
Op Girl with Touhou System

A girl named Mai died when saving a god in disguise, ZUN, from a truck and got reincarnated to another world with a system that specializes in Touhou. Watch as she wreaks havoc on the different multiverse. "What's this? Is this genjutsu?" Asked a certain Konoha traitor. "No, I just manipulate your subconsciousness..." Mai answered. "How can your body become bigger? Do you have the same ability as me?" Asked a certain straw hat pirate. "Nope, The ability I used is Manipulation of density and sparseness..." Mai answered again. "Mongrel! How can your portal shoot out trains!?" Asked a certain golden king. "Because I'm you, but better..." Mai answered for the last time. Can't you guys just read the story already? I think my MC is getting tired of answering so many questions. (The synopsis are not cannon except the first paragraph) 1st world : My Hero Academia 2nd world: ??? ??? world : Touhou Project - The picture is not mine. This is a Fan-fic. I only own the OC. Random Update! - (I always laugh whenever I see a synopsis like this, so I make one myself!)

PlebLord · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

Chapter 13 - Je-Baited!

It's been months since Mai start going to elementary school. Today is the last day of the final exams. In fact, she's already done doing the last test, which is an art subject. The art test for the first-grade students is free-style drawing.

Mai's classmates were all happy about it because they didn't need to study. They can just draw on the paper to their heart content. Some of them even got a good score because of their great drawing. Maybe they already started practicing before they got admitted to the school. Mai also thinks that her drawing was just as good as theirs.

Tomorrow is the day when their scores and rank will be shown. Mai thinks she's doing a pretty good job. Even in history, because unlike in her past life, the history in this world is very pleasing to study. They're all about heroes, so reading history books is like reading a light novel for her.


As Mai suspected, when tomorrow comes and scores from all the tests shown, she gets a perfect score on all of them. But when she looked over to the art department part...

-Mai Waifu: 80-

'Nani?' She questioned herself. 'What did I do wrong?'

Even though Mai didn't want to accept it, there was nothing she could do because it was already there. She can only curse silently on the people who judge such a score. They clearly have no sense of art.

Mai didn't realize that her drawing was suck. Her paper test only has two mountains next to each other, the sun rises in the middle, and also, between the two mountains, there was a long road. That's it. It's expected that her score would be mediocre.

But even then, the fact that she got a perfect score on every subject except art was still mind-blowing for others, especially her fans/followers(slave). Some teachers even think she's some kind of one in a thousand years genius or something.

After Mai has done examining her score, she planned to go home right after Bull Ying finished with the parents and teacher's meet and greet.

Right now, Mai was standing near the entrance of a room, waiting for Bull Ying who's inside with many other parents. After waiting for a while, the door opened. Bull Ying is the one who came out first. She glared at the three orphanage boys standing near Mai, but her gaze turned to warmth when she looked at Mai.

"Mai, the teacher said she will be waiting for you at the teacher's office. Go there first, after that, we'll go home!" Bull Ying said to Mai with her usual loud voice. She didn't care about what other people think. "As for you three... hehe..." The three boys then pissed in their pants. They know they f*%#-ed up!

"Alright, I'll go..." Mai quickly went to the teacher's office. She didn't want to stay any longer and smell the stinky liquid coming out of their thing. The people near them also started to make some distance because of the odor that has already spread far and wide.

Mai then came right in front of the teacher's office. She opened the door and went inside.

"Mai-chan, I'm glad you came!" It's Mai's homeroom teacher, Catty Purry, who said that. She stands from her seat while waving at Mai, signaling her to come over.

Mai then goes near her teacher, walking through all the other teacher's seats. "What is it, teacher?" Mak asked with her usual flat tone when she's already in front of the teacher's seat.

"Didn't I said to just call me Ms. Catty? Well, actually, Many teachers would like to know how you would fare if you did a higher grade exam. So we want to do just that. We just need your permission. Do you want to do it?" After the explanation, the teacher asked.

"No," a quick answer from Mai. "What would I gain from doing it anyway?"

"Wh- What would you gain? Um... Umm....." The teacher then began to think really hard to find the answer, but she didn't found it. She knew that the school funds were very small. As for her salary, don't even think about it. There's literally nothing to give Mai.

