
Chapter 21

“Is there going to be some kind of performance?” Olivia inquired, pointing to the stage in front of her, decked out with musical instruments.

“Olivia, how could you possibly forget? Don't you remember the annual inter-school band competition?” Sia exclaimed.

How could Olivia have forgotten about the annual band competition? This competition features various schools competing for the title. The best of best bands take part in it.

It has been a tradition at the school. The band who will be taking part in the competition will perform at this party. Unfortunately, her school never won this competition, but it never stopped them from trying again and again.

She cast a glance at Stella and Zack as she reflected on the competition. It also reminded her of someone from her previous school. She sighed and gulped down the entire glass of coke in one gulp.

“Take it easy, their girl.” Mason patted her on the back.

Caleb noticed a difference in her behaviour.

“I really hope our school wins the trophy this year. Even if Jenna is going to be a part of it.” Sia let out a sigh.

“Isn’t it true, Olivia, that your old school has won the trophy for the past two years?” Mason had a sudden question for her.

“Um, yes.” She said, nodding.

“Oh my goodness. I can’t believe I forgot Ryan Sterling, and you went to the same high school.” Sia said excitedly.

“Sia, calm down. He is just a guy who has won two competitions in a row.” Caleb sighed and rolled his eyes.

“He is not just a guy. He is The Ryan Sterling. Livy, you have to tell me everything about him.”

“Sia, he is just a guy, as Caleb pointed out. Nothing out of the ordinary.” Olivia tried to keep her poker face on.

Sia was about to reply when Jenna appeared on stage unexpectedly.

“Here goes the performance of the drama queen that will cause us to lose this competition again,” Caleb stated, to which Olivia chuckled.

“At the very least, she has the guts to perform again after losing. I am surprised it didn’t deflate her ego.”

“Are you really surprised?” He asked with his eyebrows raised.

“No... Not really.” Both of them laughed.

Caleb had no idea how good it would feel to laugh with Olivia. It might be nice to have a friend like her. One more friend wouldn’t hurt, right?

Their laughter subsided when Jenna and her band ‘The Devil and the Angel’ began performing the song ‘Love The Way You Lie.’

“She is not bad,” Olivia stated after their performance.

Jenna began her little speech just as Caleb was about to snort.

“I am delighted that we will be competing in the inter-school band competition again this year. I know our school has never won this competition, but this year will be different.” Jenna said something.

Mason informed Olivia, “She says this every year.”

“This year will be no exception. Ryan’s band, ‘Fire and Ice,’ is incredible. They are going to win again.” Olivia stated confidently.

“Aren’t you biased?” Caleb told her.

“I am not. I am simply stating the facts. Jenna’s attitude isn’t going to get her anywhere. I have seen Ryan’s band perform. They don’t perform just to win, but to enjoy themselves. They are serious about it, unlike Jenna, whose sole goal is to win and climb the popularity ladder.”

“It looks like you know ‘Fire and Ice’ personally,” Sia stated, which made Olivia shrug in response.

They listened to Jenna’s never-ending speech again, which made Olivia roll her eyes, but she stiffened instantly when her enemy took her name.

“You know I am always the one singing on this platform, so why not give someone else a chance this time? It is, after all, a party. So, Olivia, why don’t you take the stage and show us what you have got?”

The crowd in the auditorium applauded her. At the same time, Olivia was frantically searching and looking around when she noticed Zack and Stella giving her worried looks. They were attempting to get Olivia out of this situation, but Olivia knew better; she had to do it.

“Olivia, hurry up. You returned after three years. You should not let your friends and teachers down here. Don't worry; it's just a song. We won't laugh if you don't sound good.”

Oh yes, teachers and the principal were also present at the party. It was just a way to have good student teachers' repo. Great! If students weren't enough, teachers would be there to listen to her. She knew that if she sang, her fear would come true.

Principal Rodrick and Drake gave her a motivating look. Principle Rodrick' eyes were filled with hope, and Drake's eyes begged her to sing and emerge from the cocoon she had created for herself over the previous four years. This was the perfect way to move forward.

Olivia took shaky steps towards the stage and climbed up. She looked up to see Mason and Sia giving her the thumbs up. Those two have absolutely no idea what she is getting herself into. She even gave Caleb a sidelong glance, who smiled encouragingly.

Caleb could tell Olivia was nervous about singing. She might be terrible at singing, who knows, but no one would laugh at her except Jenna and her band. This school's students were pretty good. Only Jenna was one of the few outliers in this group. Olivia was being a good sport by going up there and attempting to sing.

Olivia looked back at Stella and Zack, who were worried about her. They were well aware of what she was going through, and they would both be ready to support her if she decided to sing. But if she does not, they will still be there to support her.

Olivia shakily took the guitar, which Jenna gave her. The evil smirk didn't go unnoticed by her. She walked over to the microphone, holding the guitar strap over her head. She closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, and began.

Only if Jenna was aware of what she was getting herself and Olivia into.