

  New Phase 19

  At the Bailey International Conglomerates

  Now, the driver had arrived from the airport with Max Winston, and Mr. Arthur Bailey was glad to see him.

  “Welcome to Dover, Max.”

  “Thank you, father. Congratulations once again.”

  “Thank you. Please take your seat.”

  “Thank you father.”

  Now, Mr. Max Winston took his seat on the visitor’s seat. Then, Mr. Arthur Bailey inquired.

  “How is your family?”

  “My family is fine. How is mom?”

  “She is doing great. Make yourself comfortable, please.”

  He declared and concentrated on his work. Then, Max got off his chair and walked to the pantry to make coffee for himself. Thereafter, he sat on the couch to sip his coffee and chat with his wife and colleague who would be in the country the next day after that, he decided to stroll to Denise’s office.

  “Father, I wish to see Denise.”

  He announced as he stood up. Now, Mr. Arthur Bailey looked up from his system and gave his consent.