
Ooze: Rage of a Demon King

Awakening from an ancient slumber, the Demon King's reign of terror births an insidious villain - the Ooze. As it devours and evolves, the Ooze threatens to engulf the realm in its grotesque grasp. An epic tale of monstrous power, unspeakable horror, and the relentless pursuit of domination.

Elias_Least · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

One Must Fall

In the grand hall, the king, surrounded by his council, grappled with the grim reality of his knights' downfall. The news had hit like a physical blow, a silent, soul-crushing echo of what had been lost.

The once vibrant, echoing chamber now hummed with a low dread, the hope that once bloomed, wilted under the oppressive darkness of despair. The king's gaze swept the room, landing on the priests and wizards, their faces etched with defeat.

An urgent plea escaped his lips, breaking the stifling silence, "Has our faith forsaken us?" His voice, although steady, failed to mask the raw pain that flickered in his eyes.

The head priest, his face etched with years of devotion, met his gaze. "Our faith remains, my King," he said, his voice a balm against the echoing silence, "but we must remember that faith alone cannot win wars."

The wizard, his eyes a reflection of the arcane arts, chimed in, his voice grating against the quiet, "And our magic has found no weakness in this demon king, no secret to his fall."

The weight of their words hung heavy in the air, a grim acknowledgment of their limitations. The scent of old parchment and incense did little to mask the lingering taste of defeat.

The council's wisdom, once their beacon, now seemed an inadequate shield against the demon king's might.

The king, however, found a spark of resolve amidst the despair. In his heart, a silent war waged between hope and desperation. Yet, he knew his duty. It was not the divine or magic that would save his kingdom; it was him.

Rising from his throne, the king addressed the council, his voice a thunderous vow echoing throughout the grand hall, "If our knights have fallen, our faith and magic waver, then it is I who must face the demon king. I shall bear this burden for my people."

The news of the king's resolve spread throughout the kingdom. Panic was replaced by a glimmer of hope. The streets, once desolate, began to hum with whispered prayers for their king. In the face of encroaching darkness, the king's determination ignited a spark, a glimmering promise to reclaim their lost light.

The king, flanked by his most trusted priest and sage, strode into the ancestral temple. The air thrummed with ancient power as they neared the celestial pedestal, cradling the dragon scale armor. This relic, shimmering under the morning sun, had once protected his forebears against the demon fire.

His touch sparked a connection, bridging the past and present. The whispers of his ancestors resonated in his soul, their legacy now his to uphold. As he donned the armor, the weight of his duty was countered by the invigorating surge of purpose. He was the king, the protector, the beacon against the impending storm of dread.

The second pedestal awaited, bathing in heavenly light. Upon it lay a sword of radiant brilliance, a divine gift said to be forged from a star by a celestial guardian. This blade, renowned for its ability to cleave any surface, had been passed through his lineage, a symbol of divine favor and protection.

Heart pulsating in rhythm with the luminous aura of the sword, the king stepped forward. He was not merely holding a weapon; he grasped the legacy of his forebears, each a king, each a realm's guardian.

Clad in ancestral armor and wielding the celestial blade, the king was an embodiment of divine resolve. He was ready to face the demon king, carrying the weight of his duty, the survival of his kingdom, and the legacy of his ancestors. The world would not fall into a hellish reign on his watch. The battle was about to begin.

Grasping the hilt of the celestial blade, the king felt a surge of power, as though a divine entity stood by his side. He raised the sword, its radiant light casting ethereal shadows around the sacred temple.

The whispers of his ancestors echoed around him, their legacy not a burden, but an empowerment. Clad in his ancestral armor and wielding the celestial sword, he was the beacon of hope his kingdom needed.

Emerging onto the castle parapet, the wind carried the whispers of his anxious people. Their faces, a blend of fear and hope, looked to him for salvation.

Holding the blade aloft, he announced, "I have taken the oath to protect you, my people. In this sacred duty, I shall not fail. I will not falter, and I will not fall." His pledge resonated, silencing the crowd before they erupted into cheers.

Amid the jubilation, the king turned to his court wizard, a sagacious figure versed in ancient magics. With intricate hand movements, the wizard opened a swirling portal of magic.

After one last reassuring glance at his people, the king stepped into the vortex, ready to confront the heart of darkness.

As the portal closed, an awed silence fell over the crowd. Their king, their champion, had embarked on a perilous journey to combat the demon king, carrying their hopes and prayers. The battle between light and darkness had begun.

The King was instantly on guard as he viewed his new surroundings. The forest burned around him but either the sword or the armor kept him safe as the grey haze seemed to clear a path for him.

He could see a cave entrance just ahead and knew that this was where the demon king had made it's lair. He could feel the embodiment of evil even if he were not wearing his ancestral garb.

The demon king too knew that there was an adversary that had come to seek him out. The armor and weapon that the mortal had worn to combat him was a beacon of light on the darkest of nights.

It shown like the sun and the demon king did not appreciate the disturbance. He began to make his way to the cave entrance.

Both combatants stopped simultaneously as they saw each other. They each knew that the creature in front of them was the entity that emanated the influence that was the antithesis of all they were.

Light and Dark, two primeval forces that could not exist at the same time. One must vanquish the other or be cast into oblivion, there was no other option.

The human king took a step forward and raised his sword as the light that it exuded became ten times brighter than it had been. At the same time the demon king took a step forward and a halo of darkness surrounded his entire being that seemed to completely consume any light that was shed his way.

They picked up speed with each step, running toward each other knowing that only one would survive this day and both assured themselves that it was their fate to do so.

The human king raised his celestial sword with a holy battle cry, "My light shall strike you down and send you back to hell you foul demon!" and with that, the sword came down to strike the demon king in an audible and heavenly thunderous roar.

For a brief instant the demon king knew fear. It had never experienced such a thing in all its existence. The sword was bright and it could not see the direction from where it was striking. The demon lifted its hand in defense for the first time in any battle it had ever fought.

The human king saw this weakness in mid strike and bared down on the blade even harder with a smile on his face, knowing that he could mortally wound this dastardly foe with one single strike.

A hardened black fingernail was the first thing to be hit by the great celestial sword and it flew away towards the cave mouth. As the strike continued into the next finger the blade suddenly stopped.

The human king looked up in confusion, not understanding how this was possible. The weapon of his ancestors was forged in light and could cut through anything. He wanted to scream at the heavens for their betrayal, but all he saw were slitted eyes and a gruesome maw.

A deep and rumbling voice echoed around the human king in response to his earlier war cry, "My darkness was here long before your light, and when your light is extinguished, my darkness shall remain."

With that, the demon lord ripped the kings head off of his body and threw it to the cave mouth. The head landed directly in a pool of black muck, left with a perfect view of the demon king devouring his own royal headless corpse.