
Only My Girl

This is my life. Very flat and empty, until Pelita illuminates my life. Pelita is, "Pelita Nafisa". One of the millions of women with mysterious characteristics, one of the many women who can make my feelings interested in her, and one of hundreds of women on campus, who are not interested in my good looks. I'm Devana Clano, stupid but handsome students and also rich, said the love war will begin soon after this. Pelita, wait for me. I will definitely win your heart, even though you don't love me. I will make you the first, even though you make my last mention. I will make you one, even though I became one of them for you. Wait and then just get it until it arrived. I will keep trying to fight for you until I get your heart. Until that time arrived, I would continue to hope for Goddess of Luck who sided with my side. Whatever happens, I will continue to pay attention to you, until you melt your cold heart. I hope I'm lucky, and hope you love me back.

AurasylaXliniara · Thành thị
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37 Chs

Bad Dream

"New beginnings are good endings and bad starts aren't necessarily bad ones." -Selvina Aurellia

Vina Pov's


It's as if the darkness will devour me at any moment when I least expect it.

Cold and warm.

The whole thing together was a feeling that seemed to choke my breathing.

This incoherent incoherent feeling really makes me want to end my life as quickly as I can.

What is all this painful feeling? Suddenly, a picture of me appeared in a blood-splattered fresco that says "Dead Aurel" on the painting.

I don't know what this is about, but the painting and the name Aurel that was there was me.


Aaaah~ it's been a long time since that day, a day like how I left someone behind, also the day when my memory of the year even before it disappeared in one night.

Aurel was a nickname given by someone, someone whose name and face I don't remember, and someone who looks like I've wiped from my memory at this moment. I hope and pray I can remember that person later.

Test. Test.

Somehow my tears came when I didn't remember anything at this moment, and yet I couldn't stop crying right now.

My defense seemed to collapse in a second when I wanted to remember the important thing I had forgotten that night in my mind, so sad.

"W-why, w-who are you? Wh-why did I forget you? But when I memorized that call for a second... I 'm-i'm in a lot of pain."

I say weak on a water floor in this dark room. Somehow it really hurts my mind, my heart, and my body at the same time.

I cried and cried until this ocean turned into a sea of blood, the dark space I saw slowly turned as red as blood, and my painting slowly faded into someone's face. Someone who is missing from my memory, but really hurts me inside.

Who is that person? Did I make any mistakes in the past? Like I wasn't, but I couldn't move my body to get close enough.

My body froze, and I couldn't even blink my eyes at all. It was painful, excruciating as if I'd been given a fitting return for some foul deed in the past.

Someone, please save me from this nightmare. No, but it looks like a hell of a world. Please, get me out of here! I cannot endure this torture any longer. Anyone.. Please.. !

All of a sudden it turned out to be a woman and a man I didn't recognize.

'Nyahahah! For help? - Nyahahaha! Not a chance!'

Who is he? What is the point of all this? Did I have any problems with them?

Somebody help me! Please get me out of all this confusion!

'Ooh Ooh~ That ancient man still has not given me a memory medication? Nyahahah! Very heretic!'.

An old-fashioned guy? Memory medication? What is the meaning of that woman's speech??!!.

'Eeh ~ someone wonder what 'Old Friend' looks like. Hmph! Well, your wish shall be granted! Get over here!'.

For some reason, all of a sudden my body just flew up to that woman. I don't understand, but all I know is that women and men don't have real bodies like me.

Slowly she yanked my body so hard that I hit a hard wall next to her.

'Nyahahah! Please accept my welcome, Aurel! Heyaaaa!'.


'Vino... ? But why..??!'.

The man called Vino is use his body as a shield when she wants to stab me with a thousand stones.

The blue blood rushing from his face. He smiled, for some reason that smile was familiar to me, but I can't remember it right now.

Vino? Firing my bladder?

'.. Stop hurting her. It was an accident, and she... She was also a victim in the accident. So you have no right to hurt her, do you understand me, Ell?!'.

Whoosh! ~

The thing that had just snapped my neck all of a sudden, I was coughing with my breath in a row.

