery red hair and sky-blue eyes.

- Is this my little sister? – I say, with the most naive smile.

- A..... yes, of course, meet her, her name is Bloom. – he said with a smile and turned his gaze to his mother, who had just entered.

- Vanessa, I thought about it and decided to adopt her! Do you mind?

- Good! - Vanessa said with a smile.

After hearing this, I thought it was easy.


Mission: To persuade the parents to adopt Bloom. - completed

Reward: 3 tickets

Failure: You will lose a potential younger sister.

Have you received 3 tickets - - - - to use?

- Yes, use it! - I said mentally.

Like the last time, a translucent roulette appeared in front of me and began to spin…

This moment of uncertainty is so exciting, now I understand what I missed in the beginning, but I hope I will have more such tasks and awards.


\Obtained the skill "Artist" - 75/100 ur\

\ "Artist" is a skill that allows you to draw what is in your head, and the higher the level, the more knowledge.


\Obtained the skill "Cooking" - 50/100 ur\

\ "Cooking" is a skill that allows you to cook everything that is in the world and will taste better than usual, and the higher the level, the more knowledge.


\Received the skill "Driver" - 100/100 ur\

\ "Driver" is a skill that allows you to ride anything, whether it's a tank or a bicycle.

When I saw this, I began to think about whether I should draw something or someone.


A new mission is available:

Task: draw a manga / comic…

Reward: 1 ticket

Failure: No.

When I saw the mission, I decided to leave it until I was older and decided to relax.


So instantly another 5 years passed.

During this time, I turned 6, and Bloom was 5 years old. Our relationship is quite close, but within the framework of brother and sister. And so, gradually, we are approaching the goal of today's breakfast, which I have been preparing for some time.


In a two-story house, where the rooms could be counted on the fingers of one hand. There was silence, when suddenly a barely audible alarm clock rang from one of the rooms,

When I woke up from the ringing of the alarm clock, I went to the bathroom. While I was washing, I heard the clink of dishes coming from the kitchen, which means that my mother is already finishing cooking.

Having cheered up from the cold water and ready to talk, I went to the kitchen, where the smell of my mother's cooking spread throughout the room, without wasting time, I sat down in my usual place next to my father, while my mother sat on the opposite side with Bloom.

While my mother was laying out the dishes, and Bloom was helping her, I was getting ready and became a little nervous about the upcoming conversation.

"Damn, how to start this conversation" - these were the thoughts that visited my head, but when I wanted to continue my brainstorming, I was distracted by my mother's call.

- Hey, Ryan, don't you really want to eat or don't you like the way your mom cooks anymore, huh? – she said a little sadly. And the reason for this, as you already understood, was that I applied my skill in action, that is, I started cooking - it happened about a year ago.

A year ago.

Today is a very amazing day. Today is my mother's birthday and I decided that a good son should prepare a cake as a gift, and since by a lucky chance I have a skill of the "Master" level, it's a sin not to use it, especially on such a day.

Getting up earlier than everyone else, I started cooking, so as quietly as possible so as not to wake even Bloom, and she is too sensitive to sounds at this time. Having prepared everything necessary, thanks to the information in my head, I began to prepare a cake.

An hour later, the chocolate cake was ready, and I wrote on it with the help of cream:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!" and put it in the refrigerator so that it had time to freeze, and I went to bed, but I didn't know that the birthday girl of that day was watching me, that's how I got caught, like a cooking genius, after that day my mother wouldn't let me into the kitchen, well, only in some cases when she was ill or there was a reason for it. And each time my skill improved.

Back to the present.

- No, everything is delicious as always, I just have a request for you, but I do not know how to tell you about it. - I blurted out in one breath, and enjoyed the sight of my parents ' dumbfounded faces.

- Oh, did my independent son decide to ask us something. Come on, we're listening to you. – she said, slightly moving away from the shock and nudging her father, who had not yet come out of shock.

- M-m? Yes, we are listening to you! - putting down the newspaper, my father said.

- I would like to learn to play musical instruments, can you find me a place to study? - I asked with hope in my eyes.

