
Chapter 3

A week went by and every day, Anélion went to Cayle's room, trying to have some contact with him, but the girls always stopped him.

It was then that one day, Cayle forgot to bring something to eat and had to go to the cafeteria.

He chose a sandwich and when he was about to pay, someone grabbed his arm.

As the chains on his body did not stir, it meant that there was no murderous intent aimed at him, which made him lift his head and face the owner of those hands.

-All right. I pay for you. _The same boy who always went to the living room and took his peace for being surrounded by girls offered to pay for his lunch.

Cayle did nothing. He didn't thank him, and he didn't even smile, just picked up his sandwich, gave a symbolic nod and left.

The boy quickly paid and followed Cayle, watching him from behind and seeing that he was very small and delicate.

It appeared to be extremely fragile.

He put his arm around the younger's shoulders, drawing everyone's attention to them.

Anélion was an extremely popular boy and that was already flashy in itself, but seeing him with a nobody like Cayle, all full of smiles in the way he never directed at any other girl made everyone jealous.

Realizing this, Cayle decided to put an end to that physical contact.

He walked away, thanked the older man for paying for his lunch and left.

Anélion looked like an idiot. When he went to feel in his pockets for his cell phone, he saw a bill of money that shouldn't be there and smiled.

Cayle had surreptitiously returned the lunch money.

-He's so adorable.... _smiled silly, drawing the attention of one of his friends who were nearby.

-Won't you tell me that the great Anelion, gentleman gentleman, is in love with that boy? he asked provocatively.

-Shit! _Anélion covered his friend's mouth and dragged him away from other people. _How did you find out? he asked surprised.

-Dude, you're an open book. It's obvious that you would be in love with him. You always go to his office and when you see him you're smiling like an idiot. _spoke rolling his eyes.

-OK! You got me this time! _Anélion said sighing defeated.

Matthew started to laugh at his friend's nervousness, patting him on the back.

-But man, why did you like him right away? You know.... He's so... how can I say? _spoke thoughtfully.

- I can only tell you it's a secret. _said giving a wink, making Matthew roll his eyes.

-But it seems he doesn't even care about its existence. _ mocked.

-Truth. I've been trying to invest in him, but the girls in his class always fly at me when I show up, so I tried a different tactic today, but I don't know if he liked it. _commented crestfallen.

-Like this... I even admit it. He's very cute and small, but it's not something that will appeal to a "popular gentleman" like you. _said making quotes.

-But I love him. It's the cutest little thing in the world and extremely adorable, it makes you want to go everywhere. _Anélion spoke with a silly smile.

-Looks like this kid really stole your heart. You look like an idiot saying these things. In fact, a maniac for wanting to keep following him. _Matthew commented amused.

While they were talking animatedly, Cayle tried to jump out of the building again, failing.

The chains caught on the wall and he hung on them, swinging in the wind.

-Shit!!!!!!!! he yelled annoyed. _I wanna die! _said stressed.

The chains placed him on the ground and then entered his body.

He returned to the classroom as if nothing had happened.

-O! Why can't I just kill myself like everyone else? _he thought without paying attention to the class, taking a warning from the teacher.

-No problem anyway. It's not like I have anyone at home to see this role. she spoke coldly, waving the warning in her hands.

The teacher felt a tightness in her chest.

That boy was so young and small, but he had already known a lot of pain in his life.

Thanks for reading! >3<