

  New Phase 8

  “Boss, you sent for me.”

  Mr. Denise Bailey directed his attention to Mr. Phil Anderson and informed.

  “Yes. My in-law wants to see you.”

  Mr. Phil Anderson looked at him and motioned him to a nearby seat.

  “Take your seat.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Can you remember me?”

  Jude looked at him and nodded in the negative. Now, he was scared because he thought that Mr. Phil Anderson knew one of the people that he had worked for and had come to expose him. Then, he responded with a wavering voice.

  “No Sir.”

  Phil smiled broadly when he noticed that he was scared, just to make him feel at home.

  “We were sitting together at the back seat of the car the day we gave you a ride to the island.”

  He smiled faintly and explained

  “I am sorry, Sir. I did not recognize the face.”

  “I don’t expect you to. So, how are you?”

  “I am fine, Sir.”

  “I want to appreciate you for helping out during the recording. I like your volunteering spirit.”