The teacher then remembered a rumor that she heard a few times this year. 'Mai likes girl!'

The teacher then snatches a look at Mai and then blushed a little. 'If- If it with her, maybe... nonono what am I thinking, she's still a child! Also, the student-teacher relationship is taboo! But... there's nothing else that I could do... so...' She then decided.

"I- I'll let you use my body for one day if you do the test!" The teacher said loudly while stuttered a little at Mai. Fortunately, there's no one else in the entire teacher's office now, except those two. If not, that sentence right there was the equivalent of buying a VIP ticket straight to jail.

'What the freak is she talking about?' Mai asked in her own mind. She didn't know why her teacher had offered it to her but it was already determined that she wouldn't perform the test.

Just as Mai was about to say no, she came up with an idea. Her gaze then moves to look at her teacher's big booby. Her teacher blushed again because of that. Actually, Mai was just looking at random, while she's thinking if it worth doing the test or not.

"Alright, I'll do it..." Mai answered. She got her personal reason for that. She knows that she'll get her objective after she has done doing the test.

"C- Come to my house tomorrow, ok? H- Here's the address!" Said the teacher, blushing, while handing Mai a small piece of paper that has her house address in it.

Mai takes the piece of paper from her teacher's delicate hand and then went out of the room. She quickly goes to the school entrance. There, she saw Bull Ying and the three orphanage boys waiting for her.

The three boys from Mai's orphanage had a red print on their cheeks, their pants looked different, also there's no more smell came out of them. They've changed their pants to a new one borrowed from the school. As for their red cheeks, it's self-explanatory.

All of them quickly boarded the bus while it still waiting for more passengers. As soon as the bus was full, it drove them to the orphanage.


The days turned. Mai already told Bull Ying about what happened in the office. Of course, Mai only told her about the test. Bull Ying was just gladly approved of it. That's why right now, they were on their way to Ms. Katty's house. It was surprisingly close, around 300 meters from her orphanage. That's why they walk there, to save money.

Bull Ying definitely won't let her go there alone, which is why she's going to take Mai to her teacher's place. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the appointed house.

It was a two-story building. Even though Catty Purry's salary is so little, it didn't mean her family was poor. It was her family's house.

She was still living in her family's house not only because her salary was low but also because she still had no husband that will take care of her. Even if that's the case, Ms. Katty wouldn't easily ask for money from her patent. She still has her pride. Also, she wants to become self-sufficient.

Bull Ying knocked on the door. Katty Purry was just in the middle of watching some show on Tv when she heard the door of her house being knocked. She turned off the Tv with the remote and hurriedly walk toward the door.

She opened the door and saw Mai, standing in front of it with her guardian. She then invited them into the house.

Bull Ying politely refused. She knew that Mai was here to do some test and it would take much time for it to complete, so she wants to go back to the orphanage.

Mai was told to wait in the living room on the sofa while her teacher talked to Bull Ying. After waiting for a while, she heard the door being closed. It looks like Bull Ying already went back. She then saw her teacher walking to her with reddened cheeks.

"Umm... p- please wait, I'll go pick the test papers! A- Also, I already told your guardian that I'll accompany you back to the orphanage when you have already done..." The teacher then leaves Mai alone in there. Mai just looks around the room. There are many pictures on the wall. It's the picture of the teacher and her family. They look happy together.

"H- Here they are!" A stack of papers fell down on top of the table in front of Mai. It was her teacher who brings it there. Mai also took notices that her teacher already changes her clothing into that of her usual teaching uniform.

Mai sends a look at those cursed pieces of paper. 'It's really gonna take a long time,' she thought to herself. She then starts working on the test.

Catty purry is just sitting near Mai. She'll be checking the test papers as soon as Mai finishes one. She would sometimes fetch water for Mai to drink. They also had lunch together. That's because Mai always gladly accepted whatever things her teacher have her.

Mai took the test for ten whole hours. All the questions on the paper have been answered. It was then that Catty Purry realized that Mai had just completed the exams, not only of all subjects but also of all grades from the second to the sixth grade. It slipped her mind earlier because of her condition focusing on checking Mai's answers. She thought that it would be done around a week or something like that but it was all wrong.

