
So what if your phone is waterproof

Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

The chauffeur was a long time driver of the Shi family and had been chauffeuring Shi Yu since he was young.

The three young masters of the capital, aside from Shi Yu, of course recognized Mu Bai and Tang Yan.

Even though Mu Bai had went abroad for four years, the driver still recognized him at a glance, and hurried to help Mu Bai into the car.

"You send him back."

Shi Yu closed the door and had no intention of getting into the car.

"Young master, what about you?" The chauffeur hesitated. "Or should I call another car to pick you up, it's already so late..."

"No need."


He did not give the driver to finish his sentence as Shi Yu turned around and left.

The chauffeur looked at the back seat where Mu Bai was totally wasted. He had to start the engine and drive away.

It was already ten o'clock and it was pitch black all around...

And tonight, Shen Chen had insomnia.

She tossed and turned on the bed. However, she still could not fall asleep.

Finally she got out of her bed and went to the window as she pushed it open.

The wind was blowing strong and her long hair fluttered in the air. It gave her a tinge of mysterious charm.

She leaned against the window with her eyes half-closed...

Suddenly, what happened four years ago flashed past in her mind...

"Lil'Chen, when both of us reach the age of marriage, will you marry me?"

"You take a guess."

"I think you would. Oh you, why won't you marry me?"


At that time, Shen Chen was sixteen, Mu Bai was twenty.

"Shen Chen, you country bumpkin! Why don't you go home and look at the mirror, and look what sort of person you are! You're not even an adult and you are already trying to seduce a man? You shameless harlot!"

"I did not seduce your son."

"You did not? Are you kidding me? You had been pestering my son all day long, so much so that he did not even want to go overseas anymore! You are nothing but a curse!"


"There's fifty thousand, take it and get lost! Don't pester my son ever again!"

"I have no need for that."

"No need is it? Just you wait!"


"This basin of water, is for you to remember that YOU—are not good enough for my son!"


"You don't have to act pitiful, my son will go abroad tomorrow, and will never see you ever again!"

At that time, Shen Chen was seventeen and Mu Bai was twenty-one.

That was also the day she was dumped.

An attractive smile appeared on her face without her noticing.

The hell with that shitty first love?! F*ck off!

She opened her eyes and suddenly frowned.


Downstairs by the Chinese parasoltree, a man, whose features was so perfect even the Gods would be envious, was there.

Who else would that be other than that b*st*rd?!

He looked up at the direction of Shen Chen's window and a faint smile appeared on his face. The smile was deep that one could not see through its meaning.

As soon as she saw that face, Shen Chen wanted to rip it apart and feed it to the dogs!

Thirty seconds later...


A basin of water poured down and Shi Yu was soaking wet.

Water flowed down his chiselled chin. Oh the humilation...

The smile at the corner of his mouth froze as his handsome face turned sullen.

Shen Chen upstairs was laughing her guts out!

Shi Yu looked at her as a icy cold flash gleamed across his eyes.

Splashing him with water?



Shen Chen cleared her throat and finally stopped laughing.

She climbed onto the window and sat on the window sill as she looked down, all the while throwing a provocative glance at Shi Yu.

Yes, a provocation!

A blatant provocation!

"Shen, Chen!"

A dangerous aura emenated all over his body as terrifying as Asura from hell.

Shen Chen's raised her eyebrows and thought nothing of it.

Shi Yu looked at her coldly and then his thin lips moved slowly. "You better pray that you won't get chopped off and fed to the wolves!"

As he said that, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

Shen Chen snorted.

You're rich and your phone is waterproof. So what?

She pulled the curtains with a derisive snort.