The woman called Ell by a man named Vino bit her lips hard enough to resist her wrath when possible.

I stayed in my place until the thing that had been around my neck started pulling my hands under my fingers.

What kind of accident was this guy Vino? Why did I become a victim, too?

'Why?! Why do you always stick to the wrong side? Why! Why are you protecting people who were near your killer that year? Why are you defending a sister who doesn't even know her own brother, WHY?!!!!'.



"Vina? Why? Do you feel pain?". Asked Deva in a worried tone.


End pov's

( Normal Pov's )

been sitting nearly two hours since Vina woke up in the school infirmary. Deva did not take her eyes off Vina's face, he kept watching Vina's calm face while unconscious.

According to the doctors at her school, Vina was just tired and needed more rest and passed out. Even so, Deva kept Vina all alone, even Jefri he banished her from here.

Deva looked down, 'Be quick to wake up, Dear..'. Deva said in his heart.

"Nnnghhhmmmm.. Hiks....."

Deva lifted back her face hoping Vina had woken up, but it turned out that Vina was crying in her passing out.

Deva took Vina by his hand, "Vi - Vina.. Are you awake, honey?".

Vina still closes her eyes and mutters something, "Nggghhhhmmmm.... Hiks...N-n-no." Murmured Vina with a face that looked painful.

Deva is freaking out. As much as he could have woken Vina from her subconscious, but it's like vina's been out all the time.

Deva repeatedly rocked Vina's body slowly, but the result was the same as before.

"Wh- who is h-he.." Murmured Vina, over and over.

"Vina, it's me Deva!". Deva said hope Vina heard it.

"He- help....."

"Ngghhhh, hah, hah, hah..."

Vina's expression in her muttering was unnatural to Deva. Deva grew more worried, now he tried to roust Vina by patting her on the cheek a little louder.

But the result was the same and somehow his tears came.

Deva wiped the tears that fell on Vina's cheeks, "Vina.. Honey?.. Get up... Don't make me worry." Said Deva, who had been constantly wiping out Vina's tears.

"Do- Don't be careless..."

Deva raised one up by his eyebrow, "Don't... Vina... - "

Vina mutters Deva's words, "Vi - Vino.. Who is he..."

Deva paused for a moment, "Vino.. ? That's Vina's real brother from last time. Is vina having a bad dream?". Mumbled Deva.



Vina suddenly awoke screaming loudly. Like at the end of the dream he experienced something so heavy, that he cried out as he awoke from his nightmare.

"Vina? Why? Do you feel pain?". Asked Deva in a worried tone.

Vina gasps and begins to breathe her irregular breaths. He didn't answer Deva's questions right away, but he pinched his own arm first.


Deva's closing her eyes, "Vinaaa! Don't hurt your arm!". Deva's protest.

Vina still doesn't realize where Deva is, she goes back silent and daydreams.

"Two bottles of Vino?.." Murmured Vina.

Deva tilted her head, "OY!". Deva snapped out of Vina's daydream.

Vina was surprised for a moment, "Dev? Since when did you sit there?".

"Huh~ I sit in here for 2 hours waiting for you to wake up!. Hmph."

Vina switched her sitting position facing Deva, "Did I during the blackouts murmur something?". Ask Vina.

Deva was going to answer yes, but he didn't want to make Vina think about the things that had caused her pain during the blackout. So Deva shook her head quickly.

"No, you passed out really quiet earlier." Deva's lie.


"Right, Dear..."

"Hm, Hm, good for me! By the way, what time is it, Dev?".

Deva saw his wrists, "Now.. I don't know, I left it with Jefri. Maybe around 2:00?".

Vina sighed, "Let's go to class!". Said Vina by pulling Deva's hand.

"Eehh? Wait a minute! Are you all right now?".

Vina didn't answer and kept pulling Deva's hand by running a small run. "I'm fine, come on!".

{ In somewhere.. }

'Target already knows the fact now'


'Well, get it done!'.

Thanks for 3k readerss!!! ;(♡♡

Enjoy reading !

AurasylaXliniaracreators' thoughts