

  The Attack 2

  At Mr.Denise Bailey's House

  It had been several days after Denise and Olivia got out of the honeymoon and posted their picture on the family platform. Louis had not commented on the post nor called to send his congratulatory message to him and his wife, and Denise had been distraught over his conduct. At home, he will comport himself before his wife, but at work, he found it difficult to concentrate and often talked to himself.

  “Could it be that my brother is envious of my marriage?”

  He regularly wondered. On many occasions, he was tempted to give him a call, but changed his mind.

  “He ought to have called to apologize for disappointing me on my wedding day, and not me calling him.”

  Then, he allowed the matter to rest and concentrated on his wife, work and the upcoming wedding of his parents. That day, he walked to his father's office to discuss some official matters with him, and his father was pleased to have him.

  “Denise, good to see you.”