

  You Came Too Late 9

  Now, he shut the door with his right hand and held his wife with his right.

  “Uncle and big cousin, let’s take selfies.”

  “You are free, but don’t post it on the internet.”

  Mr. Denise Bailey warned.

  “I know, Uncle. Big cousin had warned me.”

  Mr. Denise Bailey looked at his wife with admiration before they posed for selfies. Now, Mr. Sean Finnegan turned on his car ignition and drove to the car park to wait for his guests. Then, Mr. Stephen Bailey’s driver turned on his ignition too, moved to the car park and parked beside the Luxury car. Now, Mr. Stephen Bailey could not think of what to do at the moment. He only sat in the car and was watching the couple and the young man who were happily taking selfies, oblivious of his presence.