
OP Character - Ancient Being Predecessor of the Primordial Era

Light Novel - Isekai / Cultivation / OP MC / System This is the 'WalkingWreckingCrew'. Temper Expectations - First Cultivation Novel. Lots of proof of concepts James Anderson is thrown into an isolated space. He shouldn't be there. No ancient being to guide him or fully unlock his system. For eons he was stuck by his lonesome. Only the notifications of rewards and change kept him from going insane, but even that eventually faded. More time than he could remember passed. Until he decided to end it all. He jumped off the ledge of a flying island. Unbeknownst to him, a tear in reality opened. And it dumped him into a cultivation world gone awry. Demons and evil cultivators now dominate the world while the righteous clans and sects hole up on their mountain peeks. Why they hide... well, let just say James had something to do with it... Follow James Anderson, or is it Yin Hu, as he is dragged into petty squabbles and the lives of the last remaining Hu Family members Hu Shui and Hu Xinyi. Will he eventually achieve is ultimate dream? Would there finally be his dream lady to pamper him after eons of struggling? Or maybe he should begin a harem chasing adventure? Follow James (Yin Hu) as he navigates the world with the belief that he isn't that strong. Cover Art attributed to - I made that shit!

Daoist5zsSmc · Huyền huyễn
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28 Chs


Good afternoon!

Quick update! Thanksgiving!

Last week has been wild and too busy for anything. Hopefully everything will return to normal schedule. Chapters will be released on normal schedule starting Thursday! I know itll be a while till then, but I need to get caught up and back into practice before committing any words to paper. Dont want to mess this fickle story up as it is.

In return, ill be answering questions posted here (in the comment section) tomorrow as a post! Wont be every single question or Ill have be a dissertation and thesis on my hands real quick!