- And what is it? Since my brother will be there, I also want to, can I? - Bloom asked, her eyes slightly moist.

- Bloom, I'm sorry, but you're still young, and it will be very difficult for you, but since you are so eager, I'll talk to one of the customers and ask him to look at you, he once said that he was a music teacher. Ok? - sipping tea, she suggested.

- Hmm.. if this means that my brother won't play with me, then I don't want him to go there. - she said, almost sobbing.

- Hey-hey, where are these arguments from, I never said that I would stop playing with you, especially since I haven't gone anywhere yet. - I said, going up to her, and hugged her.

Vanessa and Mai, who now saw their children, smiled at their action.

- All right, let's decide on this! - my father said, but then added. - I will also talk to my friends, and tomorrow we will see. Now let's eat, or I'll be late again. – he said and began to stuff his mouth with food, and light chuckles could be heard all over the kitchen.

That's how breakfast goes in this family.


Since today was Sunday, my mother stayed at home, so on such days my mother usually cleaned the house, and watching Bloom was part of my duties.

After my father left, I went with Bloom to her room to play.

The next day

By the ringing of the alarm clock, someone was already standing in front of the locker and choosing what to wear. As you may have guessed, this someone was me. When I got dressed, I decided to show off in front of the mirror, and I saw there was a boy with yellowish-red hair, the same, but slightly close to red eyes. Lowering my eyes a little in front of me, I opened my eyes to an ordinary child's physique with a small layer of fat. I was wearing a red T-shirt and black shorts with sneakers of the same color. I was distracted from admiring by the call of my name from the kitchen.

- Yes, I was a little late today. - I said as I ran to the kitchen.

- Good morning! - Mom said, without turning around from the stove.

- Good morning! - reading the newspaper, Dad said.

- Good morning, brother, let's play? - Bloom asked.

- Okay, just a little later, okay? - I said, passing by her, to which she just smiled and nodded.

- Good morning, how are things going with my training? - sitting down in his seat, he asked with impatience.

- Good morning, son! - after kissing me on the cheek, she continued - I asked the client, and he said that he teaches children to play three musical instruments: the violin, the flute and the piano, and the choice lies with you. How are you doing, Mike?

- My friends have a friend who teaches me to play the guitar. What instrument do you want to learn to play? - he asked, putting the newspaper aside.

- Don't worry, choose which one you want. - she said, noticing that I did not dare to answer.

- In fact, I want to learn how to play these and many other instruments. - I said, lowering my head.

There was silence in the kitchen.

-K-hmm... if you have such a desire, then you can gradually learn to play each instrument, that is, first on one then on the other.

- Is it possible for several?

- Yes, if you can, you can learn with several tools, but don't overdo it. - Mike patted me on the head and said.

When I heard him, I raised my head and said with a smile. - Thank you! I love you, Bloom let's go play.

- Hooray! – when we were about to get up, we heard.

- Hey-hey, of course, we're glad that you want to play, but while you're at the table, I'll ask you to eat first, and then you can go play, Bloom, this also concerns you. – she said with a smile.

"Scary!"- This thought was in everyone's heads, including Dad. (don't make your mother angry.)

- What instruments would you like to play? - my father tried to change the subject.

- Eh? what? - I asked.

- I asked what instruments would you like to learn to play? - My father said, repeating the question.

- I would like to learn everything, but first on the piano and guitar.

- So, you want to meet two teachers at once? Okay, I don't mind, just don't overdo it. - Vanessa said.

- Okay, I'll try, and when are classes?

- Well, as for the one I asked, he is ready to start at least tomorrow, but what about the other one?

- Everything is the same, and now let's eat those, it's getting cold.

- Are you late again?

- What time is it? - Mike asked, turning to look at his watch. - Why isn't the clock ticking?

- It's 7:45, and the clock hasn't been running since last night. - I said, and noticed that he started shoving food and chewing went to get dressed, and while we were laughing, I heard the sound of the door closing.

- Well, it's time for us to go too, help me clear the table, and go, get ready.

After getting dressed, we went to the flower shop, where we spent the rest of the day.

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