
Chapter 08

Jeff's Pov:-

The next morning when I woke up, I was told to get ready for breakfast and I did. We ate our breakfast and after that Carlos was talking to someone on his phone. For quite a bit and I sat there, alone, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Let's go." He said and he put his phone in his pocket. I nodded and I stood up and followed him outside. 3 black cars were waiting for us. "Are they coming with us?" I asked as he opened the backdoor for me. Gentleman.

He sat down beside me. "I'm sure Samuel will try and run once he see's us." The rest I understood. 

The driver drove for around 15 to 20 minutes. Once we reached, I was asked to stay in the car until they find him. "But you know I can help you find him.

"It won't be easy, Jeff. You can get hurt." I wanted to accompany him out there. What if someone hurts me in the car? Whatever.

It has been just 5 minutes and I'm already so restless. my mind tells me to go out and help him or protect him. I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I want to go. But then my subconscious tells me to stay in the car as it is safe. 

My train of thoughts was interrupted when the car door was suddenly opened. "Master called you out"

I stepped out of the car and saw many guards surrounding a man. Is that my Uncle? I walked upto Carlos  and stood beside him. The guards stood away from the man and my guess was right.

"Uncle....?" I spoke. My voice barely above a whisper. He was kneeling down and his clothes were shaggy. He looked as if he didn't eat anything  for days with dark black circles under his eyes. 

His eyes met mine and I saw guilt. 

I ran to him and kneeled down beside him. "Uncle, what happened to you? Where were you these months? Have you not been eating these day?" He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. 

"I'm sorry, kid. I'm sorry for leaving you all by yourself." His eyes started tearing up. I felt sorry for him. I mean, yeh, he did leave me all alone to survive without giving it a second thought but whatever it is, in the end he's my Uncle. 

He touched my shoulder "How have you been?" I was going to answer him but Carlos cut me off. 

"We can have some family drama later but right now, you're coming with us, Samuel." He spoke. 

"You can't take me away, Carlos. My death is near, I'll die in sometime and you won't get anything, you bastard. This is KARMA. Everything close to your black heart will disappear and you'll feel the same way as Xavier and his dad did." Uncle panted as he said and I sat beside him in shock.

Suddenly, I was pushed away and the next thing I saw was Carlos sitting on top of my uncle and punching him in the face. "CARLOS, STOP!" I shouted but all went to deaf ears. He kept punching him even though his face was bleeding.

I ran towards them even though the guards tried to stop me. I held Carlos from his back and begged him to stop. He pushed me away roughly which caused me to bruise my elbow and hurt my butt. My painful groans caused him to stop. He turned to look at him and I swear I saw his eyes black, filled with anger. 

He got up from my uncle's chest and came towards him. I pushed him away and ran to my now unconscious uncle. He was barely breathing. His face was filled with blood. His eyes couldn't open. "Uncle! Uncle!" I put my ears on his chest, not caring that his body had blood over it, trying to hear his heartbeat. It was very faint.

"Carlos, he's still alive! Take him to the hospital!" But he stood there, wiping the blood of his hands. "Jeff, get in the car. We got what we want. Time to leave." Is he joking right now? "What?" I asked him in disbelief. HE FUCKING PUNCHED MY UNCLE AND NOW HE'S BARELY ALIVE AND NOW HE'S LEAVING HIM HERE TO DIE!?

"Even if we take him to the hospital right now, he won't survive. It's better he's dead." This raged something inside me and I went upto him and punched his face. It took him by surprise as he wasn't expecting me to do something like this. How dare he say something like this? He turned to look at me and I saw the same anger that I had seen a few minutes ago.

 "Want to try that again, Jeff?"