Catty purry then start examining Mai's last paper. Then she also realized that all the test papers she examined had the same score. Even art, because it's all full of questions. Her hand that was holding the paper trembled. 'This is the true genius!'

"Anyway, teacher, where is your family?" Mai asked curiously. She hasn't seen them at all even though it was already ten hours since she came here.

"O- Owhhh... th- the truth is, my family, is on a far trip holiday right now, so it's just the two of us in the house..." Catty Purry said while fidgeting her hand. She blushed hard.

'That's not the information that I want to hear though!' Mai reprimanded her teacher on her thought.

"M- Mai-chan! As for the present for doing the test I... I..." Catty Purry suddenly stood up from her seat. She unbuttoned her teacher's uniform, showing a laced black-colored bra inside. The color contrast makes her pure white skin look even more beautiful.

She finally finished taking off her uniform completely. Her bountiful booby can clearly be seen just behind her bra. She then moved her hand over her skirt, thinking of lowering it down. But her hands were quickly restrained by Mai.

"Teacher, why are you doing this. Please don't think of yourself so lightly. Did you really want to do this? Just think about your own future, what would become of you..." Mai tries to gently said. She stopped holding her teacher's hands and crouched down, pick up her teacher's uniform off the floor, and cut the dust away.

"Here, teacher..." Mai then gave it to her teacher, who just blankly received the uniform. Then, tears start pouring down from her eyes. "Uwaaa~ Uwaaaa~"

Mai didn't know what to do in this situation, so she picks the most simple action. "Yosh... Yosh..." Even though the tone she uses is flat, it was all balanced off with her soft hand patting the head of her teacher.

"Hic! Hic" The teacher began to calm down a little but there's still a little sniffle. "I apologize for showing you this state of mine. I'm really sorry mai-chan~!" The teacher said while pulling Mai's hands and holding them tight.

"It's okay. Anyway, can I go home now, teacher?" Mai asked when she saw from the window that the sky was getting darker.

"Yes, let's go!" Her teacher answered her eagerly.

"Teacher, you forgot to wear your clothing..." Mai said flatly.

The teacher just blushed and quickly put on her uniform. She was now back to her perfect self. She then goes toward the door and opens it, Mai followed her closely from behind. They then began their journey toward Mai's orphanage.

On the way...

"Teacher, how about my score?" Asked Mai.

"Hmmm? Oh! You got a perfect score on all of the tests! Congratulation Mai-chan! You're really awesome!" Exclaimed the teacher.

'Yeah!' Mai cheerfully thought to herself. That's what her true objective was. She wants to know if she had any weaknesses in any subject from different grades. Her goal is to get a perfect score on the school's official test from now until her graduation. It would be very cool if she could pull that off. Perhaps it could also be considered an incident. Oh, talking about incident...


- Incident: School Idol (Ongoing)

Prize: 15800 Incident Points (Collect?)

-Incident: Genius Student (Ongoing)

Prize: 750 Incident Points (Collect?)


Mai's popularity was pretty high when she's still in the middle of her first-grade. Her fan/followers were divided into 2 factions. The boy's faction and the girl's faction. They always fight when Mai's not around.

Catty Purry, Mai's homeroom teacher likes to check on her class whenever she wants to go home. That's the place usually used by the two factions to start their fight. Since Mai always went out of class as soon as the school bell rings, they use the time before they got picked up by their parents to start a fight.

"Friend-san likes boys more!" Said the boy's faction.

"No! Friends-san likes girls!" Said the girl's faction.

Every time they were bickering with each other, Catty Purry always comes at the 'Friends-san likes girls!' part. She knows that other students started to call Mai as Friend-san. That's why she knows they were talking about Mai.

"What? A girl student in my class like girls?" The teacher didn't know that they were just bickering, she always runs off because of shock whenever she checks her class and heard them say that.

Also, she never verified whether the matter was right or not with her students because it was just embarrassing, so she never knows about the truth.

A 13th chapter has been finished!

An accomplishment indeed!

Another thing for you guys to read!

And then for your heart to be filled!

Also, last but not least, happiness is all I needed!


PlebLordcreators' thoughts